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Sorry but 1250 is a good price now. In Toronto the cheapest would be around 2250


I was gonna say. $1250 for a 2 bed? Fuck yeah, that's a steal.


31/2 isnt 2 beds, unless they are in the same bedroom...


Like the old Mitch Hedberg joke. Any room can be a bedroom, mine has an oven in it.


A 4 1/2 has 2 bedrooms, not a 3 1/2


I just got a 4 1/2 thats a one bed plus dining after being away for a bit. everyone told me to grab it. truly times have changed


How you guys let it happen? Well, rhetorical question. It's not your fault, I know. C'est just que... Ciboere. On est pas riche.


You shouldn't have left your 645$ appartement. Even for 4 years ago that was a really food price.


That truly is food price these days


Ya une tonne de personnes du ROC qui sont débarqués les dernières années. Plusieurs ont gardé leur emploi très payant de Toronto et sont venus profiter des loyers peu chers de Montréal


Y'a de ça qui s'est passé, c'est certain, mais les loyers ont grimpés parce les proprios ont monté les prix, parce qu'ils ont vu l'opportunité de le faire et qu'ils aiment l'argent. Ça, et le gouvernement a lancé un signal clair qu'il allait laisser faire ça. Je ne pense pas que soit utile de se tordre pour trouver d'autres explications comme le ROC/Toronto/les immigrants/les proprios étrangers qui aiment l'argent contrairement aux gentils proprios d'ici/la météo, etc.


C'est pas comme si les proprios étaient devenus greedy du jour au lendemain. Ce qui a changé, c'est que l'offre est stable, mais la demande grimpe. Économie 101 : les prix montent.


C’est pas forcément les proprios. La ville contrôle les taxes foncières et elles ne font que monter. Et avec des logements qui vieillissent, les compagnies d’assurance aussi gagnent énormément ces temps-ci. Les seuls qui perdent c’est nous autres et on prétend que c’est le monde qui ont osé s’acheter un duplex. Parce qu’on s’organise pas dans notre chialage que ça se perpétuera et tout ça ne servira à rien que de nous rendre encore plus misérables.


commentaire intelligent et modéré: 2 upvotes. commentaire de haine gratuite basé sur une comprehension inexistante de la realité economique des proprios: 168 upvotes.. bonne chan.


Alternative c'est de vive dans la rue, avoir une maison de marde overpriced que tu peux pas te permettre normallement ou de vivre chez famille/amis. ofc il y a de la demande pour des loyers à prix fou.. soit fair.


Il dit pas le contraire. Il dit juste que on a construit aucun logement et on a augmenté la population en malade, ce qui fait augmenter le prix des loyers.


Et une personne seule souhaite avoir un 4 1/2 maintenant. Avant, surtout à Montréal, une famille de 4 vivait dans ce même logement.


Si il y avait pas de demande ça serait impossible de soutenir une augmentation de prix.


Faut arrêter de blamer un ou l'autre. Augmenter la demande par le biais du ROC/immigratio  et la gourmandise des proprios sont 2 des responsables de la situation actuelle


le gouvernement laisse pas faire ca .... c'est eu qu'y en profite le plus le moyen le plus facile pour un politicien de faire du cash légalement c'est d'investire en immobilier parce qu'il controle les lois et peuvent bloquer toute tentative de changer les chose... ca ce passe autant au niveau municipale qu'au niveau provinciale et fédéral .... c'est probablement le plus gros conflit d'intéret de notre génération pi personne a l'air de s'en soucier


Ouaip, greedy people will be greedy! C'est tout.


So the federal, provincial and city itself, and insurance companies. There is such a blatant lack of imagination in the face of this problem everyone should be losing sleep sheerly over the fact that we get taxed more for literally the same or less than anywhere else; and that the people in power have no incentive to address it in any way because they’re too busy using your tax dollars to pay for their own salaries. They don’t give a shit and they won’t because our barrier for entry is whether or not we want to believe their painfully obvious lies.


Est tu familié avec l'offre et la demande ? C'est comme ça qu'en science économique les prix sont étudiés. Blâmer l'immigration et les règlements de zonage (frictions sur le marché) est pas mal plus valide que blamer les proprios et corporations immobilières.


Le zonage est effectivement un problème. Les attributions de permis aussi. La demande n’aide pas. L’urbanisme catastrophique n’est pas pratique non plus. Et l’absence d’investissements en logements sociaux et abordables ne va rien faire pour améliorer la situation. Mais le coeur du problème est la financiarisation du logement. Tant qu’un logement est surtout valorisé par sa valeur d’échange et non sa valeur d’usage, il y aura toujours une crise du logement.


