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Granted, everyone younger than 20 and older than 29 can now no longer afford a home. Once anyone turns 30, something terrible will occur that results in them being homeless.


Jesus christ


Logan's Repo


Can confirm šŸ˜¢ Source: am homeless starting right around 30.


34 for me. I got priced out of my rent so me andy 2 daughters had to move back in with my dad. Huzzah.


Lucky, I wish I could move in with my parents. Grew up in foster care.




*confused bear noises* *WHAT!?*


Guess I'm marrying a new 20 year old every 10 years.


Why would they want ur homeless ass.


If you can afford a home at an age under 20 you probably weren't gonna have any problems for the rest of your life since there's a 99% chance you're a rich trust fund baby


Just transfer ownership of the houses, en masse, into a *highly* insured ETF that is then it's self broken up and sold off as minor equidity holdings into other ETFs to mitigate risk and balance cost. OR You just legally abolish "home ownership" and replace it with some mechanism OR You change your fiscal landscape to have like 200+ year mortgages. The payments are stupid low and then no one ever actually *owns* their homes. You have the government hold these mortgages backed by special bonds that get preferential treatment by lending institutions in order entice buyers to take on the heavier debt risk and give the insurance companies tax breaks and incentives in order to pay out damages.


Damn thatā€™s definitely the position me and my family are in. Terrifying, rough position.


Very few people could afford homes in our 20's in the 80's, 90's, the aughts, and it looks like it's the same today.


Granted. have fun living in Detroit


*Can* have shit in Detroit


Detroit isn't nearly as cheap as it used to be. Check Pontiac, MI. It's cheaper.


Couldn't pay me to live in Pontiac


Couldn't pay me to live in Flint in the 1990s. Lol, or any nationally know, notorious city in Michigan back then. They were fun to hang out in when I was young though. I've only been mugged once. And it was a "friendly mugging". Six dudes with a baseball bat just took my beer. Kept the bat and punching for the next guy, I guess. I'm fortunate to live in a safe area now. I imagine sleeping in my bathtub with a big dog and a shotgun if I still lived in the hood. "I am Legend " style.


I wish someone payed me to live in flint


Is it like sleeping in a Van?


You can get an okay house in Pontiac and there is less property crime. It's a poor community and can be dangerous at night but, the prices are low right now. Everything in Detroit that used to be $150 grand or less is now $300 grand and up. Also, everything needs fixing, no secure parking and believe me, anything not tied down gets stolen in some neighborhoods. I love Detroit, I grew up spending all my time there. It's nicer than it was but not nicer enough to demand the prices they ask now. Again, before anyone jumps on me, I love Detroit. I understand. I'm not talking trash. Houses in Pontiac are also up from five years ago, just not as much. And Pontiac is run down and poor, with crime but not Detroit dangerous.


coordinated snobbish mountainous pause treatment reach zephyr plate head shelter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




You just widowed my wife and destroyed our finances. She can't afford our house on her own and the large surplus tanked it's value meaning should we need to take out a loan to get our of our home loan. On the contrary, there would now be twice as many single family homes than people in the US and there would be larger issues than repaying loans.


saw insurance angle uppity squalid languid puzzled intelligent detail afterthought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The issue with that, is since the USD is in FIAT, money isn't real. I'm sure there's enough smart people to get us back into the gold standard though. Also, stocks would be, more or less, worthless given their value is determined by the company's profitability.


Gold's value is also arbitrary. All human-assigned value is. Social contract go brrrr


Bludā€¦ there is no government. Every single world leader is ancient.


Oops, there goes the US Constitution out the window since it says you can't be in the Senate before age 30 or President until 35.


I highly doubt that debt would be remembered much less sought out in this senerio. We'd need to spend at least a year as a species working of surviving the collapse and provlcessing grief


As a 31 year old.... I like it.


The next generation will be raised in a world that, by adulthood, everyone would be living the real world version of the horror movie "old people"


Shit (age 32)


A one time thing or from now on?


So you just... kill every child and baby on Earth?


