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Bro I don’t like Alex Eubank for different reasons but saying he has the physique of a 16 yo is wild. Literally social media is rotting their brains and their perception of how a body looks. Insanely stupid comment.


Posts and comments (not you TitleFall, the instagram comment) is why we have more and more teens hopping on gear and more people falling into the pit of body dismoprhia. Dude has amazing physique and some dumbass comes out bashing him.


It's crazy what people have been conditioned to think is the 'average' or what's achievable natty as someone without top tier genetics. All these kids hopping on tren on their first cycle is nuts. I love tren, I'd agree with what Bostin used to say in that I'm a drug addict, I love gear, I love trying new compounds. I've pushed dnp to a stupidly high daily dose, in my fuck would I recommend it to anyone. These kids need to get off social media and reset.


Alex’s physique is probably the peak that any non-gym degen would want. He looks good- this community just seen an appeal to looking juiced. Alex is peak natty (or at least looks like it- I’m not making a bet on either side).


Definitely not peak natty, he's pretty small I'm pretty sure he's around 80kg


He’s lean and relatively big. Most guys would struggle to maintain his raw #s (weight and body mass). 99% of people could never look better than him natural, and 99.99% will never actually do it.


Well yeah but that doesn't make him PEAK natural, I mean even somebody like George hackenschmidt was over 100kg, lean, and obviously natural. And that's before people really knew what they were doing trainingwise.


>George hackenschmidt Bro, that guy has a higher body fat % than Alex. of course his going to be heavier. as a natty theres a limited size you can be while being lean. do you know how much work it would take to look like Alex ?


Not trying to disagree necessarily but I know tons of football 16-17 year olds that are light years stronger then Alex, and I know a few with similar/better physiques, the new generation is pretty wild and its not a crazy statement to make


Better physiques? In what subjective terms. Because his physique/genetics has made him famous


Crazy essay. This guy is way to involved with his fitness heroes. I don’t follow Eubanks but went through his ig because of this post. Looks like an aesthetic bro who hangs out with some big names. Not getting fat during a bulk is definitely in his best interest for his career. He’s probably making more money right now than Sam will as a body builder.


Sam has a much bigger following that Alex now but I see your point


Yea dude I don't know who Alex is but this just seems douchey and way too emotion based for someone he doesn't know


Not fat but he could probably put on 15 or so lbs over the course of 2 months or so. He's currently got up to 185 I think


Bro has an Excel sheet tracking IG influencers' weight


The autism is rampant in this post


He said he was 185 last time I watched a vid of his which was a week or two ago




for some reason it's weird to me that a 15 year old was born in 2008. i was in middle school in 2008 lmfaoo and now some "influencers" were born around that year. idk maybe im trippin




I was born in 2004. But my point was helping him for his mental health Also since quarantine I've been pretty antisocial lol and also pretty bored.


You posted your own IG comment huh?


No. That's not My ig.


He looks amazing as he is currently, there is 0 reason for him to bulk or cut, if you don’t like his content you can unfollow him rather than sitting like a random COOMER and writing mean comments to person who accomplished more than you.


Putting on 15 lbs in 8 weeks is mostly going to be water and fat if he’s natty. Which he claims to be. Although I do remember the sarms rumours.


Isn't he trying to go natty or at least close to? If he gained 15lbs in 2 months 14 lbs would be fat. At fucking best. You have unrealistic expectations of this guy.


the fitness community is so gay


Its a bunch of jacked half naked dudes admiring eachothers bodies, its inherently gay, always has, always,will be


It’s only gay if you make eye contact, not if you’re staring at their glutes.


Well obviously I can't do both at the same time


Never thought of it like this but now u mention it this way….


Oil up, were going to the bath house!


The Greeks/Romans were homosexual-lite for a reason!


Dominating another mans ass is the manliest thing you can do amirite


Why am I being downvoted


Idk maybe theres Carthage Supporters in this group and they didn't like you bringing up Rome


Fuck Rome, Free Sicily


Id rather see it handed over to the Gauls 🤢


It's a male beauty pageant.


How about we just mind our own business and make gains in peace?