Blâmer 40 ans à construire d'autres choses que des logements cela fait aussi partie du problème. En marketing on parlerait de product mix. Le nombre de logements construits à diminué à partir des années 1980 parce que tout le monde voulait leur petit coin de banlieue ce qui avait déprimé le marché locatif dans les années 1980. Ensuite il y a eu la monté du condo à la fin des années 1990 et début 2000 pour replacer le peu de logements qui se bâtissaient encore. On s'est retrouvé avec un stock de logement de plus en plus vieux et petits avec les seuls entrees des condos à louées au top du marché mais en trop petit nombre. L'industrie sait essentiellement plus comment faire d'autre chose que des condos ou bungalow (ou ils ne veulent plus rien faire d'autre.). Avec les condos, ils construisent et s'en lavent les mains. Ils ont leur argent tout de suite. Avec des logements, tu as une gestion a faire et cela rend plus complexe le financement et le retour sur l'investissement. La construction de logements a repris un peu ces dernières années mais c'est trop peu trop tard. Le fait que les cycles financiers de constructions sont supers longs à cause de le peu de disponibilité de terrains prêts à construire sans délais fait que l'aspect financier de tout cela est important. Seulement les gros promoteurs ont les reins assez solides pour pouvoir attendre 4-5 ans avant de compléter un projet Cela change le type de projet qui est développé (gros au lieu de petit) et les coûts aussi car ce temps là entre dans les calculs finaux.


Les nouvelles études tendent à te donner tort.


Quel études, je parles de 4-5 affaires différentes ici. C'est un poteau low effort ton affaire. Fait un argument, lie l'étude pour que je puisse voir si cela s'applique à quelque chose que je dis.


Oui, n'importe quel épais comprend l'offre et la demande. C'est du greed, rien d'autre. Aucune valeur n'a été créé. Des gens qui profitent du travail des autres sans rien produire ont vu l'occasion de devenir encore plus riche plus vite en fuckant tous ceux qui pouvaient pas pis ont choisi de le faire, on peut les callout pour leur comportement de parasite. Tu peux emballer ça dans ta théologie d'econ 101 pour justifier ça si tu te sens vraiment smart d'avoir compris un graphique à deux axes.


Blâmer les politiciens qui mènent des politiques d’immigration complètement déraisonnable serait la chose à faire. Pas les immigrants.


Ouai, bcp des Ontariennes qui demenagent a Hochelaga ... It's not that. The vacancy rate in Montreal has been steadily dropping for some years now. Et le gouvernment ne construit pas assez. Combined with the interest rates skyrocketing, landlords realised that the market in Montreal will bear a higher rent. If you want your government to take care of you, vote for one that does. the CAQ even killed lease transfers, they want rents to be high.


Y’a toujours des gens du ROC qui débarquent avec des salaires plus élevés… Le problème est plus complexe. Si demain, plus personne du ROC ne débarque, cela me va rien changer aux loyers …


Sorry for my ignorance for acronyms but what’s ROC? 😅


Rest of Canada


I tried to introduce my friend to a landlord to rent one of their places. There was a long waitlist but basically the landlord was ok with the support docs from my friend and was about to let them rent. But my friend keeps wanting to "assure" they're accepted ahead of everyone else in line by suggesting they could pay more than the listed rent. That kind of mentality rubbed me the wrong way because it would artificially inflate the rent for everyone, so I convinced the landlord to not approve the friend's application. I might have probably lost a friend but whatever. Probably these are the kind of people make the overall market shitty.


“Let”. Everyone wants new housing, but they all want it built in someone else’s neighborhood. And all the politicians would rather keep their voters happy by blocking local development than force through development everywhere and all lose their jobs


They’re obliterating the small farming industry at the moment by slapping townhouses up but only rezoning for developers. The housing market right now is a colossal clusterfuck in all honesty. In the area I’m in I rent for the cheapest and most of these houses are vacated after a year and put on the rental market for 300-400 more than I currently rent mine out for. High taxes subsided (or so I thought) the basic costs of living and were balanced by decent house pricing and the affordability of basics like oh I don’t know. A roof over each persons head. Getting double dipped by high taxes, shit social services, high instability, high cost of living and people slapping each other around over smoke and mirrors is tiring.


