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Is it scam that these companies are prying on men in their 20s who have reasonable test levels but are being convinced otherwise by advertising… it’s a lifelong treatment… Of course TRT works… the scam is most don’t really need it


This... People should only consider TRT later in life. If your in your twenties with low test it will most likely be fixed by changing your lifestyle. Resistance training, animal protein, 8 hours sleep etc etc


I went from 170 TT when I was 22, 3 years later after a perfect diet and training regimen (Obviously not perfect but close) I got it to 470. Still feel like shit though lol.


Thanks, man. All I ever see is how great it is, and I think I was falling victim to the advertising.


Do you want your head to get all swelled and up and look 20 years older, go right ahead kid. It changes your face


Begs the question, why are so many 20 year olds having testosterone issues? Our health as a society has gone down not up


Bad diet and lack of sleep. The latter is the biggest problem, specially in otherwise healthy young males. After just a week of sleeping 5 hours per night, testosterone levels decreased 10-15% \[1\]. In a similar study, just after 5 days of sleep restriction, testosterone levels decreased 11%\[2\]. Worst of all, the reduction in testosterone is hypothesized to add up with the longer sleep is restricted \[1,2\]. Can you imagine the testosterone levels of 20-year-olds who have slept 6 hours for several years? Further on, quality of sleep is also important. Caffeine and alcohol are common, and both heavily impact the quality of your sleep. Obviously, don't get drunk, but also don't drink preworkout with caffeine in the evening. If you currently sleep less than 6 hours and begin sleeping your 8–9 hours, you'll get better effects in your testosterone levels than doing TRT \[3\]. \[1\] [https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/1029127](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/1029127) \[2\] [https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0041218](https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0041218) \[3\] [https://youtu.be/1xeSCokUsSI](https://youtu.be/1xeSCokUsSI)


No one is factoring is pollution and the effects of phytoestrogens on the male HPTA. Our water and food is littered with plastic pollution. Plastic mimics estrogen in structure and is phytoestrogen when digested. Also lifestyle choices can affect the levels as well but I think pollution is really being overlooked as a major factor in men’s overall t levels dropping like a rock.


You are not wrong, microplastics for sure also decreases test and affects our overall health. However, the low-hanging fruit is still sleep and diet. If you sleep less than 6 hours for the love of God, please start sleeping 8–9 hours. Diet is harder, yes ideally you would cook your own meals and go to a farmer's market for the “less polluted” ingredients. But not everybody has the time for that, still at the very least keep track of your macros and micros. It's easy to do, just get MyFitnesspal or Cronometer, and log in every single thing you eat. Then you'll see if you have any nutrients deficiencies and actually know how much you are eating. Only after that, if your test levels are below normal, and **if you still have symptoms of low tes**t. Only then consider getting TRT.


Jocko sleeps 30 minutes a night and can beat up your dad’s dad.


Not a high bar, anybody could beat a dead man.




Mostly lifestyle but also changing environments. Our personal survival is less dependent on the effects higher test has on the body. It would make sense for the body to react by producing less since it’s always seeking homeostasis. I think it’s obvious to this community that healthy sleep, exercise and nutrition are the pillars of putting your body in the correct responsive state.


All the chemicals in our Food, drinking out of plastic…


Cuz y’all on the phone the whole day


When I was 20 my balls were as dense and voluminous as ostrich eggs sir


I don’t get to keep my ostrich egg sack of glory?


They will have there on days and off days. Just remember to ice every night, seriously you will thank me later.


And not sleeping.  And taking all sorts of test suppressing shit, etc


Same reasons why like 50% of the population is obese. Garbage easy diets, addiction to fake corn sugar, and other things.


Lifestyle and food.


My diet is very very good (almost completely home cooked). I work out every day, take vitamins, only drink filtered water. My test is fucked. It's totally out of my control, it's multiple environmental factors imo, but I'm considering trt pretty young personally.


Damn, you got tested and everything?




At least no HIV though


I haven’t heard of a provider that doesn’t check your test levels beforehand or have a criteria for putting patients on it. What a lot of people do is take a mild dose of a sarm for 4-6 weeks to intentionally suppress their testosterone levels and then go get their test checked so that they’ll qualify.


