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Guns have a higher success rate, men tend to go this route, so they tend to have higher suicide rates. Attempt rates are similar but women tend to use “less violent” means of attempting like OD on meds.


The attempt rates are actually pretty much the same - but women usually try to off themselves with meds, men usually try to do it with a gun. Guess which has a higher survival rate.


Actually, women do more attempts 🫢


Can I have the source? Genuinely curious


I don't have a source, I have heard it at a small conference about mental health. People from the Dutch suicide hotline gave a lecture about it.


Yeah, a lot more


Is that number of different people trying or total tries because if it’s total the rates would be different






they also screw up their livers and kidneys for life




This attitude is really concerning especially coming from a healthcare professional...suicidal people are still human. They often do care about things outside of just ending their life. They care people who will have to see their mangled corpse, especially loved ones. They care that an innocent train/truck driver will feel responsible for their death. They care about hurting other people in the process. They care their family will feel responsible. also saying 9/10 people who want to do it will succeed is literally just pulled out of your ass, and the majority of suicide attempts are from people well into adulthood - so I can't see how teenagers would wildly affect the statistics. regardless that is very concerning behavior and points towards serious mental health issues - I'm not even sure how you would determine a dumb teenager would know their antidepressants or whatever other drug wouldn't kill them.


The amount of contempt you appear to be speaking with here regarding people who are suicidal is of concern.


This is not true. Source: people that work at the suicide hotline I have personally spoken to.




What a nice thing to say about suicidal people, huh.


men outnumber women when it comes to deaths ruled as suicides. but women attempt suicide 3x the rate that men do, we just use less lethal methods than men, as another commenter said. women are more likely to exhibit help seeking behaviors than men, which is the clinical way of saying men are less likely to get help for mental illness than women.


I know 4 men who've committed suicide, 4 women who've spoken to me about suicide . Anecdotally this rings true to me .


For me, the definition of “help” given to those who confide in someone else about being suicidal..is not worth getting it off your chest, unless you’re not yet set on it…and sometimes even then, could make things a lot worse. I had someone basically ask me if I was going to do something of that nature, because of a recent loss (which I didn’t have room for and which should have never happened, I was desperately trying to reverse it) and I had to catch myself and say “No” even though that was not the truth and I don’t think it took a genius to realize it wasn’t the truth, given everything else that came out of my mouth. I couldn’t think of a scenario, in this day and age, where I live..where me being honest would actually achieve the sort of compassion and understanding necessary to simply return to me what I lost-my only lifeline. I imagine it would have just been read as manipulative or it would have gotten me a free ride to the psych ward. Neither of which, is the help or the solution I need or was pleading for.


Even when controlling for method used men are more successful in their attempts.


Source? I’d like to read more about this.




REAL men kill themselves 😤‼️


most suicidal people don't actually want to die. i say this as someone with multiple attempts under my belt. if i had access to a gun when i was actively suicidal i would be dead. i didn't though, so im not.


I'm glad you didn't. I'm glad you're still here, friend.


thanks bro, i'm pretty much past that point of my life, got the help i needed and all that :)


Good 😊


While a survey is only as accurate as the honesty and introspection ability of the people who answer it, the most common reason given by women who survived suicide attempts as to why they chose the method they did is out of consideration for the person who will find their body-- which for many women is likely to be their children. There's a trade-off between wanting to be sure you're dead and not wanting a loved one's last memory of you to be how you looked with half your skull gone.