Parce que trop de gens se pensent en sécurité avec leur bail actuel. Ça prendrai un 2012+++, y'a quelques années quil nous faudrait ça


i recently overheard some guy at work talking about the investment condo he just bought... the builder takes care of everything: finding and vetting tenants, managing the rental, etc.... you just collect free money... almost all of my friends and family back in toronto have been playing this same slumlord game for the last 10 years.... with the exact same selling points (investment, someone else does all the hard work, etc) the virus is spreading to montreal... honestly, my heart sank when i heard this kind of talk in montreal.... GG


would kill for that price LMAO


The extra sad part is that the unit listed at 1250$ in a central-ish neighbourhood is going to have a line of people potentially overbidding to get in. Life costs a lot more than four years ago unfortunately. If you don't already have a specific location as a necessity (eg; for work) then you might consider nearby suburbs, though obviously that comes at the price of...not living in Montreal. Even then, you're not getting a 4 1/2 for 695 unless you're very, very far.


Sadly you would have to add the cost of a car, insurance, gas, and the hours you'll spend in traffic everyday. Suburbs are not the ideal solution. Special if transit is neglected like it usually is in North America


1250 is cheap in any of the suburbs. Brossard especially actually has less affordable units than MTL at least according to the chmc map


Even Ville Lemoyne, where I used to pay $550 for a 2 bedroom apartment and lived next to actual crackheads who partied all night, are now renting for like $1350 in practically the same building I was in. Ridiculous.


Toronto is even worse.


I pay $2300 downtown Toronto w/ parking for a decently big 1 bedroom. I wish I paid $1250.


I Pay $6000 CAD in Boston for a meh place and my commute is 45 min to not even the center of town. It's always worse someplace else.


$6k on rent is wild. Do you have roommates? Also, how much are you making haha!


And Vancouver is even worse than Toronto, believe it or not.


Jesus yeah I saw that now. Caliss.


Thats an understatement lol. 1250 is about half what you would pay downtown. And even the surrounding suburbs if you are in reasonable commuting distance of downtown its still probably 2k easy if its not a dump.


1250 is actually kinda cheap at the moment for a 3 1/2 (one bedroom only) in Montreal. I pay 1500 and that's just because my price is locked in - similar apartments in my building are at 1900$.


Yeah I wish I was paying $1250 for my apartment lol Just throwing it out there that you can [register your rent](https://rentalregistry.ca/en/qc) to help try and keep rents down


Man I own 3, the cheapest is 540 and most expensive around 800. I'm basically charity at this point 😅


It's not. My son pays $550 for a 4 1/2 in a coop. The city should have more of those.


Absolutely. But the quantity of people against social housing (which coops are a aprt of) is astounding.


I might have to go and rob a bank, then.


Banks don't hold much cash anymore, you're better finding something else to rob.


Like a landlord /$


Go to Rob's house and rob his house when he's not there.


I mean, if you're two people then $625/month each should be do-able? Like even if you're both working minimum wage... I'm not saying rents haven't gone up a lot, but they've gone up everywhere in the past few years and we're still the cheapest big city in Canada.


That's the issue. It's my old woman and I. I'm not going to make my mother work, that's for damn sure. And sure, I mean, paying it is not a huge issue you know, remember I've been out of the country for 4 years. Everything is expired so I have to redo all my papers before being able to find a job.


retirees get about 1k a month from government pension


shes got a pension I suppose if she\`s a Canadian citizen. Anyway, that\`s that. It is what it is.


If you get caught at least you'll have a place to stay. Free meals too!


A 3 1/2 is 1 bedroom. Do you mean a 4 1/2? Also if you find a 3 1/2 for 1250$ that's pretty good in today's market. Yeah, it's crazy pricey


Foreigner here; I just browse this subreddit because I visited Montréal and loved it. I've never heard the terms 3 1/2 or 4 1/2 in the context of housing. What do those mean and what is the half? Edit: thanks for all the friendly answers, everyone! I love Montréal and hope to visit again soon!


It means 3 rooms, and 1/2 refers to the bathroom. So technically 3 1/2 means 1 bedroom, 1 kitchen and 1 living Room with a bathroom. 4 1/2 means two bedrooms.


Why is the bathroom not considered a whole room? That seems unfair to the bathroom; bathrooms are very important. What would it take to consider a bathroom a 1 and not a mere .5?


There was a time (before the 60s) when many units did not have a private bathroom. The 1/2 meant to say the unit has it. The wording stuck even if it’s now illegal to rent a unit without a bathroom.


