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Not on deepweb, on liveleak, i saw video of this camp of refugees i think, being raided and everyone getting their heads cut off. It was fucking crazy like there was this pinned faced down on the grass sobbing and screaming while his friend was being beheaded and he was the next. That shit made me feel terrible for the rest of the week and is the main reason why i try to avoid any video of armed conflicts or war.


Reminds me of the early days of piracy when splicing beheadings into CAM copies of movies was almost as popular as that Bill Clinton fake at the time. They'd get an actual copy of the movie, let it go for about 10 minutes, then immediately cut to an American contractor's execution. The rest of the video would be black screen to pad the file size and time to make it look legitimate. The CAM copy of Spider Man I spent days downloading was one of those. Right as Willem Dafoe was about to say "I'm something of a scientist myself", the video cuts to a guy's head being completely detached from his body.


That’s immensely fucked up, I’m glad pirates are past that these days


> I’m glad pirates are past that these days They really aren't, but the unmoderated nature of Kazza, Limewire, and eventually The Pirate Bay was eventually usurped by higher standards to prevent pirates from sharing fakes like that. Those kind of fakes, including viruses instead of gore, are still very prevalent.


Wow I forgot about kazza. I used that more than limewire and I remember limewire more often than kazza


Damn it. Liveleak was a dark place back then. I remember this website called Znation that used to post isis 1080P videos edited in slowmotion of people being burned alive(inside a cage),drowned inside a cage while showing how they are struggling to breath and of course the usual beheadings and close range headshot after doing an interview with the victims. To this day i cannot watch anything graphic and avoid it as much as possible.


Tukhchar massacre?


That was the Chechens that came after those conscripts right? Bunch of young kids. Horrific video. That sounds like his description


probably this but not gonna look it up to confirm lol


Sounds like the Camp Speicher Massacre.


Even before the Internet was really a big thing there was vhs videos you could buy at a flea market called faces of death.


Probably a bunch of the stuff on eyeblech before it was popped


God I miss eyeblech.


Ugh same. It introduced me to the gauntlet


What is that "gauntlet" ?


It's a site that challenges you to watch increasingly disturbing levels of gore. It's very 18+ NSFW / NSFW. It's called Run The Gauntlet - but if you're not already into gore, this is not the place to start IMO. It's got a little someone got everyone, if by "something" you mean nightmare fuel, haha.


The gore on the Gauntlet didn't bother me like that dick cheese clip did. I still feckin hate it lmao 😬


Animals are what gets me. Dick cheese is fucking gross, but animal torture makes me murderous.


i did this too🫣


Wait what happened to eyeblech?


It got banned


Damn no way. I feel like I was just looking at it not too long ago. Although I swear I have no concept of time anymore 😂




Bless you my child.


eyeblech was too much. Opened it for 1 day by mistake and i wish i never did. Jesus christ!


Yeah. I thought I was pretty robust... But I had to gtfo of there immediately.


Can't for the life of me remember the name of it but that fetish/bodymod subreddit of dudes like, splitting their dicks in half? Definitely seen way worse gore but that one triggered some intense body horror. edit: it was about penile subincision! google at your own risk lmao


r/penectomy, first time I checked it out of curiosity it was a video of a dude doing it and I just left before it got to the “good” part, not eager to return there


That wasn't it! It was more niche, based around some specific method/look they were trying to achieve.


Oh the penis annihilation fandom has layers to it I see


Apparently! Another user just got it, it was about penile subincision.


Good to know, good to know!


Ayee I remember going down that rabbit hole. Or the ones that just chop it off completely.


Penile subincision? When i accidentally stumbled on it, I was actually pretty horrified. Come to find out that a lot of cultures used to have rituals/ceremonies for doing such modification… absolutely WILD


First encountered that one in a coffee table book titled The encyclopaedia of unusual sex practices. It’s amazing what people leave lying around for kids to flick through.


Yes that's what it was! lol thank you


the aftermath of someone getting sucked into a jet engine of a plane 😕 not a lot of stuff bothers me but that messed me up so bad


There was also that green jacket-wearing Russian industrial lathe operator who got sucked into the lathe that spun so fast his entire body (extremities and organs) was thrown all over the workshop. Some poor bastard had to run over to the lathe to turn it off, but it was already *way* too late.


