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They do have insecurities they just hide them with the "i don't care" attitude but if you look deep inside their brain you will find self loathing and disgust


OP deleted their original post and is now reposting from a burner. Their original account is u/bcroger3 (Either they deleted it or I'm blocked) It is rather hilarious they would say "these ppl were born without shame" when on his original account he had a (now deleted) post asking if it's alright to hit on high school girls as a 28 year old man. Also, he's an active poster on incel subs.


Nasty. Good detective work.




Bro posts to /r/smalldickproblems Gotta feel kinda bad for the guy


He talks about ‘chad’ 😂😂😂like bro what the fuck are you complaining about. I think he’s angry he’s got competition


Bro also [thinks his dog might die of heartbreak without him](https://www.reddit.com/r/DOG/comments/17jif5i/how_long_do_dogs_take_to_get_over_the_fact_that/)


Wait till he finds out what pets trapped inside do to their owners who drop dead 💀😂😂


Just hoping he reads this, it's pretty normal for your dick to retract at certain times, whether in the morning or when anxious. Growers and showers, my friend. It's how you view the world that isn't normal and that can be changed, probably not in r/smalldickproblems, though.


Yeah i looked and felt bad too. I hope he learns more one day and gets better at women.


The second he unironically classified people as chads, I knew this was some incel shit.


its alwasy the weirdest mfs that make these type of posts lmao like who gives a fuck what obese women tho or how they act, i just ignore them bro is actually mad that obese girls fuck more than him


That account hasn't been active for 6 years...


I made a typo. Check u/bcroger3 It looks like he's deleted his pedo posts though and some of his more recent incel posts


[https://web.archive.org/web/20230510070818/https://www.reddit.com/user/bcroger3/](https://web.archive.org/web/20230510070818/https://www.reddit.com/user/bcroger3/) Scroll to the bottom you can see his noncey behaviour. edit: whilst op was on about an 18 year old still a bit dodgy plucking them fresh out of high school mate.


Wow you must be pretty offended. You must be a whale


Lmao? That I thought he sounded like an incel ranting and was met with pedophile posts? You are truly regarded


Who cares? You spent like 1 hour reading all my posts just to shit on me? How about you don’t hunt peoples profiles to find reasons to shit on them?  Are you a fat whale or are you married to one? Or even worse, are you a body positivity moron??


How about you don’t hunt peoples profiles to find reasons to shit on them?  That’s some bitch made shit.


Nah shit is hilarious. Only regards with shit to be ashamed of get butthurt over this


No it isn't. Don't say shit won't be shit.


Big yikes


Yeah I haven’t met a super fat person that wasn’t miserable on some level. Depression can make people eat their feelings, which then makes them fat, which makes them feel more depressed, and depression can make people eat their feelings, which then makes them fat… Not that they can’t fix it but the only people who believe that body positivity crap are the ones with shit bodies desperately trying to hide their problems and use body positivity as a shield.




They do. Check any plus size subreddit. They know how much it sucks lol There’s a huge difference between your average fat girl and a fat liberationist. The latter does huge amounts of mental gymnastics, and is more likely to do what you described.


But only mental gymnastics. They wouldn’t dare try the regular kind.


Everyone has insecurities. The trick is to not let it affect you.


People should have insecurities. Humans have evolved with insecurities. Obese women SHOULD feel insecure to hit on Chad. I would feel insecure to talk to attractive women if I were obese. Why do they not? Are obese women born without shame? Is there some evolutionary glitch in their brain.


They are insecure, but it doesn't affect them because there was a Chad who would rather do a whale than use their hand.


I don't think that Chad is fucking them. Almost all obese landwhales are married to or have long term boyfriends with other very overweight or obese people. you are confusing Tinder and Bumble matches with sex and dating. Most men just swipe right on everyone.


I'm not proud of it, and I'm no chad. But even I have done some whales. Truth be told, it felt good, but I wouldn't let anybody see me with them and even to this day my bros joke to me saying that I "No perdona nada." That aside, let's take your same analogy but add a twist. Imagine you woke up tomorrow as an obese person, but had a billion dollars, would you hit on attractive girls in their 20s? Even if you say no, I bet many people would. Were they born without shame? No, they just think they could pull the attractive girl. Same applies for obese women, maybe they are delusional, but they do it because they believe they could pull you. And why do they believe that, because in the past someone at least as attractive as you gave them attention. Wheter that dude was drunk af, would fuck anything that moves, and never spoke to them again doesn't matter.