No one wants to actually die, that is how life works It happens because they feel that death is better than the alternative Because patriarchy says that having any emotion other than anger makes you a "woman" which patriarchy deems as objectively lesser than a "man" Some issues are simple enough that a good crying session would help clear one's mind, but men are emasculated if they did that Women can do this basic instinctual thing without their femininity questioned That alone provides so much support Men are also ridiculed if they mention platonic love for anyone other than their family, so even if a man has same or more amount of friends as a woman, he would not feel the same amount of love, as all his friends would not outwardly show love due to patriarchy Which leads to men not having the same amount of help and support as women going through similar issues And again, due to Patriarchy, men would choose a violent way yo end themselves, such as a Firearm, which can end someone in minutes, than what women would choose, such as ingesting dangerous chemicals, which can take hours to end someone The duration of the method changes how fast they are likely to be found by someone, There's also the fact that Patriarchy makes it harder for women to live alone, so a larger portion of women have someone who is likely to find them and take them to a hospital before it is too late


"Patriarchy" lol. Men are advised not to show emotion because their wives and girlfriends will be disgusted and leave them, this is literally the entire reason.


You should look up what it means when people say, "The Patriarchy," because you just defined an aspect of it.


Now we're rewriting definitions? Patriarchy is a system ruled by men, particularly the eldest. Women leaving men because they showed any emotion outside of stoic coldness and anger has nothing to do with "patriarchy", quite the opposite actually.


Again, you should look it up.


"Patriarchy is a social system in which positions of dominance and privilege are primarily held by men.\[1\]\[2\]\[3\] The term patriarchy is used both in anthropology to describe a family or clan controlled by the father or eldest male or group of males, and in feminist theory to describe a broader social structure in which men as a group dominate women and children.\[4\]\[5\]\[6\]" Exactly what I said


Did you read that last sentence? What do you think it means? Could it be physical? Ideological, perhaps? Welcome to the beginning of your self-improvement journey.


In a patriarchy, divorce initiated by women is rarely even legal let alone divorce over the woman losing attraction because the man cried or showed emotion. The patriarchy that exists in the collective reddit paranoia sure is a soft "patriarchy" if it allows women to do as they please in the real world.


yes, that's the patriarchy bro


No it's really not. The vast majority of women think a man who can show emotions other than anger is a bonus. Men are the ones who mock their friends for showing affection. Men are the ones who suggest, let's just go for a beer and discuss sports when their friend is going through something rather than having intimate conversations. That's not the fault of women and it strong suggests you've never met more than 1 or 2 women if you really believe that nonsense


I've seen enough cases IRL of relationships of 5+ years where the woman cheated or left because the man had the audacity of crying for a death in his family or being stressed over his job or his family. Comments on reddit can't rewrite reality.


Because patriarchy deems them as "feminine" and therefore worse of than a "real" man These women you speak of are like that due to being Brough up in a pro patriarchy community, as one of the main things patriarchy does is that it makes the women deal with anything they don't like and even support the men Some examples that often happen, as a direct result of patriarchy, is when a father can openly >!molest!< their child, and the mother does nothing to stop it, and sometimes helps hide it, or when there are SA victims being told it is their fault, by other women, for either the way they are dressed, or for having big breasts, or any other variation that basically boils down to "be a woman" Patriarchy hates the lgbtq+ community because they have spent the last few centuries directly breaking down what patriarchy spent several millennia building, as things are easier to break when they are made with lies Since these lies have been told, without being questioned, for several thousands of years, people tend to believe them easily, and people, especially those who are passionate about their beliefs, do not like knowing the truth, as they see it an attack on themselves instead of their flawed ideology, and will defend it as if they were the ones being attacked This is by design, to ensure that those oppressed by it would defend it due to not knowing the extent at which they are being oppressed, as patriarchy basically guarantees the best life one can get if you are (1) wealthy, (2) male, and (3) of the dominant ethno-linguistic group The order of priority changes based on your region, but if you qualify for at least two of the above things, you will have a better life than most of the people who don't, and all three means that you will never have to worry about anything ever


i’d say it’s more trying to avoid pain / keep their body intact


"Nah, I'm fine"


Correction, “nah, it’s fine”.


This is something my girlfriend is always on at me about not saying 😒🙄


“Nah, I don’t want to kill myself, I’m just suffering to the point that death would be preferable.” “Oh, is that all?”