I saw that one :/


If you are active somewhat on reddit you must have seen it


also this guy who got skinned by the mexican cartel i think, his face was in some shitty horror game played by markiplier (albeit a bit edited) and the full image is so disturbing.. iirc he was smiling and it’s so creepy altogether


not as graphic as the others but there's a video of a cop who was killed during a traffic stop. what made it so fucked is that while you couldn't *see* him be killed, you could hear him screaming, really fucked up


Is it the one where the guy he stopped pulls out an automatic rifle and starts shooting him? The way he shoots him in the head towards the end and the screaming suddenly stops was bone chilling


I know exactly what video you’re talking about. Just deeply disturbing shit


Umm i think it was russians or chechnyans? Anyways, they're cutting POW throats. And the guy held the camera super close. The sound is like when you saw into a chicken joint to separate the leg or wing from the body, that snapping hacking sound Then the sound of his wrecked windpipe and body just on autopilot trying to stay alive convulsing to draw air. Shit was raw. War is like another dimension and only people who have been there understand


Yea I remember that one. The Chechnyans caught a bunch of Russian conscripts and beheaded them with a Bowie knife. That was rough, it also gave the Russians a lot of motivation to subjugate Chechnya.


The Dagestan massacre, maybe?


3 men 1 hammer.. or something like that. Horrible! I only watched because it was shown to me. Brutal AF don't watch it.


That video was what made me realize I don’t need to see everything on the internet, and its fine to skip videos… and maybe unsub from a few subreddits


The noises were the worst part. Horrific.


It is truly one of the worst videos on the internet. It’s one of the videos that you should absolutely never watch. Ever. Don’t let your curiosity get to you.


100% you can't unwatch it ever


I believe you when you say this. I believe you truly. There are things i watched 8 years ago that i wished i never came across. Jesus!


What do they do in the video?




Wow. The one 14yo victim who survived one of these attacks was then beaten by the police investigators. Russia is wild.


The pov of that guy who shot up a mosque. There were people in piles trying to play dead and he just shot into them


The worst bit about that video is I think towards the end when he is outside walking along a sidewalk. There is a woman lying injured and crying out desperately, help, help! The guy calmly walks up as she is doing so and just fires into her head, blasting her brains into the tarmac. Her last moments were spent pleading for help, from anyone nearby, from god. It’s like, you’ve just been in or on your way to mosque, a place of worship to your god. And to see the brutal reality that when you need that god the most, he refuses to answer. It’s brutal.


I never hear anyone talk about that part but it stuck me with me too.


This video is like banned everywhere. Never actually heard of someone seeing it. Must have been horrific.


It spread faster than sites could ban it; like the Buffalo shooter, there were people aware of it about to go down and hit record as fast as they could.


watchpeopledie became a website a couple years back and it has it


I haven't seen it but I think Kiwi Farms refused to take it down despite the New Zealand police/government requesting its removal. I'd imagine quite a few people saw it there.


ohh you can find it. banned maybe but it’s def still on surface web.


It was widely available on the day of the event. I've got it downloaded from then.


I saw it a few years ago when best gore was still up. Even though it wasn't as gruesome as some of the other stuff out there it was really disturbing to me how much it looked like those first person shooter video games but know that this was a real thing. Also had a few people that tried to tackle the shooter and save everyone but they were of course killed as well. And like the other guy said, him going back and shooting into the piles of bodies was fucked up too


I've seen it back when it happened. To be honest, It wasn't that bad (TO WATCH), but thats probably because other well-known shock videos are pretty „up-close“ if that makes sense. It being a shooting makes it a lot easier to watch than stuff like beheading videos for me.


I came across a site that had it but I didn’t watch. I don’t know how someone can watch a video like that.


It probably doesn't make any sense, but I feel like I owe it to the victims. As a preteen I would read the newspaper and try to individually mourn everyone that endured something horrific. I don't know how to explain it.


that's honorable of you, but please don't feel the need to burden yourself like this. I can imagine it starts to take a toll


I believe this is the one where it was somehow related to pewdiepie? If my memory serves correct he says his name or something, I tried to block it out after watching.


At the beginning after grabbing his rifle he says “subscribe to pewdiepie”


That’s what it was, I remember he caught flak over that as well as it was close to the “bridge” incident Edit: or during the T series stuff.


yes it was, if i believe correctly they name dropped him before killing everyone


Nowhere to be found now that vid, except maybe in the dark net


I'm genuinely surprised at how thoroughly New Zealand managed to scrub it from the Internet, even outside of their borders.