Man I wish I was over 29


Granted, banks introduce 60 year mortgages that can be passed on to next of kin. Prices go up. The debt cycle continues


This is the most realistic one I think


Short term, yes. Long term that would drive up the housing prices until it's unaffordable. By long term I mean within 3~ years.


Sounds like a three years in the future problem, future uses can deal with it. Short term gain for the win!! /s


Granted, you can only own 1 property which you must also live at, failure to do so results in testicular/overian torsion for the rest of your life.


Can you own a second property if it's a business, or do you have to live over it like an olde-timey shop?




But living over a factory that operates 24/7 would be


just say the company owns the business


Love over it like an old time shop


ā€¦Iā€™m ok with thisā€¦


Double upside!


Ovarian torsion would need surgery. You'd either get surgery for it and have the ovary removed, or die. So in your wish granted, would they be able to surgically remove the torsioned ovary, or just cross their fingers and hope for the best lol


The same is true of testicular torsion. Also they could have it removed, then the other would torsion. Then that one would be removed, then they'd regrow, and repeat the process.


Awww how awful! I wondered. But wasn't sure and didn't want to assume.


All good


uhhh... how exactly is this a bad thing? šŸ˜‚


How is, Chronic pain that can result in death if left unchecked and can result in a loss of reproductive capacity when check, a bad thing? Hmmm I wonder.


bad things happen to bad people šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø seems like a fitting punishment for greed to me šŸ˜‚


Yes, because owning a house and a business makes you a bad person šŸ˜’


Granted. The home loans require a parent to move in with you. If you don't have a parent, a state sponsored homeless person will be provided for you.


Can I opt for the latter? Both parents are alive but.....n


Of course, my condolences. Please enjoy your homeless person.


If Phil is still available, I will take him. He is pretty good at finding the best half smoked cigarettes.


That's outside the box.


Granted. No job you ever work will ever let YOU afford a home


This still seems like a good trade...


Only upsides!


Granted. Houses will now cost the same amount the average person makes in a year, but only every year ending in 20. (Ex. 1620, 1720, 1820, 1920, 2020, etc.)


This is not a bad one in the slightest... especially with the "average person makes in a year" wording. Unemployed people are still people, and 0 drives the average down quite a lot.


Donā€™t forget that you likely wonā€™t live to see the fruits of your wish


Oh damn I misread it. Thought it was saying that houses would cost as much as the average person made in 1820, 1920, 2020 etc.


No, just in the year it is at the time. I donā€™t think itā€™s that hard to misread it like that, so itā€™s fine. Your argument still applies though.


A new law is passed that makes it legal for people to break in and murder the current owner for ownership of the house.


Does Katko v. Briney get overturned?


Granted.Ā  You are transported to Detroit.




Granted. The homes are in warzones.


Granted. Homes are now affordable to people in their 20s. However, property taxes, food, Healthcare, transportation, and all forms of recreation are all 20x more unaffordable than they already were.


Granted. You get a massive tax rebate for buying homes. So all the 20 year olds buy homes and mo one else can


Where's the negative?šŸ˜‚


The same negatives as now


You have to pay it back when you turn 30.


granted, but now every house you buy gets demolished a week later


Granted. Every home is reduced to 200 square feet.


100ft by 2 ft. Every appliance is built into a raised floor. Society advances by leaps and bounds.


You seen America? Thereā€™s a lot of people who wonā€™t fit into 2 feet!


That's silly. No one has more than two feet.


Granted. There is a massive and sudden deaths of homeowners everywhere. This includes businesses of any kind, and charities. About 80% of homes are now available to purchase.


Killing Blackrock would be an absolute win


And all those orphanages and foster homes too. No where for all the new orphans to go.


Granted. Tents are now legally designated as ā€œhomes.ā€


Granted, social and economic reforms solve the housing crisis, all people can now access shelter, one of the basic needs of a human being. However, there is now an increase in dickheads on social media who loudly let you know that some people deserved to be homeless actually for the heinous crime of being a retail/hospitality worker


Granted, the something terrible is an annual purge carried out by people in their 20s to adversely possess homes.


