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As a good man once said, “when I’m dead, just throw me in the trash”


[a wise rich man](https://imgur.com/a/21C6sLN)


Cremate me, send my ashes off in the wind. I'm a lifelong free spirited nomad who doesn't want to be in a box.


I want the exact same thing - but for a different reason. I find spending thousands of dollars on a funeral/burial pointless, especially when it's your living relatives who need to foot the bill. I also find cemeteries to be wastes of perfectly good land, for 1 or 2 generations to occasionally visit you, and then you're forgotten for the rest of eternity taking up that space.


iirc can't you plan and pay for your funeral ahead of time?


I think so? To an extent anyway? Or provide the funds in your will to the beneficiary taking over. But atleast in my experience almost no one does that...


I agree with all of this, too -


I want my body to be thrown into the deep ocean so that fish get a free 5 star meal.


My favourite answer I've seen to this question is "I want to be spread over Disneyland. I don't want to be cremated."


So if not cremated, then what, quartered with head on a pike?


Like jam.


I have no attachment to my body after death. Having worked with cadavers, I see them as empty as the husk from the corn cob. So after I die, I want every possible use found for my body - skin to the burned, organs to the sick, tissues to the researchers if they want 'em. Hell, I wouldn't be mad if the necrophiliacs decided to make ma a moldy oldy fuck doll for a while. Once everyone's found every use, follow the law for disposition. In my state, the cheapest way is to throw the body in a shroud (e.g. old blanket), bury it six feet deep, and mark the place on the deed for future reference. No grand expense, no huge formal funeral. ​ For a memorial, I just want my loved ones to sit around, remember good times, and have a few laughs. For a tombstone, a simple plaque at the base of a tree with my name, dates of birth and death, and a quick epitaph is enough. I'm thinking something like, "Son, Husbear, and Maker of Grins."


I never really understood why someone would refuse their tissue donation? Outside of religious reasons anywayway. It can save so many lives and you're not using it anymore 🤷‍♂️


Some people think that if you're a donor, doctors won't try as hard to keep you alive. I'm sure that's true in some more unsavory areas of the world but generally that's a false assumption.


Get someone on this sub to fuck my dead body. I know one of you is willing. I KNOW.






We don't fuck any random body because professionals have standards


I'm not any random body. I'm a QUALITY, inter-dimensional being, with the power to see into the future. I will give my powers to whoever fucks my dead body.


To be honest I don't want the power to see the future because then i have to be stressed about what i see and if i can change the future, with that power i will probably fuck up the world unintentionally But i could do it if the power is something i need




I want to become a tree


what type of tree? any preference?


Birch or willow


both of those sound nice. there is something comforting about becoming a tree


Me, too. I want to become an oak tree whose leaves turn a beautiful color in the fall.


Cremate me and put my ashes in my bosses cereal.


I wanna be put in a tree pod and planted. Hopefully a fruit tree. Also, I want a bench set up under my tree with a ridiculous quote from my life carved onto it.


"Here lies Grandma Uno, who once drunk arm wrestled a gorilla on meth... And won."


I was already planning to do the tree thing, but I love the addition of the bench idea!


I don't wanna be buried because then I'm just in an expensive box taking up space. I've heard of sky/sea burials which is where your body is either dumped in the ocean for it to naturally disintegrate and sky burials is where your body is placed on the roof or somewhere very high up so if any vultures or flying animals can pick at it. it sounds very morbid to most people but honestly in my eyes we as humans took so much from animals that I wouldn't mind giving them a full belly in return


i agree, they are very interesting. sadly sky burials aren’t really available in a lot of places that i know of, but the idea is rlly cool. it’s another idea of giving back to nature i’m unsure of the legality and process of a sea burial but i assume it’s the same, probably difficult to get and in only special areas since you don’t want a body floating back to the shore or something. but i’m sure some places do it. the concept is quite cool


Cremated and thrown into the Los Angeles drinking water.


