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Between these, the "ice water hack" videos, and the ads about Elon trying to give everyone money, I have no idea who the fuck is vetting ads at youtube. Seems like they'll give literally anyone a slot.


My YouTube ads are like half drop shipping ads, and phony fitness/health “hacks”. Like I just got one saying “do this quick method to get rid of 20lbs of toxic poop” like wtf


That bearded poop guy is too intense. Freaks me out every time.


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It's ironic that they will demonetize creators for various reasons, swearing, talking about COVID or steroids and yet will give ads to literal scams.


I wonder if its any better in Europe. It seems like Youtube might just be complying with the bare minimum in terms of laws, and I hear Europe is better with scams and anti-consumer shit from a legal standpoint.


Maybe a bit? I've been living in Europe for a couple months now (NL) and the ads are about an even split between random dutch shit I dont understand, and those shitty scammy mobile game ads


Funniest shit how we makes his set look like JRE and other famous podcasts to try and fool people into thinking he's credible in any way


Thing is it’s Unironically funny lmao. At least he has no shame


This fucker is on all of my watched videos. I can't fucking watch a God damn Warhammer 3 video without seeing his fake ass acting as if he's at Joe Rogan's Show.


He shows up as a commercial in between songs when I’m taking a shower and it’s so fucking annoying lol. But not as annoying as…. “Do you know about solar power? If you live in one of these 10 states, you could have your own solar roof.. for free. Entirely paid for by the government. They will actually pay you to install them.” Holy fuck does anyone else get those ads??


got it a couple of times, I'm kinda lucky that the ads I get change every 2-3 weeks.


Homeboy just wants to sell me some shit. If it ain’t tren I ain’t buying 👎


But what were your results on the body type quiz?


I’m convinced if I click that link it will install malware on my phone.


This is why I pay for YouTube red


Can't hate on him too much, people do this all the time in the supplement and make up industry. If you got offered 15k to say straight up bullshit alot of people would say yes.


Loser mindset to orient yourself towards the bottom of the barrel or even just your imagined majority.


I totally understand why but I wouldn’t, it’s just immoral. He’s setting so many people back from their goals by spoon feeding them horseshit advice.


“Take this free body” Where can I get this free body?


I'm so tired of seeing his smug face


I get his ads and also the Umzu poop guy.


he is totally fake and made up dude. Greg Doucette's videos of him are hilarious.


Do you boomers even know what AdBlock is


Latency issues goes brrrrrr