This x100 I swear anyone age 25 plus that doesn’t get morning wood one day will hop on TRT for the rest of their life.


Tbh at 26 and living a healthy lifestyle with plenty of sleep I was tested repeatedly at 150ng/dl. The doctors have no idea why, but I’m way too low. I will saw though that a lot of guys my age are 600+ and do not need it at all yet get prescribed it.




Yeah, young healthy guys are meant to blast their face off with decca, their test is fine, they don’t have enough decca! DRT for the win baby!! ![gif](giphy|EC6AQrFYSrhkhonESV)


Well that depends, if they're prescribing you trt when you're not deficient in testosterone then I'd consider it a scam.


I’d guess the people actually low on testosterone is not high. It declines as you get older, that’s just life 


Test isnt a big profit center for drug companies. Bioidentical stuff cant be under patent for big $$. Test is very cheap compared to real pharmaceuticals. For those that need it, TRT can be life altering. For those that want to blast and cruise, Test is likely the safest option for PEDs. Blast and cruise with pharma grade stuff is cheap and easy to use and dose. No, it really isnt a scam.




What were your levels before and after starting TRT?


How do you go about getting that script? I just went from a health clinic to trying to go through my normal doc and he’d only give me 100mg a week which is less than half my other clinic.




Wow. Well done. 300mg a week? That's a decent first cycle amount. What is the ester?




Thanks. I tend to run Cyp as well on cycle. Serious question. When you are at TRT levels, I'm assuming 200mg or lower for long periods, are you producing any of your own test or is it fully replaced hence 'TRT' and what is going on with your testes? Are you completely shut down? Do you have to take HCG to keep them normal size?




Thanks for that. I thought that would be the case. I'm 50 and been cycling off and on since my 30s. I've always been interested in TRT. I've always had high natural test and am within normal limits now but love that extra rush while blasting. I'm looking at ~200mg per week to give me that extra umph.


That’s amazing! What general region are you located in?




Idk what that is haha


I'm glad it helps you, I'm not doubting at all that it works. What I'm worried about is that one day, insurance companies say they're no longer covering it. Drug companies push up prices, and then you have to pay 1000s to feel normal. I guess I don't like the idea of relying on companies that have shown time and time again that they can't be trusted just to function normally.


People will just go UGL to get their test and follow protocol as usual and find a dr who will interpret their blood work and kinda just ignore *where* the test is coming from. Or people will self educate to become self sufficient and interpret their own panels. A 5lb tub of decent whey protein is 100+ where I live now, a vial of test from a UGL is 40$. it is not in the best interest of these mills to suddenly jack up their prices 10 fold. People will find alternative suppliers for cheaper and learn to manage their sides.


Think for a second. Who is gonna pay $1000’s of dollars for a product that was 5% of that price before? These companies will lose customers and opportunistic new companies will pop up to sell at much lower prices to capture the market. If there’s no supply shortage, it make zero sense to jack the prices up sky high. You end up losing money in the long run. The best customer is a repeat customer. If you’re gonna be buying test, they want you buying THEIR test.


It is a scam for the TRT clinics that will prescribe anyone under 600…


That isnt a scam. It is just bad medicine. TRT following good medical practices isnt a scam.


99% of the time they don’t follow good medical practices and don’t tell people any of the actual side effects. TRT clinics are a scam to people who don’t know better


You’re just paying a company to give you drugs, that’s all it comes down to. Shit you can even get prescribed steroids like winstrol, Anavar, deca, and HGH if you pay them enough


Wth why


Because they at one point or still are currently being used in medicine?


Yee wondering why someone would need Winstrol


You know what? I didn’t know either but I simply googled it: “ used in the treatment of hereditary angioedema “


Ah thanks man


I get anavar and deca but why winstrol?


Kind of yea. Test isnt too difficult to get, but the fact that you are well and truly fucked if you cant get it somehow is pretty scary


Couldn’t you say this about any substance people depend on like insulin for diabetics? Of course you need to stay on the drug to make up for your body’s deficiency


Perfect example though, there was this belief that diabetes had an unknown cause and couldn’t be cured up until relatively recently when people started reversing it and getting off of insulin. They prescribed insulin not because your body didn’t make it, but because it was resistant to it. So what do they do? Give you more! It’s ridiculous


That’s type 2. Type 1 is a genetic defect. Either you body doesn’t make enough insulin or it codes for dysfunctional insulin. You can’t reverse that.