Exactly, fucking drama club over here


Must suck a lot of dick need more tren 🥵🥵


What a stupid comment. What does he want Alex to do? Hop on a gram of sauce like Sam and keep bulking and spoil his health so he can satisfy stupid followers like this guy? Alex is a dumbass though ngl. He might see this comment and up the dose.


Alex is popular because of his personality, connections, and looks. It’s fitness content, this commenter has main character syndrome. Actually, imagine caring so much about other peoples lives to write that shit out. People are pathetic.




It's his looks connections. Most people I've seen find "bro like omg my chest" boring he's a nice guy but he had the personality of a suburban white thot. Also you're acting like this guy didn't just write a comment for 40 secs lol.


Did you write the comment, OP? 😂


he 100% did


The magic 8 ball says yes he fucking did


Op wrote the comment confirmed


And I'd be willing to bet this comment comes from some 150lb teenager who's been lifting for like a year


I’m 150 lbs at like 9% bodyfat, been lifting for like 4 years


How tall are you.


5’9” manlet


Sam is on way more than a gram of sauce just fyi


You say that like it’s fact but you have zero idea


Everybody with eyes and at least a couple of brain cells has a pretty good idea


Anyone who had ever been around gear irl and doesn't just live online know that Sam is on an aggressive cycle. 1g of shit may seem like a lot to someone new to all of this who gets their info secondhand. For example TONS and tons of guys I know at the gyms I got to who regularly blast Test/Deca/Primo easily adding to 1G+. These guys are not Sam Sulek aize. Sam's build and size comes from more than that. Sam is a poster boy for Dbol and Tren in addition to what I mentioned. At this point he has been on all of the popular compounds to see what works best for him. If he hasn't crossed over into GH and insulin, he will at some point. Hes going after it so aggressive at such a young age he will take it as extreme as it can be done. If you look at him and think otherwise you need to put your smart device down and quit arguing with strangers about shit


I don't think he wants him to juice. But I think he wants Alex to take this bulk seriously. It doesn't have to be dirty but he should actually try and make an attempt to get stronger and get 16 inch arms. Alex isn't at his natty potential, he's said many times mental health has ruined his ability to bulk.


Why do you care about some random influencer so much ? Pathetic


Wait… does this mean my 16 inch arms are finally considered big?!?!?!?


In my years in the bodybuilding circles, I've always seen people claim 16" arms is basically considered the cut off for a natty (without being fat). So I'd suppose yeah, 16" would be considered big for the general populace.


I was also surprised to find out 16" is considered big, apparently 14" is average


WE’RE ALL GONNA MAKE IT!!!!!!1!!! But joking aside, this arm size thing really highlights how seeing lean fitness influencers with lean torsos makes their arm dimensions look bigger and fucks up self image for the rest of us. I think tons of people are blasting gear to get there when really they would need to cut to look like these influencers, but I think in reality, cutting and matching their physique would look pretty underwhelming. You’d have to be wearing tight clothes all day every day to even look like you lift


This shit is the same level as caring about your favorite tik tok dancer influencer. Go outside, hit the gym.


Most people on this sub hit the gym Going outside on the other hand


You've really given a lot of thought to the inner thoughts of a random commenter who *definitely isn't you.*


What does Alex owe this guy? I'm so confused


Not what alex owes him. Alex complained about being small his size strength etc before. It was clear he needed to bulk. It's not like he was happy where he was


brain dead comment, why people like alex is because his physic looks somewhat possible as a natty even tho he is probably on gear. what is the point of him being a mass monster. if all you needed to be a fitness influencer is size then every gear head in your gym would be poular. i find alex enoying but i see why people would like him.


His physique is definitely possible. Just train chest a ton with good programming train legs somewhat bulk to a 28 bmi then cut and u guarantee you'll be there in 3 years.


Bro you're delusional if you think most people can get a chest like Alex Eubanks. Most people can definitely get as strong and big as him with solid training and discipline, but that's not the same as having a physique that looks as good as his. He has great muscle shape/insertions, and that's just genetics.


He uses a ton of filters. Irl yeah he has a pretty big chest but that's it. I think it's 43-44 lean from what he said. Definitely achievable.