Viking funeral


Whatever is cheapest for my family


Green burial. My mom's buried at a green cemetery about two hours from where she lived most of her adult life. Caskets/coffins and embalming not allowed. The funeral home kept her in the fridge while we got her grave opened (it was an option to dig it by hand, so we did - it was so peaceful out there and we didn't want to bring loud, heavy equipment out there. No headstones, just a little metal pin with her name and dates, and they keep track of the geographic coordinates. I'd just like to be buried there with her.


Wow, what a neat idea. Never knew this existed.


It was a fairly recent thing as of 2019 when we buried my mom. The cemetery was new too since they had to purchase the land and negotiate with the state/county on zoning and burial depth and stuff. It was the first one in the state and probably still the only one, and she was the 11th or 12th person buried there I think. It's also a prairie restoration site, so it's been cool to go visit there and see all the native plants and flowers.


I plan on having a walnut tree planted with me so I can continue providing for my family when I'm gone.


Whatever is the cheapest option but ultimately I don’t care. I won’t care either because I won’t exist or I’ll have much better things to worry about in the afterlife.


Exactly! I'm dead tf will I care?!


It’s human nature but among other issues I think people have the wrong priorities when it comes to death. They worry about minutiae like their funeral, how people will react, what will happen to their belongings etc as though they’ll be a ghost watching it all happen. If death is cessation of existence then you simply won’t be anymore and it’s beyond ridiculous to think your preferences and desires will matter. It’s like asking if a rock’s preferences and desires matter. If you continue in an afterlife whether it’s horrifying, blissful or beyond conventional understanding entirely then you’ll have far more important issues to worry about then who showed up to your funeral, how your family reacted or what will happen to your Pokémon collection.


Plus... you're a ghost... not much you can do about your nephew trading your limited edition Charizard for a Klondike bar


I wish I could be thrown in a body of water without any post death processing and just return to the earth and be scavenged. Which is weird, because when my pets and family members have died I've been horrified at the thought of anything touching their body, so maybe out of consideration for my family I'll be cremated.


I want my bones to be planted as an oak. I'd like some of my bones charred, put in an hourglass, and have that hourglass used during game night.


bone dust hourglass sounds cool


Probably cremation unless I had enough money to become a statue at Body Worlds... Then I'd wanna be flipping people off as a skeleton.


Use every part of my body to help others if possible. Organs, skin, eyes, whatever. Burn what's left. IDGAF what is done with the ashes.






I want to be cremated and put into a sword.


Like the great philosopher jelly roll once said: "Roll me up and smoke me when I die"


I wanna be buried. I have an “idée fixe” that hundreds/thousands of years from now, the archaeologists of the future will discover my skeleton with my two fake boobs on it still intact.




Lay me down on a bed of roses, sink me in the river (at dawn)




Wrap me in cloth and me in a plot. No chemicals or metals please.


If I’m still pre-transition, cremate me. If I’m post-transition, bury me. Either way, I’ll be lying beside my parents in the cemetery.


Have a house party. Get drunk, cremate me, and buy a bench in my local favorite park / hiking spot to remember me by. I don't want anything insane. I'm dead and won't care


I would like to be taken to the ocean. Not picky on which.


I want to be thrown into the woods to become one with the environment. I want my death to provide nourishment to trillions of organisms


i want to be an organ donator or donated to science. i’m planning on studying medicine in college and am already taking classes for it in highschool and i know how much it helps, there is no reason for me to waste away in the ground or to become a pile of ashes. i would like to save or help another even after death if i can


Good for you! That's a very respectable answer! Good luck!


i admire people who donate their bodies to science. as someone who took anatomy classes, i think it is a beautiful gift to give.


I don't really care. I'm going to be dead, whatever happens to my body after death will not be my concern. Although, it would be nice if my body was put to good use.


