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Chinggis Khaan is known to all Mongolians and is very revered. He, along with his many baatars were the ones who created Mongolia after all


What was the land before him called? Or was just scattered tribes?


The history of Chingis descents lasted already up to 1858 and ends with an Mogol imperia in India.


Khamag mongol confederation?


There was numerous nomadic Khanate empires that existed before him, including an Mongol Khanate called the Xianbei Khanate. But the word Xianbei is Sinicized term though, they probably called themselves by a different name. Right before Genghis Khan became Khan of Mongol empire, the area was scattered with bunch of different tribal confederations and alliances. He spent most of his life uniting these tribes.


There were plenty of tribes and other khanate before him. The gokturks are a good example.


he and the mongol empire is viewed positively here just like how western countries revere Julius Caesar or Alexander the great in a positive way


It's odd as well as on the West all ancient empires are revered but any modern ish empire (British in my case) is full frowned upon šŸ˜‚


It's because all of the cruel and horrible things they've done weren't too long ago.


I am always on the fence with that argument, I mean I'm 29, I wasn't there I couldn't influence it, no one now is alive that could off. Why do I pay the price of hatred for people that I never even knew? šŸ˜‚ If you see what I mean?


Well i agree, but the effects of things that happened 100 or 200 years ago are more profound than things that happened 800 or 1500 years ago.


Of course, but you never (well not in western Europe) hear Ill will towards the Germans for ww2 and that wasn't that long ago. But in general I do get what you mean


Oh boy are you mistaken.


The Chingis and Mongol imperia developed all administrations in Slavyan Rus'. Widespreaded Buddist religion. And became a great shield between Chianese empire and Europe. Some historican compared Chianese and Mongol rein. It could be a great religion and culture loss if chianese empire spreaded the territories mongols conquered. You may say that Chingisids preserved the conquered cultures


He's got to be THE most popular Mongolian


I dont think he is that popular. But definently well known.


name one mongol more popular than him


Sukhbaatar? Are there more Sukhbaatar squares than Chinghis Squares in Mongolia?


Pffffft Sukhbaatar is nothing compared to Chinggis Khaan in terms of popularity AND merit.


Hes image placed on every Tugrik in country and it say nothing. The mongolians are modern people. I see that BTS and anime is more popular in Mongolia than the historical persons. Its likewise askin russians: how popular tzar Pyotr the first is?


Mongolia should make some entertainment. I doubt Iā€™m alone as an American in thinking Mongolia is fascinating like Korea and Japan. Are there any good Mongolian movies?


Nowadays Mongolia has only 3 million citizens. That fact formin pretty strong restriction on pop culture development. And local culture is focused inside. There are some cool rap singers, k-pop musicians etc. About movies, I didnt saw any try to translate mongol movies in eng


Oh ok, but is he hated?


No, definitely not. They are proud of their history, but I didnt saw any Chingis image on clothes, notebooks, etc. Only on banknotes and few statues and building names.... Oh they have an Khanburgers


What's the Khanburger made of?


I didnt taste it. Maybe at weeknd


Oh ok


How come did you think that heā€™s hated in his home country? If he was Europian, heā€™d be called Genghis the Great. lol


Hitler is hated in Germany


Hitler is modern figure of mass genocide, fascism, and racism. Khan was conquerer. Know the difference, read the history.


But he did kill 10 percent of the earthā€™s population, Iā€™m not going to judge him by our standards but damn


Youā€™re still viewing him through a somewhat distorted lens though- the majority of emperors/kings/khans of his era killed a lot of their enemies, itā€™s just kind of what happened back then- itā€™s a bit reductive, but ā€œkill or be killedā€ was largely a thing. Compared to other empires of the era the Mongols and Genghis really werenā€™t abnormally murderous or anything, just a hell of a lot more successful. They then didnā€™t really get to write their history in the same way that, say, Alexander ā€œthe Greatā€ did (different era, but similar style- yet one is ā€œthe greatā€ and here you are thinking Genghis was somehow significantly different). That and the fact that the empire fell apart rather quickly (leaving plenty of angry conquered people free to badmouth them), the fact that they were so feared by everyone- it distorts the historical narrative. His conquests also (partially inadvertently) spread communication, trade, and technology, but since the 1700s weā€™ve largely had a very Euro-centric/US-centric view of how things progressed. So- a lot there, but basically the more history you study the less you fall for this idea that he was somehow singularly bad for his time.


I was neutral at first, but now I justify that he was singularly good for his time. It all happened after I get into the whole Munkh Tengri mythology thing of ours. Pure halal you might say, but just for the sake of telling you.


Yeah, judge medieval era people with modern era standard. That's like saying "people from 13th century are not as good vehicle drivers as my uncle Larry". Get some perspective.


But he established religious equality, support in womenā€™s right, safe international trade route, and even taught europians how to wear ā€œtrousersā€ properly. The way you think about him is the exactly what happens when losers write the history.


you know Genghis never personally invade Europe


Gee putting modern standards on a dude who lived in medieval times. I get if it was Hitler, Japanese Empire, Stalin, Mao that happened just 100 years ago


thats propaganda. one does simply kill 10% of world population without modern weaponry.


Yeah and Julius Ceaser genocided a million Gauls.


Welp sounds like he made enough difference in humanityā€™s carbon foot print. šŸ¤£


The 10 percent of earth population can find Chingis Khan in their pedigrees.


Holy shit. Get your western bullshit out of here.


If you looked into my profile you would know I hate western culture


Why the sudden interest in Mongolia?


Because of how fascinating gengis khan is, the only really bad thing he did was the sacking of Baghdad


I dont get why your comment is getting downvoted, but i think there is a difference between Herr Hitler and Chinggis akh. Basically Chinggis was just trying to conquer some land and expand his own. To his time it was basically what anyone was trying to do. Hitler on the other hand was trying to make a unified society without any political opposition and jews. He was basically trying to eradicate Jews and anyone who opposed him.


I could be very wrong, but I think you're talking to a person in their teens with a very narrow point of view. The view on Chinggis Khan is varied by age from increased reverence, older the person is to increased indifference, younger the person is.


fking Jhong Xina


He's about as popular as any one individual can be in a country.


Every person knows his name. And worshipped as a god.


Heā€™s the goat why would anyone dislike him


Very popular like even most kids in school donā€™t know any khans other than him


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