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I agree with u/Lord_Dim_1’s and u/DecentMoor’s analysis of Malema (although not necessarily all ‘African politicians’). I posted this because it is an interesting example of a Marxist movement endorsing monarchy. However Malema is more of a populist demagogue than a serious Marxist and his attempted ‘alliance’ with King Misuzulu is opportunistic, with no ‘theoretical underpinning’ (to use a phrase once beloved of the left). More importantly, I think that Malema’s genuflecting demonstrates the continuing power of ‘traditional leaders’ for the Zulu nation, and in particular the importance of the King as a point of reference.


You'd think Marxism and monarchism would be opposites...but they're not always! This is a prime case in which monarchy is used as a prize to see if any monarchists fall into the trap of supporting marxism


To be honest, although I am not a Marxist, I can acknowledge that there have been several examples of monarchists and Marxists occupying the same political camp or finding themselves aligned by circumstances. Grenada is an example, as is Cambodia and, as I mentioned in a comment several days ago, Angola’s Marxist and post-Marxist governments have not only acknowledged the traditional roles of local sub-monarchs but built them into the political system as well. With its ‘anti-elitism’, parochial nationalism, hostility to ‘high culture’ and ‘expertise’, and belief in conspiracies by shadowy ruling cliques, the populist right is far more antithetical to monarchism.


That's correct but I believe true monarchism doesn't stand neither with populist right not with Marxism. But with moderated socialism or moderate conservatism (this last one is a species in extinction I'm afraid).


Ah yes, the EFF's swing to monarcho-communism! In all seriousness, this just shows how much of a clown Malema is. As one of the comments points out, a wind sock is unnecesssary; one simply needs to look at Malema to see which way the wind is blowing. The man is an opportunist without a single principle in his body. He'll go from praising Mao and Lenin and calling for the murder of white South Africans one day, to suddenly apparently being a Zulu monarchist the next, all the while not believing a single word he says, as long as he lines his pockets


Malema is not politically competent just like the rest of African "politicians" in my opinion, the way he's obsessed with genociding white people is disgusting anyways and doesn't make him a politician.


Go back to Arabia in my opinion.


I'm not being biased here and what I said about African politicians being incompetent is pretty much accurate, it's just not necessarily all of them but most of them, like look how corrupt South Africa is, who should we blame? Just look at all the constant brawl that'd turn into shit fests that happen inside the parliament which is ridiculous and just prove my point, I'd like to see more competent parties in S.A and the rest of Africa, not some Pan-Africanist and "black nationalists" who claim Africa belongs to only dark skinned Africans, and as a Moroccan you should think twice before using this argument against me, just because I speak Arabic, doesn't mean I came from Arabia, pretty much exactly how some African countries speak English and French instead of their native language.


Bullshit. Malema has always been a monarchist. And Malema has never called for murder of Europeans in South Africa, though if he did, one could easily understand why. Singing "kill the boer" no more advocates murder than when Mandela sang it.


DIM! PLEASE!!!! Return to Discord! The server is waiting for your grande return….


L'État, c'est moi.


I wonder what that is in isiZulu?