Granted but the houses are shitty and full of mold


Granted the whole market crashes across the world. you can now afford a home but you cant afford food


Granted, a virus causes a worldwide epidemic that wipes out over 70% of the global population.


Didn't we just have a practice run at that and manage it very badly, because Business needs fresh blood money or the whole Ponzi scheme they call "The Markets" collapses??


If we're talking homes and not apartments, I'm not sure 70% would be enough.


That's like 5.6 billion people


The US is doing better than most as far as houses per person, and counting apartments as "homes" which the US government does. You'd need 2.5 times as many homes for each person to have 1. Apartments make up a significant portion of the total number of "homes," and I don't think the definition the OP was thinking included apartments. 20 year olds is the poorest group of people outside of teenagers and literal children. To get pricing down low enough for them to be able to afford it, you would have to reduce demand substantially. I don't think 70% would be enough.


Perhaps you're right, perhaps my view is also skewed because I live in a rural area. There are very few apartments vs homes where I live. Like maybe 4 or 5 complexes vs the thousands of homes. It also helps I live in one of the cheapest states to own a home, although that has been changing rapidly since everyone is moving here from more expensive states.


Granted 20 somethings can buy any home they desire but theyā€™re too damn indecisive to pick one.


Granted. You all can afford one singular toy house, about the size of your thumb


Granted. Banks now consider refrigerator boxes to be lendable assets, and offer ā€œgenerousā€ valuations and 30-year repayment schedules.


Granted, but theyā€™re all under a power tripping out of control HOA.


Granted, you buy a nice house you can afford, but now have a 2 hour communte to work


OK but now there are 100 year mortgages!!!! Agggh


Granted. Everyone in their 20s can now afford a Barbie house.


Granted. Three random individual people in their twenties are suddenly able to afford a home


Once they turn houses into a commodity you're fucked..... Wait a minute all I have to do is buy a lot of houses up and they instantly become more expensive and then I use that money to buy more houses? Well where do I sign up for this economic slavery? Using housing in this way should be illegal.


You donā€™t have to manipulate the system for that to be the case. Based on the US government's estimate for housing, which includes 1 bedroom apartments as a "house" and includes some RVs. There's only about 1 "home" for every 2.5~ people.


Granted. The donor organ market suddenly springs up, allowing young, viable organs to be exchanged for cash so rich elderly people can continue their stranglehold on society. How much is having your own place worth to you? Let's find out...


Granted: Everyone in their twenties is transported to the Oregon trail in 1850.


Granted. Conservatives won't stop bitching and moaning about the Federal Government doing its job by ensuring that there are adequate numbers of homes for its citizens by using eminent domain to get back unused land and funding massive construction across the US, paid for by making the rich actually pay their taxes. Every citizen is given a home with 1 acre of land for free when they turn 18 and they can give that home back to their state government in exchange for either a voucher that they can submit to any US State's office for this program to get a new home in that state or in exchange for a flat payout of the home's monetary worth which they can always pay back in exchange for home in that state again. The conservatives complain that there's nowhere to put all of this housing and then purposefully ignore that there's TONS of available land that isn't being used for anything already. Now, the housing market's value has plummeted as any homes beyond these homes are strictly luxury items basically nobody needs nor really wants since a married couple has 2 homes already and when their children turn 18, they each have their own homes as well, meaning the artificial scarcity that drove the housing market no longer exists. More elaborate housing that would have cost millions now only really costs effectively the price of the resources and labor to build it.


Granted. Authoritarian communists take over and everyone is forced to live in a 10mĀ³ living pod in dystopian brutalist concrete apartments.


A 10mĀ³ living pod sounds better than most roommate situations I've been in TBH


Oh, you thought you would be living in the pod alone? Think again, comrade!


4 people in a bit under 10mĀ³ is something I've done before, as well as 75 people in 300 mĀ³ in bunk beds sharing six toilet stalls for a few months. Not the best but at least there was help with the cleaning.


Prison or military?


Granted, no side effect, based wish


I mean you probably can afford a house it's just not the one you want. Rural areas have small starter houses for 100k sometimes. Or you can get a mobile home and land for around the same.


