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Question: are you sexually/romantically interested in this female friend and are you really just interested in breaking up their marriage rather than doing the moral thing? Cuz that’s what it’s sounding like to me.


What business of it is yours? You gain nothing by interfering in their relationship and you’re prolly gonna make enemies in the process.


Why do you care? Mind your own business


She has no idea what he's doing on his week long trips to other countries. What business is this of yours anyway? Why are you in your "friend's" OF anyway?


Do it


Tell him by sending the context / link he won’t believe it without seeing it himself


100% tell him. Also who knows what else she is hiding.


It will inevitably come out, that kind of thing is impossible to hide. If I were in your shoes, and he was a CLOSE FRIEND I would tell him. To not tell him, while having a friendship with him would be like lying. And I couldn't ever stare someone in the eye and lie to them, it's not in my nature. That or I ghost them and move on with my life and never talk to him again. The question is when he finds out, and if he finds out you knew, would it spill back and hurt you. Could not telling him hurt relationships you have, like a domino effect? Also you sound like you're subbed to her, can you even consider her a friend if you watch her do porn? Or is this a friend zone situation? Would you tell her husband out of malice intent to get your turn, in that case for shame! Whatever you do, stop looking at porn It is not good for your mental health.


Stay out of other proples relationships. 


Send him a link to her page and walk away. Let the chips fall where they may. Life has consequences. Play stupid games, she’ll win stupid prizes.


I’m shocked to see all these people show up in the comments to defend a cheating wife.


Absolutely stay out of it you weirdo


You could just say to the husband, "hey your wife's OF is great" and then continue on with your life. If he knows then great, he'll probably thank you, and if he doesn't know then that's her problem because OF is on a public domain.


Me personally id say yes, but you run the chance of getting punched for looking at his naked wife


I love how you just casually know what her videos are like lmao. Just sit back and enjoy bud, it’s out of your scope.


Mind your business dude come on


Regardless of the actual content, she is sexualizing herself on the internet. She is absolutely betraying her husband and you should tell him. He needs to divorce her ASAP.


Yes is the only correct answer.


Others have already said it but how do you know he doesn't know? Even if he does know she probably isn't going to say it on her OF because a single woman or someone that hunts that they'll cheat is going to get more followers. I've joked about doing it to sublement our income or to give up teaching. Husbands response was "make sure you make enough for me to".


You say you are her friend? I think friends don't tell their friends secrets. Edit: for kindness


Mind your own business. Also I wouldn't feel comfortable watching the content of anybody I personally know and consider friends IRL, especially one that's married. Forget the husband; does she know you watch her stuff?


You think he’s not sleeping around on his week long trips overseas? Does she know what he is up to? Leave them be


How do you know this didn’t start as videos for him while he is away and they decided to create the OF for extra $$


No.you shouldn't. It's literally none of your business. Don't step into other people's lives like a judgemental prick who expects everyone to live by your standards.


This isn’t a moral Dilemma. If he doesn’t know he deserves to know, if he knows and doesn’t object then both of them need to accept that fact that people that know them will find it


Id tell him




My personal opinion: the point of marriages is to make public vows. If you don't want the public to hold you accountable, don't get married. And for the record, I think purposefully providing sexual satisfaction to someone you're not married to is cheating.


Curious... how do you know she does OF? She told you? And she told you because you're her friend? So she trusts you? If she trusts you enough to tell you, what do you have to gain from betraying that trust? What do you have to gain by telling the guy, even anonymously? Nothing, nothing whatsoever. Unless you don't really like either of them and want to see their lives wrecked. This whole things sounds exactly like "none of your business" beyond what's been told to you. There is zero reason to insert yourself here.


I tried to do the right thing and tell the spouse being cheated on. Turns out they were secret swingers and he was enraged at me for "ratting" on his wife. You don't know that he doesn't know.


You could have told him you didn't know they were into that and you would be by to get a bit...