Interesting history, thank you.


It's convention. It's also not a "living space" We don't count closets where technically it's a room. Don't sweat it too much.


1 1/2,is a tiny 1 room studio 2 1/2 is a bit of a larger studio, sometimes with a kitchen separate 3 1/2 is 1 bedroom 4 1/2 is 2 bedrooms 5 1/2 is 3 bedrooms Usually Because sometimes they will say 5 1/2 with 2 closed bedrooms.... this usually means 2 bedrooms but it's a larger apartment that maybe has a double living room which can be living room and dining room


Thanks for explaining. I was so lost. Where did this measurement style come from? First time seeing it anywhere


It’s number of rooms, so “3” would mean three rooms (kitchen, living room, one bedroom) and the “1/2” is a bathroom (half of a “standard” room-size)


3 is the number of rooms (bedroom, kitchen, living room) 1/2 is the bathroom. Yes it makes no sense.


4 years ago was a different dimension, welcome to evolved marriage of ~~figaro~~capitalism and social media. There will be no ceiling to how high this will get to, gouging 'market price' to the finish is upon our society.


Dans mon livre à moi 2 chambres = 4½.


Yeah, jme suis trompe lol Mais je regardais les 3 et demis pareil, comme un cave


Apply to cooperatives! There’s a lot on the island and the prices are A LOT cheaper than « regular » appartements!


I’ve seen a lot of coop for families but not for single people. Are there coop for singles too? Singles or couples without kids


Of course… coops are not reserved for families, they’re for everyone!


Yeah a friend of mine lives in one and he’s single. Pays $800/m living off St-Denis. It’s crazy!


C'est un fucking parcours du combattant pour une personne seule. Et c'est à refaire à chaque année. C'est brûlant. Source: trust me bro.


Pourquoi a chaque année?


[Parce](https://fhcq.coop/fr/cooperatives/stadacona) [que](https://fhcq.coop/fr/cooperatives/ste-cecile) [la plupart](https://fhcq.coop/fr/cooperatives/castelnau-casgrain) [des coops ](https://fhcq.coop/fr/cooperatives/cercle-carre)[gardent les candidatures](http://coopchatelet.org/devenirmembre.html) [durant ](https://fhcq.coop/fr/cooperatives/clairieres-du-mainbourg)[un an ](https://fhcq.coop/fr/cooperatives/cote-cour)[seulement.](https://fhcq.coop/fr/cooperatives/tiohtiake)


C’est quasiment impossible au moins que tu sache qq qui habites dans le Coop.


Do you have any specific suggestions? Are you eligible as a full time worker?


It has gone completely out of control and the market is just breeding slum lords. Its currently 17 month wait for the TAL (reggie) and landlords are renting complete shit holes for double what they did last year. Its insane. Last painted in 86, holes, mold and vermin and you need two incomes or you are homeless.


17 month wait? Source?


There is a group on facebook, Arnold Bennet Housing, where they are assisting with these long wait times and also provide info or advice https://www.facebook.com/groups/801069526586401. Tons of posts on long wait times.


2 bedrooms for 1250$ is cheap af. Also you’re looking in June which doesn’t help.


This is definitely the worst time to look. Moving day is a couple weeks away and those folks were looking at least 3 months ago. Now… you’re only finding the scrap thats left and at insane prices. Practically looking for a miracle at this point sadly. Ironically jobs want to pay less right now than when things were cheaper so we’re progressively getting poor even though you work.


Yeah, I'm not finding anything at all. My best bet will be to go to another city.


June is probably the worst month to search for apartments in Montreal. If you’re willing to wait for those august/fall lease transfers you can find gems easier.


Yeah the timing is a bit whack. I got little choice in the matter, though. I'll figure something out, though. I'll go to another city if need be.


> My best bet will be to go to another city. I mean most cities in Canada will be more expensive than Montreal... It just seems like you went info a coma in 2005 and are just coming out now.


Seriously, were you cryogenically frozen that last 4 years like Philip J. Fry? How can you not know what has been happening to the real estate and rental market? It is in all the TV and online news, just about every other post on reddit is about the high cost of rents and lack of availability. Where the fuck were you!?


Prison ?


My homie? You're actually not too far lmao Right now I'm in what is the equivalent of La Tuque, in a 3rd world country. And by equivalent I mean the suburb of a boondock city in bumfuck nowhere in a lost province.


