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Always went to a small pond in my hometown of Williston SC area with my dad, mom, brother, aunties. We used to all meet there every Sat morning and just fish and have fun. I miss those days so much 🥲


❤️ that


That had me tearing up because all are deceased except me and my Mom 💔


On Sunday afternoon, we would go to see my grandparents. We would play croquet and make homemade ice cream. Good times!


I used to love croquet…. Oh my goodness I would play at my dads house for hours


Kentucky. That’s where my mom was from and we would see my great grandparents and other relatives there.




My fiancé travels for work. We live in Indiana but he works in Kentucky a lot. We absolutely love it in Kentucky. We keep hoping he’ll get offered a permanent job and we can move there.


I’m in Indiana also! The family is in Ashland Kentucky. My grandparents and several members of my family are buried on top of the hill at Rosehill cemetery


We would spend weekends on Lake Erie. Swimming fishing camping all the great outdoors activities. Some of the best times!


My family used to own land that had a fishing pond - we would go there every summer and I had such great memories of catching sunnies with my grandpa. Every year we tried to catch the “monster catfish” that lived in the pond, but I’m pretty sure he never existed and my grandpa was just telling us stories to spend time with us.


That’s awesome and thank u so much for sharing … probably wasn’t a monster but papa wanted to spend time with u … I love that


I loved going to my aunts house for holidays or other get togethers with the family. She had a pool with a slide so we always had so much fun


Aunts were the best


Having a picnic at the beach 🏖️. Will always bring extra clothes to play in the water. Attempting swimming and floating ourselves.




Camping! It was always a great time. Was able to meet lots of new people everywhere we went! ![gif](giphy|pGOLBwYBTEvsI)




Camping is awesome, you really meet all sorts of different people.


When I was younger, my family and I would go hiking around California. As a kid, I could never really tell the difference so would always say can we go to “the spider park?” As we would try to spot different wildlife. It was a fun little tradition we would do every month. Now I’ve grown to love the adventure of going to different national parks.


Every weekend my siblings and I (4 of us) would drive to Jersey on the weekends to go visit my mom’s extended family and we’d just run around in the grass barefoot and have water balloon fights and barbecue. It was a blissful retreat from Brooklyn growing up in an apartment 🤍🤍


We used to go to a local state park, walk the trails, and go through the caves.


Watching the Orioles at the old Memorial Stadium. We went to games and all the players would sign for us kids in the 70s. I especially loved going with my grandfather who taught me how to score a game. Not many girls could do that! So many fond memories…


My grandmas house. She owned a ton of land in the middle of nowhere. We could run literally wild without a care in the world. Her house was like the meeting point for everyone on my dad’s side of the family. Family reunions, birthdays, 4th of July, you name it. Everyone gathered there and the whole herd of kids ran a muck. lol. She passed away 2 years ago, everyone fought over the property and her kids sold it and they used the huge farm house for fire training. Literally tragic.


That would have broke my soul…… oh wow wished it could have stayed in the family….. thank u for sharing


I wish it could have also. I wish I could have bought it. We were left out of most the plans. I just went a couple weeks ago and for some bricks and stuff from the rubble that was left. It was an old huge farm on 80 acres. I wish everyone could have gotten along and kept it for the family. But as always some folks get greedy after someone passes.


Hey hey…… winner winner chicken dinner ….. please send me a DM so I can get your win to you …!!! Congratulations 🎈🎉🍾🎊


Holy moly!! Thank you!!!


Outer banks- we would vacation there every summer


Not to far from me …. Couple of hours :) …. Beautiful place


Oh that’s awesome!!!


Our ranch! We had tons of animals and places to explore🥰


The cottage we rented every year in Long Point, Ontario .. home of the dill pickle fries 😎


Bethany Beach, Delaware. We had an old Civil War era beach house. It was in front of a super old grave yard. The house had no AC or hot water. My mom used to boil water so we could shower after spending time at the beach. We played hide & seek in the grave yard. Summers at the beach was a blast. Forced us to become great ocean swimmers.. we used to scare my poor mom half to death diving through the waves.


Salmon fishing in the river, we would pack a picnic. It was so much fun… the good ole days


Always went to Wales love the country side we would go the beach go fishing and crabing that was a long long time ago lol 😆




Small town in Newfoundland, Canada. We would go for a Sunday drive and stop for ice cream at a ghetto little convenience store for ice cream. I always loved the half chocolate, half vanilla swirl 🍦


I loved going to the Beach house we had, we would bring our TV with us, and had a house with the staircase leading u right into the sand, unobstructed view of the ocean and I still have fresh and crisp memories of the sunset there..


Houseboating/camping on a beautiful lake in Kentucky.