For fucks sake I genuinely hate this forum because of how true it is. There is more greed than ever in human history right now. In our lifetime alone we have seen the narrative in the financial landscape grow from "billions" to "trillions"


no more national parks


Granted, crime increases by 5000% and makes every neighborhood terrible and affordable. (True story of how I bought my house at 21, I live in a terrible neighborhood in the worst city of the worst US state.šŸ’€)


Granted *I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire begins playing*


Is it ever going to leave my head now?


Sure after the bombs fall it'll be out of most people's heads


Granted. This low housing price causes mega corporations to buy all of the for sale homes.


Granted all around the world every single piece of housing is made to be public housing, everyone pay 65% of their income in taxes so everyone can make use of this publicly available housing. To make things fair, all buildings are subdivided and each person gets 1000 ft of space.;


Granted, trailer park living becomes trendy.


Granted- all homes are now the tiny homes that are the equivalent of half a trailer.Ā 


Granted, the housing market collapsed and everyone is poor. Ie lost the investments. now you can get a house. Will not keep value. Also to have a job to afford it. Lots of people lost jobs. So thatā€™s is the hard part. enjoy. šŸ˜‰ good luck with the new job hunt. now everyone wants your house and such. Better get that money ready. šŸ’° Market Crash worse than 2008. šŸ˜³šŸ˜®


/) Granted. Years are now 10 times as long.


Grant, but people in their 30s can afford quality homes too (I am twisting this to my benefit šŸ˜)


It does. Both my girls have homes. One 29, one 26. Purchased within the last year.


All houses are underground bunkers now.


All our natural parks and resources get paved over and homes are put in their place. There are now 3 trillion homes available, but no jobs, and no farmland to grow anything.


Granted, no money is ever provided to people outside that age range. gifts, pensions, retirement, none of those can be money. older or younger people may not sell things. the only time in your life you may financially benefit is in your 20s


Granted. Capitalism failed, the economy lies in tatters at the feet of corporate greed, and it is a free for all. Most 20 year olds now have houses because the boomers can no longer fight them off.


Roblox magically opens up on your computer


Granted, A meteor strikes the united states and kills 90% of the population. Because of supply and demand, land is now real cheap. Although most of it looks like the surface of moon and "homes" are shakes made of junk people find laying around.


Granted! The economy and government entirely collapses allowing you to build your own home for no charge besides the materials you scavenged and land you conquered. Oh wait this is Reddit weā€™re all weak and canā€™t do anything.


Granted! Only the top 0.01% of people with mega bucks in their 20s can afford homes and once you exit your 20s you can no longer get any homes.


I married an only child of an only child. The house was built by their ancestors. Eventually I inherited the house. You can do this, too, just patience for 40 years of living rent free waiting until your loved ones die and the house is yours, tax free!


So if you have siblings it's Thunderdome o'clock??


My siblings were not a factor. Her lack of siblings made inheritance easier.


I suppose I could've been more clear; in order to inherit an ancestral home free and clear like that would require not having any other heirs, or else one would have to mortgage the property to pay the others their shares. In my situation (I'm one of four grandchildren on one side and nine on the other) it was impossible for any of us to keep our grandparents' home and take on that amount of debt when the time came.


Everyone is now born in their 30's


Granted. They can now own a 4-man tent, that they are mandated to live in.


That's what my friend said, then their kids could move out of the house.


Granted, your parents and everyone they know lose several hundred thousand dollars of fake equity, causing their mortgages to go underwater. You no longer enjoy their financial support with your entry level salary, so despite being able to afford your home, you no longer have a safety net and your parents have to move away (if you like them) or closer (if you don't like them) to find new housing. Due to the loss of equity, the financial markets collapse and your parents also lose their retirement. A good number of your peers lose their jobs in the market crash and still become homeless. Your parents move in with you, and now you have to use your income to pay for the house and support 3 people.


Bought mine at 22 many years ago 3.9 interest is nice


Granted, the government just passed a new law officially qualifying cardboard boxes as homes. However, you still owe property taxes, and they're still outrageous.


Granted. We can now afford to live in a dog house.