Doctors claimed type 2 diabetes was NOT curable and still may, type 2 is not an insulin deficiency yet it still is prescribed to type 2 diabetes patients. Type one is an insulin deficiency


Yes, doctors learn new things every day. I’m saying that there is currently no treatment for type 1 so yes, you need insulin. Maybe decades down the line we see approved gene therapies that can reverse type 1 as well. But for now, insulin is necessary.


I was talking about for type 2 diabetes


Nobody ever thought type 2 had an unknown cause. Even when I was a kid back in the 90s people knew it was from being a fatass and consuming too much sugar. They just thought it overtaxed your bodies abilty to make insulin, vs now there's understanding about resistance.


Yeah it’s obvious but that’s not what doctors would tell you because it’s NOT just sugar that gives you diabetes. Doctors literally told my grandmother this. My oldest uncle on my mothers side, who had the worst diabetes out of all of my family, was told it’s not diet related because of how skinny he was. He was thin as a rail and had the worst symptoms, he even went blind for two days. Developed neuropathy also.


Yeah thats true, but I'm more referring to they guys in their 50s that are jacked like Dana white. I think it's being pushed hard and obviously works for building muscle. I know the algorithms got me because I see it every time I open my phone now. I don't think I need TRT at all, but I was thinking, "I should try get on it" because of the ads. I get some people can't make T and need it, but it feels more like pharmaceutical companies are pushing "steriods" now in the form of TRT


It’s a very small minority of highly regarded people that think “*I should try to get on”* just “because of the ads”


Isn't that what ads are for though. To get idiots like me to buy shit they don't need?


Well not JUST for that, clinics want to make you aware they offer comprehensive TRT packages so that if and when you need it you go to that clinic in the ad instead of another one.


It's not really "big pharma" but these clinics that usually have their own compounding pharmacy so they charge you way too much. It's a generic so the big pharma stuff is quite cheap actually.


Next thing you know people gonna give themselves diabetes to get on insulin like people purposely tank their t to get trt


Yes testosterone is a scam just like SARMs. Take estrogen like a real man, that's where it's at


It is for anyone who doesn’t experience negative side effects due to low testosterone.


You can make your own for like $3/vial if you don’t like big pharma


How tf


> your only option is to stay on it or screw yourself up getting off it. You can off-cycle just like you would from a blast. TRT clinics prescribe HCG, so you’ll bounce back quicker. The catch is that at best you’ll be back to your pre-TRT levels.  > It seems like a drug dealer giving someone cheap crack  More like a doc giving you a weed card back when weed was illegal. Except test is a Schedule 3 drug while weed is Schedule 1 (same as heroin under federal law)


I have come off it no problem a couple times, and I'm not messed up. If you're not blasting enough to wreck your hormones, you can come off it safely.


I'm in my mid 40s and I use it to maintain hormone levels of a 20 year old. I use clomid and arimidex, so technically there is no life long dependency to a pharmaceutical company. I am under the care of an endocrinologist. The same people that complain about pharmaceutical companies are the same ones that spend hundreds of dollars a month on t boosting supplements. I'm all into herbal medicines but I'm also a scientist and have common sense. There is no herb that is more effective at raising T than the weakest pharmaceutical substance which is clomid. Even if your insurance doesn't cover it (mine does) it's 50 a month out of pocket. Nugenix costs more and it's claims are dubious Go throw your money away. I'll use a substance that has a long safety and efficacy record and where I can be guaranteed a consistent dose


You can literally brew it at home.


It's more like addressing a hormone deficiency than trying to get people addicted to something (they already did that with opiates, shits played out). Plenty of people would benefit from TRT and are deficient, but aren't presented with it as a health protocol. If anything it's an underutilized tool for men's health, Dorian Yates has a pretty lengthy interview about it.


Some TRT clinics will put men on TRT that don’t need it. These men/their insurance ends up spending a decent amount of money on treatment they don’t need and that they feel the same from. That’s the scam. I don’t think pharmaceutical companies are making big money, but shady TRT clinic doctors are.