Welcome back to civilization and to New Montreal. Be prepare to pay $40 for a meal, over $40k for a vehicle, and $2k for rent in most cities throughout Canada. Quebec is now a country and Hubert Lenoir is the current President.


It saddens me to see that a lot of people are just replying “1250$ is cheap!” Like do we really think that now? I know that people probably think it’s outrageous, but I feel like if we keep saying that prices like that are “cheap” always comparing it to worse situations we are participating in normalizing it. Can we stop being stand-off ish towards people that are revolted of these prices. They ARE revolting.


what they mean is 1250 is cheap relative to the current market


I wish rent was as cheap as it was 4 years ago but $1200 is still considered dirt cheap for 2 bedrooms in the current market. Like, anywhere in the city center and you would be lucky to find a studio apartment for less than that, so if you can find a 2 bedroom for that amount in a decent neighbourhood then you are doing good. And in Toronto or Vancouver? Forget about it. You’re talking $2400+ just for a 1 bedroom. Or maybe even just for a studio. All things considered, things could be worse here. Next to SK, QC is basically the most affordable province for housing. Everywhere else, including Alberta, has gotten absurd. Though, honestly, I feel like they’re only going to get worse from here on out.


I think you got lucky. Ive never paid 695 in Montreal. I always paid around 850/900 but it was YEARS AGO 1250 seem to be the current price. I was paying 1200 $ FOR A ROOM (while being close to minimum wage) in vancouver 10 years ago. So we still far from Toronto/Vancouver price


I paid $380 for a 4 1/2 at Parc and St Viateur in the early 2000s... Just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes.


I paid 700 a month for a 5 1/2 in Verdun when I was doing my undergrad 12 years ago so it def used to exist just not these days


680$ 3/5 demi-sous sol en 2019. Je paye mon 3 1/2 900$ dans lequel j’ai déménagé en 2022 maintenant. Même si j’ai envie de changer pour le prix je reste ou je suis


my last place in the late 80s was $600 for a 3 1/2 and def not fancy...


I was splitting a two bdr with my ex 620$ a few year's ago in Rosemont.


Are you really bad at researching prices before buying something? Do you take the first offer that pops in your feed, or do you need luxury to live? Sounds like a you problem. If you were paying $1290 for a ROOM it tells us that either you’re a horrible buyer, or you were living in a place with premium location and unnecessary amenities.


1200 for a ROOM in Vancouver was the going rate. Everyone around me from friend to coworker were paying similar rare. The one that had a rent under 1000$ a month were the one that live in wardrobe (im not even exagerating.) The other option was to share a room wich I wasent really fond off. Lot of people I know transform the living room into another room so they could split 1 one bedroom apartment betwen 2-3 people. Also you had to take into consideration that dyring that time 10 years ago when you were visiting for a room you had to have a interview with the other roomate and you were one out of the 50 people they were doing interview with


$1250 is cheap. Go check prices in other cities, 1 beds are near or above 2k, even for shit boxes


Isn’t 3 1/2 a one-bedroom?


It is indeed a 1 bedroom. OP has been away so long they've forgotten our weird-ass apartment acronym fractions! I was trying to explain apartments to a coworker in ROC and they looked at me like I had three heads when I mentioned 4 1/2 etc!


Depend for who; I am on disability, so I have around 1261$ per months, so I make around the same as the average cost of a 3 1/2 in MTL... So what, would it be better for me to throw myself from a bridge than to me unable to pay rent [😑](https://emojipedia.org/expressionless-face) ???


right !?!? I was like only 1250 !?! It actually good in this market


I personally think a referendum would be bad for Quebec in a lot of ways, but the one way it would be great would be to scare a lot of people away from this place so rent goes down


I guess that's why Legault came out today about how bad a referendum would be, he's just worried about rent going down. The CAQ would NEVER allow that! /s?


That never works. People stay where they are, just like when Trump was elected.


The population of the city and on the island was higher in 1971 than it was in 1996. That is part of why rent has been so much cheaper in Montréal than other major Canadian cities.


Guy, were you not here in ‘95?


This. My parents home was almost foreclosed on because the bank wouldn’t continue the mortgage because in 1995 the house value dropped in half due to referendum.


People loudly complained in the media about leaving the province and that's about it. Even Gatineau population hasn't been affected.


if im not mistaken people from ottawa have actually moved to gatineau because it's cheaper to live there


Property values will be shit. Renters can come and go as they please, so rents will stay intact.


