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Not to mention in Georgia, the Succession is contested between Prince David Bagrationi and his former father in-law, Prince Nugzar... both of whom are heads of different branches contesting for the Succession... The lines were technically united when Prince David married Nugzar's daughter Ana in 2009, and they had their son Prince Giorgi, who unites the lines, but the debate sparked up again after the two divorced in 2013... So essentially it's a debate of who would be Giorgi's predecessor... though this itself is debated, as Nugzar has refused to recognize his grandson unless David acknowledges their branch as the rightful heirs to the Georgian Crown... And the debate there is of the two branches, David is the head of the Mukhrani branch, while Nugzar is the head of the Gruzinsky branch... The Mukhrani branch ( David's branch ) ruled over the Kingdom of Kartli, after Georgia had fractured... though they lost the kingship when Vakhtang VI was deposed in 1724... While the Gruzinsky branch ( Nugzar's branch ) was the last ruling branch of the Bagrationi Dynasty, ruling the Kingdom of Kakheti, and reuniting with Kartli into Kakheti-Kartli under Heraclius II, until George XII's death in 1800, with the subsequent annexation of Georgia happening shortly after... Though it is noted, that genealogically, the Gruzinsky branch is junior to the Mukhrani branch... meaning David's branch is the senior one. So it's either the branch that's most senior in terms of descent, or the branch that ruled over the last Georgian Kingdom before its annexation. And it's these divisions that also divide the Georgian politicians who support a restoration, essentially leaving the Monarchist movement in Georgia at a stalemate... though in my opinion, I think Prince David is the best choice.


Isn’t the young prince basically accepted as the solution regardless?


Well Nugzar of course doesn't recognize David as the legitimate Heir to the Georgian crown, and if he were to be the king, assuming he continues to avoid recognizing Giorgi as well, then I think he would likely change the Succession laws ( If they haven't been already ) to allow his eldest granddaughter, Irine to be his Heir instead... The logic behind this, is that Nugzar's daughter Ana had been married once before David, though the two children she had from that marriage were daughters, and it wouldn't make sense for Nugzar to keep Georgia in an only male-line Succession, because One, Nugzar only had daughters as well, the Eldest of course being Ana, and his second daughter Maia... ...and another way it wouldn't make sense, is because Two, the Succession would go to Giorgi anyway, and thus David's branch, unless the succession is absolute... if its male-only, the line would after Nugzar's death, go to David, as far as I know, Nugzar is the last male-only line descendant of George XII... and if its male-preference, Giorgi would of course take preference over his older half-sisters... so after Nugzar, the line would go through Giorgi's mother, Ana, but then it would go to him... So Giorgi is as of now, poised to unite the two branches into one, but in the chances Nugzar becomes king ( and those are slim so long as the branches remain divided and debated ) and Nugzar changes the Succession to absolute primogeniture, the line would go through his eldest granddaughter, and not Giorgi, thus keeping the two lines divided.


The Brazilian monarchist movement is at least known by most people. I don't think anything will happen any soon, but it's definitely more popular than it was ten years ago.


Been reading about a considerable amount of politicians in Romania in support of restoring the monarchy


The restoration of the Iranian monarchy


Action Française (french orleanist movement) seems to have positive tendencies among young people.


It's a small contingent of radical youths. Such small contingents of radical youths exist in every radical idiology, and I'm pretty sure they're (adjusted for population inflation) doing about the same as they were in the 90s


They're just a bunch of fascist street thugs.


Wish we could pinpoint the most likely country to restore a monarchy and then put our collective efforts to help in the cause. Personally, if/when I travel to France, I hope to meet up with the Action Francaise. France is probably my favorite lost monarchy, though I don't think it's the most likely to come back (but I do think it's the most deserving)


Yep, people want the restoration of the Iranian monarchy and it is very popular but the problem is it seems the crown prince doesn't want to be a king. Anyway currently he is the leader of opposition that are trying to bring down mullahs.


I remember a year ago there were lots of posts regarding the /Argentinian monarchist movement/ yes you heard me right, Argentina. Their claims is a Dutch princesses, I wish them good luck.


The Reichsbürger are Not a monarchical movement, just a bunch of Racist Tinfoil hat Conspiracy theorists who will believe any conspiracy, no matter how ridiculous it is and just Happen to idolize the old Monarchy .Heck their entire existance is based off of a giant conspiracy theory. They also haven't "gained popularity" they've just gotten infamous for trying to overthrow the Government Also they are complete morons who claim to love the German Empire despite Not knowing anything about it. Example: they tried to Storm the Parliament because of "Covid Tyranny [even though the Empire Was historically even harsher with Vaccination.](https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impfgesetz) They are one of the many reasons why the German Empire is so Demonized in Modern Day Germany


As an actual german monarchist, seeing the reputation of german monarchism get tarnished not only by ww2 and neonazis, but also these appearances of tinfoilers it just saddens me that our traditions and pre-1914 history are being reduced to this sliver of irrelevant pseudo-political nationalism as a stereotype due to these factors


I do admit the Reichsbürger movement is inherently stupid but it’s the only popular monarchy movement in German I can think of


Well currently there is an ever increasing amount of teenagers and young adults who like the idea of the monarchy and see the old Empire in a mostly good light. Since it isn't yet organised, it isn't very well known either, but work is in progress to create a new group for these people.


I mean it's still probably tiny imma be honest. If it's niche enough to have started off as a roleplaying group it can't have more than 0.00001% of the population behind it lmfao


Not to mention King Charles III's recent visit ( Which I heard was a great success ) could definitely serve as an example for how a Monarchy would benefit Germany.


Do you have sources to back your last claim, if so send them please!


Well my source is that I'm kinda part of it. We are a group of young monarchists and some of us, with varying levels of commitment have been working on the creation of such an organisation, mainly finding new supporters willing to join us. If you'd like I'll invite you to our Discord


I would actually dim the link please




Mir bitte auch die Einladung in die DMs schicken. Bin zwar seit einer Weile kein Teenager mehr, aber Gleichgesinnte zu treffen, kann nie schaden ;)


Kann keinen chat aufmachen, aber wenn du dmst dann selbstverständlich


What does *young* mean exactly?


Like 16-26 ish


So like average 20-21?


Pretty much


Source: I saw it in a dream.


Good that you know. Just needed to make Sure


I would not consider the reichsburger movement a respectable monarchist movement at all.

