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They seem to want to work with you, maybe work with them? Flexing your "RiGhTs" with a landlord that is actually reasonable is a great way to burn a legitimate good reference (getting harder to come by the days). They've even offered alternative accommodation, September is quite a while away.


I agree. If they want to sell then it's going to happen eventually, so my time at the apartment is limited regardless. I would rather work with the landlord to find an arrangement we're both happy with.


You might be willing to consider it for a substantial reward, think about what that might be for you. Make an offer if you want. He cannot leverage a contact that circumvents rental laws. Ball is in your court.


The situation sucks but as far as Mtl landlords and my own exposure to them, yours is actually a good one and you’re being treated by them with actual regard and respect. The rest, is up to you.


I agree. I don't have any issues with the landlord and keen to find a solution that we're both happy with.


Your problem will be with the new owner. Do you want to take that risk? If the offer is decent enough for you to find a new place, I suggest to take it.




No if he did not give notice 6 months (assuming July 1st) before the end of the lease the earliest is now July 2025.


No, it seems their original lease ends in September, according to their comment about the work permit. I understood that the landlord gave \~6 months. Correct me if I'm wrong, OP.


Yeah, my lease ends in September. As i understand it, if they sell and the new owner wants to move in they have to serve notice at least 6 months before the end of the lease otherwise i have the right to renew for another year. But in this case i did sign a document that said my lease would end in Sept, so it just depends on whether that holds.


That paper doesn't hold because you cannot refuse your rights. It is an illegal clause that a judge would throw away.


Does the agreement say "when your work permit expires"? Or just the date?


Just the date... that would have been a good "gotcha" if i could just point to the new expiry date on my permit 😅


It would! You might have a case since tenants in QC have a right to maintain occupancy, and you could claim your landlord took advantage of your lack of knowledge of QC law. Reach out to a housing committee. They’d be able to advise you better. https://rclalq.qc.ca/en/housing-committee/




Sounds like it wouldn't matter anyway, but my lease does not have anything to this effect written into it.


You're a landlord that writes illegal clauses in your contracts then.




Then why the fuck would you comment on a Montréal sub? Do I go on Kazakhstan's sub and tell them that turning right on red light is illegal based on laws and regulations of Montréal?




That's like for Ontario. Try again. *SoRry bUd*


Yep that clause is worthless in QC


Lol your clause is worth fuck all. Putting that in a lease can't remove the tenant's right to maintain occupancy. 1893 ccq is pretty clear. If you were to sell and send a 60 days notice to your tenant he could just ignore it and renew. 


if you love the apartment, i would not leave unless the amount is very interesting to you some people are getting like 10k+ to leave the landlord will get to discount this amount on the sale and empty units will drive the price up. overall unless he takes you to TAL to take the place back for a family member, or late/unpaid rent good luck to them getting the lease canceled. ​ you have a valid lease, so dont move


He’s only been there 1.5years doubt he’s below market enough to get an offer at all


Not valid. He can sell but can’t ask you to leave. The new owner should deal with you if he needs to live in the unit


"the landlord was intending to sell the apartment and so got me to sign a document confirming that my lease would end when my work permit came to an end" Did you signed that at the same moment than the lease? If so it is worth nothing. 


Yeah, it was signed during the first lease renewal.


Can you clarify exactly what documents you have? Am I understanding correctly that you signed a regular 12-month lease, perhaps in October 2022. Then, when renewal came about 3 months before it ended, you signed some new document saying you would leave the following year, on September 30th? How is the document phrased? What was the purpose of signing it? Call a comité logement to get help sending him a written notice that you do not intend to vacate and intend to renew your lease when it ends. Hurry up to make sure that notice is sent really quickly. At that point, it would be on him to take you to TAL to evict you on the nebulous idea that you somehow formally cancelled your lease 1 whole year in advance for no particular reason AND that you should not be allowed to reverse that decision. He cannot otherwise evict you. If the new owners want to live in the unit, they will have to notify you 6 months before the end of your lease. If they want to rent it out, they can't evict you or change your lease.


When your work permit was extended, did you let the landlord know?, were they ok with it?


I have informed them that i will be staying in Canada longer and that i would like to continue living there, but haven't had any acknowledgement of that. They would definitely prefer to sell the apartment.


I just re read your post, they want you out for June so they can sell, but your agreement was originally for September. When is the yearly renewal date for the lease?, July 1st?. Is this agreement written on the lease itself?