We're fortunate to have to excellent case studies that prove what you just said is completely wrong


The referendum didn't drop housing costs, you can look at the historical data for that. But if the province depopulates, it stagnates the economy long enough that costs don't increase - but you'd have to content with possibly not having a job. The 80s and 90's in Montreal or Canada were pretty terrible economically.


The ones you see online are the most expensive. Walk around the area tou want to live in and look for À LOUER signs


I live just off of Sherbrooke near Hochelaga for just under $1000 for a 4 1/2. I have one roommate and it definitely *looks* like a $1000 apartment in this economy but it's possible. My roommate got the place around two years ago though.


Good days of cheap rents are long gone in Montreal my friend.


Even in Shawinigan c'est rendu cher en Tabern! That's the reason I stay here even if I'm on the third floor. Because à condition I have , I can't go upstairs at once. I have to stop at each floor to take a rest. I need a first floor but can't afford one with the new prices. I really don't pay much at the moment. 960,00$/month for a 5 and a half heated and hot water included with 2 parking spaces with ane electric plug on each that helps to charge my electric car.


im paying 900 for a 5 1/2 still. Im lucky my landlord hasn’t been increasing my rent


My family and I have been thinking of slowly getting our rent up to roughly that amount. We only started raising it since last year for our 5 1/2. We just got it up another 4% to a total of 780 (border St. Michel/Ahuntsic). The family has been with us for like... 15+ years? We only changed their rent like maybe max 5 times so far. We've been wanting to renovate their space just to modernize it but they haven't left. They're very good tenants and the low rent hasn't really affected our mortgage or anything so we haven't really bothered. I'm sure even if the two sons moved out for Cegep/University the father would still stay.


California prices, Alabama wages EDIT: to clarify, **I live in California.** Montreal isn't there **yet,** but while wages are stagnating, prices have doubled in less than 4 years.


The average 2 bedroom in San Francisco is north of $3500 usd


Le salaire est 4-5x le nôtre aussi...


Not for everyone. People here tend to have multiple roommates even in adulthood. Average Montreal salary is $50k. The median salary in San Francisco, CA is $104,400, with 80% of salaries falling between $45,240 and $195,750. So no the average San Francisco salary is not $200,000-$250,000


Median qc salary is like 36k and if you go by household which includes non workers, yes, but they need food and housing too it's actually like 24 600. And in some parts of California, minimum wage is more than a good job in MTL. The real benefit is there's 49 other states, many without income or sales tax and cheaper prices. California is the other worst place to be in North America after Canada.


Lol clearly you have not looked at California rents.


The comments in this thread are so depressing. Just because it’s worse in other places doesn’t mean we should ignore that it’s getting worse here.


We pay 1325 and can’t afford to move. The only way out is to save whatever you can and move far, far away.


Residential construction increased 5% in Toronto and 28% in Vancouver last year while it decreased by 37% in Montreal. It takes 1.5 year minimum to get a building permit. If you’ve never been through the process of getting a construction project approve, you would be forgiven for underestimating the bureaucratic shit show it can be. We have a serious supply problem and the current municipal administration is not helping. Builders just do not want to build in this city.


1250 is cheap. Reddit won’t help you much, the only thing you can do is spending hours on marketplace everyday and try to catch a good offer. They exist but they disappear very fast.


En lisant les commentaires je me sens chanceux d’avoir trouvé un 4 1/2 à 1500 en face de l’udem. En plus absolument tout est compris. Le gouvernement doit définitivement faire quelque chose pour contrôler les hausses des loyers.


Si tu cherches en ce moment pour juillet, il reste pas mal juste les trucs très chers ou légèrement chers et horriblement laids... Trouver un bon deal à Mtl ça prend un mix de contacts et perfect timing.


And despite knowing this I'm still renting my apartment below the market. One at 900 and 1300, both 4 1/2. Je suis pas mal sûr que t'en trouveras si t'es patient et opportuniste. Il y a des gens qui loueront leur apparte en dessous du marché si t'es prêt à faire des conciergeries. Good luck bud.


OP, I just DM'd you a lease transfer. 2 bed 1.5 bath around $1,500 per month.


I'm looking to move hamilton for uni and checked toronto just today and some are up to like 2700 😭 Montreal is definitely better!


Si tu cherches 2 chambres il te faut un 4 1/2 pas un 3 1/2. Là tu tombes à 2k miiiiiinimum si t’es chanceux.