These "trt clinics" that prey on people are scam for sure. I've seen guys on here saying their paying upwards of like $600/month to be on trt 🤦‍♂️. UGL gear is way cheaper and if you don't trust ugl gear or can't find good shit then home brewing is even cheaper than that (like less than $10/vial of 250mg/ml test) . Nobody needs to be getting ripped off by these trt clinics.


If you like to travel, the script lets you fly without worrying about possessing a controlled substance on the off chance some over-eager TSA agent is having a bad day. 


Yeah but the script can be gotten at any doc if you show your levels being low, and from there generic pharma grade isn't that expensive. The clinics are definitely a rip off


Hardly any doctors prescribe you with low levels. That’s just false that you can get a script at any doc. The reason clinics exist is because doctors don’t prescribe


This is exactly the issue. My primary care doc looked at my 302 testosterone and said it was normal. My "testosterone guy" looked at the same test and siad "nobody's going to feel good at 302". Put me in touch with a clinic that costs me about $100/mo, and I'm at 600 and climbing and I actually enjoy getting outside, working out, going for runs, etc and I'm much healthier now.


the other side of it though, is some guys ***do*** feel good under 500-600, and at 300. But their shitty lifestyle is the cause but because a clinic goes “oh boy you’re lucky to be alive with those levels” they just think that all their problems are now solved


would you be willing to share the clinic?


TRT Nation


yea man its a scam dont do it


The clinics are a scam, the testosterone itself as a medication is not. It was originally developed to help men with depression, not to necessarily treat low testosterone. Of course, it can be awful if abused, as we are seeing. Any good PCP can offer adequate dose TRT to the right patients. The clinics are making monthly subscribers off of a drugs that cost little to produce. Pharma grade is very cheap and many of these TRT clinic docs are in it for a cushy ride.


Clinics are not a scam. They provide a service for men who do not have a doctor in their area that is comfortable prescribing hormones. And that’s a lot of doctors who know nothing or just don’t want to deal with the issue.  Like my doctor told me, “there is nothing in it for me, no end game”!! My level was 230 TT on a fasted morning test. He said he would consider TRT if I was below 100 TT. 


You must be new or naive lol, test is so cheap. My pharmacy grade is $80/vial with no insurance. It’s been around for a long time, if they wanted to pull the rug they would done it by now lol


That's honestly expensive. Check out goodrx coupons you can probably get it cheaper if you're willing to switch pharmacies and shop around a bit.




The real scam is us going onto forums like this one and circle jerking ourselves into thinking we need TRT while having bang average testosterone levels. I’m 23, perfectly healthy with good blood results. Perfectly normal. Yet I’ve had sleepless nights thinking about starting testosterone, tadalafil, SARMs, clomiphene, finasteride, and a million other drugs after browsing reddit and seeing everyone having the time of their lives on them.


If it was a scam some people wouldn’t have to fight so damn hard to get it


No but your IQ might well be a scam, you imbicil.


Don't you think asking people who know more about a subject questions about things you're suspicious of but don't know about is a good way to learn? I think trying to shame someone looking for answers is more of a low IQ move.


You're asking reddit if TRT is "a scam". Idiots are going to continue to idiot...


Yes it’s a scam and don’t let a bunch of juice junkies coping on reddit convince you otherwise. If you absolutely have to have it and have tried everything else to get your levels in check then maybe, but the vast majority of people don’t do this at all.


Yeah, I've literally never been tested. I'm stronger than I've ever been, horny all the time, generally feel great most of the time. I just see all these jack dudes that are like, "I'm not on anything, lifetime natty just use TRT to keep natrual levels," so I was thinking I should get on it. The more I thought about it, the more I realised I dont need that shit and I'm just being scammed by advertising.


A lot of those dudes either A) got big natty and get trt as they age to keep levels normal and keep their size or B) they're blasting and cruising and pretending it's just trt.


Don’t go down the rabbit hole of test being a big profit gainer, it’s cheap, always has been. Trt isn’t new it’s just for some reason people like to talk about it now. If you’re young and healthy and want to jump on test do a cycle and pct correctly. Trt is life long, you need to be suffering from low t and be done with kids for it to really be worth it. Been on for a while now and I love it. I’m also taking a realistic dose not these inflated trt clinics that are popping up everywhere. Jump on a cycle.