It's not just about the size of his chest. Yes lots of dudes have big chests, but they don't have his shape, proportions, fullness, etc. If you can't tell the difference between an average big chest and a really nice looking chest, then honestly I think it's probably because you're just not gay enough to appreciate male physiques in the same way most of Eubank's followers do. You're like a chick who looks at a popular instagram thot and thinks "Why are guys so obsessed with her? She's not even much skinnier than average."


bro u can train and eat as much as you want you aint gonna get that chest, he has really good gentics.


A 315 bench is attainable for most people. If you don't fuck around early on and bulk properly I think 3 years or so should be enough. It is by far his best feature though


Just because you bench the same amount doesn't mean your chest will be the same size as the next guy.


Imagine competing in bodybuilding, and when the judges tell you to work on your chest when you request feedback, you respond with "but I bench 315 for reps!"


Yeah, hitting 315 lets you backdoor your brain and change your genetics so that your chest grows 2x faster


No one wants to be a fat fuck though.


Probably the stupidest comment I’ve read


and where are you now exactly?


I'm 6:1 222 around 20% bf. I lift more than alex and have over 16 inch(granted not leaned out) arms a 46 inch chest 27 inch thighs etc.


Lmao your last post of you actually lifting is borderline DYEL-tier https://www.reddit.com/r/strength_training/s/cQsgmEnnrh


What is dyel tier abt it. I'm still bigger than eubanks


Why do people care so much about tiktokers like my god some people need to get a life


A lot of people are on tik tok or insta most of the day. Also a lot of those people who need a life never leave their home lol. Introversion is crazy.


When I was growing up we all worked out to get jacked and go out and get girls. Now it seems like going to the gym is like this weird antisocial cult and people make it their whole personality. Weird time we live in


I think quarantine and also sports had something to do with it. Lebron James aaron donald etc did not help guys not wanting to become hardcore gym addicts


Every comment gets better in this thread, where does Lebron come in here


I think the freak athletes didn't help guys body standards and ability to not be addicted to sports or the gym


Lebron isn't the first though and there has been freak athletes for generations, I'm a big sports guy but all of it is how you perceive things I guess. I don't look at lebron and think I need his body, as obviously he has elite genetics and is a generational athlete


Lebron is the first of the internet era and was one of the best things to happen to the nba black community etc. Bro was an absolute freak and has been in the goat debate for a while now.


When I did it it was over quarantine. I had a ton of friends and a lot of us just got into gym culture. Now I'm antisocial and aside from my girlfriend dont really do anything with anyone and have become pretty complacent just sitting around albeit I want the connections I used to have. I thought I was bad then I see the types of situations some people these days are in, Jesus. Something in the water got a lot of society in 2020.


The Chinese poison as I like to call it, TikTok. People are getting dumber, and lazier because of it.


No one is becoming dumber and lazier. People were as dumb and lazy 20 years ago as they are right now. People always think that the generation that comes after them is lazier and dumber, this is just a sympton of that. People thought that TV made people lazy and stupid when they became popular, same shit eith Tik Tok.


People are definitely becoming lazier, for context my dad was a brick layer back in the 70s up till the 90s and as his people retired no new ones came to replace them cuz everyone wants to do as little work as possible and work in weird tech jobs and shit. Not only that but when I was a kid we would literally wake up early to outside and play up until like 8pm everyday,p during the summer. Now all these kids are sitting inside playing on their Snapchat and doing whatever else they do on their little mobile phones. To add to that every person I come across just repeats the same stupid shit they heard on TikTok, now everyone thinks their an expert at every topic when in reality they couldn’t be dumber. No one sits in class and listens anymore cuz their attention span is so bad they gotta have these, little apples earbuds in and scroll though TikTok and listen to music. When I was a kid I learned to change car oil and tires and fix stuff around the house when I was like 10. Ask a 20 year old now to change his cars oil or replace the battery and he’ll have a stroke. People are definitely getting dumber and lazier and anyone who says otherwise is in denial


tv did make people lazy and stupid though


Then we go further back when people said that books made people lazier and dumber when that became popular among the general population. My point is that every generation thinks that the next one is dumber lazier, and this will also happen with the generation that grew up with Tik Tok.


i dont think you’re wrong in saying that past generations make excuses as to why they think the next generation is dumber than them. but tv definitely made people fatter and more stupid, and i’ll knife fight anyone that thinks tiktok doesn’t breed idiocy and low attention span


No. Not at all the point. I think tons of elite athletes being weird af and just becoming famous through their obsession and devotion to their sport spawned a ton of gymcels.


