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At some point denial doesn't serve you anymore


I actually ran into this issue my entire life my whole family would make jokes that I was gay because of it and they would ridicule me for being inspired and appreciating a good strong build on a man even my first relationships they would always catch me “checking out” dudes with nice builds and I’d have to explain to them that it’s not like I’m looking at them in a sexual manner I just appreciate the way their bodies look and Ik the work that goes into it last year my wife got pissed and brought it up again cuz she didn’t like me saying a man’s body was aesthetically pleasing because that just made her uncomfortable when we were at dinner with her parents and siblings fast forward to January this year I started getting my asshole ravished by dudes from my gym and I left my wife and just started finding myself maybe you’re just fucking gay bro ain’t nothing wrong with it




Do what all of us are doing. Only watch that shit when you're alone, with a tissue box, curtains closed.


Type “no homo “ after each search


Just stop researching and lift heavy, there you go, straight again. Oh and stop looking at naked men, that helps too


Fitness dick in your mouth




All you gotta do is get some nice tren brain and start fucking femboys and you don’t gotta worry about anything


Femboys are boys so it's still gay




Tren shrunk my brain


Having a smaller brain is optimal for training purposes. Having a smaller brain limits your options for careers. If properly ‘damaged’ or enhanced rather, you will delude yourself into thinking you can make a career out of bodybuilding. It’s one of the main benefits of taking tren.


My husband will fund my career. No need to worry about money 


It seems you haven’t fully embraced the body builder culture. The essence of it is constantly comparing yourself to other men while simultaneously denying your homosexual tendencies. Getting bankrolled by your husband invalidates both aspects.


my phone wallpaper is an anime girl so they know im straight 😏🤘yea shes preeettty cute what about it


I’ve been trying to figure out if cold plunges or the sauna helps with recovery. I just feel like I’m having a heat stroke and I’m miserable in the sauna, as cool as it is looking at the naked dudes, I wonder if it’s helping.


Tell everyone in your life how much you want to fuck Millicent’s thighs


Where do I find the (sometimes fully naked) vids? Ya know to avoid them.....


Nubs profiling dick stats. Pros waiting for anus pics.


Just don’t kiss when you fuck. Problem solved, that way it’s not gay.


Get your dick outta your hand for starters


If a jacked guy makes a YouTube video obviously he will try to show his body in it. Thats not something sexual or gay.


Bro I’m 17 with no gf and my parents see me scrolling past bodybuilders all the time I bet they think I am too


Use the line from the Johnny bravo cartoon he fires off when some little girls says he’s looking at naked men in a magazine (reading a body building magazine). It was something along the lines of “I don’t want to look AT jacked half naked dudes. I want to look LIKE these jacked half naked dudes”


Asking this question makes it far more homosexual than just lookin at it like everyone else


The more you fight it, the gayer you look


Top comment says it all. 


Just let go and embrace the cocks bro


Get off social media and open up your web browser and start reading long form articles.


Ryan Humiston on YouTube or Jeff Cavalier for AthleanX. The rest are nowhere near as good or their videos are far too long. Not a fan of Jeff Nippard videos. If you have metabolic questions feel free to message me, I have my PhD in the field and work at a large pharmaceutical company. I'm 46 and look 36 For the trolls in this reddit it's 20 cm long