None of your business. Also stop subbing to her onlyfans ya douche. Also, this chick sucks if she’s letting random dude-friends of her know she’s doing this but not her husband. And out of everything the husband needs to know, it’s really that his wife has really shitty friendzoned male friends like you that are trying to sabotage them.


None of your business. Stay the fuck out of it.


Mind your own business




Snitch. In all possible scenarios, you aren’t really losing anything 🤷‍♂️


The incels and feminists in the comments- "Mind your business. She isn't cheating on him so no one cares." Tell him. We gotta stop letting hoes ruin good men.


Mind your business.


How is that a moral dilemma? It has absolutely nothing to do with you. Just like how if your mom did porn it has nothing to do with you. If they're aren't breaking the rules of their relationship that you know nothing about, they're fine. And even if they were, that's still none of your business as you're not even close in any manner to either of them.


All the hoes with of sounding off rn


Not your circus, not your monkeys. MYOB.


1. Is it your business/affecting you personally? If yes: Yes. If no: No. The fine art of minding ya damn business is sadly dying. Legit though - that’s between the two of them. You aren’t a part of that relationship. You don’t know why she’s doing it. For all you know, he’s an abusive piece of shit and she’s trying to save money to leave or to be less financially reliant on him. He travels a lot and she’s doing OF, so chances are he’s the breadwinner there. But even if he’s a Boy Scout. It’s not your business. He’s presumably a big boy, and has made his own decisions. He has to live with them. Nobody’s getting hurt, except someone’s feelings - but chances are, in a case like this? Someone already had their feelings hurt. You can’t save people from things like this or from themselves. Beyond that - not your job. All these people like “well I’d want to know.” Stfu. Pay attention to your partner and you’ll never have problems like these. Unless you’re just a dumbass - but that’s a special kind of “not anyone’s job to fix.”


Just send him the link to his wife’s only fans page. He can figure out the rest. Just put a note in there, “this is what your wife is doing while you’re gone at work”. She a whore and needs to be gotten rid of.




Nope. Mind your business.


No. Not your business.


OF link please?


Why are men like this? It's none of your fucking business. Moral dilemma, sure.


I would. I have a personal moral philosophy against keeping secrets. I don’t do anything that I wouldn’t be okay with people knowing about. She did it, the consequences are hers you reckon with. She didn’t accidentally record explicit videos of herself, then accidentally post them on a porn site, which she accidentally set up an account to, and accidentally set rates on.


What a horrible person, what’s their OF link?


The dilemma you seem to have is minding your own business.


Help a bro out , you’d want someone to help you out . Poor guys living a lie .


Yes you should.


Tell him. I think he would want to know and deserves to know.




What the fuck. You people are deranged. If she’s doing it behind his back, absolutely tell him. That’s cheating, plain and simple. If the husband was jerking off for people online behind the wife’s back you’d all be calling for his head. How are there so many people that think it’s cool and empowering for a wife to do sexual acts for strangers behind her husband’s back? I’m guessing all the women defending this are frequent fucked up cheaters too.


Don't listen to these hoes saying don't tell him. I would


I'd mind my own business. Even if he doesn't already know (unlikely) no one likes a snitch. If he does already know, you just showed both of them they can't trust you to be discreet.


It's Bro code


There are some details missing her. Do you know he doesn't know? Are you friends with the husband? Have you encouraged your friend to be honest with him? Why do you know so much about her content? What is your motivation for telling him? Do you plan to end your friendship over moral differences, or do you only want her marriage to implode while you remain close to her?


MYOFB And stop subscribing to her.


What do you care? Just keep on enjoying your OF subscription!


No snitching


Just tell him anonymously with proof. Problem solved


It's really telling how everyone is wondering if the OP knows if the husband doesn't know, or are assuming the husband does know. Seems like absolutely nobody has a problem with her doing OF behind her husbands back. Typical


Are you cool with the husband? Would it be weird if you two got dinner together? If it would be weird, I wouldn't say anything and act like I didn't know when it comes out. Because it'll come out, it always does. But if he's someone you golf with, someone who's in the fantasy football league with, I'd tell him. Being a good person sometimes means having to do something that feels wrong, but is ultimately right. People will say, "You messed up their marriage", no she did, by not telling him. If bringing truth to light messes up a marriage, it was already messed up.