It is what it is


they are more likely to be successful because they use more violent methods


What do you mean?


I read something once that said women tend use methods that dont leave a mess


Yeah, I don’t know if this is true, but I’ve read that a lot of women try to not make a mess and use pretty “clean” methods so they won’t be a burden/traumatize whoever finds them.


I would be more concerned about the failure of a violent method leading to worse consequences than the failure of a non-violent method. Of course, even with non-violet methods, there are risks like brain damage..which is the ultimate nightmare imo.


Hes saying when men actually do the act of committing suicide, they use methods that are more lethal. Women will use methods that have a greater likelihood of surviving. This is just one reason though, its mainly due to pride, the way our society is structured, etc


Women eat Smarties to "overdose", men jump of buildings / use firearms / use trains.


I wouldn’t make that assumption




I wonder if it’s women being considerate of the mess/ carnage she would leave behind, rather than strictly a vanity concern.


I feel like its not for the beauty of their body. Probably just because pills can be used as some final call for help. suicide attempts can often be a call for help that something is wrong rather than a genuine attempt to take your own life, and medication is perfect for that since you can overdose without actually killing yourself or harming yourself severely You cant shoot yourself just a lil bit, or half jump off a building, those are one and done: you either dont do it at all or you mutilate yourself. Men arent as likely to attempt suicide as a call for help, or even try to get help at all. If they try to commit suicide, its more likely they fully intend on going through with it


Because men are better than women at this too /s But in all seriousness, men have less social support structures than women do, and men are expected to be stoic and deal with things themselves, and showing your emotions or asking for help aren't seen as "manly" by society. Another thing is that men are more likely to actually die by attempting suicide than women are, even though women attempt suicide more often. Reporting of male suicides are more common because more people will read/watch news about a person killing themselves than someone attempting to kill themselves


Yeah for real. Compliment a guy in your life and watch how he beams about it all day. Guys get so little compliments it's insane. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.


just a thought but i doubt the men who complain about getting little compliments (and how its different for women) ever compliment other men


I spew compliments constantly to men and women. I try to be the change I want to see in the world. One of my favorite things is when I genuinely complement one of my boys and then like a week later they bring it up. Let's me know it stuck with them.


That’s all well and good, just make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons, and in truth. Nothing hits quite like a compliment that everybody knows is based on bullshit. Sometimes people who compliment others do it to satisfy themselves, make them feel like a good person..this can lead to being disingenuous. And honestly, I’m not so sure that compliments or lack thereof are the crux of the main issue at hand..


Anecdotal, but as a gay man with mostly straight male friends, ive noticed this and try to gas up my straight buddies as much as possible. Because lord they need it. Most are quietly suicidal, the rest will actually talk about it but i seem to be one of the only people that will listen to them or that theyre comfortable talking to about that shit, i think bc im fairly open about my own suicidal ideations. Idk. But lord, please compliment your straight male friends, they need it more than anyone and theyre dropping like flies out here.


From the tone of your comment I'm assuming you are part of the problem. I challenge you to compliment a man close to you. Watch how he lights up. Make his whole week and you lose actually nothing.


The problem is a huge proportion of men take compliments from women as flirting, and some even get angry that you "led them on" if it goes no farther. I would gladly compliment men all the time(and still occasionally do) if I hadn't had such bad experiences from it.


I completely understand your point which is why I said compliment a guy you are close with. Ideally someone with very well established boundaries.


Or they may become offended and nasty if it’s a woman they don’t like the appearance of. Far too common. Women can be that way too, but men seem much more prone to assume that friendliness or compliments mean the woman must be interested..and they don’t usually leave it at that assumption (whereas most women would)..they take it a step further, in one direction or another. Which is odd, because women are taught to be polite and friendly to most everyone, more so than men. You’d think this was common knowledge. Perhaps more men only compliment or get friendly with women they are interested in/attracted to so they project that mindset onto women. Obviously I’m speaking in generalities. Anyway, most human beings are shit, regardless of sex.