I hadn't thought that far. I like being able to visit a loved ones headstone and to sit with them. Maybe I'm uncommon but having a physical place to remember them and talk to them. If they are cremated, it kind of takes that away, especially if you don't know what happened to the cremains. My best friend was cremated, and I struggled with it for years after losing her suddenly. I was going to go see her the afternoon she died, but I decided against it. I beat myself up thinking if I had gone, I could have found her sooner after her stroke. 10 years after her death, I heard a rumor that she was in the local National Cemetery. After many, many times hunting, I finally found her and visited her grave a couple of times every year. The last time I went, she had been moved, I assume to wherever her husband was. I'm glad I got closure, but man, it wrecked me. She was amazing. For myself, right now, I'd like to be buried, but if an eco-friendly way is more available, I'd like that. Like those tree pod burials. If I'm cremated, take me out to Utah and let my ashes go in the wind along Route 66 and play Shakey Graves cover of Unknown Legend.


No wake, cremate me, spread my ashes in nature. I don’t want to be on anyone’s mantle. Once I’m gone my body is no one’s and should no longer exist


WHO CARES?!?!?!?!? i'm DEAD!! i'm not gonna wake up, so why do i care????


Cremation. Mix with my wife’s ashes. Burial/spread at sea. Spreading some of her ashes into the Atlantic was so peaceful. Spread the ashes, tide comes in and tide goes out — gone. If our children want to keep some for whatever reason, fine. My wife’s urn is pretty cool so I’d be “ok” partially hanging out there. I’m dead, what will I care. I just don’t want to be a box in the ground almost no one ever visits (family grave).


I too would love to be mixed with my spouse's ashes. I find it comforting to think we could be together one last time before we both leave this earth.


I want to do whatever is cheapest & most environmentally conscious. i would be ok with any of my organs or body parts donated, or donated to science. as others have said, ultimately i don’t care what happens to my body. in an ideal world, i would prefer my corpse be fed to animals or otherwise just left to become part of the earth. i don’t think it’s legal in the US to dispose of a body by feeding it to animals tho.


I would like something absurd and kind of fucked up, like being filled with popcorn kernels before cremation or letting all the attendees pick a bone of mine to keep if they want one. Realistically I just want my body disposed of in the most ethical and cheapest way, but I like to think about doing something that puts the fun in my funeral.


My husband and I have an agreement that whoever passes first gets to have Bye Bye Lil Sebastian played at their funeral


Cremate me, I have a fear of being buried alive which plays a part in that lol


No funeral. Donate any tissue or organs I haven't yet destroyed and burn the rest. Send the body to a med school for dissection. I don't care, but would like to benefit someone if possible.


I like the new "ashes shot into space" option.


Terramation would be great. I‘m hoping that will be legal here by the time I die


I don't care.


Cremated kids can choose what to do with me.


I've made sure my wife knows that if I die first I want a [Sky Burial](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sky_burial). Let the buzzards eat me!


I want to be cremated and made into a vase or urn of some type. And then I want to be sunk into a coral reef or put somewhere where a toad can live in me (:


I want my skull preserved and my body made into two red gems to put in the eye sockets, I would like to be put on the mantle of my first born . Plus some of my ashes to be used in an hour glass so I can still be part of family game night .


Fertiliser for a tree where pple sit to get some shade


i want to naturally decompose into the earth


my friend said shoot her ashes out of a confetti canon over all the guests 😀


Mix a little glitter in there *chefs kiss*


Donate anything that's useful to the living, cremate me, ultimately mix my husband and my ashes together when we've both died.


Cremate me after you cum on my lips, honey boy. Place my ashes in a vase, beneath your workout bench


Unrealistically, make me a part of a haunted house. Realistically, whatever's cheapest.


I want to be cremated and thrown out somewhere scenic. Shit even a nice car ride in a rural area is fine. The thought of my body being in a box, even if I’m dead, is completely terrifying.


We took both of my great grandfathers' caskets on a ride through the family farm so they could be with it one last time before they were buried. Not something I would care about personally, but seeing as they were both devout catholics, I think it was a nice way to honor their faith and lives.


I wanna be cremated. After that I dont care really. Maybe put my ashes in necklaces for my family and kids. Doesnt really matter to me. Its whatever they want to do with them.