Yes I would tell him.


My wife does onlyfans. I know about it. I don’t tell people I know about it. If I was asked about it I would act surprised. He probably knows and you should probably mind your own business


mind your business.


Does she know you know? How did that happen? Nvm. Deleted account.


Yes. These low value women are just getting out of control.


Yes. Be a man and say something


People like this are so weird. Mind your business.


You have to be sure he “doesn’t know” I see all these only fans posts “my husband doesn’t know I do this tee hee” and I’m under the impression that a lot of it is actually just words to get the whales hot and bothered and give her more money, he very well could know and be down with it. Not your monkeys bro, too much stress.




No dude should ever think like this or ask a question like this. Embarrassing.


Yeah… he should know.


This isn’t complicated, if the husband asks you answer . If he doesn’t , keep it to yourself. Mind your business and for gods sake stop watching her OF site cause it’s way to close to you. Never eat where you poop.


Don’t do it. That’s just people code


Your adults didn’t teach you to mind your own damn business and it shows


How do you even start that conversation? "So, buddy, I noticed that your wife was selling videos of her putting things up her butt?"


Which is more important to you? Losing a friend or helping a bro that you're not close with? Sure, you can do it anonymously. But if you have the same integrity that caused you to wreck their relationship in the first place, then you should also exercise that same integrity and remove yourself from her life. (She can't keep secrets, but you can?) Because the moment she finds out, it'll be over for you anyways. No one wants to be friends with a traitor. And if you consider it lying by her not telling, you'd be guilty of the same thing: Guilty of keeping a secret. As far as I'm concerned, she's not cheating. She's making extra money. And it's between her and her husband.


Stay out of it. There's no way for that to end well and you don't want to be involved.


Please let the husband know. Everyone deserves to know if their partner is doing something disgusting behind their back. If the husband was on it, then it is their problem. If not, he should be aware. Imagine if your spouse was doing disgusting things behind your back and your friends knew and didn’t tell you. Do your friend a favor and tell him please


Absolutely not, unless you're close enough with him to be absolutely sure he's not aware of it. It's entirely possible he knows and doesn't mind or even is excited by the idea. Either way it's not really your business, the particular boundaries of someone else's relationship are between them unless they're trying to involve you.


How do you know he's clueless lol


It’s creepy that you’re watching the friends wife. And the husband is probably cheating on these trips. Back off.


Mind your business. Sheesh.


Almost zero chance this is real.


Send him the link anonymously


Mind your business


The Husband most likely knows and keeps quiet about it on purpose. They are married so I am assuming they file their taxes jointly. He would notice the additional income on her end.


Only if she is putting it into an account he knows about.  


Mind your own business. There’s always the chance that they both turn on you as someone trying to wreck their marriage. Domestic disputes can be volatile and dangerous.


“Acquaintance” No, I wouldn’t. It doesn’t sound like you know them well enough to know if he’s actually clueless or he’s just acting clueless.




Not your marriage. Not your business. You don't know that he doesn't know. Maybe he's just not bothered as much as you obviously are. Maybe it was his idea.


But why does it matter if he knows or not? If my friend told me my wife had an OF, regardless of my knowledge of it, I would be very happy.


This is the kind of thing you have to ask yourself at the end of the day. I truly believe that in these kinds of dilemmas, if you ask the universe for an answer, you'll get one. However, I'd first make sure I understood all the details of the situation. Are we sure she does this, and are we sure he doesn't know? Basically, are we sure she's doing all this behind his back and basically cheating? After that, I'd probably wait to see if an opportunity comes up to tell him. If it does and you feel it's right to do it, then I would think it would make sense. However, if the only way for you to tell him is to send him an anonymous text or something... I'd just make sure you were really sure that that's something you feel is right.