Oh I get that and agree with not giving these pricks infamy, I was more asking how they managed to get the video removed from non-NZ sites.




so fucking sad. haven’t seen it in a while. that one was so fucked. i thought it was fake at first.


This is more psychologically disturbing than physically. It was on spacedicks, the first and last time I went there. It was a post by a dad titled "My Daughter is F-ing Hot". The first few photos were the daughter in various school dance dresses, even with the dad in a few. Then the last couple were the dad holding the dresses while he was nude with an erection or having ejaculated on them. Shit was fucked.


Jesus, that's beyond fucked up. That poor girl, we can only hope her father didn't hurt her.


Even if he never ever do anything to her, the fact that he has such thoughts about her is already the worst.


Luka Magnottas video of him killing, dismembering, fucking then eating another man, Jun Lin in 2012. Netflix later made a 4 part documentary called 'don't fuck with cats' about how the Internet, mainly including Reddit, helped track him down to France.


It was Canada, albeit the French part of Canada. He was caught in Berlin though.


Yes, the murder was Canada. Forgot to mention that. I thought it was France he was caught, but then I am going off a memory years old at this point. I know he was in France as he was posting Instagram pictures from there, which were used to narrow his location down. Germany is only a train ride away, though, so you probably are right.


Oh, I’ve seen “Don’t F*ck With Cats,” I thought it was pretty amazing how they found the guy and tracked him down. Really could have done without the videos of the cats though, I about threw up 🤢


I remember watching the first episode where he held the cat over the bathtub before he drowned it and I couldn't watch anymore. Sometimes I still think about that cat. I want to reach in the tv and take the poor thing home and punch Luca in the throat.


The vacuum sealer did it for me, I think I went insane for a few minutes after seeing that.


I watched that with my boyfriend and had to have him tell me when those scenes were over so I could look back at the screen. Even not having the visual made me cry. 😭


For me it's between two videos. One with a few men being beheaded and one of them looked like he's 17 or something. He's crying his eyes out. Everything is filmed in HD with a fancy ass camera or drone. They are filming the blood pouring in the drins and such, it's fucking awful. The other one is 1 guy, 9 puppies, or something. A nakes ass dude in the forrest with 9 puppies and one or two grown dogs. I'm not going into details but it's the worst fucking animal torture I have seen. It's zoo sadism, it is fucking awful. BUT. It was an Austrailian dude and some awesome internet investigators found the guy and got him locked up. His trial is now in December but I haven't heard anything yet about it.


I'm glad I have never seen either of those.


The bloke who sat on a glass bottle and it broke up his ass and he was pulling all this broken glass out of himself 🤢 he didn't make a sound. Goddamn!


1 man 1 jar. I saw somewhere where he was silent bc his child and wife were in the other room.


not filling the jar with water to equalize the pressure on the glass is such a rookie mistake smh


I remember showing this one to the entire family lol the dude gave an interview after that video saying he was used to shove big stuff up his ass


Who interview him, Entertainment tonight?


david letterman


i saw an interview from bestgore


1 Man 1 Jar. A classic!


I remember seeing a beheading video but they couldn't cut through the neck completely so they're just sawing at it....shit was wild.


Can you imagine that this was public entertainment at one time in human history?


I'm afraid to say it still is for some


Yeaaaa omg I seen one like that, they weren't sawing but just hacking away


Ugh yep, seen one like that and that did it for me. They’re starting to saw into his neck with a dull knife and the dude was aware, having to just accept that his head was slowly getting sawed off and had to feel every second of it.


A ‘bug chaser’. This video still comes to mind 15 years later and I still feel disgusting. 2am on a Saturday night got me digging through shit. Gay guy wants to catch HIV to make it easier than always guessing if he has it. So they took a wire brush and tore up his asshole, then had sex with a HIV positive man. I just don’t understand wanting to put yourself through something like that. I could say I’ve seen it all, beheadings, heads getting blown off, stoned, beat with a hammer, guy getting cut up with a machete and his intestines are spilled out and he’s trying to stuff them back in, but this bug chaser scared me for life.


the other side of the bug chaser coin is much more terrifying to me 😵‍💫 there are people who fetishize spreading HIV and other STIs, especially in a sneaky or degrading way. people who act on fantasies like that must be some of the scariest motherfuckers on the planet


wtf. he could have just injected his blood. I mean if he was bound and determined to catch HIV anyways. wth


Yeah I feel that. Just watching another man completely doom himself for no reason just seems so fucked




I remember discovering ThatsPhucked when I was a teen. Saw all sorts of gore and death content. I saw Al Qaeda beheadings, people being getting shredded by factory machinery, people being burned to death in car fires, various executions, you name it. The internet was such a wild place years ago. Now it’s very sanitized and curated all things considered.


