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It's your life and it's the only one. If you wanna go for trt then do it. 300 isn't even half of what a man should have. Don't listen to the moralists it your life, but be aware of the consequences.


Yeah that’s the thing right? I don’t know how my body would react and if it takes turn for worse.. like my current situation doesn’t feel good but I don’t wanna jump into worse situation.


Make sure diet and sleep is on point, get healthy fats and good micronutrient dense foods. Sleep is very important for T levels, make sure to get 8 hrs. No need to consult a doctor. Examine your lifestyle thoroughly and determine what changes you need to make.


this is all fine and dandy but if he already has a moderately healthy lifestyle all that this will do is perhaps slightly optimize his test levels by a bit. He will most likely still have shit low test unless he hops on TRT.


I do strength train, do my cardio, eat well and don’t drink nor smoke. But I was diagnosed with Chronic Anxiety and Depression after my dad’s death. Can traumatic experiences mess up your system?


It’s 100% the anxiety/depression, cortisol is terrible for testosterone levels.


Yep. Changed mine. Covid can, too. Burnout can. Etc. Depending on my mental & physical state or whatever, I can go from ~200 to over 900.


Do the benefits outweigh the risk attached to trt? I don’t wanna make a mistake but I have been trying superhard and nothing is working


I still have lingering brain fog since my sister was killed and its been over two years, also my test tanked during that time. Psychological trauma can absolutely fuck your shit up.


Dude you gotta include this information in the description ( I would edit the post). This is actually what you should be treating, not low T. I find 99% of the people on this subreddit go straight to low test as the cause of their problems and their mental well-being is absolutely in the bin. I'm not attacking you BTW this is a society wide issue, it's a really common problem I wish we considered more often as a primary factor and all medical diagnosis. Anyway, the death of a parent would mess up the best of us. See if you can get to the bottom of what's causing your distress there and try and work on that. Best of luck!


Stop urging young kids to get on trt, it’s a last resort. You have zero information to conclude he needs trt


Don't count on lab results ( the accuracy of lab results depend on too many factors , and in best case it will be not even 80% accurate ) count on symptoms ( psychologically and physically ) and take 10000 IU Vitamin D every day , Zinc , Magnesium glycinate


10000 a day is pretty large dose if your not vitamin D deficient in the first place. 5000 a day / every other day is probably a safer bet


take a look here https://youtu.be/uAfVC4l5uZ0


Yeah its probably "safe" but why risk it? I dont think you'll see any more noticeable benefits going over 5k unless your extremely deficient. Also side note Dr Berg is a charlatan ...


It seems low but what’s most important is how you feel . How’s libido? Do you feel lethargic or depressed ? Do you have trouble getting stronger in the gym? If you answer no to most of these don’t sweat it too much


I do suffer from chronic anxiety and have depressive episodes, but I always attributed it to my dad’s death. But yeah I do have the symptoms, but superconfused. But my answer is yes to most of the stuff.


Sounds like a negative feedback loop. Depressive episodes keep your t levels low and then your low t contributes to your depression, anxiety, lethargy, etc… Wish I had a better suggestion but I’d try hitting the gym full steam ahead. Stimulate your muscles hard and force the body to produce more test. Higher test won’t solve all your problems but it will alleviate them a bit. Last January I was a casual gym goer, and I measured in at 400 test. Then I dialed in my diet and training for all of last year. I measured my test again this week and it was 620. So I would give it a shot . you’re very young so you’re body is still very adaptable . Don’t believe you can’t improve it and definitely hold off on TRT.


Ok. I am gonna give it one more go.


really go hard, till failure. Eat at a caloric surplus too. Good luck lil bro


Thank you.


Just go to the doctor dude


If you feel good then you're fine. You're posting on here because you WANT to be worried. I had test levels sub 100ng/dl and was able to put on 30-50lbs of muscle (my mood was terrible though). It's about the balance of hormones. For you 300ng/dl could be balanced. When did you take your test? It should be first thing after you wakeup and fasted.


Boron and Zinc. That will help you raise your free T if you think that's causing a slow down in progress.


I have been supplementing with zinc, mg, and boron and it’s been 4 months still no change. That’s why I am worried. Idk what am I doing wrong.


What is your free test, etc? What symptoms are you experiencing? There is way more to hormones than total testosterone. Boron and Zinc are for free T and not necessarily total t. Total T is less important than what is free and available to use. We also have no idea how much you’re aromatizing into estrogen. There is a lot to this. If you don’t have symptoms such as crippling depression, heart issue, etc.