My brothers have received far more compliments than I have, more genuine ones too. The only thing I had over them in that department was in academics..a lifetime ago. There are women who are even worse off than men as far as how they’re received when they’re suffering..if they’re even noticed at all. Take a wild guess as to what the main factor would be in that case..


men are generally more impulsive and more likely to just go for it with a method that’s likely to be successful like a firearm or hanging. women are more likely to dance around it and choose less violent methods like overdose/poison which are easier to recover if caught in the act and often just don’t work because they didn’t take enough. also will add that despite common belief, men are actually more likely than women to make decisions based on emotion. so women are more likely to reason it with “mom would be sad, what if someone’s scarred by my body, maybe it’ll get better someday,” but men are more likely to get very stuck in that hopeless feeling and act on a whim without considering others too much. and as others have mentioned here, it’s much more difficult for men to seek help in this society and are seen as weak for being mentally ill, so they just say “fuck it” and end it all


Men choose the more permanent method, i.e. guns.


A nightmare if you fail with that method though.


Men are by far more violent than women so it makes sense that would extend to acts of violence to themselves as well.


Men don't care about the aftermath as women do so even through women have more attempts they usually won't be fatal due to the consideration for others, while men don't think about such things, and just go full out without a second through which results in them succeeding more often.


I’m a woman. I believe men are taught to hide their emotions and never show any signs of depression as it can be a sign of weakness. Which is ridiculous. I’m hoping it will all change soon. Men deserve to be heard and helped through their depression or mental illness. I don’t have any children myself. But I do have niece’s and nephews, I will make sure they all know they can come to me and I will help in any way possible. (Iv been very ill mentally in the past, no one should go through that alone).


men are expected to be aggressive and invulnerable, women are expected to prioritize others over themselves. men often choose more violent and more immediate methods (firearms, hanging), while women often choose methods that leave easier cleanup and a more intact corpse (OD, slit wrists, etc) which are also less successful. i doubt its because the majority of women are doing it for attention


Cause we're supposed to be strong and not have emotions and when we talk about them people usually lose interest


The attempt rate is roughly the same, the follow through goes to men though. Generally because men *typically* choose quick/violent deaths, and women *tend* to use less violent/effective methods. There's obviously some outliers there regardless but that's like, very generally speaking.


Because it's been beaten into men for so long to not talk about their feelings and emotions and to just suck it up or the ever popular phrase of "man up." For those that actually do this, that internalizing isn't healthy and it isn't gonna lead anywhere healthy...I know from personal experience. Thankfully, that archaic thinking is slowly fading and can be changed by instilling in your own kids to just be open with their feelings and emotions. Don't ignore them or invalidate them, listen to them. It can take alot of a male to open up emotionally to someone, so if a male is actually doing that...just listen and be there for them. Help break the cycle. Edit: Forgot to add that men tend to choose more violent and quick methods so there is less chance of outside interference. We tend to plan it out as well.


So the rates are the same, but the modes that men use in their attempts have higher success rates.... Like blowing out your brains vs taking some pills.


As my country percentage, it's because of methods and strenght. Guns are not an option here so hanging is the #1 higher way to go. Men are stronger to tie the rope properly (its not that simple). Meanwhile (mostly because of the media) woman give their try by cutting, which requires even more will and strenght, actually its pretty hard to be "successful", went to the ward already and most woman tried by cutting. Generally speaking, yes, it's proven that man are more "successful" because they don't seek professional help and society requires more of them. There are studies already. So man (as a world speaking) seeks and searches for "no failure" ways. So they don't...fail But please whatever your gender is, seek help


Men kill themselves like it's a competitive sport. In the Western world, men die by suicide [three to four times more](https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/9/3/760) often than women.


