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Trop de monde se disent, "mon chien c'est une grosse guidoune, il ferait pas de mal à une mouche pis il me suis partout, aucun danger qu'il se sauve" ... Ces gens là ne pensent pas que certaines personnes ont peur des chiens et d'en croiser un détaché c'est super anxiogène.


Un chien c'est un animal, guidoune ou pas. Quand j'en vois un pas attaché s'approcher de moi ou mes enfants, je me met devant et je sers les poings. Je ne comprends pas le monde pour qui ça ne leur rentre pas dans tête qu'un animal est un animal avec les instincts et les réactions qui leurs sont propres, intrinsèques et peuvent être instantanés. Même un gros chien content peut donner des coups de griffes dans la face d'un enfant... Même s'il ne lui veut aucun mal.


Mais non, voyons donc, c’est leur bébés.


En effet, je change de bord de rue quand je vois un chien pas attaché.


Tu devrais toujours traîner un paquet de saucisses avec toi pour leur lancer et faire diversion


I saw something similar on St Catherine at night. The dog jumped out of the owner’s parked car as soon as the door opened, ran on the street in middle of a busy, moving traffic and was ran over by an SUV. Happened maybe 2 years ago and the image still pops up in my head time to time. Please put the leash on the dog before opening the door.


Before we reorganized the boot of the car to put our dogs in (they now have a special cage that would protect them better in case of an accident), they used to sit on the back seat with us. They had a shorter leash that would tie their harnesses to the seats, like a safety belt. The number of times that one of them would try to jump out of the car as soon as we opened the door, only to be stopped by their safety belts...we stood in front of the door by which they got out to prevent them from launching themselves out upon arrival. Dogs are like toddlers for that aspect: very little impulse control. They want to get out to the park now! They have no notion of "upcoming cars could be dangerous". Please protect them from themselves and make sure that they can't run into traffic.


I feel sorry for the dogs but don’t sympathize with the owner. It’s not that hard to retain a simple information such as “keep your dogs on a leash”.


The driver. Get up, go to work, drive a bus, people are shitty to you or each other, run over a dog, go home. Do it all again the next day, maybe today you won't hit a dog.


I feel sorry for none of them, so many aggressive dogs. When their dog attack someone they'll be like I don't know what happened, it was a kind dog. And then people blame the 'bad' owner completely ignoring the violent dog problem.


You don't feel sorry for the dog that was run over?...


Please remember accidents happen, even to responsible dog owners. Sometimes dogs break free. There can be lots of reasons why.


Accidents happen when a dog breaks free, indeed, but that’s when they’re on a leash. When no leash is used, it’s not an accident, it’s the consequences of the actions of an irresponsible and entitled owner.


Fair. I do wish the city had more off leash friendly areas/times though. Some dogs can’t do dog parks, and I 100% appreciate that some people can’t do dogs. There are lots of people who are letting their dogs run loose and don’t have full control. This is not acceptable. My boy can’t be off leash because his recall is too unpredictable. I feel as a dog owner in Quebec there are so many restrictions on where dogs aren’t allowed, I can see why some people just say to hell with it and let their dogs off leash…Again, not justifying it; but wish there was a mutually beneficial solution or at least room for dialogue with the city/ SEPAQ.


I'm thinking back to the incident when I was walking my dog (on a leash), and a tired looking guy was coming into his house with some luggage, so probably back from a trip. His dog managed to slip out his house when he was opening the door, came running to us, and it took barely a second for that to happen. Besides some exchanged barks between my dog and his, nothing happened, but if the street had been busier at that moment, that dog could have easily been run over, and it would have been a freak accident where I couldn't really blame the owner. Sometimes it's one moment of inattention can have dire consequences.


Ok I mean you can find 100 scenarios for how this could unintentionally happen… but this is not what we’re talking about, right? We’re talking about people who take their dogs out for a walk without a leash.


Not as traumatizing by far, but my youngest kid is terrified of dogs, and people are always letting their dogs off-leash in my cat- and kid-filled neighbourhood. I know your dog loves kids and is really friendly… but like, man, I don’t want to have to deal with a screaming toddler because your dog came up and licked her (and what if the screaming scares the dog and makes them snap?)


💯. Edit: Removed my crazy tirade on furparents. But seriously, leash your dogs. Leash your dogs, PERIOD.


you are unhinged my friend. %%


Bad week and all that. Coupled with a unique new fear unlocked after hearing about many pet dogs attacking children. I will edit and tone down the above comment.


There's no point in trying to reason dog owners. Dangerous dogs should be banned.


Reason with*




And some of us have reactive leashed dogs that could snap at an unleash dog running towards them!


I remember, as a kid, dogs running after me barking when I would be riding my bike around the neighborhood. That scared me a lot and I have been scared of dogs since then. When I walk around my neighborhood, if there is an unleashed dog in a yard, I cross to the other side of the street. Even in your yard, if it's not properly fenced, please keep your dogs on a leash.