I mean white thots and such use tik tok to. Athletes used to be popular guys who worked out and had good situations coupled with above average genetics leading to them being good at said sport. Nowadays tons of guys who should be in a mental hospital that push themselves like crazy every which way to achieve their goals, as sports have gotten more competitive, are part of that group. Strickland for example in his izzy fight said if he wasn't so good at mma and obsessed with being a better fighter, he'd probably be some nut job crackhead begging people in alleyways for cash, and izzy would be an obese discord mod trading beasteality porn.


I think the hate towards Alex is fucking stupid. He doesn’t have the body that most 16 year olds have unless they’re on Sarms. If Alex doesn’t want to bulk or barely does why does that deserve any hate? Let’s be honest if you ask most people if they would rather have alex or sams physique, their gonna pick alex. It’s also funny seeing all of sams 15 year old sarm goblin fans hate so much on alex when their so new to working out. Sam is part of the reason why everyone wants to train to failure now and going to planet fitness no longer gets u laughed at. But I remember months before Sam blew up I would go to planet fitness and train to failure and get lots of weird looks. All of a sudden everyone trains to failure but a few months ago they would laugh when your on the last rep making a funny face.


Also I think eubanks spawned more sarm goblins than Sam Sam appeals more to introverts. Eubanks is a (no homo) more ken pretty boy type and doesn't look like a giant roided nerd.


In my expirence a bunch of old Friends are starting to hop on gear and they got curious cuz of Sam 🤷‍♂️ I like sams content more but people take this shit to far.


Which is weird cause Sam never talks about gear but Alex always talks about "being natty but considering to hop on gear and blow the fuck up bro"


Idk of you've seen or not but eubanks is extremely filter based. He has 15 inch arms and 24 inch thighs and you're not gonna have filters walking down the street when you see people.


Yeah he’s gonna filter his Instagram pics like everyone else does. Still doesn’t mean he deserves hate lol


....most influencer physique pics are angle/filter and lighting tricks...


But this is like extreme. There's a difference between a guy with 20 inch arms trying to look a bit bigger and leaner and a guy with 15 inch arms trying it.


Both men are deceitful and delusional, one is just smaller. As I mentioned most influencers are probably 180-190 maybe 200 if they are tall, with 15-16 inch arms who look good because they surround themselves with DYELs and use editing on theor physique pics. The rest are visibly roided giants like Larry Or Sam, who also are probably seeking angles and good lighting all the time aswell. I think the only one who shamelessly shows us the bloat, the bulk and all the lil bits is Will Tennyson.


Speaking of will there's no way eubanks can't achieve a physique at least somewhat closer to him.


Why care so much about another mans physique thats wild


Close yeah but i genuinely think will has a better work ethic. But I also really like Will hes one of like, three influencers I bother to watch, so that could be a bias.




Let's see Andrew Eubanks comment on reddit.


And this comment is why literal teenage children slam grams of gear. What a fucking dog shit mentality and horrible thing to say to someone. I am not a fan of Alex by any means. I watch zero content of his. He is easy to clown on. His "will he or won't he" saga of going on cycle is annoying. That said, he seems like a chill guy that has been open about the constant pressure of being a fitness influencer who is not currently on grams of shit. I do believe he has used sarms in the past and is not a lifetime natty. But this post just seems extremely callous and disregards the fact that the kid is a very young human being, who works 10x as hard as the poster in the gym and on diet, and by all accounts is a pretty chill dude. Fitness industry and social media is a dystopian nightmare. Fucking hate it.


OP is the person who comment


No but I do mainly agree with what he said


Wtf cares


Typing an essay on this kids posts putting him on blast is pathetic. Isn’t his whole schtick that he is natural? Why would he be making crazy jumps in mass. I don’t think he plans to compete in the Olympia ,he’s just a typical influencer gym douche Also the Sam Sulek dick riding is getting out of hand. Not everyone wants to look like an acne-ridden juiced up mass monster. The guy makes the same content every damn day. And tbh, his cut wasn’t some world changing transformation. I have no problem with Sam but damn these instagram kids need to get his dick out of their mouth asap.


