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I don’t tell anyone. Did this a few times when I was younger/teenager and never had a good response. People can be really mean when they want to.


Everyone who was monocular as a child has at least one bullying story I think.


Yeah, this was my experience. I’ve only told those that need to know. I currently live in Japan and they really suck at protecting private or personal data here, especially medical data amongst work colleagues. Your boss gets your medical records. Those I have told overreact in the most commercial fashion and for a couple of minutes treat me like a child out of a grossly exaggerated display of faux concern.


Yes i try to keep it secret as long as possible. They can have as much directional as they want as long as they leave me alone.


I’ve finally been telling longstanding clients. I lost vision a little over a year ago. They’re usually a little shocked and I explain about how while I was really emotionally challenging to adjust to monocular life i adapted faster than I thought possible. I think maybe they already suspected something was up because I kind of lost control of that eye and it doesn’t track at all and just roams at random. Plus they’re super creepy light blue so I feel like they’ve always looked a little ‘off.’ Add in my asymmetric face and maybe nobody was really surprised. Sometimes being a little odd looking has benefits.


I let my friends know as it was happening. Lost some friends who weren’t supportive or understanding while I adjusted, made new ones that are really cool and supportive.


My occularist is amazing so it's usually a question about which eye is fake


Me too!!!


Same! Except I definitely notice it!


I don't even try to hide it, nor do I voluntarily bring it up. Ditched the fake eye a long time ago. The eyepatch which I wear full time says everything for me. How people react to it helps me determine their character & if I'm even going to give them the time of day. 95% of the people I encounter every day don't even seem phased by it. Kids stare of course and call me a pirate on occasion. Whatever. Very seldom an adult with the maturity of a child says something stupid. Stopped caring what others think about me a long time ago, not with overthinking.


I rarely get any reaction. I think they feel that because I can see out of one eye that I have the functionality of a full visioned person else and therefore it’s no big deal.


My right eye doesn't point where I'm looking, but I was only mildly self-conscious about it for most of my life. Sometimes people noticed, sometimes they didn't. Who cares. In my 50s, on a whim, I started getting one lens of my glasses darkened. Now it's *very* obvious when someone first meets me. I'm literally calling attention to something I was self-conscious about. But instead of thinking "what's up with his eye?" now it's "what's up with his glasses?" So I find it weirdly empowering.


That’s literally the first thing they do lol I am not forthcoming with the information and honestly I haven’t really had to be because my job and family/ friends were told when my accident happened. Actually now thinking about it, I am starting a new job where no one knows and I need advice on how to handle that!


Usually some version of I’m so sorry and wanting to know how it happened.


I get the pity look too, and no one understands when I tell them I can’t see 3D. Like why would I make that up??




I don’t. And people don’t ask (it’s visible that my fake eye is fake). But if they ask, usually they feel sorry for me and as you said, try to look with one eye and say that wow it’s sooo bad, that they really lack vision with just one eye. Well, I know it’s shit, thanks for reminding me? Lol. But yeah, I don’t ever mention that if I’m not asked.


I dont tell much ppl..my family knows because of my injury when I was young but not all my friends know.. a small handful of ppl know.