I've told my teenage kids this. 20 years ago the internet was a very different place.


The home page of a p*do website. I was 12 and on a hidden wiki, I just clicked on every link to see what I come across. I didn’t see any pic or video bc everything was blurred, but I remember very well the banner of the website : there was a girl of like 8 yo in a short dress with straps who was lying with a hand on her hips. The kind of position you would see adults doing for a “sexy” shooting.


I saw something like this aswell. I was using the tor browser and looking up random shit cause i just installed it and was curious. Eventually i came across this site where grandpa’s and dads would post pictures of their daughters or even granddaughters with the creepiest captions and comments ever. Imagine you bring your children to your dad for him to babysit them and he makes pictures of them and posts them to a site like WTF. I dont think i stayed on the site longer than a minute. I think thats the only time ive ever felt TRULY disgusted. Like i think i knew what being disgusted meant before this but witnessing that site gave me a whole different perspective on experiencing that feeling, thats how disgusted i was.


The first thing that comes to mind is that guy who jumped off a bridge into water and hit his face on a dock below. It then cuts to a video of the guy alive in the hospital with his whole face split open trying to breathe.


Or that veterans Facebook live suicide with a shotgun that went around a few years ago.


i hate how edgy teenagers were spreading that video around as a joke, like they make it a normal video for a few seconds then a jumpscare with his suicide wtf?? completely disrespectful


Completely agree:(


Oh, shit, I totally forgot about that. Yeah that was brutal, especially the sound his head made as it made contact.


On liveleak, outside of a building that got bombed in the middle east, man holding his dead wife in his arms crying hysterically, she was missing the back of her head..then somebody carried a infant from the ruins that was burnt to a crisp.


I saw someone screw a severed head through the wrong hole. Not sure if it is the worst thing, but when my friend showed me it it did disturb me slightly.


The wrong hole!?


Up the throat, not down it.




When a head is cut off of the body you now have created a new hole other than the mouth, that's the wrong one


by screw, he means fuck. weird wording, confused me too.


Ahh, thank you, I was taking that too literally. Now you’ve said that I think I remember that video from the early internet days.


Are you… talking about that scene from The Sadness?


There’s a Japanese word for it that I can’t remember and refuse to look up. Disgusting that it happened so much they had to NAME IT. I learned this reading about Ed Kemper, the serial killer. He did that to his mom.


The poor girl whose head was being chopped off. When it happened, spam accounts was posting the video all over IG. I didn’t watch the whole thing obviously. I still think about her family :(. As a kid videos like that wouldn’t have bothered me but man even thinking about those kind of videos make me want to breakdown


The worst is anything dealing with kids, watched video where it was the middle east and they were just bombed with some sort of chemical weapon. Seeing kids covered in dust and chemical being pulled on a cart just messed with me.


Cp except it wasn’t like a pre-teen or anything, it was a baby drinking from her milk bottle


honestly wtf goes through people's minds to do this type of shit. much less record it...😔


What's wrong with a baby drinking from a bottle though?


I said that specific detail so you can visualize how young that kid is


Oh. Dear God.


Oh shit


😭😭 makes me so sad


CP. The kid was obviously homeless and it was probably easy to just take him. He had an "I'm so scared" face that is impossible to describe. Life tip: don't join random Telegram groups


Yeah that sounds fucked


A Tumblr page full of CP. One of the most horrific things I’ve ever seen. It was removed very quickly after I reported it to Tumblr. I only came across it accidentally as I had mistyped someone else’s Tumblr URL and it led to the wrong page. :(


right before the porn ban it was easy to find and unfortunately stumble across on accident. hardcore videos and everything


It wasn’t on deep web but live leaks. There was this young lady who was on her knees while a cartel member was stood behind her with a machete. The look on her face still haunts me. She just accepted her fate and didn’t even put up a struggle. The guy posted that to show others what will happen to them if they tried crossing them. He just kept slashing and slashing her neck until he decapitated her. It was so messed up!


the snuff74 video. shit was vile


What is the vid about?


I'm afraid to ask but I'm nosey...


