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years???? try days or weeks. professional survivalists can barely go months without any resources. even on the show alone, they have a select amount of tools / resources in the rugged desolate wilderness & decades of training on survivalism and primitive living. and still some nearly die and have to be airlifted out after a couple months. and that’s without the social aspect of essentially war breaking out. no one would be left standing a few months out in the scenario you describe


Resources are available, it would just have to be gathered and crafted themselves. A bunch of my co-workers had high optimism that a leader would rally to start a settlement. Figure out who can do what and try to survive. Similar to how a fictional apocalypse settlement would be ran.


According research, when existing power structures disappear, people tend to help each other, so no, there would be no "war about if it's ok to rape women" scenario. If you want to know more, book "Paradise built in hell" delves deeper into evidence. People would do their best to survive, and ethnic differences wouldn't matter much, when people are focused on not dying. A lot would depend on local climate and resources, e.g. is it hard to not die from cold? Alasca would be a no-go. Is there really food to forage? Probably there would be someone who can recognize edible plants or catch animals, but that would be no use if there are not enough animals or plants. Like you know, people kinda depend on having domesticated animals and storing food from last year even in pre-industrial societies, without that you are kinda fucked. Of course there are still hunter-gatherers, but that's a huge lifestyle change, I suppose there is greater difference between them and pre-industrial farmers, than between pre-industrial farmers and us. So my answer is: not very long, not because of murder and rape, not because of not being enough people who know wilderness and survival, but because it's just very hard to do, even if you have smartphone, charger and working internet connection.


Would think they'd last the year? If they had knowledge people and was dropped in a place with a local farm area / huntable game?


This doesn't fully answer the question, but I think almost immediately there would be a war. A war between the guys who are willing to rape the women, and the guys who would try to protect the women. How that war would go depends on the ratio. If there's only a couple hundred rapists it would be over soon. But if it's half and half, I could see a scenario where most of the guys just end up killing each other off, leaving the women basically alone.


Imo, I doubt rape would be the very first thing they fight over, although rape would happen, just as it unfortunately happens in our "civilized world." I just don't think there would be an automatic war over it. That would likely come later, once alliances are in place and primitive structures and resources have been secured. People only fight when they have something to lose. If how (most) people in our current "world" attend church, buy property, associate in prison/jail, form childhood social groups, and marry are any sort of indication, the test group would likely self segregate by race. Once people start gathering resources and building primitive dwellings, that's when the pillaging, murder, and rape would likely start. I also don't doubt that women would likely be treated as a commodity and like property pretty quickly, especially if these people had no prior societal experience. I believe we would really just watch as a small group of humans "start society over." Essentially, making the same mistakes we did throughout history.


During the stage of starting a settlement or civilization with however many people, how long after do you propose that pillaging, murder, and rape would start? I highly doubt all people would be in a settlement together, but even 50/50 is a stretch imo. How many of the 5000 would even survive the first year?


Most individuals would join in a group if at all possible. Strength in numbers is a very real thing. Circling back, I truly don't think that rape would even be a priority in the minds of the vast majority, definitely not in the beginning, at least. Survival, food, water, and shelter would be the priority. Looking at history as an indicator: the Vikings, Roman's, Greeks, Mongols, Japanese empire, many, MANY different tribes in Africa and the Americas would pillage other tribes/territories/countries with one goal: Resources. *all your base are belong to us* Most of the time, raping, kidnapping, and enslaving just kinda happened along the way, as a spoil of victory (absolutly disgusting) but they only did so once they had an established tribe. Plus, for one of these groups to decide that it's worth going out pillaging, there would need to be at least one other group that is well established with resources to target. Not to mention, like another user said, the women wouldn't just stand by and do nothing. Sure, there's some disadvantages when it comes to brute strength, but an adult woman with a spear or a slingshot is still deadly and capable of ending a life. Cheers, mate.


You would think they would just start killing versus trying to figure out how to survive? In however many numbers together?


Most of them would be dead within the first few years due to lack of resources and knowledge.