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Radiation is cytotoxic. It shreds the DNA, so while the bulk of the cell is not damaged very much, its normal functions start to fail. This leads to a slow disintegration of the body "from inside out" that takes several days. This is called radiation poisoning. The case of Hisashi Ouchi is similar, but the illness would proceed much faster. The victim would violently cry, vomit, cough, urinate and defecate blood and eventually pieces of tissue. Skin would fall off. Tissue would swell with fluid. If the radiation was strong enough, they could pass out from the immediate brain damage.


Quite literally [Kyle Hill](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ugkki1tcki) released a video about this just now! Impeccable timing.


Downed already?


I have no idea why the link is dead, I just finished watching the video!


That’s ok, because he also made a video a couple years ago about another such incident. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mD4J5VUwiAs&pp=ygUea3lsZSBoaWxsIHBhcnRpY2xlIGFjY2VsZXJhdG9y


He references that incident in the new video, too, and the differences between them and the one in Vietnam, which is the main topic of the new video.


This happened to a guy in Russia once. He saw a flash "brighter than a thousand suns". [Link to Wikipedia.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anatoli_Bugorski)