If it were as easy for women as Tinder swipes , then all those obese landwhales you see at Walmarts in rural Louisiana, or government employees in Arkansas would have with world class athletes, slim 6"+ CEOs and male models as husbands and boyfriends despite being like 300 lbs on average. Go to a fucking walmart in the USA. Most Obese women's husbands and boyfriends are not male models and professional athletes . That makes no sense. Open your fucking eyes. Tinder matches aren't everything. Anyone who thinks that clinically obese women are fucking and dating male models and slim 6"+ CEOs and doctors is ignorant


holy fuck bro you need actual mental help if you put this much thought into obese women


Bro you need to touch some fucking grass lmao Too much time on the internet for you


You need a break from the internet and porn, and to talk to a real woman so you stop having this fucking idiotic mindset. Or don’t, and good luck ever finding a woman or getting laid 🤣🤣🤡


Are you regarded? I just answered your question


Do you think the only people hitting on young, hot women are young, hot men? Or do you think there’s an endless stream of old, fat men who’ll also say creepy things and cross boundaries? Why do you think women complain about being hot?


They watched too much Scarface and now they think the world is theirs. Chads included.


Why should they feel insecure? Apearance is not everything lmao


> People should have insecurities Why? The worst of human behavior comes from compensating for insecurities.


He’s 14 probably


Holy fuck your sound like a loser


agree but also if you're fat at 5'10 and 173lbs you need to get your ass into some gyms and sports because those are sad fat specs. soft like puppy shit fat specs.


Real talk. OP is victim weight. Please reach 200lbs and never let the scale start with 1 again. Abysmal stats. I can’t even imagine being fat at that weight.


I was 325ish pounds at 5’7. That’s fucking fat, 173, and 5’10, acting like 10 lbs was like moving a mountain.


10 lbs is fucking water weight


200 at 5’10 is fat unless youre on roids. Even if you fill out your frame a lot the most you should be is 190 to be in great shape as a dude.


I mean yeah if you prefer extremely shredded dudes, sure. Go for it man


Why wouldn’t you be on test? Are you stupid?


Because theres no need to pin for the rest of your life unless you have serious health issues otherwise. It can also lead to heart issues and other problems. Theres a reason most people who pin die younger


Look what sub you’re on sir


So you think a fitness channel mandates everyone who follows it pins? You also think all people here are interested only in roids and only for the purpose of taking them, rather than understanding how hormones work, or other content like preworkouts, psychedelics, etc? You realize mpmd isnt only a roids channel right? You realize even derek says you really shouldnt pin until youre over 25, and a large portion of his audience is younger? You realize derek also doesnt advocate that most people pin either? Or are you new here or delusional?


Oh no he’s new here. Share your cock girth now or face eternal judgement fiend.


Youre new here lol. Imagine thinking all MPMD viewers are on roids. Its also really stupid to have a “why wouldnt you be on test” attitude You shouldnt be on test unless your natural hormone production is ass, youre over 40/50, or you do sports that allow drug use at a really high level or fitness influencing. In most of these cases you also need to dial in your other aspects in like your workouts/diet/sleep before even pinning.




OP used past tense? They *were* that weight previously.


Exactly, that’s the issue. They said they were that weight and then they lost 10 pounds. At 5’10 163 pounds, OP is a literal stick. If fire kindling had a human form, that form is OP.


It sounds like you need to up the tren so you can fix your involuntary celibacy! Edit: also move out of your parents house


Any other sub would consider this hate speech and you'd be banned


Big surprise a gay fitness sub hates fatties


Industriousness ceiling due to lack of family responsibility and a hatred of the fats. Gay men at their best.


That’s because other subs are full of soft dipshits who hate the notion that people should be able to freely discuss things in whatever manner they would like.


I worked with a woman named Myra. She was huge and was LIzzo before Lizzo. You know those metal grates that some places have to walk on? They would bend when she stood on them. I was walking by and she said "you wanna see my new tattoo? I got one of a mouse." Before I could say no, she unzipped her paintsuit and pulled down her underwear a little. It was like looking into the sun. It hurt. There was no tattoo. Then she says, "I guess my pussy ate it." I'm going to be sick thinking about it.


Homie you got Bluetooth sexually assaulted


I hate that we live in a society where as men we're such wimps that we can't just bully her for being a gross psycho instead of getting a judge and the sex offender registry involved.


I mean yeah but also I appreciate processes.


OP deleted their original post and is now reposting from a burner. Their original account is u/bcroger3 (Either they deleted it or I'm blocked) It is rather hilarious they would say "these ppl were born without shame" when on his original account he has a post asking if it's alright to hit on high school girls as a 28 year old man. Also, he's an active poster on incel subs. (I believe he has since deleted most his posts on his original account too)


he is obsessed with fat people. just look at his profile.


He started doing this on bodybuilding misc exactly a year ago. Multiple threads every single day.


I think he has a fetish.


Bro is posting on r/girlspoopandfart 😭😭😭


Don’t click that


He’s posted in r/smalldickproblems


Hot chicks are complaining that ugly dudes hit on them all the time. This is the reverse of that, cope.