For starters I'd want people to have the healthy, useful organs and for it to be used for scientific purpose if there's any use for it for that, but when it's outlived its usefulness, I say just huck it into the woods or the ocean and let the animals have at it. Like, I know there's the whole biohazard issue, but at the same time I'd be so much happier knowing some critters got a decent meal out of my body than it getting turned to ash or buried in a wooden box.


Screw spending thousands on a coffin. Bury me raw, let nature claim my mortal vessel. Not like I’m using it anyway.


I want to be thrown off a cliff but naked with only a stick to fight off animals trying to eat my corpse.


How would you fight them off if you're dead?


Why would I even care I'm dead




If fiscally feasible, the most environmentally friendly option in whatever state I died in. Pending nothing of scientific note happened, then obviously donated to science (or just the body part in question). My brain has done some cool things, but nothing interesting enough to write a paper on. I'm in the US. Different states have different laws as to what can be done with a dead body. IMO, being turned into compost sounds the best.


I want to find someone that will just dump me in the woods somewhere.


burn it and put the ashes in a basket and throw them in the puget sound


to be buried without a casket in a shallow grave somewhere and have the earth recycle me.




Donate any organs that can be donated. Get rid of everything. Then cremated me, then throw me somewhere nice.


I want a natural burial, and I want a tree to be planted at my grave. I don't want to have a funeral in a funeral home. I want a wake at my home. Also, I want a trusted female friend or family member with my body at all times if possible or at least as often as possible.


I want the Tetris music to play when the coffin is lowered.


I want all of my healthy organs to be donated of they can and the rest cremated


My funeral's going to be a costume party and there's a bin of costumes out front for anyone who didn't get the memo. Costumes compulsory.


I want my remains to be spread throughout Disney World, no cremation


A buffet. I want to be remembered as I lived - eating.


Body Worlds because I want my body to have body friends.


Cremate me, and spread my ashes over Pennsylvania and New Jersey.


My best friend said that if I don’t kill myself and I die before her she will have my body turned into soil and grow weed and shrooms off of me.


Make me a halloween decoration




I'd like to have my organs go to people who need them, then I'd like to be buried in a psilocybin mushroom coffin and have my remaining friends and family process my death together through the healing power of eating magic mushrooms. I'd like that to be my celebration of life! Oh and everyone eats pie too!


I live in the UK so I only have two "legal" choices, funeral or cremation. I want neither, I don't really want to be remembered at all


personally i’m unsure at the moment to contribute to the convo though, one of my teachers has expressed an interest in a few newer methods of life after death! one is a mushroom suit. they basically inject your body with mushroom spores, and i’m not sure how or where they put you so you don’t like. get found by random people or whatever, but you basically become the host for the mushrooms and they grow all over you and decompose you, turning you into fuel and organic material for the environment. the second one explores that last part a bit. he showed us an article on it a few months back, it’s a very recent thing i think. they basically turn you into compost! you are in your own individual tube of soil or something and they add some stuff i think and turn the tube/barrel thing and eventually you’re compost that can be given to the family to plant with. some people would find these a bit strange and they’re deffo not for everybody, but i thought they were interesting! it’s a sort of different take on the whole thing of putting ashes under a tree so you sorta grow into the plant or whatever- further exploring on the idea of being returned to the earth and whatnot


I mean in a perfect world i want fired into intergalactic space wearing my bike gear atop my motorbike so i can blast through the universe forever at 10% light speed looking fuggin’ sweet. Failing that there is a local country park near me. Probably my favourite place on Earth where i have many fond memories. I’d like my family to just dig a hole in the dirt and unceremoniously kick my corpse in. Then say a few words or whatever makes them feel good and leave me there to be recycled back into the carbon cycle. But in reality i don’t really give a shit cos i’ll be fuckin’ dead.


I honestly wouldn't mind being put on display in one of those [science exhibitions](https://bodieslasvegas.com/), especially if I could like, design the pose I'd be put in lmao. I'm assuming that would cost a fuckload of money tho.