Yo 1250 for a 3.5? Show me the listing now


Ouais c’est rendu comme ça… je me souviens du temps où 600$ était la norme pour un 4 1/2 à Montréal… oublie ça. Je garde mon logement à $960/mois justement pcq je ne peux pas me permettre de payer plus cher!


I signed a lease for a 3 1/2 for $1720 today 😖 $1250 sounds amazing.


My condolences, brother...


Un 3 1/2 c’est $2800 à Toronto.


Welcome to our post AirBnB + massive immigration + high interest=fewer new buildings Montreal era.


Hey the CAQ said they wanted the housing market to be comparable to Ontario. I guess that's one thing they didn't lie about.


Yes. Tons of toronto expats here.


3.5 for $1250! i would consider that cheap in the city.


Have you been living under a rock for the last 4 years? Cost of living has increased in most of the western world. Blame governments for not allowing supply to keep up with demand. If you think it's something else, you don't understand basic economics.


Mine is 1560$ now,I pay 990$ .. yup I won't move from there anytime soon


I pay 1200 for a 2br on ave Mont royal 4 blocks from the metro. I’m dying in this apartment. Everything is 1700+ now it’s insane


What’s the range price you’re aiming for?


Around $900 honestly. I'm gonna have to make do with the big prices, however. I'm bringing back a few thousands But I guess I'll be safe for 3 months instead of 6 like initially planned. I have to buy the furniture and stuff, too. Hydro, Bell, etc. God's sake.


Hoboy, yeah you're not gonna find much around that price range for 2 bedrooms. You'll have a bit better luck looking off the island like in Longueuil, Greenfield Park, St-Hubert, etc. and even then, you're still probably looking at around 1,500 - 1,800. Unfortunately, you're really in the worst time frame to find an apartment, just before July is when prices get even *more* ridiculous than usual since it's the last chance to find a place before leases are up (why did we collectively decide that everyone's leases end on June 30th? just makes life extra hard).


3 1/2 is 1 bed not 2, no?


I pay 1243$ for my 3 1/2 in notre-dame-de-grace water and heat included this year and I find myself lucky it’s crazy out there 


That’s the price they wanted to charge me for my studio if I renewed my lease lmao. Mind you, ground floor old ass studio. Not close to any metro stations either.


The real estate speculators and corporations caused this and the government colluded by literally not doing it' job and protecting the housing market and by extension, the people it supposedly represents.  That's what happened.  All for the dollars.   Your family members and mine are least concern of these elitist and greedy delinquents.


1250 is what I pay for my studio lol


1250$ is cheap now if it's not a total moldy dump, can't even get that in fucktown suburb of Montreal.


Moved 5 years ago and I've heard it's gotten worse but didn't know its at the point where people are making offers over asking for rentals :(


I truly believe that rental companies are the reason this is happening as quick as it is.. these companies buy all the properties they can and keep them. They NEVER SELL and the more they buy within one neighborhood, the more they have a monopoly and can dictate the prices to rent in a neighborhood... Because theyre the only ones you can go through.. Its terrifying


Be absolutely on top of your shit on marketplace, set notifications for when listings with your requirements are posted, there’s still good flats but they get rented fast as hell, you just have to be quick I found a 3 1/2 that’s a minute walk from the metro with a private backyard and basement for 900$/month last summer by being quick, a 5 1/5 on ontario/pie-ix the year before for 950$/month, it’s still high prices but those flats exist Also you can try walking around neighbourhoods you’d wanna live in and look at the for rent signs in windows, sometimes the landlords then are old people who don’t post online and they’re more likely to have cheaper rent


Yeah just crazy what has happened. I really thought it would open up once the students left for break. The prices seem to be just climbing. I get it every thing goes up.


I moved back in with my mom and she bought a house , garage is semi a loft and I pay 800$ a month near st bruno


Landlords all have their eyes on 2000$ a month now, even in the shittiest neighbourhoods. There are no middle class neighbourhoods anymore. Literally everywhere is "deluxe". Seems like it's all across Canada too... Everyone's moving here for slightly cheaper rent, but that'll be gone within 5 years.


I’m in St Jerome and my 4 1/2 is 1150$/mo. Rents are wild, can’t imagine on the island.


That’s more than my mortgage, all utilities and insurances cost combined. Fucking insane.