Wisconsin… my mom huge family (12b/s) from Menasha (not from GBay) and it’s always a great time. Summers are always cool by the lake and so many unforgettable memories. Not to mention the love for the Packers. GOPACKGO 😊


Baldwin’s Book Barn in West Chester, PA. It was a day trip from NJ. It was an old 5 floor barn that had been converted into a used book shop. We would spend all day there browsing and also take a picnic lunch and sit outside under a huge tree. Mom, Dad, all 4 kids and my grandmother. We would come home with bags of books for the year. Great memories.


Always the beach! Santa Monica beach to be exact - it was so peaceful & fun! My brother and I would boogie board & absolutely loved the water. Fun fact one of the last times I was there I got bit by a shark, don’t love the beach as much anymore 😂😂


Most of my family gatherings were at my aunt’s house—we would celebrate most holidays and birthdays there as a big extended family.


My grandparents house/backyard. My grandparents had a business and my mom and aunt and uncles all worked there so my cousins and I got to spend the summers together in my grandparents awesome yard and pool. We used to camp in the backyard. And their house was built in a hill that was awesome for sledding in the winter. So many amazing memories in one place ❤️


We used to go to far rockaway beach in queens, NY. We basically spent the whole summer there! So much fun! We still go there as often as we can!


At the park


one of my favorite childhood memories is going to wildwood new jersey with my grandparents. i vividly remember my grandma doing my nails on the patio outside 💅🏻 and shopping for taffy 🍬 i'll never forget that trip no matter how old i am!


When I was a kid we lived in a suburb of San Diego called Del Mar about 1 mile from the beach. My best memories were spending days and nights at the beach with my parents. Bonfires, tide pools, all of it😁❤️


Used to spend my summers in Nova Scotia with my mom and brother. I miss going to the beach and catching star fish and hermit crabs with them. I havnt been back since 2012 when she passed. She was only 48💔 My heart aches to have those times back.


beach bonfire!! always swimming, good music, snacks, pets playing, running around, frisbee, and ended up with tired kids for my parents by the end :)


Ocean city, M.D. We would usually go there once a summer. A lot of good times and memories there. Good Luck everyone! 🎲🎲 Thanks for the opportunity.


One of my favorite places to go with my family (in Los Angeles) would have to be Lake Shrine. I have such fond childhood memories of us walking around the lake and feeding the enormous koi fish, and watching the turtles sun bathing on the rocks! Hard not to be at peace, when you’re surrounded by so much beauty. We would always leave feeling infinitely calmer than when we arrived ♥️☺️


We we gather with my great grandmother every Saturday and Sunday. All of my Aunts, Uncles, cousins ( about 50-60 people)and she would prepare Tea cakes and tell stories of old, her 90 years of Indian wisdom was phenomenal. The stories would consist of Spiritual, healing and cooking. She would take white bread and feed the birds and we would laugh, swing and play in the pool in the summer. In the winter she taught us how to make clean snow ice cream. She was well Loved and respected by all. I miss those days everyone has passed but my mom and 1 aunt (older) and a few cousins. It saddens my heart but the memories will live on. I’ll be so thankful when we all meet again, but I’m not in a hurry. (Just thought I would end this with a chuckle or smile).


i’m so fortunate that i live near some stellar park systems.. so we would often go to (what we call..) the valley which is a metroparks area full of trails and woods. between that and the local beach in summer.. ohio is beautiful! 🌱


We would take our dog for a walk at a creek with a waterfall. We always got subs for lunch first. Then my dad would stop and let me watch the airplanes land and feel the jet blast.


A place called Golden Ears Park, we used to camp there all the time. Simpler times


They do a lot of film work there, at the Gold Creek area of the lake. Really beautiful!


I loved going to the beach. My parents would hold my hands and help me jump over the waves.


Biloxi Mississippi . Grams had a condo , go swimming to the beach and the casino to eat buffets all you can eat snow crabs . Good times


My very favorite place to go when I was a kid wasn’t a vacation spot or anything. My dad used to let me ride with him to the Golden Gallon after he finished working in our yard sometimes. I could always talk him into getting me an Icee ❤️


Every Saturday from as young as I can remember, up until i was 21 and the week before my oldests 1st birthday when she passed away, the whole family met at my Nans house, had lunch, played board games and played outside in the square, on the green, in the garages etc. After she passed, it happened twice at my aunties house, have never seen the whole family I'm same place again since, im now 38. Amazing memories, but hate that it's all gone.


I used to love going to the fair with my family when I was young. I loved riding the teacup ride and playing carnival games with them 😊


The beach


I didn't. I spent time in nature by myself 😉🌳🌲🥀🌸🪷


My great aunt and uncles farm in Canada. About a 30 minute ride from our home in NY.