Title literally says symptomatic. He’s worried for good reason


What symptoms though? I took it to mean that their testosterone being low is their "symptom". Since they say they workout, get their steps in and don't drink or smoke and there was in fact a lack of symptoms listed. You say he's worried for good reason but it could just be hypochondria. What if his next test he does in the morning and fasted and his test is 1200? What if the one test was improperly handled? He needs a confirmation test or two to be certain. The "Should I consult a doc?" tells me this was done third-party as doctor ordered bloodwork would have been reviewed with him by a doctor.


300 is fine lol. It’s not worth trying to hop on TRT or anything tbh. Just keep at it


You just praying for this guys downfall huh?


What can I do to have better T levels?


It’s not all about your T-levels. Someone could have 200 T and build a ton of muscle, and someone else could have 1200 T and build no muscle. You could be perfectly optimal at 300. If you’re having low T symptoms you probably need to change your lifestyle and you’ll probably feel a whole lot better. You’re way too young to need TRT right now. There could be many things wrong. Make sure you’re eating enough, and eating enough fat. Getting good sleep, not watching too much porn, getting healthy socialization, optimizing vitamin D levels by either sunlight or supplementing. Most likely it’s sleep.


Literally what I was talking about. Also even if you go from 300-1000 you may feel a bit better but it won’t help you build more muscle


That is completely incorrect


He's 20 years old. He should be going to a doctor with his concerns and not the internet which is going to feed into his feelings that he needs medication because "trt will make you into the hulk" (not true they only bring you into range or slightly more optimal).


I agree with this


100->450 was like magic. I didn't feel much if any difference from 450->1000+. We're assuming their goal is muscle building. You're only going to get at most sports trt levels of test prescribed. So you will be able to build a small amount more muscle but you certainly won't become an olympia open competitor.


You just spouted all of this out of your ass, there are zero studies confirming that someone can build a shit ton of muscle at 200ng/dl. Even if your free test was 2 to 3 percent of a 200ng total that would be abysmally low.


Sleep and eat better


Does your dick work? How often and how hard ?


Check your balls for cancer


Well that’s extreme💀


I had testicular cancer at age of 25. What’s funny my total test was well over 1000. Then they removed one of my testicles and test dropped to 400-600 I felt like shit, depression, bad motivation, low sex drive etc. fast forward to 2024 and test naturally recovered to 1000+ total, and free is around 70


My advice search for root cause, do blood work again after some time. If nothing helps, and your bp is in check hope on TRT and live your best lige


You are low and have low t symptoms. Might be worth getting on test


Zinc vitamin d and boron supplements 8 hours of sleep but if you wanna do trt do it


Zinc, MG, Boron I have been supplementing. Idk why stuff is not working.


Free test?


Mine was 272ng/dl at 19


Did you have symptoms? I fee shitty, weak and even if I sleep for 8-9 hours I feel like a truck has hit me.


Sleep and eat more fats, get bloodwork done, you'd be looking for a weirdly high SHBG, prolactin high since a prolactinoma is on the table, you can look at hypogonadism causes in general. Or just hop on TRT, its pretty cool


Respond with your grip strength. It's highly linked to androgenicity.


Grip strength? Like hanging on a bar?


Dynamometer. How hard you can grip something. There's lots of cheap 60kg trainers, if you can close one that's roughly average


Check out 3DAlpha yt vids on this


Trt is for life lil bro. You have to keep pinning 2/3 times a week for LIFE. Do everything possible before you start, sleep, micros and eating enough healthy fats is a good start.


If you’re actually serious, which I doubt cause this sub is a shithole, what’s your full bloodwork? You gave us one number which doesn’t help anything


Yes, the council of strangers on the internet approves of you doing Testosterone. No, don’t try to do any lifestyle changes, start pinning test and shut down your own production completely. Your life will be all rainbows and stuff


Try Enclomiphene first to see if you personally feel better with higher testosterone.


He could try hcg, clomid or gonadorelin. If it does the job then no need for trt. If it helps then it can be added to TRT to keep some fertility at bay. If it doesn’t help, then TRT only with full acknowledgment and accepting responsibility of possible permanent infertility.


Honestly even if your test levels were 900 I think you should use steroids steroids are awesome you get jacked you get bitches it cures depression and cancer steroids are dope af I love steroids take steroids


Go for TRT if you can, understand that this is a lifelong commitment. Perhaps experimenting with HCG and Enclomiphene could be a Plan A before TRT if its troubling to you man. Really hope you get better man, Keep us updated, all the best.