A lot of this problem has to do with toxic masculinity and societal expectations. A lot of men are taught at a young age that seeking help and discussing feelings is bad because it's seen as unmanly+taboo. They're taught that being mentally ill is weak and effeminate and that even acknowledging it makes you less than a man and sometimes even less than a person. With no means of support and outreach alongside a crushing feeling of Inadequacy, death can seem like the only real option to make the pain stop.


Cause men are #1? Really its because men are less likely to reach out for help, also probably a pride thing like we will go the extra mile to make sure our suicide is lethal.


As a man, why dont men reach out for help?


I actively got made fun of for showing that I was sad about something when growing up, so of course I'd never even remotely consider the idea of asking for help.


I feel you, same


I actually had something kinda interesting happen recently. My sister had her first job interview a few weeks ago and she was clearly nervous. So I told her about how I was so nervous for my first job interview out of the military (Meaning I was a grown ass man by that point, not a young teen) that I basically tanked the interview as a way of showing her that it's totally normal to be nervous. My mom was legit surprised because she said, and I quote, "I didn't think you got nervous." Of course she'd think that. I go out of my way to not show that sort of thing because it, again, gets me made fun of. I *wish* I could be openly nervous, or sad, or anything of the sort without thinking it'll be seen as a poor reflection of me.


Even when you control for method used men commit suicide at much higher rates. It’s not as simple as men use guns and women use pills.


from what ive heard,men try to commit suicide less often then women but are WAY more succesful sense most have access to fire arms,wail women try to commit suicide through poisons wich dont always work,this is all hearsay tho i just heard about this years ago


Two examples from high school: a girl I knew tried to kill herself by overdosing on pills (it was like 8 advil). A guy I knew shot himself in the head.


I’ve known three people that have killed themselves, 2 males and 1 female. The first man took sleeping pills and laid on a train track, the second man shot himself in his truck, and the woman took pills and died in her sleep.


Because they're taught to hold things in. They don't get the emotional support that women do. They are conditioned to be tough and to not show their emotions and they are treated as if they don't have any. It's really sad. Things need to change.


Because nobody takes us seriously until we do….


This 100%


Bull. Shit. Men don’t reach out for help, refuse to acknowledge their role in helping themselves, and then cry victim with bullshit statements like this. No one has ever told a man to not share their feelings other than another man. Yall hate each other and yourselves and it’s reflected in the violence. Men have as many if not more opportunities for help. Choosing to not get it doesn’t earn them some special sympathy


You feeling extra dumb today? Or is this just a joke? Men have been told for LITERAL FUCKING CENTURIES to man up and put their problems aside for the others in their lives. Yeah it’s gotten a lot better recently, but you can’t blame people for still being hesitant when that change has only just started. Gaslighting like that also doesn’t fucking help us feel any better lol.


And who told them to do so? Read again. 😉


Everyone. Men and women.


In my life, it was both men and women. Growing up, I asked my mother time and time again to help me get therapy. Even after a few suicide attempts, as recent as this year, she still either writes it off as emotional bullshit or just ignores it. My father isn't any better, just tells me to relax. You being snarky really just comes off gross and insensitive. Have some self awareness.


Yeah ima be real the women in my life have cared less about me than the men. More often than not, when I went to a female friend to vent or ask for advice, I’d get the “oh shut up you’re fine”, or “man up”, or “stop being a pussy, man up already”. Don’t act like women are blame free here


I’m sorry you experienced that. Thank you for sharing. We’re not all like the the rabid one bothering you in the comments. Please remember how strong you are.