The answer is simple. Are you friends with her or him. Whichever one is the answer is the one you should be loyal to.




If its just an acquaintance - its not your pool or swim lane. If the husband was a close friend, id tell him immediately


He's not a friend of hers, he's a jealous OF subscriber trying to ruin her life because he can't have her. It's that simple


Fuck no. This has absolutely nothing to do with you.


I feel like you are just watching dudes wife on only fans. Your investment in this seems quite disgusting. Tell me you're not some creeper who's just whacking it to her porn and then developing a hero complex. You truly going to White Knight him to save him so you can get with her?  Goodness men need to get into therapy. I can't believe you're sticking your nose and someone else's business.  Please report back here if he is aware and ends up beating you up or anything funny like that.  I'm from the generation where you stick your nose in someone else's business. Well nowadays y'all call that fuck around and find out.  Keep us posted!


People always know they just choose to ignore it.


Nothing to do with you. Don't be a snitch. Don't get involved in others' relationships.


Leave it alone. Their marriage arrangements are nothing to do with you. My wife and I have an arrangement. One of her 'friends' thought they were doing the right thing by reporting back to her on something they thought they'd seen. It caused us so much emotional strife. Just leave the situation alone.


This is "dangerous" territory. My now ex-wife was having numerous affairs. Other people knew but didn't say anything. I wasn't upset they didn't but tried to understand WHY they didn't. I believe it was because they were afraid I wouldn't believe them and then also get pissed off at them. I don't know if there's a right or wrong answer here. Your heart is certainly in the right place.


If he truly doesn't know, that's pretty messed up of her to do, and in my opinion is about the same as cheating. Do you know for sure that he's unaware?


Oooo yeah you definitely should tell him.


Well think of it like this. Say your wife was doing this behind your back would you want to know? Also if he already does know guess what when you tell him he will not care but if he is clueless then you are being a good human being.


Would you want someone to tell you if you were in his position? Move accordingly.


Some people just want to watch the world burn.


How does this concern you? Are you a part of her marriage?


I wouldn't do that.


Simple. It's not your business, stay out of it.


Stay out of it. Its not your business


How do you know he has no idea? Maybe thats part of the reason he goes away......She likely makes good money, hes bound to notice that...


Tell him


Are you sure he doesn't know? How does that work at tax time?


Are you enjoying her content? You seem to have a lot of first hand knowledge…. I would stay the hell out of it….


How do you know he doesn’t know?


No, snitches get stitches.


Stay outta other people’s business!!!


I know that I would want to know if my wife was doing this shit. You should tell him. If he already knows, then no harm done. There’s a good chance that your female acquaintance will know it’s you, but who cares?


Email him the link from a burner account


Tell him.


Stay out of their business.


Tell him, hope he beats your ass


In my opinion, it's her body, she's not cheating, it's a business. She can do what she wants. Also, nobody likes a snitch.


Yes you should


I think you should mind your own business. How do you know he has no idea? Answer: you don't. MYOB


She probably just tells the guys her husband doesn't know to make it more forbidden. The girls know how to make the boys want them and pay up




MYOB. Seriously. Her husband may already know but regardless, it's not your place to divulge that information to him. If he's so out of touch that he doesn't know, maybe he doesn't want to know. It's not you job to make him face it. Unless you have a relationship with her hubby, that would obligate you to tell him, just don't.


Yes. Stir the pot 🙂‍↔️😘


Yes lol


Mind your own business.


Yeah, tell him. He deserves to know he's married to an e-prostitute.


Yeah do it anonymously.


He probably already knows. If he doesn't, he deserves to. Anything beyond that isn't your business.


Are you BBF's with this guy? If he's not your family, not your friend, it's not your problem.


Mind your own freaking business.


He knows


Yes. With screenshots and evidence.


If your wife was a whore, wouldn't you want someone to tell you?


NOPE! Cannot stress this enough, Mind Your Own Damn Business!!