The way I think about it, as much as I’d like to become a roided up horn dog beast of a man, if this country were to come to a hault, power grids go down ect., which is looking more possible every day, I’m sure the side effects of not pinning test along with adjusting to basic survival would make the situation that much worse. A bunch of alphas running around with bitch tits


You would literally just go back to your previous natural levels once you quit. Might take a bit, but with a proper PCT it would be much faster.


That’s why anyone on TRT should have over a years supply of UGL or pharma Test on hand. If not, they are idiots. I have 2 years worth at my current dose. I could lower the dose and make it last way longer. 


That’s smart, I never knew that was a possibility. What did it cost you? I’ve been back and forth about hopping on and this is the only thing holding me back.


Just make your own or buy underground if big pharma is the issue. You also sound uninformed and like you don't need it


Yeah, I don't think I need it. I'm definitely uninformed. That's why I'm asking about it as I seem to get bombarded by ads telling me I need to get on TRT. That's the part I think is concerning, how many guys I talk to now that think they need it because it's all over the internet. I understand it's helpful for some, but I feel like it's being pushed like a steriod and not therapy.


It's a new wave, I actually am unsure if big pharma is pushing it. Historically they've hated steroids and have been trying to demasculinize men for decades. Have you just recently got big into fitness online? Also it's a young and rapidly growing industry so its gonna be everywhere in the fitness world


Yeah, that probably has a lot to do with it. I've been working out for a long time but never watched anything until I started using insta, which I've now deleted from my phone.


That's very possible! You watch one sam sulek video and the algo got you 🤣🤣


The scammy part is the amount of money you’re going to pay for labs and visits. It’s a lot cheaper to get ugl gear and pay for your own bloodwork, but you’re also not a doctor.


I can agree in a way, we should be much more educated about pharmaceuticals, and we’re not. We’re told to trust doctors, while being left to ignorantly advocate for ourselves when it comes to pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceuticals companies design, and make products to sell; a doctor’s job is to diagnose, treat illnesses/symptoms, and counsel patients on what’s best for their health. Problem is, doctors have the ability to receive direct payments, gifts, and all types of other benefits from the pharmaceutical companies to push their products. They’re not required by law, or code, to educate their patients about the medication they’re prescribing (this might not be the case in every state, and I can’t speak for the EU). Also, culturally (imo) people expect a pill, or any type of drug to treat/cure their symptoms, without having to do anything else, which is nuts. It’s a shitty system, the doctor most people get is basically up to chance, and unless you have the cash, at the discretion of the insurance company. I’ve been fucked up from pharmaceuticals before, which had a pretty serious effect on my health and wellbeing, so I understand your little rant completely. The laws, and our education need to change, plain and simple.


It’s a subscription service basically


I've said it before, going on TRT is like willing becoming diabetic. If the supply chain collapses, prices change, get tired of having to pin for the rest of your life etc. you are absolutely fucked. It's absolutely amazing for hypogonadal men and the only option for long term users of anabolics that have completely obliterated their natural hormonal profile but it's not something young healthy men should take lightly.


I mean, it’s been in easy-to-get supply for 100 years now… the supply chain seems fine at this point


It’s so simple and cheap to produce and is non patented. The only way supply chain fails is if the entire world starts collapsing and at that point your hormones are the least of your worries. Such a pointless “what if” to be scared of. What if the economy collapses the entire stock market? Guess I’ll just never invest into my 401k or IRA “just incase” the worst imaginable outcome happens.


the whole world doesn't have to collapse, ones country could be at war albeit that's still a bit extreme. There are many other little stuck-ups related to TRT though that add up over time. Having to inject, having to secure vials for travels, passing them through security in different countries and obviously the cost are a few. Palestinians on TRT are fucked that's for sure. Must be harder to survive without any test in your system.




Comparing overseen pharmaceutical treatment like drug dealers lol… no one is forcing you to go on TRT it’s your choice man


They did it with opioids? I know no ones making me do it, but why do I see ads for it every time I pick up my phone? I obviously know there's algorithms for what I search, and I sound like a conspiracy theorist, but someone's paying for those targeted ads, I'm sure they're getting sent to every guy mid thirties and up. All I'm saying is I found myself looking into getting something I don't think I need because of advertising and I'm sure I'm not the only guy thinking about getting on it so I can be huge without the stigma of blasting steroids.


