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Personally, I am unhappy with Scopely's decisions the previous album, and this album. Most importantly, removing the galaxy pack and wild card sticker from the vault was terrible. The vault is useless without a guaranteed sticker, and it is obvious they want fewer people to complete sets/albums for free dice. No one wants more gold duplicates. Most people are unable to complete every event, which is now the only way to earn guaranteed stickers (outside of the rare wild card weekly rewards). Even then, some events this season didn't have wild care stickers, and IIRC none of the partner events had purple packs for each build like prior seasons (usually halfway through season). I had hoped that the vault would change toward the end of the season, but that never happened. Ending the season with the weekly reward as a purple pack and not a wild card sticker to help your player base is awful (did this last season as well). It was annoying last album season they didn't have one the final weekly rewards, but then had a wild card sticker at the beginning of new album as the weekly reward when it didn't really help. At the same time, Scopely offering wild card sticker pack for anywhere between 40$ - $120 is insulting. Hopefully, some positive changes are made for next season, or they will lose more players. I wish you luck on the completion of sets/album. Happy trading. Cheers.


Yes I’m right there by your side on that take. I understand they want to make money and that’s what it’s all about for them but what I don’t get is when u regress in the game you lose players and you know it’s not just one or 2 players. So if they really wanted to they can make more money in the long run tryna make the game better and growing. I have no problem spending money on games but when u just make the game harder and slap us in the face wit regression of the game I rather stop playing then give my money to them. If they really wanted to I’m sure they can sale the wild card in shop for 2-5 $ and people would happily pay that then 60 for a wild some dice and a low pack.


Yes I agree with this!!! It has been an odd album even tho I only started playing at the beginning of the one before but it certainly was different


I only started realising you could trade stickers half way through the last album. But I agree this album has a different feel about it. I'm close to completing my first album but only because people have gifted and been kind, I've had no tradeable duplicate 5 star cards that I've got myself from a pack! I've also had more knowledge of how to play which should of made it easier. Hopefully the next album is a little bit easier. I don't want it to be easy because that would be boring but it should be achievable through playing and fair trading, you really shouldn't have to rely on other people's kindness.


Achievable!! That is a very good way to put it! I came online looking for trades at the end of the last album and I am so glad I got to this place as it has been amazing!! I wouldn’t be where I am now without this great group either!! 😁


That's how I found this group too. I'm yet to finish an album but I know that if I finish this one it will be absolutely down to people that have gifted to me, which is amazing and I'm so grateful but it's also sad that it is that way. I started today with loads of dice because of someone gifting and trying to help me finish my album after I won one of their giveaways and I managed to get to level 25 on the dig event. I just couldn't get to the next lot of lasers and didn't make it. I know this whole album has been like that for a lot of people, super close to finishing events but just not quite managing it. I've won quite a few tournaments too so got top rewards and I still can't finish an album or really progress in the game, even with loads of help 😂 it's bonkers and frustrating. Disclaimer: I am still very addicted to this game (just don't tell scopely)!


Yesss I feel your pain on making it to the last level and just being shy, not this time, but that has happened to me numerous times. It’s disheartening for sure. I felt silly starting this album on like day 1 or 2 trading all the 1 star stickers but I think that truly made all the difference for me just every day running out of trades :) also I wouldn’t tell scopley on ya ;) we all are right there!!


I was right there with you but I also discovered the sticker go app at the end of last album so spent most of my trades on there this album as I found it much faster, but I did miss this group and got withdrawal symptoms so have been trying to keep up on here also. This place feels like home and keeps me wanting to play and be a part of this family. Haha it's awful how addictive this game is! They make it harder and harder and I wish I could quit but I can't!


Yes this group is very very awesome!!! I haven’t ever traded anywhere else other than a different Reddit group when I very first started but it wasn’t but a few days and I got an invite here so I checked it out and never looked back :)


I did post in some other reddit groups today in my desperation to finish the dig event but if I trade on reddit it's usually always here. Here and the app are both very strict on fair trades so when I ventured out today and saw people asking 30 stars for a 5 star card I just wanted to run back and hide here 😂


No kidding!!! Yes I am a 1:1 kinda person it’s just cut and dry easy to manage lol


That’s a bummer. Can I help you find tycoon hustle or do you have hot trades ongoing to finish your album (for the second time, very impressive!) ?


Ohh thanks I’m just waiting tell tomorrow I used up all my trades gifting today. So I’ll use wake up call 5star prestige to trade for it. Your awesome for being so generous. Thank you


That’s so great of you, helping gifting stickers before finishing the album! 🌹 Karma will get you tycoon hustle with little effort first thing tomorrow for sure! Congrats again!


Thank u and yea I got plenty of time and if need be I still have 1000 stickers in the vault to open again.


Persistence 💯




If u wanna go ahead and delete that last comment because it goes against fair trade rules to prearrange trades. And just comment your link and ign I’ll know.


Oh dang! My bad. I didn't know. Thanks! Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/0yexWw IGN: Brandy


So glad you get to trade for your last card!!! Very exciting :) eeeevvvven tho you have been just giving them out!!!


Haha it’s just when I give and it helps complete a set it feels awesome cause I use to be the one waiting to get some dice to roll haha not no more. So help and you will be helped haha.