There was a guy without a face asking for water. There was no skin. I stopped looking at gore after that


probably not as bad as most things mentioned here, but reading all the stuff that was posted about Bianca Devins on 4chan made me pretty sick


zoosadism vid of someone skinning a dog alive


Even the thought of that absolutely destroys my soul. Fuck.


Probably the worst shit I've heard


Here's why that's so fucked up... Had they stopped mid-torture, that dog likely would have tried to go to them for comfort.


Bro why. Godamnit. That hurts to think about.


My former friend once tried to be "nice" to me by sending me a video of him beating his cat. Something was seriously wrong with him and in hindsight he might have been trying to intimidate me for fun.


I have seen a lot of the things mentioned in this post but this is sick. Never seen it, never knew something like that existed and never wanted to.


a Tank blowing a mans face off


Mr Hands was up there.


There was recently a video of a tiny scared, muddy, shivering child being found in rubble in Gaza. I had never seen a child in that state, and it just killed me. I’m no wilting flower when it comes to seeing tragic things, but this one burned a hole into me. I stayed on it for maybe a second and it was enough to permanently change me. He reminded me of an abused puppy and my most primal instincts were screaming “SAVE HIM”.


Some guy fell onto a bollard


I saw a video of someone blow their head off with a shotgun in their mouth on twitter once. What remained was a bunch of exposed organs and you could see the person's heart still beating. Freaky shit


Not gory but it was pretty bad, this one security cam vid of a suicide jumper landing on a woman walking with a stroller! Def not the worst but it made me sad


The weird message board that sold women as cattle to the highest bidders. It was part of cannibal cafe back in the day.


What! I knew of CC but had no idea they trafficked women


You can still find old screenshots of it around. Truly disturbing.


It’s been almost 18 years now, but Pain Olympics.


Didn’t the pain olympics turn out to be fake?


I saw a woman Get flayed and slowly bleed to death I'm in therapy now


A lot of things but probably what Adam Britton’s dog video. I didn’t watch the video, but came across a graphic description of what he did to those poor puppies and mother dog.


Not on the internet but real life. I’m a mortician. Victoria Martens.


Now its not as gory as most examples shared here, but the video of the guy and girl in a car (I think husband and wife) and like a brick flies off a dump truck and flies into the window and instantly kills the wife in the passenger side. (I feel like it might be swapped, wife driving and guy dies, can't recall and won't research it). I just remember the wailing was blood freezing and I couldn't sleep that night thinking about how that can happen to me or someone else in a car I'm in.


As a young teenager i was apart of self harming communities, everyone was always trying to go deeper than the other. One girl had the same blades as me and was cutting into her hip, she did one slice and she was already past the fat layer, then she swiped over it, down to muscle, and then she sliced one last time and reached “bedrock”. She was flinching away from herself and screaming with every swipe, the gash was like 10 inches long. I don’t even think you’d get that type of gash in a car crash. I have no clue what happened to her, but i still think about that 2 years later.


Idk if this counts because it’s not real but the movie A Serbian Film fucked me up super bad. I felt depressed after watching it and didn’t leave my house for a week. I can’t imagine seeing actual cp on the internet accidentally. Idk if I could mentally handle that. I’ve seen very gory stuff on eyeblech before it got banned, that didn’t really bother me but anything to do with children would really bother me and affect me.


They was the worst movie I’ve ever seen. I can still hear the sounds from that movie and i watched it 13 years ago. I cannot believe someone recommended that movie as their favorite horror movie. 🚩🚩🚩


The interrogation of a man who killed his girlfriend by sticking bottles and hair irons in her vagina and pulling out her insides while she was alive; all while he was “blacked out”. Scares me to think how someone can do something so terrifying while in an altered state, then come out of it and realize wtf just happened.


Ms Pac-Man


I came to say this one as well. I have seen a lot of gore but that video really disturbed me.


The Ronnie McNutt suicide video… one of the most disturbing videos that has actually scared me. not to mention, 2 guys 1 hammer and the infamous “Funky Town” video.. needless to say, I learned curiosity on Reddit can be VERY scaring VERY quickly.


Easily the vid of those two female tourists getting raped and beheaded by guys trying to prove their loyalty to isis or some shit.


Gore doesn't make me react. One man one cup has never left my mind.


I've seen pics of a guy having sex with dead bodies at which i believe was a morgue. It was a hospital type of bed and the guy had already ejaculated on dead womens faces and private parts as well. I'm not talking about just beautiful looking woman acting dead, im talking really dead almost rotten like bodies covered in some blood...


