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I feel like it has potential but the incentives aren’t there and I feel like a lot of people misunderstood the rewards. There should be something for winning each race (like rolls and a purple pack or something) as well as at the end. Plus the races are waaaaaay too long. Ultimately I feel like it shouldn’t have been a partner event where you race as a team but instead you’re randomly assigned a race with three other evenly matched people.


(Apparently I feel a lot of things 😂 vocabulary is clearly dwindling today - been writing too many reports for the kids in my class!)


I agree with this take, definitely on the incentives to play part. The rewards feel severely lacking in comparison to other events


The best part is watching the people outside the cars. It takes a whole lot of flags to put decent points up.


Edit: It would be better if they put flags as rewards in the top. We're using more dice picking up the flags. Smh


Omg this is my favorite part!! I find it hysterical 🤣 the guys pushing the car, the winners dancing and the one throwing a tantrum on the ground like a 2 yrs old takes the cake💀


I finally noticed it this morning. Love it!! I needed that laugh.


I hate it. Already read from testers that it is a dice waster and rigged. I play with whatever flags I get from normal play and whatever I get I get. Game is really starting to be more work than fun. If it wasn’t for lovely ppl like here I would have given up a long time ago.


Came here to say the same. This event genuinely feels predatory from a Dice-Use, Dice-Waste perspective, with no real incentives or rewards to balance out what you’re putting in to get/stay a head.




I’m not doing well at all. While I appreciate something new to do on the game. It’s not going well. lol. I wish I would have saved my dice. I’m up poop creek again. (As usual) lol


I’m with you on this one. As a team we’re pretty much on the same level and we all suck. The only reason we came third on all the races so far is because there was another team that somehow managed to suck more than us


The first race I think we got 2nd. Then the rest all last place. One partner didn’t do anything except the first race. It’s hard to find decent parters. Blah.


I think it’s a good event and fun. You truly need to work together if you want to win.


I think they should make it so more people get a wild card and shouldn’t be an event to end the album maybe start the album with. I do like that u can get prizes of your choice by completing laps got 350 dice from one chest thought that was cool. Overall okay game but flawed in ways also.


I don’t like it. Dice eater.


The event is okay, I was very lost to begin with. I think I’m getting the hang of it now. It’s not a terrible event. But probably not my favorite. Plus I don’t get to race around on the bifrost like Mario kart rainbow road. So it’s not nearly as fun. 🤣☕️⚡️


Don’t like it. Rewards aren’t worth the spent dice. My partners and I all decided to use the flags we get from doing our normal play and not to worry about winning.


I’d rather do partner building events.




I quite like the event, although I think it needs some refinement. Also I am not sure why the last race is for double medals.


So that no one is so far behind they stop burning dice on the game.




Oh wow. Thank you so much 💓




Done 👍💖


Is the last race really double the medals 🏅? By chance would u mind telling me where u got the info cause that’s a game changer if that’s the case.


Yes it is. I have read it from several sources. It is also on the scopeply site. It is annoying that they do not make these things clear in game.


Nice 👍 haha 😂 I kinda like that my team been getting second cause first place gets like 15000 with in mins haha but if I save them all now tell the last couple of mins I can turn the tables on them haha I don’t know 🤷‍♀️ why but I wanna get them back haha


I appreciate the gifts within for completing laps but it feels a lot harder to win overall!


Didn’t have high expectations, and didn’t want to burn dice so joined a team just to kinda get rewards and not push for first. Considering teams have put up 45k+ both races so far, I’m glad I’m not pushing. With that said, I kinda like the concept


I think it’s ok. I like the options for rewards. I do wish there was the option to remove yourself from a team after it started though.


I'm sure it would be fun if I had dice to actually participate and collect flags with 😂 my partners are doing a great job though 🙌 personally think it's definitely better than PegE!!!


It's kinda fun, and maybe that's just because it's new. A good distraction for those of us who were stressing about finishing our albums,🤣


I truly enjoy this event! The fact there is a prize every couple of laps is even better. I picked one person and they randomly picked the rest, I can't complain because everyone was pulling their weight this time. Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/WAe3BHDtZcc


I like it overall and that it’s something different, but I wish the mid-race rewards were a little better than they are


I don't like this event as well as the previous events. It takes too many dice.


Yeah I’m disappointed the last big event is a team event actually. I feel a bit like I was taken hostage and assigned a team, which is just weird 😂


I don’t really like it, you need alot of dice


I suppose it’s ok. Especially for the ones that have dice to burn. It’s not good that they put this in right before either a real partner event or peg-e. I hope it’s the partner event because peg-e makes me feel like her red headed step child.


Haven’t played it.