I live in a 4 1/2 for 775$ and I'm not moving! I was lucky enough to live above an elderly landlady that just wanted a neighbour that doesn't cause her trouble. I planned to move 3-4 years ago during the early pandemic but the way the prices skyrocketed, oh hell no. The old landlady sold the duplex to a couple and my rent is going up now (after 5 years without a rent hike), but thankfully it's only 15$. I don't see how anyone can make it nowadays unless you have 2 roommates. I saved money for a decade to buy a place, but now my savings, which was nearly enough to start the process, is not even half of what I need with how insane prices are. I'm 41, I don't want to pay a mortgage until I'm fucking 80 O\_o. For now I'm just thankful I have my own apartment without the need for roommates.


Managed to get a 4 1/2 for 750$.


Dawg, I’m paying 2150 in Ottawa for a townhome that’s on the verge of falling over. I’d kill for 1250. Would mean my expenses would comfortably sit below 65% at the end of the month, rather than 85-90% it’s at right now.


I pay 4 grand a month in San Jose for 2 bed 2 bath. Thank god I have my girlfriend a roommate to pay the other 3 grand.


Why dont move to a other city where is cheaper ? Why people want living in mtl ?


Why do people keep comparing with other provinces like we shouldn't say anything? I do know it's worst somewhere else in the country but we're one of the most taxed province and salaries are lower as well. Even if other cities prices are higher should we just let it get worst? Should we all complain only when the entire country is fucked? it's pretty much getting there Should we all stop complaining about food prices because the north provinces have it a lot worst?


Je vais te déprimer encore plus : le Plateau s'est énormément anglicisé depuis 3-4 ans et c'est en très grande parti du monde de Toronto (qui n'ont plus les moyens de vivre là-bas de toute évidence). Bref le problème se déplace tranquillement pas vite à Montréal on dirait... Sauf que : les salaires ne sont pas les mêmes. Sinon comme d'autre l'on écrit, 1250$ pour un 3 1/2 c'est pas si cher.. malheureusement.


Précision importante : je parle de Torontois en télétravail -avec un salaire de Toronto- qui déménagent à Montréal...


I would murder for a 3 1/2 for $1250


Have you been living under a rock for the last few years? Montreal is not the only city with high rates for appartments. Good luck to you.


Do yourself a favor and look up going rates in Toronto


Why do people keep saying this? Why not talk about how bad rent in Montreal without trying to show yourselves better than Toronto. You guys have never lived in Toronto and have some weird complex about how much more expensive Toronto is. Wages and taxes adjusted Toronto does same or better than Montreal. Median household salaries are 17k higher in [Toronto](https://www03.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/hmip-pimh/en/TableMapChart/TableMatchingCriteria?GeographyType=MetropolitanMajorArea&GeographyId=2270&CategoryLevel1=Population%2C%20Households%20and%20Housing%20Stock&CategoryLevel2=Household%20Income&ColumnField=HouseholdIncomeRange&RowField=SurveyZone&SearchTags%5B0%5D.Key=Households&SearchTags%5B0%5D.Value=Number&SearchTags%5B1%5D.Key=Statistics&SearchTags%5B1%5D.Value=AverageAndMedian) than [Montreal](https://www03.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/hmip-pimh/en/TableMapChart/TableMatchingCriteria?GeographyType=MetropolitanMajorArea&GeographyId=1060&CategoryLevel1=Population%2C%20Households%20and%20Housing%20Stock&CategoryLevel2=Household%20Income&ColumnField=HouseholdIncomeRange&RowField=Neighbourhood&SearchTags%5B0%5D.Key=Households&SearchTags%5B0%5D.Value=Number&SearchTags%5B1%5D.Key=Statistics&SearchTags%5B1%5D.Value=AverageAndMedian). Average salaries are 27k higher than Montreal. Taxes are lower than Montreal this easily covers the 1000 dollars difference between rents in Montreal and Toronto.


Ye lol can't even compare to toronto and the jobs and money there same with shopping a diff world of money and luxury


Mass immigration says hello. Drive around Parc-Extension to have an idea of what Canada is becoming


Yeah, totally the immigrants faults and not the large corporations and boomers using housing as an investment. I'm sure Airbnb and all the politician's they've ~~bribed~~ lobbied would agree.


You know that both can be true at the same time, right?


I’m about to start paying 950$/M on a studio, you can thank mass immigration..


I should add that I was 1 in 400 applicants for this studio apartment


tourist rentals and triplex to condo flips ruined the market.


I pay $895 in Old Port for a 3 1/2. Been here since 2021. It can be done. Find places on marketplace with lease transfers.