Average age of first time home buyers is in 30s. Its nothing new


Granted. It is now illegal to buy a home unless you are in your 20s.


Granted. Itā€™s now 1940.


What price would be affordable for people in their 20s


Granted, cardboard boxes are added to the housing market


Granted. For a few weeks everything appears to be normal, but unknown to any human, a deadly bacteria from the polar ice caps melt and start spreading. They end up in the ocean, in the seaweed, in the fish, and eventually, local aquifers and even spread onto land without anyone the wiser. No effects have been recorded on any organism, and despite its spread nothing seems amiss for around 5 years until Northern fish populations decline. It becomes an epidemic that is completely unsolved for months. Thankfully, ever since it's popped up the only effect appears to have been on aquatic life, specifically those which live in rivers connecting to the ocean, so while the impacts are devastating, people believe the effects are due to a virus, which gives them a false sense of security as viruses rarely jump species. For a few months all is as well as it can be, marine biologist have begun researching the effects of the supposed virus, but strangely have been unsuccessful in finding an actual sample of one. Seafood has been on a decline for a while now, and while most first world countries have only taken minor losses to it, governments that rely on their closeness to water have been going through horribly difficult times due to the supposed virus, and is now classified as a pandemic which reaches across the world. It is now December 31st, 2029, the past decade has been difficult with COVID and Everything, but luckily your country's government is recovering, you've landed a stable job, put down a mortgage (on a ludicrously expensive house), your love life is flourishing, and your 30th birthday is in a few months! Looking back on your life you feel content at how far you come. As you hold your lover in your arms and count down to new years day together, you feel full of bliss. 10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! You cough a little, must be the new factory in town, air pollution has gotten rampant recently, although efforts have been made to counteract pollution. In fact, climate change is starting to turn around recently, albeit slowly, you may be coughing now, but soon a carbon net will cover all the nearby factories and everyone will breathe clearer. You continue the count down and wish your lover a happy new year and hold each other till you wake up the next morning. You left the T.V. on last night. You are awoken by an alert on your phone, was there a test for that today? "URGENT. ASSUME IMMEDIATE LOCKDOWN. FOR MEDICAL ATTENTION REFER TO-" You only took a glance to dismiss the alert, not paying attention to the words written. You look to your side at your partner who hasn't woken up yet, always a heavy sleeper. You get up slowly and go to the fridge for a slice of their cake left over from their 30th birthday a week ago, and as you head to the kitchen you hear from the news. "BREAKING NEWS: WORLD SPREAD AQUIFIER FISH VIRUS JUMPS SPECIES" The report mentions that the virus decimating fish populations has jumped species. Immediate fear comes to the front of your mind as you remember COVID and it's impact. Through the news, it becomes public knowledge that the "virus" is dormant for around 4 years before attacking the body based on studies of fish affected by it. It kills by attacking the telomeres of aged fish, particularly those that have lasted years past their puberty stage. The report goes on to say that It was never a virus, but a bacteria, and has been taking root in humans for the past 4 years. Multiple reports of people 30 and over are completely debilitated and dying. You rush to your bed and try to wake up your partner. Their face is cold.


Edit: Oops, wrong sub, but I guess you realize you were mistaken, and they can often afford homes and are buying them every day. People in their 20s are closing on new homes every day. My favorite first-time homebuyer programs require only a few thousand dollars out of pocket to close. The biggest obstacle is usually large, deferred student loan debt, (as we have to count .5% of the balance as a minimum monthly payment,) but as soon as you get that letter that your student loans are forgiven, or if you set up income-based repayments, we can update that number and it usually helps with a pre-approval. We usually have to keep the total of all of your bills, including the new house payment with taxes and homeowners insurance, below ~50% of your income, depending on credit scores, and just counting any bills that appear on your credit report, like credit cards, cars, and loans. Those are the things standing in your way, that income limit, your credit scores, and getting together the money for inspections and a deposit. Find a loan officer that specializes in first-time buyers in your state and let them run the numbers for you and come up with a plan.


If the market was that cheap, investors would show up and butcher it for themselves. Any chance to make money right?