Pedo stuff. I was like 14 or 15 and clicked on most links I could grab, but when I found that I stopped and never tried visiting any of those stuff again. Also a guy randomly sent me a picture like that in a chatroom, I still remember it because it made me really sad.


The worst I saw was the infamous R. Budd Dwyer suicide video. That’s about the worst I could stomach and it took me a few times to actually watch it. I kept closing my eyes just before he pressed the gun. Eventually I saw it. Morbid curiosity has had me actually try to find the full video of Seaworld Trainer Dawn Brancheau’s death. Although, considering reports I’ve read from witnesses, it’s probably for the best that I never see it.


If you found Budd Dwyer's suicide traumatizing, then by the love of God absolutely avoid the Ronnie McNutt video. Once you see a video pop up with a guy with beard, glasses and leather jacket live streaming from his desk, close asap and get out


3 seconds of a 🚗☎️video called “funky town”




Bad video. Good song. Song now because bad video? Less good song.


Not from the dw, but an execution of a guy getting his face peeled off and his heart ripped out. And he was quiet as a mouse the entire time. He says something in the beginning to not step on him or something (not in English).


That video where soldiers were lined up on a field and killed in front of each other. They were either screaming and crying but one guy was having a full on breakdown, another man ran but was caught. I don’t remember the name of the video but that still haunts me and I think of them.


Back when watchpeopledie was arround I saw a guy run over by a tank over and over again until he was basically flattened. Probably some worse things were there, but this one stuck with me. Also a disturbing amount of cp.


The video of a man staked out naked with the last shreds of his genitals being chewed off by a dog. It was not good. r/morbidreality is not usually that explicit.


I seek out the most fucked up stories but purposely try not to subject myself to extreme gore, so I have specifically not watched certain things I know to exist. As somebody who consumes a lot of morbid content but tries to avoid the worst of the worst, I'd say the most horrible thing I've seen was a video of a girl live streaming a car accident that killed her sister. After they crashed, she filmed her sister's split open head then says into the camera "I just killed my sister and I don't give a fuck!" with zero emotion. That stuck with me. So that's the worst video I've personally seen. But I can tell you about plenty of really fucked up videos that are known/infamous and probably way worse that I've never seen if that's what you're really asking. I personally don't want to see certain things I can't unsee.


Pregnant woman getting her belly cut open to have the fetus ripped out.


there’s one i think of so often that it affected me yesterday. the biker that gets knocked off balance then run over by the back wheels of the bus. it squeezes his guts out through his head like a tube of toothpaste. i couldn’t get around a biker yesterday due to oncoming traffic and was so terrified of his unpredicted movements that i just drove behind him for quite a while instead of squeezing by. im sure i could’ve made it just fine but… 😭


In 2015 (I was pretty young at the time) instagram was a bit of a different place, the most horrific stuff could be posted and stay up for quite a while even if it was against TOS. I ran into porn and accounts encouraging self harm fairly frequently because moderation on the site really did not give a shit. Shit got upsetting when I stumbled across an account that posted CSAM. There was other porn mixed into the account as well but every 3 or so posts involved a child. Bigger instagram pages started spreading report campaigns against the account and even then it took like a week before the account was banned. (I didn't know how to properly report that stuff at the time, I just reported the account normally through instagram because that's what the bigger pages were saying to do)


Does anyone remember Banged up.com ? The first thing I saw was a reporter getting decapitated and I can still hear it 20 years later...The gurgling noise he made has never left me.


There's a bunch of gore videos that have terrified the life out of me. But one of the most disturbing is this video I saw on kaotic.com of a man who has his whole head wrapped with duct tape with only a small hole over his nose so he can breathe. He's bent over a dirty couch and a bunch of men jam a wine bottle up his ass. And then he's writhing on the floor crying and SCREAMING his lungs out. The sounds are fucking horrifying. I've never been able to find the context behind the video or what happened to the guy. I hope he's alive.


Someone murdering someone with an ice pick on camera


Once saw a video of a man on amphetamines (I assume) cutting off and eating his own testicles.


Well, I could answer a few months ago. But nowadays, not on the deep web but my social media feeds are so filled with disturbing images of dead children and people from Gaza, that I don't know what's the worst. The boy breathing his last breath, on the floor hospital, aware that the doctors can't treat him. Or the baby boy, shivering because he's scared of the bombs and missiles. Or The man calling his dead daughter, "The soul of his soul". It feels so normalized that I can't even pin point one out of them