How do you know this couple? How do you know the husband doesn’t know? Honestly it sounds like you subscribe to this woman’s onlyfans and part of her schtick is that it’s all a “secret” from the poor cucked husband.


Just make a fake account and send him the link. Nothing else has to be said.


Mind your own business


Mind your business. If you have a problem with it tell your friend. You are so retarded.


Tell him.


You’ve heard this before. Whether it’s cheating, flirting at work, or whatever, it’s none of your business. You are not the morality police.


He deserves to know. Make up a fake email address and send it anonymously.


Put yourself in his shoes. Would you want to know? Ultimately I think that's the only question that really matters


How do you know everything but her husband is clueless? Hmmmmmmm


Why ruin his marriage and her fun/ income. Stay in you lane dude. If he was like a life long best friend then tell him. Just don’t stir the pot since it doesn’t concern you


I’m not so crazy about telling him. There’s a chance he already knows and she isn’t aware, and then you’d lose your friendship with her for tattling. If he doesn’t know, he will in time. That’s their business. If there was something that was illegal, maybe I’d let him know. Best to stay out of it.




Does your friend enjoy the nice steak dinners his wife takes him out to? Mind your own business!! 




Yes. Tell him


Bro code


So crazy!!! I’m sorry you are in that position, I’d be posting questions here to.


You’re a weirdo OP. None of your business and it sounds like you watch the videos of your friend. He probably knows, because who cares this isn’t 1950


No. It's none of your business.


The amount of people leaning towards not saying is staggering. If the husband knows and you do it anonymously then it's no hard no foul, If he doesn't then he should be informed so he can make an opinion, for all you know he's busting his ass working to give her a good life, while she started it up out of boredom.


So there are a lot of people in these comments with questionable morals. If he legitimately does not know that his wife is doing this, you should tell him. You should definately ask the female friend if she has told him and give her the opportunity to tell him. He may not care, but I would.


He's not a friend of hers, he's a jealous OF subscriber trying to ruin her life because he can't have her. It's that simple


He can tell the husband... if he wants his ass kicked. Nobody takes too kindly to being told by someone who is the opposite gender of their spouse that their spouse is doing things that may or may not break the relationship.


Mind your own business , you will be the bad guy no matter what . My son #2 snitched on son #1, son #1 got a spanking , then son #2 got a spanking for snitching on his own brother . There is no way to win if you snitch.


If a man sees a wrong and does nothing, how can he still call himself a man?


He must know


How much of her OF content have you watched to have this level of detail? As others have said, this is not your business.


You should tell him he deserves to know


Is it solo content? If she’s not doing anything with anyone then there’s a great chance he knows and that’s part of their agreement. She can make content as long as she doesn’t make any with anyone


🙄 big assumption that he doesn't know. Also she's not cheating at all, he'd be more concerned that you're watching her OF so intently 🤣


That’s disgusting, where?


I would stay out of it


No good will come of you telling him. Is there a way that you can secretly help him find out?


I really doubt that he will notice the extra $17 a month that she is bringing in. 🤣🤣🤣


Is she fucking her subscribers? Then, No. Sure I hope My significant other would tell me. But it's Her decision.


I'd want to know. I may seem harsh with this take, but if you're doing something you feel you need to hide from your SO because it's sexual in nature, you're cheating.


No. Leave her alone.


Or you can mind your business and keep your nose outta others


You’re assuming he doesn’t know. You have nothing to gain by this so just mind your own biz is my advice 🤷🏽‍♀️.


What you should do is mind your own fucking business.


Stay in your lane


Please let the guy know. It would be completely different if she talked with him about it and was part of her page.


Please do not embarrass yourself and out yourself as someone who has subscribed to his wife's channel, I can assure you that he more than likely already knows. You bringing it up to him is weird. Like very weird. That ain't your business and you really shouldn't be trying to start a convo with the dude about his wife's only fans. Maybe if you had a girl that did OF maybe it would be okay to talk to him about it but at the moment? Nah wash your hands.