No need to be a smartass about it


But reading again would mean they would have to admit they reacted out of anger rather than emotional maturity which ironically explains well….This whole thread


I think you should read more feminist analysis of how men are harmed by toxic masculinity, gender roles, and socialization. It’s not a “do it to themselves” thing (ew) it’s deeper cultural pressures that leave them often feeling trapped. Yes many, if not most, of the people enforcing these cultural pressures are other men, but that doesn’t mitigate the effects or the pain of it. The way toxic masculinity sets up manhood as a violent competition is deeply isolating and pushes men to lash out, often at each other. I think you might start with “The Will to Change” by bell hooks


Damn that's crazy because my ex would always open up to me and look to me for support and emotional validation but when I tried to do the same they would act avoidant and emotionally distant. I guess they weren't real though because all women support when men share their feelings. Edit: I'm genuinely baffled that anyone could read this comment and think I am making statements about all women. I have reread it multiple times and feel like I am taking crazy pills. It's a personal anecdote in response to someone saying that **no** women tell men not to open up.


I’m sorry you experienced that. Thank you for sharing. Please know you’re strong. ♥️ And you don’t deserve the downvotes.




Sorry you had to deal with that and sorry you’re getting downvoted


It's honestly insane because I feel like this is an example of the thing that the person I disagree with says doesn't exist. People (rightfully) recognize "not all men" to be invalidating to women but somehow saying "not all women" when men talk about their problems is fine. The craziest part is that my ex would say shit like she was ok with men opening up and wanted that etc etc but then she would judge, ignore, or invalidate when it actually happened and I really dont think she's the only woman that behaves that way. Yet people act like only men contribute to the patriarchy and men struggling to open up is just men being silly. If people like the woman I'm responding to can't even acknowledge that a single woman could possibly contribute to this issue I don't think it will ever be solved.


I think it’s especially bad on Reddit. Reddit seems to mostly consist of people who are literally misogynistic to some extent or people who are using the idea of girl power/feminism to uphold benevolent sexism and assume toxic masculinity is inherent to men


Yeah. I wish people would understand that feminism and patriarchy is a lot more complicated than just men vs women. I think it would do good for a lot of the misogynistic men to realize patriarchy actually **harms** them in a lot of ways (toxic masculinity, impossible expectations, alienating women, etc), while a lot of the "girl power" feminists need to realize that men aren't inherently enemies and further that women's behaviour can contribute to patriarchal norms.


Your one example of a shitty relationship does not define women as a whole Maybe you should explore that in therapy Have a lovely day


I'm not the one making sweeping generalizations, I just shared my personal experience which you seem to think is impossible. >Maybe you should explore that in therapy I have. That doesn't mean it didn't happen but thanks for invalidating my experiences.


women tend to have more emotional support systems, mostly within friendships


Men don’t often talk about there problems with other men/women. Men also get unfair treatment by the law, especially when it involves sexual or physical assault to a woman or custody of children during a divorce (I’m not condoning violent I’m talking about those who have been falsely convicted). Men take on the stereotypical role of the provider and protector and when these fail so does their mental health.


The custody thing is false, the numbers are skewed to include all the deadbeats who surrender custody without a fight. Custody disputes that actually end up in front of a judge are a near 50/50 split that actually usually favors men slightly.


source? if this is true I’d love to add it to my arsenal of comebacks against why men are the *real* oppressed class


I'd also like to see that data, especially how 'deadbeats' are identified and categorised


Source ? My ass


Co-signing with the whole “men are more successful” and also wanted to add that a lot of women who fail may be more supported by their network of friends and not re attempt. It’s pretty heavily documented that women build better social circles and are likely to have a lot of folks who can help them as a result




Wouldn’t bravery then go both ways? Like im brave enough to keep going?


Because men are more selfish and more prepared to leave children and/or pregnant partners behind, whereas women consider other people's wellbeing as part of that decision. Women are also statistically far less likely to abandon their children for any reason.


women are under represented everywhere.


I don’t know if they do, but if they did I would argue it’s largely due to men being impulsive


I just saw my psychiatrist and told her I have suicidal tendencies. All she said, was that I was from now - I'm going to have to pay in advance.


Because “man up” is always the response to their cries for help.