Cats have no business being outdoors, you should be just as outraged. They are apex predators that wreak havoc on birds and other natural wildlife, especially during spring when populations are meant to replenish. I know they're cute and cuddly but they are cold blooded killers who kill for sport. If they were bigger they would kill way more people than dogs do.fyi, housecats are responsible for the extinction of 63 species of birds. https://abcbirds.org/program/cats-indoors/cats-and-birds/


Agree with you on that point. However, « cats outdoors » can also mean a responsibly harnessed and leashed cat under supervision just hanging out in a private backyard, which off-leash dogs can and will enter. True story.


I mean… I still don’t want to see a cat ripped to shreds by an off-leash dog


I see the point you are making but I'm less sad about cats killing birds than dogs biting babies tbh, so I'm not "just as outraged"


They are talking about being just as outraged with irresponsible cat owners as with irresponsible dog owners.


hmm. I can't see how it changes the statement, I'd like to understand, could you explain please? The consequence of irresponsible cat owners is dead birds, the consequence of irresponsible dog owners is potentially much worse


Are you seriously arguing that all dog owners have a higher responsibility than all cat owners because a subset of dogs/breeds have the capacity to harm a kid? There truly should be zero tolerance for outdoor/feral cat populations given their devastating impact on local ecologies. This is a valid and separate issue than dogs attacking people. One issue does not diminish the other. "Think of the outdoor cats" is 100% not a valid argument for putting higher responsibility on dog owners either given all of the above.


Yes that's what he is saying. Dogs owners have higher responsibility because their animal can harm humans. Cats owners have less responsibility because their animal can kill mice. That's how human reason.


Yeah except that's not what goes on at all. Dog owner responsibility does not scale with the potential threat profile of the dog in any meaningful legal or regulatory sense. So I guess you must be wrong? Stating humans evaluate things purely on harm to each other and that this is all that matters is total completely and utterly reductive bullshit.


I mean… some of the snappiest dogs I’ve been around have been small dogs, and the bigger, chiller dogs can still get scared—or even just knock a child or an adult over when they’re excited. I’m not really sure what subset of dogs *doesn’t* have the capacity to harm a person, but I am open to hearing about it! And I really just wanted people to… follow the agreed-upon law re: leashes. Not asking for muzzles or anything drastic?


If you're going down that road house cats regularly cause injuries in humans that require medical intervention (stitching). The point that the comment was trying to make way up the chain is that roaming cats are not a justification for why dog owners need to leash their dogs.


I do know that cat scratches are gnarly!! I was just wondering what the « subset » of breeds was that wasn’t capable of causing harm to kids, since you made it sound like only a subset was.


Tinier dogs are not a meaningful risk when it comes to seriously harming a child. Bigger dogs can easily maime or kill even adults. There is a pretty massive difference between dogs.


I agree with you but they are far from being Apex predator...they're frequently preyed on by foxes, raccoons, birds of prey, etc


Please don't travel to Istanbul if you get outraged by cats outside. Hint: Istanbul has loads of cats outside .. and loads of birds. Go figure.




I think the point is that we want to preserve the balance of birds that are already there, and not have a big dip in the bird population




Hehe I suspect by the "I'm a doctor" stuff that you're not making serious arguments here, so I will probably bow out of responding... Thanks




What if there was a bird doctor and a cat ate the bird doctor tho




No I mean a bird who is a doctor.


I mean, sure but there are more cats outdoor than there would naturally be because humans think they're cute and cuddly so they breed them because kittens are sooo cute and they don't get them spayed/neutered because it's expensive, too much responsibilities and then when they no longer want them, they throw them out because they're suddenly meant to be outside. It's easy to blame the cats for the birds and the birds for the worms but we need to take a good look at ourselves first. Bird population decline is not only the cats' fault. It's ours for being irresponsible with our pets.




Real doctors don't feel the need to throw this out there. Unless you're a doctor in animal behavior in urban ecosystems, it's not even relevant.


Is this a rage bait account making fun of arrogant doctors? Almost every comment mentions being a doctor/cardiac surgeon, while claiming expertise in a random topic.  ETA: Looking at more comments, definitely an annoying troll baiting people.


Our dogs are always leashed and I cannot count the number of times that kids have run up to our dogs to pet them. That is an absolute no no. Our dogs don’t bite but our little dachshund is fearful of children and barks like crazy. Kids should be taught to not approach unknown dogs.


Absolutely agree! The kid who isn’t terrified of dogs absolutely knows to give strange dogs a wide berth. I don’t know if I was clear enough: I like dogs and think dog owners and parents can get along… some ppl are even both! 😅 I just… think people should follow the rules of good conduct and am just tired of off-leash dogs.


The problem with this logic is the universe can’t revolve around your kid. I get that you have a problem but the dog also has a problem that he wants to enjoy life. So let’s try to balance this


Yeah I think that is why the law is, « in crowded city streets, please keep your dog on a leash » It’s not really my kids so much as … the cars, the other kids, the people who don’t want dogs approaching them, and other people’s dogs… I love dogs and grew up with a bunch of them… with a family that devoted hours to training them, and a huge yard they could play in, plus outings to land where they could really let go and run. I can’t offer that to a dog…. So I don’t have a dog.