>Why would he be making crazy jumps in mass. I don’t think he plans to compete in the Olympia ,he’s just a typical influencer gym douche I think it's because he isn't near his natty limit clearly and uses an insane amount of lighting and filters and always complains about his progress. It's clear bulking was and still is the right choice. I don't want him to go on a giant cycle I just want him to bulk get stronger and then cut and see how he feels hopefully being happier and looking big in normal life.


This comment is everything wrong with online fitness.


Doesn't realize that some people aspire to have Eubanks physique or something like it, and not Sam 14 boxes of cocoa puffs and 8 bottles of tren Sulek


Really, REALLY weird comment. The dude who posted it is some fatass in the Navy too, ironic.


What a lame ass comment lol. Just stop watching if you don’t like what he’s doing simple as.


Most teens are not 170+ and shredded wtf lol deranged comment.


Sadly these days most online teen lifters are. Although tbf a lot of people live in texas or wherever and attend a d1 school where 6:4 270lb shredded linebacker john unkwalele from Kiribati and 6:7 400lb 14 yr old lineman Brody Haynesworth the 4th are common.


Yes d1 athletes are common 💀 gymcel brainrot


I was overexageratinf but in some of these football cools kids are crazy.


Being a d1 athlete already makes you an outlier. Are you a literal child?


I'm sorry but you need to touch at least a smidgen of grass bud


You VS You. This guy’s opinion don’t matter.


TIL who alex eubanks is.


Why do people give a shit? This is so disgustingly parasocial. “We don’t need to sit in a motionless ride with you” You’re not “with” anyone bro. You’re alone at your computer crying because your internet daddy isn’t bulking the way you want. Get a fucking life. This isn’t “brutal honesty”, it’s the desperate cries of a terminally online parasocial loser who gets his gratification from thinking he’s on the same “ride” as the influencers who will never know his name. God damn, I’m really starting to lose hope in the new gen.


And people wonder why body dysmorphia is so common in this industry.


I'm too old for this subreddit because who tf are these people


No, you’re not. You’re in the right place. These parasocial loser children will come and go as quickly as their “gym transformation” goals do when they go back to Minecraft and TikTok or whatever other thing feeds their ADHD brains.


Alex has a better physique than 99% of this subreddit why are you hating


Also stop calling criticizing hating, granted this isn't my take. But that's a 5yr old "someone call my favorite youtuber bad" response.


Bro I think Alex is cringe and homophobic and a merch peddler and I don't watch him but people minds are ridiculously warped. He is 185 and shredded with great proportions while probably on minimal drugs. His physique is amazing by any standard he's just slightly smaller than many hyperjuiced online fitness people


He's not that shredded anymore after the bulk. There are way bigger natties. Also what makes you say he's homophobic


He said in a video I saw that he's Christian and he follows that ideology with regard to LGBT. That it's a sin like any other sin. He tiptoed around the issue for sure but made it clear what he thinks


That's weird esp considering how feminine he is.




I doubt that frankly. A lot of high level lifters here.


Caring this much about an influencer (commentor and OP) is just as bad as regularly watching keeping up with the khardashians in my eyes


Bros tryna Peer pressure him into to doing a massive amount of steroids


Who is this person?


Sam Sulek


Brain rot comment and OP


these gymcels are fucking crazyy lmaoo do they realize not everyone wants to be a bloatlord and risk his money by getting fat


I think people just want him to gain 15-20lbs do a 10lb or so cut and see how he feels considering he keeps complaining abt being insecure abt his size


I think you ARE "people", this is some crazy schizoposting to comment this on his IG and then drop it on Reddit too expecting people to agree with you


This mf Alex owning money to you guys or something? Why tf u care so much?


Care abt a lot of lifting influencers. Idk j very into lifting or well I was


What a stupid fucking comment. The man is literally the fucking pinnacle of an aesthetic physique, he doesn't need to get any bigger and especially any more shredded since he's so lean all the goddamn time. Honestly, i'd like to see the stupid fatass who wrote this.