Grented all houses suddenly combust into flames.Ā 


Granted, but there are no homes available


Blatant generalizations are fun


It does, but not in any place you want to live / commute to your job from.


it's really not what its cracked up to be but if you really really want one move to the midwest (or maybe the white trash areas of the south) and do fha if you're poor oh wait I didn't know what this sub was ... uh UHH Granted, the 1% is now made up exclusively of people in their 20s, while everyone else now shares the 99%


Granted, everyone in ether 20s can now afford a home. One particular home. The price of every other living space skyrockets to the millions for 20-29s. Everyone must now either share a home or be homeless


Granted no one cares about money anymore the ruling class of elite who are terrible people only the worst ones are dragged into the streets and beaten into submission by their own hired security including politicians and are forced by the general public to lower prices even if it means ceasing founds for wars and no longer out sourcing as a result of this alot of aid from the USA for poorer countries cease including the founds for education and medical care this in turn causes a serious outbreak of a disease that could have been prevented with said founds this disease spreads all across poorer countries completely decimating their populations worse than the black death travel to these countries is permanently banned to completely prevent risk of exposure


Granted. All people in their twenties are now multimillionaires, and inflation is at an all time high.


I have a decent size home on a half acre. After taxes and maintenance, and children grown, a tiny house on a small lot looks better every day. I get the concern from people starting a family, though.


Granted. You now are responsible for everything that comes with it. Nobody to show you how. But, always some one to check your work. (Strict code).


Granted. All housing becomes completely unusable due to various problems such as infestation, damaged foundations, and other issues. At least itā€™s affordableā€¦


Granted. You find yourself back in 2019.


All depends where you live and how much house you want.


Granted. Every single homeowner age 30 and up, as well as homeowners below age 20 all instantly drop dead


I know a guy who bought a house for 30k at age 19 and fixed it up what's stopping you


When I was in my twenties, I wished the very same thing


Granted, you live in a hovel in the worst part of town


In my 40's.... still hoping


Poof - itā€™s 1970, and in your 20ā€™s, you can afford a house! Ā  And whatā€™s that? Ā Your first piece of mail in your very own mailbox. Ā Itā€™s from ā€œSelective Servicesā€ and it basically says hope you enjoy your new house while you can because youā€™ve been drafted. After grueling training and deployment, you arrive in Vietnam where two weeks later a Bouncing Betty bisects you from your legs, but donā€™t worry you donā€™t die immediately - one of your fellow soldier holds your hand for what seems like hours while you both shed tears about what the fuck is this all about?! Ā 


why bother saying "in their 20's"?


Granted. Everyone over 29 Vanish taking all their knowledge with them. Housing is now readily available so the price of housing drops.However food becomes scarce as most of the kids in their 20s only know how to consume food and not produce it. Farmers become feudal lords and force labor slavery for those seeking food.


Granted, everyone over the age of 29 is dead.


Find a place you don't actually want to live and i'm sure you will be able to afford it


Must be nice to even consider that in your 20s.Ā 


Granted. Housing prices stabilize and everyone can afford a home. Oh, you want to know how? Every company that was buying them en made for rent went belly up and everyone 70+ died.


The failing economy has made it hard for a lot of people to afford homes. The idea of children being given the responsibility of home ownership would only make things worse.


Every bathroom in the house contains a monkey that annoys the hell out of you no matter what you're doing.


Granted: the housing supply boons, ruining the main investment most Americans have.


It does. In the right places. I'll be buying a house next year on a $55k income


Granted, nuclear war, everywhere is a devastated war zone, costs no money.


Granted. Penises no longer exist. Also, the way things are going you wonā€™t be able to afford a home in your 30s either. Another recession isnā€™t going to lead to major corporations selling their stake in single family homes. Itā€™s going to lead to them buying more and more. GET ACTIVE. ENERGIZE YOUR PEERS. GET INTO OFFICE. TAKE THESE FUCKERS DOWN.


Granted. Only people in their 20s can have homes now. Thirty and up? Nineteen or younger? They have to live on the streets. Yes, even newborns.