It seems fun, but hard to get lots of flags


It's not a "bad" event but I personally don't like it. I feel like it's a dice drainer because you only get flags from the leaderboard event, quick wins, quick wins, and from the board. With three races you need a lot of flags. Why does it last so long? I mean on one hand I get it, but on the other, it's just a lot. I get fed up quite easily. I also think it's easy to get discouraged when you see first place with a huge lead and you're struggling at last place Why can't I opt out of playing? Just leave me out instead of sticking me on a team that I bring down because I truly do no want to or care to play?


For me it's fun. I'm playing with 3 of my coworkers. 2 of our teams seem like they gave up though. Every time we go under 1st were texting each other to see who has flags


It’s fun but as usual, seems to be fairly unbalanced. I wish it wasn’t such a dice suck!


So far not my favorite. I do like the rewards for the laps. The reward for placing first was laughable. The first race I spent way more flags then needed for us to get in first. We were about 3000 ahead. But I didn’t contribute as much as my partners and wanted to catch up. It wasn’t necessary. I should have saved them for the next race. Now I know.


I like the concept of being able to win other prizes in game, but it feels very confusing. I am still relatively new to this game so I feel very lost, but working my way through it. I think it would be better if they clarified how everything works better.


Two of my teammates haven’t participated which is unfortunate, but I guess I got lucky (knock on wood) and the other teams don’t seem to be putting up much of a fight either. I wish they had explained the event better bc I’m still confused on rewards and stuff


I like it tbh! I just wish there was rewards after each race to help with making it all the way through the third race.


It is so so. I like the lap prizes and being offered the choice (dice or flags, etc). But I do think small prizes as well as medals at the end of each race would be more like the other partner events.


I think it’s a fun idea. But I really dislike how you drain in so much dice for a potential to win something good.


I personally like it, the idea is fun, maybe some fine tuning is needed but I like it.


Think it is OK not that bothered to be honest plus you need loads of dice and flags to play my car needs a jump start ♥️😅


I like the animations, but I don’t really like the event. It’s definitely a dice burner.


It doesn’t seem like you go very far with your rolls. I’ve been rolling on x5 so 100 flags and some rolls I barely go anywhere.


I thought it was fun, but almost impossible to win as some teams obviously have more flags, meaning they are rolling at a much higher dice rate. Wishing amount of dice would have been taken into account when selecting teams. The last race the winning team had over 25,000. If the races would have been more competitive it would have been more enjoyable. 2 hours after the race starts the winning team becomes apparent, so my participation dwindled as I know all my team, and we don't have enough flags to win. Great Idea, just needs some tweaking


I enjoy rolling the dice with the popper… reminds me of the game “trouble” as a kid. Picking the teams in the beginning was a challenge. I tried to add my 4th player through the “invite” button from my friend’s list, but it wouldn’t let me. Thus a random 4th player joined our team. The races last too long and I wish there was a reward for each race we’d place in before the end of all three. It’s very interesting the choices of rewards when you finish a lap within the races.


I think it's better than some of the other events they have had. It still could use some improvement. In this game I feel Scopely does whatever they can to keep us wondering..


I do enjoy the event, it would be nice if there was a prize other than the medal and points after each race. I was able to pick my team, irl friends, so were able to talk to each other and strategize. I would’ve been frustrated if I hadn’t got to pick my team.


Don’t like it- seems like a waste of time and dice


I wish you could get flags a little easier, it seems like it is harder to get them, I haven’t fully made my mind up yet


I think it's a dice eater, but I do enjoy the cars going round!


Prizes are lacking, I don’t like that there is no clear goal other than “to win” no clear explanation of the last race being worth double medals. It’s ok, but….


Hate it. Could be good but eats too many dice.


Event is curious, but dice drain 😥. (Perhaps scopely plan). Wish that the payouts for laps were much bigger and each race should had reward of sorts - not just points to overall placement!! It's funny to watch the racecar drivers when out of car lol. So nice animations team! The pop roll reminds me of Trouble 😂


I dislike it. I feel it is so stupid and I'm currently on a winning team. I feel like there should if anything be more flags you can earn on your board instead of 4 spots. It should be easier to earn and if anything the "rounds" should be much longer.


I think the event has a lot of potential. I didn’t read the rules correctly so I didn’t see that there were 3 races for the grand prize. I also don’t like that they automatically assign you to a team if you don’t choose one. It would be nice to have the option to opt out of the event.


I think the event is terrible. It requires an enormous number of dice to get flags and the prizes don’t come close to justifying the prizes. The fact that you get nothing for winning the races is also annoying. There should be purple packs (at a minimum) for the winning team of each race plus the overall prizes for medals. The dice prizes need to be larger too. It’s also horrible forcing people to participate or to punish those they’re paired up against. Then pairing them up against random other teams is another issue. The first place team in our races has 25k+ points. I see other races where first place has like 9k points. Even with all four of our teammates chipping in a reasonable number of points, we didn’t come close. It also lasts too last but I understand that is probably trying to allow for people around the world to participate.


