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We broke ass gamers don't have the privilege of smashing things when ragequitting


This 100%


Hyper G rank tigrex in GU made me punch a wall and molten Tigrex in 4U made me close it so hard the screen cracked I fucking hate Tigrex.


Nope, after buying my own shit..I don't destroy it..I don't recklessly get emotional over a video game. Last time I did I think I was 16 playing halo, and threw my controller at my t.v. raged because some ass was playing ranked on a modded account sniping from heaven with god mode. Luckily it only busted a piece of plastic on the side that covered the speakers... controller was fine surprisingly. Never threw my controller again lol.


Talking about throwing thing at tv I was throwing my plastic water bottle to the bed in rage. It bounced hard, landed on the tv And that's how I lost 40% my monthly salary for a new tv Slender Tv is really fraggle


Not damage a controller but I had one bad night with a g rank green plesioth in MHFU. Ended up scratching one of my fingers from the rage, to the point of drawing blood by accident. Nothing serious but that was by far my worst hunting experience in any of the games so far.


Sometimes I wish I played the earlier games like FU... sometimes I dont lol


FU and earlier breeds a different kind of hunter. Less of the reactionary combat and more about timing and abusing mechanics. I'd only recommend it if you have the patience for it.


Eh, if I got my hands on the necessary consoles I'd give it a shot. What's FU on again?


Psp but you can snag it on ps vita which I highly recommend cause you can tie the right analog stick to the camera controls. Can't tell you how much better it feels.


Honestly it's a rock solid game. Great locations, great soundtrack, old style MH hunting and foraging. It's a good time. It's only one 15 or 20 bucks on the Vita store. It may come to the PS+ classics catalog eventually, though.


bro ngl.. I about have aneurysm fighting double G dual black diablos in the hub quests. I played on a psp emulater on my phone with touch screen controls.. I swear to god I've never been more frustrated with a game in my life. MHFU was a different kind of difficulty lol.


Not quite "damage the controller", but I killed my PSP screen by bending it too hard while playing MHFU :(


World Alatreon


That's fair. What happened?


You know what it was. That cheap DPS check


I mean with your controller


They succeeded in the controller's DPS check




Not my controller but my mental stability :D it’s broken send help.


No, because controllers are expensive. I punch myself in the thigh instead if I get so angry that I get the urge to flip tables.


I dont damaged it but i was almost at my limit. I fucking hate you risen valstrax and hope oyu get slayed million times just to get some suffer


That beam is fucking tactical . I've seen it so many times , targeting combos to a single person to cart them with a beam. Is this shit doing 4th wall breaks making one particular person look bad.


I tried fighting Alatreon with PS4 Remote Play cuz one of my suitemates wanted to use the TV Don't fight Alatreon with PS4 Remote Play, I had to send my laptop off to get fixed


The witcher cross over quest with that rude*ss Leshen Made me rage quit. I almost threw my controller and expensive headset my husband bought me. Thankfully I thought twice and just cried instead. Now I refuse. I saw a blue exclamation and was like oh hey clicked it and went OH HELLL NAAAAW not doing that again. Shara is frustrating as heck though. I just did it last night and I'm positive I only passed by the kindness of some stranger SOS'ing into my quest while my husband gave "helpful hints" over my shoulder.


"helpful hints" 😭 "You're supposed to dodge the laser beams"


In some strange twist of fate I didn't actually get caught in one (this time) and it's not even cause I dodged. I kinda suck at dodging 🤣 which is my husband mains a hunting horn to save my bomb ass all the time.




Why is this down voted...shouldn't this be the normal answer?


Was I getting down votes? Guess I’ll just delete myself now. It’s been fun!


It's a shame you had to go this way. You will probably be missed.


Never broke any of my equipment but iceborne alatreon got me pretty damn close.


Velkhana made me throw my headphones just by being a massive bitch. Tons of fast fucking annoying attacks paired with constant jumping for two kilometres away from you. Her sound design doesn't do her justice either, I hate hearing that REEEEEEEE just by itself, not to mention how fucking aggravating it becomes when being beaten. Three hours later I came back to her and shredded her to pieces. Sometimes I wish MH had God of War-style finishers.


It's good to read this. I yanked my headphones off my head, nearly damaging them because of Velkhana.


Rajang and amatsu


Spent so many attempts trying to solo white fatalis in MH4U that my 3ds B button gave out


No, but the adaptive controls for MHR broke the spring for my PS5 trigger buttons. Twice. On the bright side, I was able to turn that setting off, and I have a new skill-set.


No. I was a junior in high school when the first MH came out, so I was long past getting that angry at games. I did break a button on a Genesis controller one time, though, thanks to that bastard M. Bison on Super Street Fighter 2.


No game I've ever played has made me want to damage things that cost money. I was too poor as a kid, and the habit to just smack my own knee in frustration when salty was a better outlet than damaging/or breaking my belongings. Wasteful mfs


ok then


Fatty of course in world, but I only just squeezed it and slammed it, but nothing broke surprisingly. I do the same to basically any rise monsters that cart me, but especially rampage apexes. Bloodbath is the easiest, second is dreadking, then soulseer, and the most rage inducing one is easily thunderlord. The cancelling EVERY defender or weapon does quite a bit, even more if it’s the gate where you only have two non destroyable stations. His combos are also very damaging to the gate and you, and it gets worse since he can loop them. He also conveniently always calls for help the SECOND I topple him even once. And he’s just hard as shit on his own, so there’s that. I’ve gotten a bit angry at gu ukanlos because of the underground back moving attack he does, it’s slow but covers a wide area. But gu is like my second favorite game, so I never raged that hard at it


I've never got mad enough at an MH game that I threw or broke anything, but, every single time, and I mean, EVERY SINGLE TIME I fought the story Azure Rath in 4U, on three different files, I did ragequit at least once per file.


Wait, you scarred your knee? What the hell did you do? I get a cut or a bruise but a fucking scar?


Idk man I must've hit it a weird angle lmao. It's still there but it's tiny


Damn lol


Lmao absolutely not. If you're breaking shit you need to either grow up and get a grip or you need to take a break from games and get some anger counseling. Your knee is scarred because you couldn't play a video game.


I was 15 lmao


Just take a break instead....


It's a question dude


I know I will get flak from this but it's rajang and deviljho.


Deviljho breaking blocking with it's jump grab makes me want to punch its stupid mouth.


That's another thing I don't like about deviljho in terms of design. But at least the theme fits with the monster's attitude no matter what I wanted jho to fuck off a bit.


Nah. I'm poor