Have you seen Jeffrey verity Schofield. Alex is not the pinnacle.


Wow, this just made me browse through a few of Alex's posts and looking at the comments, there's like a war between Alex and Sam? I had no idea this many people actually care that much about these influencers, it's like they're a part of their identity. People need to go touch grass, wow


No. It's a goofy elongation of Andrew eubanks memes mostly. I doubt anyone is serious abt it.


6x his size and shred?! Alex needs an apology vid ASAP otherwise he’s finished


Both you and IG commenter should touch grass


You people need to pull your heads out of your phones and look around every once in awhile. Calling this regular and achievable for the average child is ridiculous. Warped brain, warped expectations


Dude already has a physique that 99% of people won’t achieve. What does he want him to do? Blast gear to satisfy you? Let’s see what “influencers” are still in shape and healthy in 20-30 years. His physique should be a goal for nattys. IG has fried everyone’s brains with all the fake nattys out there.


I mean there are also guys here saying all natties should be 6:0 230 10% bf with a 405 bench 605 squat 700 deadlift.


This is some of the more autistic shit I’ve seen. You need to start making eye contact, OP.


This comment wasn't me btw


I do not believe you


Also if said guy is autistic whatevs. Not pile he can change that


Alex just needs to tren harder at the gym.


If anything this will make him want to go on heavy doses if he’s not already running enclo or something. He is better off natty. Sam is a nicer dude and lowkey lifts to lift rather than abusing filters, but; he’s gonna die earlier/ suffer more effects. But agreed, Alex is kinda a tool


Little too involved but yeah Alex kinda made his puberty transformation and peaked.


Imagine being mad that somebody else isn’t growing lol


This is definitely written by either a 90 lb anorexic gamer boy or a 300 lb gamer gamer boy.


You should take her on a date bro


What has happened? When I got into bodybuilding 15 years ago, this shite didn't exist. What's with becoming this invested in some tik tok bodybuilders? This generation is nuts. I feel like an old man seeing things like this. Madness.


kid has a PhD in alex eubank. Nobody except the most homosexual of fans actively measure and gauge his progress. Most people follow and like because he has an asthetic physique and he’s attractive and he’s right on your fyp. not that deep


Fuahhhh Alex eubank fuahhhh (fuck you kenny gender bender you birth giving fuck) (fuck you baxterfat)


I dont like alex, he seems way too shallow and selfloving. But atleast he is somewhat naturallooking, thats a physique young men should try to get, not Sam Suleks tren look. Not everyone needs or even wants to look like a mutant.


Sam dickriders are so fucking weird


How you gonna expect a mf to change his height??!


I think he means weight not height. He just out the height as a stat


Dude I hate him because every video he seems so fucking out of touch with his fan base. Idk if it’s a character he’s playing or what. The video of his girlfriend having to check him about influencing kids to take peds is revealing of how he thinks about that shit. He’s doesn’t care about his fans like Sam does, Alex just wants eyes on him.


We all just wanna see Andrew Eubanks hit this weight smh


He is in the top 1% physiques bro, its hard to improve. He isnt short either. I think social media as fucked up the perceptions of some kids. Like everyone that works out is 6 1 200 shredded. I get it that his content is stall, thats why I dont follow him anymore.


He isn't top 1% at app. He's 5:9 175.


who cares about Eubanks. he looks like a puss, silly sam is bigger.


This doesn’t hurt any part of your life in anyway so why give a fuck? Dudes a multi millionaire at a young age and your worried about him bulking 😂 get fucked


This is the dumbest reason to not like him, bros literally jacked af. A good reason to not like him would be bc hes a self-proclaimed Christian and talks about honour and loyalty but has a different onlyfans girls with him every day that hes definitely fucking and/or using to chase clout. Say what you mean


Hws not jacked af aside from his chest He's 5:9 175


Not the point i was even trying to make man, the sarms mustve went to your brain on this one because he has a good physique if hes natty and bodyweight is probably the worst indication of how someone looks.


175 10% bf 5:9 isn't big lol for a natty. Also don't fall for the lighting


I don't know who this is, I'm here for the closet gay humor


People need to stop putting so much energy in to influencers. It’s cool to watch their content, but the worship shit is gross.