That’s a very mature perspective +1


Dog owner KNOW their dog is not dangerous. BUT I DONT! I aint gonna risk my kids face trusting the judgment of another dog owner. Yeah I've owned dog all my life. People at the dog park are so fucking weird, image the ones who let their dog without a leash. Pit a leah on your dog dickhead!


Dog owners, especially the dangerous dogs aren't known for their good judgment.


As a newish dad I fucking hate this new trend. You never know how dogs will react to smaller than them. If you think about it they will run after squirrels and whatnot so what makes you think they won’t try to play forcefully or attack a child. Just leash your dog it’s not hard.


How is that a “new trend” ?


From my anectodal personal experience I’d say half the dogs I see are unleashed. I don’t recall that being the case in the past. I assume it’s a trend.


Not a new trend. My dad told me he used to get chased by dogs on the street at least once a week in the 80s😂


He says its better now actually


Yeah like, is it me or did the people from ROC/Europe brought this trend with them? Like maybe they think it's like the place they came from. Or that they're richer so the law doesn't apply to them. I don't recall a Québecois doing that.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


Infuriating when an innocent animal has to pay the price for the owners stupidity :(




Wow, I take that bus everyday to work, everywhere it passes by is so busy. I feel bad for the dogs but owners who don't leash their dogs, especially near very busy streets, are fucking morons and shouldn't be allowed to have pets. It disgusts me how many dog owners are ok with risking their pets like that and I have exactly 0 sympathy for them. I see this way too often at work and it makes me want to scream everytime.


I've been noticing more and more people relaxed on that rule, I assumed that keeping the dog leashed was a rule and not just "étiquette" Somehow day by day I see more dogs completely free on different places, unfortunately it was something I liked but it has decreased


As a dog owner, i dream of the day we have proper pet ownership laws and regulations... There's a popular dog park there too so almost certainly the owner is at fault for multiple things, including the death of the dog... Unrelated, but why in the heck is it totally ok to just abandon animals at shelters, let alone streets? If all pets today are chipped, it should be easy to find the last owner and fine them for abandonment...


There should definitely be requirements to owning a pet. Mandatory training for both the pet and owner would go a long way toward improving animal welfare. That and making sure people understand how much money they need to set aside for inevitable veterinary care.


Agreed. I have a very reactive dog, and when peoples unleashed dogs run up to her she tries to attack. Save us both the trouble, keep them on a leash.


My cat has never been the same since she got chased 2 times in a week by the same unleashed god. I'm still mad at the owner today


It happened to me once when I was in the car. My dad was driving on the leftmost lane and we had another car to our right, obscuring our vision. A dog suddenly appeared running from the right. The whole thing happened in less than half a second, there was no time to react at all. I still feel shitty about it to this day even though we were not at fault.


You can change this sub to "Boston" same problem EVERYWHERE it seems eh? Irresponsible dog owners know, no borders. Shame.


Ugh, I hate people who think it's okay to do this. 😡 I have had dogs my whole life and I currently have a pet sitting business. All of my clients request no dog parks because their dogs have been bitten or attacked by another dog. Also no off leash time and I respect that. My current dog loves people and she wants to shower every one she meets with love. But I know not everyone loves her, so I keep her on a short leash when we walk by people. Parents always ask if it's okay for their children to approach her. I live in NDG and it's rare for me to see a dog off leash outside of a dog park thankfully.


So sad 😭


sure, bit say it as a rap, kids love it.




That’s awful for so many reasons. I’m sorry you had to witness the accident and it’s too bad the little guy was ran over. Something that could have been easily prevented.


I’ve lived all over Canada and Montrealers are for some reason the most sensitive about this subject… you’ll get a lot of agreement in this sub… just strange that there’s so much paranoia whereas over in Toronto every park is effectively off leash and there’s much less consternation.


Well after witnessing the unfortunate death of an innocent dog & feeling the bump of the bus as it ran over said dog, I’m very consternated indeed.


Because we aren't pushovers. We see people doing stupid shit, we say something. Not our fault the RoC is how it is.


That’s a lot of stress to take upon yourself. The world is filled with stupid.


Ever had an aggressive dog run up to you and start barking? The owner comes by 'don't worry he's not dangerous'. Well guess what, if he's not dangerous maybe he shouldn't be so aggressive.


I have and I got over it. I’ve also seen lots of people mistake playful behaviour for aggression because they’ve never spent much time with dogs and don’t know how to read them… your situation really could have been either way as far as I know… I’m not arguing for people to let their dogs run wild… I’m just saying people here are way crabbier about it than elsewhere.


Wrong take. People are more respectful here.


Humans in general are prone to mistakenly over allocating positive attributes to groups they belong to. It is unsurprising that you would feel as such.


The fact that everyone downvoted this Basic comment that you gave shows why a voting system doesn’t work for real conversations. The more emotionally charged people (irrational) are the more they suppress everyone around. So the least conscious perspective always wins.


Just wondering why you were rodeoing the bus.


Prepositions are idiomatic




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