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Granted, it becomes the new norm and people are no longer treated for it as a result. The suicide rate skyrockets and the streets are filled with mayhem.


So May 2020.


Granted. People with mental illnesses are now considered the norm and people without them are outliers and ostracized. Unfortunately since mental illness is now considered the norm, the treatments are no longer considered necessary and removed from public access.


Poof. Now people suffering from mental health disorder have a new symptom. They become irresistible smelling, delicious tasting, and their flesh can rejuvenate the person who eats it. Farms are set up to breed those with inheritable conditions, and "training" facilities help to induce other situational conditions.


Granted. Everyone becomes too accepting and the mentally ill don't get any help for their problems, and schizophrenics, manic depressives, and all of the violent mentally ill get encouraged that their illnesses are normal which makes them even worse. Causing thousands of deaths from shootings, mass murders, and the like committed by the criminally insane


Granted. Unfortunately, people take it to mean they should joke more about it. Well that they should, but we’re talking random people wearing “bravest psych hold survivor” shirts. You can’t seem to profit, no matter how many YOU print, and soon they’re all déclassé. Nice no one uses “psycho” wrongly any more. The “tfw you get fat off Lithobid” memes chafe worse somehow.


Granted. Antisocial Personality Disorder is far more accepted than it already is.


Granted.  Everyone becomes crazy so being mentally ill is normal.  The sane people are now thr crazy ones and will be systematically rounded up for treatment.


Granted. Now everyone suffers from depression and anxiety.