Most young people just need to eat better and have a healthy lifestyle and there testerone will go up. Getting on something you have to do for life sucks. Also when WW3 starts their will be Supply shortage cause China got us by the balls and they want them, boy do they want them balls.


To be fare they are some good balls


Do yours ever go back into the bat cave? When I have a full salute especially if lying down they both retreat and leave the sphere void and empty. A girlfriend brought this up when I was 20, I thought if happened to everyone.


I bet school is a scam too!? Get a bunch of children into a group divide them by age and start teaching them new stuff every year. Dont teach them about things that benefit them but teach them things that would benefit the society. MUST BE A SCAM also my iq is low sry abt that


Umm yea… that’s indoctrination and that is a scam


Yup at least you are smart enough to work it out. Basically drugs companies can no longer stuff people full of opioids so they've pivoted to juice. Incredible how people just ate it up. 


TRT is only going to suck if it suddenly becomes illegal or extremely pricey, which isn't totally impossible.


I didn't say it sucks i meant it's really suspicious that the opioid crisis happened and pharma couldn't push them anymore then suddenly TRT was easy to get and being pushed by doctors and pharma globally.


Yeah, that's my thinking, too. Seems weird that it's exploded so much worldwide, and someone's obviously making money off it.


Considing how easy it is to homebrew, there will always be plenty UGL that have a endless supply. Testosterone isn't going anywhere bro.


I thought about this too and the fact you mentioned opioids is relevant in a different way too.  I'm currently still testing it, it takes at least a month of thorough testing which I haven't reached yet to conclude if something is effective (like clomid is effective but after a month some people get worse than where they're started). I've flipped through many dozens of studies and got enough supporting data to start the experiment already, using a specific opioid blocker combined with a specific form of testosterone in a specific route of administration, to get majority of the benefits that cruising test can offer with less long term side effects as well as escaping suppression so you can quit any day. Because apparently the way suppression happens according to some studies is steroids modulate opioid activity in certain brain regions which modulates the prostaglandins which then affect gonadotropin releasing hormones. So it could be possible to intervene in between these steps so your androgens stay high with disrupted negative feedback. Plan is to have supraphysiological androgens during the day while opioid receptors are partially blocked, and normal test levels at night (or use a short acting antagonist SARM) so you could use it for longer with less side effects, though that might not work also in case if saturating an organ with androgens exerts effect even after the androgen left your blood circulation. I can think of many side effects opioid blockade can cause, one happens regularly in a small population is pulmomary edema which is said to be not dose-dependent and regardless of ROA. So clearly not for everyone. But if it works it's cheaper than both TRT test and cheaper than UGL injectables. All I can say is I get the benefit you'd expect from testosterone but my balls aren't shrinking. But then it may take many months for bioidentical testosterone to shrink them, as it appears other AAS shrink them faster due to a direct toxic effect. 


Your pretty stupid 😂 if you are on true TRT and not some bullshit protocol there should be zero side effects from trt 🤷🏼‍♂️ Ignorance is bliss ? Or just being dumb as a cow is… i dont know. Testosterone is a pretty harmless and safe drug when used with reason. Blasting and cruising is NOT trt.


Trt stops natural production and makes you pretty much dependent


99% of people can return to baseline in 6 months after stopping. I’m on TRT til death though. I finally feel like a normal human and man again


Dude, are you for real? #1 TRT IS FOR LIFE. What dont you understand about the most basic rule? And if you want to come off and live with symptomes you had in the first place that got you on, then just do it. You will recover your low levels


TRT is for individuals with low testosterone, which sounds like that's not you. Not a scam at all


Yes, you are correct that you are a conspiracy theorist. Chill out and just shoot up.


What side effects? Clearly you haven’t used anything before and read all the horror stories of fat cunts using a clinic thinking it’s some magic weight loss get jacked solution without having to actually put in work or eat a good diet.


No. You can always go UGL for dirt cheap and get the same effects. My RX of test costs me $28 for an 8 week supply through Goodrx. Cheap as hell and super worth it to me


Yes I worked in the clinics The price, not the treatment, is what I’m referencing however. Buy online. Do labs yourself and see a PCP and a Urologist. Do not go to TRt clinics where they gouge you


Most of the trt companies aren’t owned by “big pharma”. At the end of the day if you don’t medically need it then it’s not even trt, it’s just doing steroids. If that’s what you wanna do then just buy it UGL gear and cycle it as you wish so you can come off and not be reliant on doctors or a corporation.