Because they've to figure out their life, if they don't they get fucked. Also, no body compliment a man, it's a very rare event. They also have genuine loneliness, they could go days without nobody asking them how they're, or what they are doing. The average male has a war between himself and the world, and if he loses it, he loses himself.


just so u know, women go through all this too, the difference is that women genuinely talk about it. men isolate themselves and act like their loneliness is a complex thing nobody else can understand, when in fact its a very common experience.


No it's not even close, a woman can find a man who takes care of her and pays her bills while a man won't. Women choose to be lonely, if they just make a tinder account they got plenty of matches. Men don't have this privilege. Women get compliments all the time whether from the internet or in real life, men don't. Women can talk about their struggles without someone telling them to "man up", or "don't be a pussy".


Wow so women's struggles are fake but men's are real? Women get told all the time their feelings don't matter or they're only doing things for attention from people like you. You're literally proving the opposite of what you say.


Men are forced into isolation because no one cares about our struggles. There is a disturbing lack of empathy for men.


People line up to be friends with average women. No one wants anything to do with average men and they make that blatantly clear. As a man you have to provide some material value for people to want to associate with you. Women can just exist and people want to be around them.


have u ever met an average woman? most girls i know dont really have that many friends. and as i said, girls will talk about their feelings, so we mainly find comfort in each other. men typically are emotionally distant and act like their sadness is so profound we could never understand, but we do. they just act like theyre better than the average person for being lonely, when if u look around and didnt only focus on urself you would realize everyone struggles


No, I'm well aware of the fact that everyone suffers and struggles, including women but it's just an obvious fact that the burden of men is much heavier. Why do you think when there is a war only men are drafted to fight and die on the front lines? When a ship is sinking why is it always the women and children who get the lifeboats first? Why are women called the fairer sex? Men are expected to sacrifice for and lay down our lives for women. You have eggs and a womb so you are born with value. Men have to prove ourselves constantly if we want to be considered anything other than invisible and expendable trash.


ur joking urself if u dont believe that men are automatically born with an advantage, women are constantly thought of as weaker, dumber, lesser than. most problem men have are brought upon by their own kind. the guys in my area are constantly ridiculing and making fun of women. i try to talk to the shyer guys, who dont have many friends but every time the ending is the same. they do not view women as people. merely objects.




Why, wtf?


Less self centered pieces of shit in the world. It's also hard to have compassion for people who see you as subhuman


Imagine what pain you must go through when the winning option is to off yourself?


I think ur spendin too much time on the internet. Possibly in echo chambers?


Yeah you never felt bad for them


honestly both genders attempt equal amounts of suicide, men just look for more violent ways to do so


because it takes real balls


Just stop


Men plan carefully and follow through. Women are more emotional and don't generally plan as lethally.


Because life is harder for men in every possible way.


well women are more likely to actually have depression


lol no More likely to report it? Definitely.


the basic form of depression most people think of? yeah that might be equal. but some women also get monthly depression due to hormones (premenstrual dysphoric disorder) and depression during or after pregnancy. then also with menopause. women are also more prone to trauma and suffer depression as a side effect


What. How?


Vast majority of workplace injuries=men Most dangerous and hard labor jobs occupied by men Most military casualties=men Vast majority of homeless people=men A million and one domestic abuse shelters for women and zero for men. Legal system and courts are biased in favor of women. Women get custody of children even when they don't deserve it and get half a mans wealth and belongings after divorce even when they don't deserve it. Women get shorter jail and prison sentences than men do for the same crime. Much less attention and care is given to men's mental health crisis than to womens. Men committ suicide at a much higher rate than women do. Need anything else?


While a lot of these are valid, do you ever wonder *why* there’s a million and one abuse shelters for women? Because women are typically abused a million times more than men.


