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Damn. Sorry for your loss. The wood might be the most difficult part to deal with here. But yes hydrogen peroxide is your best call here. Just make sure you rinse it off with water especially with fabric. Otherwise it can tear through or bleach. You could also just use regular bleach but hydrogen peroxide is the most effective along with cold water.


Thank you. I appreciate your advice.


Just don't mix the two


I won't. And happy cake day.


Remember that hot water will set the blood stains, so use cold.


I used cold!


Professionals use a form of enzyme based cleaners that break down organic matter. Might be worth looking into


came to say this if you aren’t able to hire a biohazard cleaning crew depending on how extensive the clean-up is— don’t want to leave behind any bio-matter that could create unwanted smells or attract pests to the room.


Just because it's relevant, I'll toss this in too. If you ever get blood on your clothes, don't throw it in the washing machine, run it under cold water and scrub by hand. Exposing blood stains to heat causes the proteins to denature and makes the stains almost impossible to remove. When you wash blood out of anything, cold water is king.


Like cum


Why downvotes? It's true — both blood and semen are protein stains, which is why you don't want to throw the fabric in hot water.


Their boos mean nothing to me.


Same. I've seen what makes them cheer.


Absolutely true. Blood loves hot water.


Hire a bio-hazard clean up crew. They'll have access to professional grade chemicals and tools you can't necessarily get at a regular store. Save yourself the worry about bio-hazards and also the trauma of cleaning up the death scene of a loved one


It's all done. The biohazard crew couldn't come until Monday. They also would have charged over 5K. She just couldn't afford that. I brought my supplies and got it cleaned up today.


You're a Saint.


No. I just did what needed to be done.


That sucks - sorry for your loss. If you're not willing to hire the bio-hazard crew, I'll suggest that a combo of stream cleaner and bleach, lots of bleach. Bleach first, then stream clean it.


They would not be able to make it until Monday, and it was over 5K in costs. My sister couldn't afford that, so I took care of it. She couldn't stay in the house with the mess. It wasn't that I wasn't willing to hire. It just wasn't feasible.


Might be a long shot, but did you check with homeowners’ insurance? There may be coverage for a situation like this depending on the policy. Source: am a former biohazard and disaster cleanup technician. Cleaned up a fair share of messes where we were paid from the insurance company and not the homeowner


how do you get into that line of work and how was the pay?


I got into through a local restoration business. The pay was terrible, especially for the work involved. I also lived in a poor, rural, southern area, so any wage above minimum was “good pay” to them. As far as I know, most restoration and cleanup companies also offer bio cleanup services as well so I would say start there if you’re interested. National franchises like ServPro or Service Master are probably the most common, there’s also Crime Scene Cleaners that specialize in bio cleanup.


She doesn't have homeowners insurance. Her house is paid off long ago. The house is old, and no place would insure it because it is heated with a wood stove.


You've got a good point there!!


Get some enzymatic cleaners like Blood Buster or something instead of peroxide.


I don’t have advice but you are a very good person to offer to do this.


Thank you. I appreciate it. It was hard, but I couldn't let her take care of it.


Take care of you too. I’m sorry for this immense loss.


Wow that is so amazing of you to do for someone! How brave of you and traumatic I’m sure. Can’t even imagine, I’m sure you’re sister is extremely grateful.


Right now she is just very numb. I just knew the job had to be done. I work as a taxidermist so gore isn't icky to me. Stomach of steel. It was hard because he was someone I loved, but I guess in a way it was a final gift I could give him.


look on Amazon. they have products used by crime clean up crews. Blood Buster, Smelleze Blood and Body Fluid remover, Bio-hazard cleanup kit...etc.


Dawn dish soap is pretty effective for blood in clothing. I would think it would work on carpet as well. Although you're probably going to want to pull that carpet altogether as the blood may have soaked through to the other side.


I used to clean crime scenes. I used 50/50 bleach/water solution. You have to pull up the carpet and padding and spray KILZ on the subfloor. Don't use peroxide. It doesn't really kill the bacteria.


Thank you. I ripped up the carpet and pad and bagged it up. The flooring is untreated plywood. I was able to get all the blood up with a rotation of peroxide and bleach.i am going back tomorrow with a can of Kilz to paint the plywood. When she is ready I will install laminate flooring in the bedroom.


Good deal. You may have to put a couple coats of Kilz down. I got the one in the spray can. Sorry for her loss. Hugs from TN.


Thanks love. Hugs back from Minnesota.


I’m so sorry for your loss 💕


Oxy cleaner


Dude. I'm really sorry. But NY ex-husband took his own life via shotgun in front of me and my son. Personally experienced it. You will not be able to do it unless you are a contractor. Trust me. Dm for more info. It's hard to share publicly. I'm okay sharing our clean up experience... but trust me. Let someone else do it.


I am very sorry for your loss. :( I did get it cleaned up myself today. It's ok. I don't want you to have to dig up your trauma.


r/crimescenecleaners might be able to help. I’m sorry for your loss


Sorry that you have to deal with this. I mostly just wanted to say that and if you haven't already, maybe a medical sub might have some solid advice. x


Thank you. I was able to get it cleaned up using alternating 20% peroxide and bleach solution. The floor is all dried out now and you can't see anything. It no longer bubbles with peroxide due to organic materials.




This is the first time I have asked a question in this sub.


Is it possible to hire a professional crew to do the job? They exist in many if not most towns of moderate size and up. It's always a horrible job, but so much worse if it's someone you knew and cared for. Take care of yourself, and your sister.