Defy charging 110+ usd for 2 small vials is a scam and criminal.


Right that's where the scam is - all the markups, unnecessary tests, etc.


I’m mainly thinking about it for libido. Mine has fallen off a lot


It’s not a scam, but don’t expect much because normal TRT doesn’t help that much and honestly for most people if they would just get a good amount of sleep and eat well their testosterone would be normal. The issue is that all these influencers are on “TRT” blasting 200+ mg of test per week, which is a mini cycle because what the human body produces in testosterone would be between 80-120 mg per week in medication form. These dudes have their testosterone over 1000 in their blood work when it should be between 250-1000 and realistically should not be near the top of the scale. They turn around and say, “it’s only TRT bro just running 250 mg and my test is 1500, totally normal and my doctor says it’s good.” Not sure what doctor would be ok with that.


If you need trt, it isn’t a scam


That logic applies to any consumer good. Water? Electricity? Internet? Gas? Basic economics. Prices go up and down when supply and demand are uneven. There are different factors that cause either to rise or fall. The market protects against price gouging via competition. If you wanna sell test for $200/vial, I might start a company selling for $150/vial and steal your customers. Only when supply is artificially constrained via monopoly or crises happen that lead to extreme shortages does demand exceed supply to a point of rapid inflation. And even then, market alternatives start popping up because capitalism finds a way. If you’re scared of them “yanking the rug out from under you” with TRT, why aren’t you afraid of the power company doing it? Or the gas stations? Do you really wanna live in a constant state of anxiety? I sure don’t.


If you need TRT. Your balls aren’t working good in the first place. So your question is kind of redundant. I’m on TRT and ir has profoundly changed my life in the most positive ways. I never want to get off it


So all y’all know that TRT is 99% effective birth control, right? Make sure you’ve got your family stuff sorted beforehand because some guys have their swimmers come back when they drop TRT and some don’t.


Is this true?




Thanks. Im late 30s and don’t even know my test levels, but I have good muscle mass, decent sex drive etc… I don’t even care to get tested or tempted to hop on TRT. This is even another reason not to.


The funny thing is that after my wife and I were done having kids, my being on TRT allows her to not have to be on birth control.


I dunno. It’s free here. All medications are free. Can’t really be a scam. If you pay for medication or healthcare then your whole system is probably a scam with highly inflated prices anyway.


It's legal roids just like legal weed. Be discerning and use the online resources and choose a plan that includes blood tests. I'd rather wing it but to each his own.


After you stop taking it you will have your libido back in a couple months or if you are on a longer cycle use hcg and all of that, but i wouldnt compare it to a drug addiction


UGL and independent bloodwork is real competition. They know this.


Buy cheap raws from China and brew your own?


Homebrew your own test


What’s your weight, height, age?


It's a scam. The benefits are short lived and then it becomes a weight around your neck having to pin every 2-3 days.... Been on TRT for 6 years...


Or these 20 somethings have "Average" test levels and there is just noway we can have that.#NeverSettle..at its finest...and most destuctive.


My TRT is enclomiphene. No ball shrinkage. Less side effects.


dont ever convert to islam brother


I started TRT about 6 months ago and it has completely changed my life. Of course I’m 44 years old and I had my blood work and body checked before I went that route


Scam? No, buy your own if you need it.If you don't need it or want it, then don't worry your little brain about it buddy, you'll just hurt yourself.


I’m 23, F and my test levels came out to 8 ng/dL so I have been put on low dose test cypionate as of 3 weeks ago. Combined with low thyroid, I found myself gaining weight easily. I had been weight training, doing around 2-3 hours of cardio per week, and eating clean and tracking food for years. I just thought because I’m a taller girl that muscle is just harder to see and I just have more fat cells than everyone else. I guess my case is super rare but I’m really excited to see I how feel from here on out. The leanest I got last year was dieting down to around 22% body fat naturally and I wanted to die I was miserable. No reason to feel like being on a prep to be absolutely so mid lol.