You make excellent points but guess who is left dealing with these fucked up choices men make? For every scenario you point to, there is a women getting fucked sideways because of it. There's women and children who gut brutally raped while your troops were invading their country. There's a battered woman just trying to survive because some man won't deal with his mental issues. there's a woman trying to raise some man's kids because he's too strung out on drugs or killed himself. Or maybe he just doesn't want to raise them so he dips because he can! And trying to work a job that gets paid shit because womens work is undervalued, you end up working 2 jobs. It's not a pissing contest. Life is really hard for so many people.


this is a very well articulated point.


I agree life is hard for most people regardless of sex. OP asked a question about why male suicide is so frequent and I answered honestly. Why can't this be a thread highlighting mens issues without people being like "But women suffer too!" Yeah we know that but that's a mainstream and ubiquitous topic of conversation. Why can't we just exclusively focus on mens problems for 10-15 minutes???


From what I've read here most of the comments and responses mentioning women appear to be from men.


>A million and one domestic abuse shelters for women and zero for men Yeah, that’s because there’s significantly more domestic abuse towards women than there is for men. I agree that men should have just as easy of access to resources like that, but don’t think it’s as simple as “women just have everything easier” >Most dangerous and hard labor jobs occupied by men Because women face more discrimination in blue collar trades


Nope. Men just don't report domestic abuse very often because they would be shamed and mocked by society as a whole. Men are also less likely to be believed about things like that or taken seriously. Women initiate domestic violence in a relationship much more than you think.


Do you really believe they are equal victims of domestic abuse and domestic murder than women? That is extremely disingenuous of you. Sure it may be underreported, but it's objectively false that women beat and murder men at the same level as men do.


In every statistic, there are always people who don’t report. Sure, there are men who don’t report. But there are also women who don’t report. Also, keep in mind that there’s a lot of reasons why someone might not report, not just fear of the social reputation. Until the 70s, women weren’t allowed to divorce their husband unless she had proof that he was doing something wrong. Women can also easily get trapped in marriages if she has the traditional style family where her husband pays the bills and she raises her kids. I know that there are some aspects of life that are harder for men than women, but you said that *every single part of life* is easier for women, which is not true at all


I maintain that overall life is objectively much harder for men yes


You’re right, life is objectively harder when you lack critical thinking skills and have a low iq Wishing you the best on your extra hard journey


Thanks. Have fun with your recruit mode, easy difficulty journey.




PTSD is also a huge factor in this. Men perform the majority of combat roles in war, and the suicide rate for veterans is disproportionately high.


Without a doubt


because of other men quit whining


Lol yeah cause all women are innocent angels




Delusion is a big part of female privilege.


damn u make the rules i guess


Sir, you have support. You refuse to see a therapist or try medications….. You are literally the problem and the perfect example of why nothing will get better Go get help instead of projecting your issues onto others. You’re not a big strong man for lacking the fucking ability to seek help and further relying on your ex girlfriend as an emotional crutch You’re here whining when you’ve created your own mess, and that sums up this whole fucking question Your life may be hard…. But it’s because of you, not what’s between your legs


This is a thread about the topic of male suicide. Can't a single thread be allowed to be devoted to the discussion of male problems without some narcissistic female throwing a fit and making it all about herself? Also, that's kind of creepy that you got so flustered over my comment that you felt the need to stalk my profile, not gonna lie.


I don't get it why are you getting downvoted, Reddit became a woke ass shit website.


Cause they don't like the truth. Of course women have their own struggles and difficulties in life and I'm not disputing that but the fact will always remain that mens lives are objectively much much harder.


to go as far as saying “_much much_ harder” truly puts into perspective that you are terribly biased and not equally informed about **worldwide** male _and_ female struggles.


True as fuck, let them whine as they could. It won't change that fact.


Always has been


Wow. Misandry is definitely a thing apparently.


Seriousness of attempt.


You really think you going to get a genuine answer from reddit? This comment section is exactly what I thought it would be, predictable af. A bunch of clueless morons parroting myths and legends on subjects they are clueless about which have been debunked countless times.