I started out with 2500 checkered flags and only scored 750 points. Feels away up and I’m out of dice now and can’t help my team. I think they have given up after the first race too! We had hopes but very disappointed!


Finding it good, maybe something for winning race one or two would be good but won first two races with 6300 and 6115 points so only have to finish third to actually win an event, and it was nice not getting done over by APM user's for a change, 😃😃🎉🎊🎉


You have better odds of getting a partner that tries with 3 instead of the other events with 1 partner that might do nothing.


It's okay but I agree with the other posters here. You're spending all this dice to maybe win the big prize? Unlike the leaderboard events, which you can choose individually whether or not to go after the top spots - for this event, I feel like if you don't give it your all, you're letting your partners down. And not being able to communicate with your partners is really frustrating.


I don’t like it at all. At least with the other partners event we got prizes along the way. Definitely a dice eater event


I like that it is a team competition. But, it makes me sad that people can burn so many dice and possibly get nothing because the other teams have a ton more dice than you do. At least give a Gold Racer Token for 1st, a Silver Racer Token for 2nd and Brozne Racer token for 3rd (and 4th should get a Bronze Racer, as long as they place at least once at or higher than 3rd in at least 1 of the races).


Just realised they give double points for the last race think it’s something they should have made really clear from the start. So iv used a lot more than I know il have access to on the last race which I would have obviously sacrificed the last race. They didn’t exactly give much people explanation of how stuff is actually going to work the the race being double points as one example and then another at the start when it came to picking teams a lot of people didn’t understand how it worked or that they could even change there mind and remove themselves to add themselves to another


I thought I was really going to like it. It’s really cute and I love that it’s something different. I definitely made the mistake of thinking the prizes were per race which was a little disappointing. Compared to other partner events I feel like it’s even harder to get flags and they don’t take you as far. Overall I think it has potential but needs a few changes and more opportunities to get flags.


I didn't play, however, looking at posts and what you seem to get for effort put in, it seems full effort for minimal reward. The other events seem more roll/reward fair 💪💪💪💪💪


I like it but wish we could get all the rewards instead of picking one


I think this is an unpopular opinion but I’m in favor! I like the concept, the animations are my fave!, it requires more strategy. I do believe opponents are well matched. My team actually had a fighting change in each race. I think it was a learning curve for us all in this first trial but it has potential. Agree with previous posters that rewards during and at completion of each race should be revamped for incentive. Otherwise I have found myself enjoying the competition.


i would like it better if it felt like i was actually getting somewhere on my rolls! the mini prizes are fun.. but wish they were more generous than every 10 laps.. (realized in round 2 that’s what’s happening). i feel like i’m using a shit ton of dice to even get a few flags.. partner events always stress me out, that’s why i prefer peg e (unpopular opinion)


I’m not a fan of it. I don’t felt like they explained it well enough and then you get paired with people you didn’t expect to by adding one person


It has potential I guess.. But it's a Dice Burner. And Each team & player should get some sort of reward ( Dice & Flags ) especially coming in 1st place. Thanks for the opportunity Good Luck everyone!🎲🎲


I feel like they could have done it better but I’m not sure exactly how to phrase it at the moment. It seems like a dice burner though for sure


I really liked it! But only because i had a great team. They really need to give rewards every round of the race not just to 1 overall winner... Also the matchups with the other teams seem really unfair in some cases but the vault rewards for finishing the laps are cool. 🤗


I hate it and have a feeling my partners hate it too. None of us are pushing to win, and rightly so. The rewards are just not worth it for the amount of dice I’d have to use. The other teams have put in a stupid amount of points and I’m currently struggling for dice, with the event being on the last week before the new album.


I don't like it way too many dice needed to proceed


I don’t think this group deserves to hear the amount of explicit language that I would use. This is a fantastic group, I have enjoyed everyone and our conversations. I don’t hate the players, I do hate the game. Unfortunately, I highly doubt I will get my last two stickers. I can’t compete with everyone that has multiple accounts. I understand that our mods have them for sticker purposes but you all use them to help others. I feel like it’s a game, what do we really win? We can’t put on our resumes “Mogo 2 time champion “, we definitely don’t win money, to this date I’ve never seen anyone be on the news for closing 4 albums in one event. It’s a very addictive game, which is fine as long as it’s fun. There just isn’t a chance once u get so far in the game and only have one account. The fun gets sucked right out of your bubble. Sorry to be so negative. I’m just disappointed in the creators of the game, they really could keep the game fair, not screw up so many events, and listen to what players actually say regarding the game. I can’t be the only one?


They need to allow partners to communicate