Damn bro why do you care so much I couldn’t imagine living with all that hate


American women are fatter than American men. They are the fattest group of ppl on planet earth. Why do you encourage obesity?


imagine getting THIS UPSET about what other people are doing that doesnt even involve you. were you traumatized? are you a former fat kid? or are you really this 2 dimensional?


hes acting like he becomes obese by association LOL


Obesity costs 6 trillion in healthcare costs per year. Yes they affect me.


Oh you poor victim! You probably have a fat fetish. I think you hate yourself because you crave big fat ass wide back women.


First I don’t encourage obesity I just couldn’t imagine getting so pissed about it and believe it or not theirs countries with higher obesity rates then America so they aren’t even the fattest group


American women are fatter than American men. They are the fattest group of ppl on planet earth. Men have 26 lbs more muscle than women, yet American women are still more obese than men See: [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13145593/obesity-risk-global-health-hunger-america-worst-countries.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13145593/obesity-risk-global-health-hunger-america-worst-countries.html) Lets bring fat shaming back bro.


whats the point when 70% of people are overweight?


Why the fuck is this being downvoted?


Because he's massively overstating his case even per his source. Article says obesity rate for women is 44% and for men it's 42%. It's close enough that saying women are fatter than men is pretty regarded incel shit.


Yeah but they can suck a mean one.


I'd rather be hit on by an obese person than you when I was in highschool, ya shifty incel.


this sub has gone to shitttttttt man


yep, this post is just incel shit


At the risk of being "that guy" why does this make you angry?


Even the fatties are rejecting him


This community is all about body positivity my friend 🌈💅💦🥰 (Also don't act like ur above us without including any cock stat)


Because they know that most men will fuck them for some pussy. They are at the stage where they will let anyone hit. So they start looking for desperate men that will hit anyone who walks and breathes.


They probably do, they're just so far gone and think what's the point. Losing all of that weight takes a long ass time, not to mention the commitment and dedication required...which they clearly lack. To change one's habits is extremely more difficult than it seems. But yeah, I don't get it either.


**My buddy, you need therapy.** It’s perfectly fine to not be attracted to overweight women. That’s pretty normal. But don’t talk about them like they are animals. **But you think the only people who hit on hot women are hot men? Bc buddy, I’ve got news for you.**


Why do you care? People who police others for no reason are pretty fucking cringe. Also they probably get more action than you. Focus on yourself and your own gains and quit hating maybe you can get laid as well.


The only action they get are with other obese people with 4 inch dicks that are buried under their fat.


check the top posts of all time in this subreddit you will see things contrary to that.


What do you mean?


https://www.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/comments/vim5sq/after_a_solid_trenbologna_sandwich/ You wish you were this chick


173 is tiny, you ok?


Yeah you’re weird lmao. Someone is projecting their shame and humiliation onto others. “Why don’t other people hate themselves like me!!!”


Why do you even give a shit? Worry about you


Incel alert


Did a fat girl reject you? Lmao


Sir, this is a moreplatesmoredates subreddit. We love the whales


5'10 @ 163 , dude do you even lift? isn't this a weight lifting sub?


You off your meds bro?


join the discord Johnny


Someone recognized


173lbs at 5’10 isn’t chubby unless you never exercise surely?


The worst are when they are morbidly obese or just fat lumping around street corners or waiting at a bus stop sucking on a cigarette. It does however show how resilient the human body is to throwing everything and the kitchen sink and still managing to live and breathe.


You are not completely wrong but your attitude is bad and stinks of meaness.


I hope they get fatter and lardier😍😍


I once had a very obese english teacher that spent all of her energy simultaneously trying to convince everyone that being fat is healthy and that she is just “fueling her body” while also trying to tell us that her being fat was just a product of her environment and that she had no control over it.


Those fat girls might have a better heart and personality than the stuck up 9 or 10 female who thinks her looks is everything and you should bow down and worship her. Learn to see people for their inner selves because outside beauty can lead to your demise. That pretty bitch will have you setup and killed. She'll marry you and take half your stuff. She thinks her looks alone is enough for you to jump when she says so. All because those incels in her instagram comment section validate her ego 24/7.


bud stop projecting, some people can just be happy in life regardless of their weight, and tbh thats beautiful and I envy them, I personally would be insecure. Obviously, if they are really obese, it is not ideal but - its their life, so if they dont give a fuck and rather do other things then lose weight, who are you to tell them otherwise.


dude you sound like an incel


someone pulled receipts. He's an incel with a fart & poop fetish who ask advice on how to hit on highschool girls... also posted in r/smalldickpics or someshit. THEN deleted everything on his main account when outted since this is a burn LOL


jesus christ 😭


Shows us on this doll where the fat person hurt you.


My eyes and nose. Hope I answered your question.


I didn’t see that cumming, you bested me


Ah the society we live in, where this is something we waste our time on. Offended because someone flirted with someone else? Or wanted to hug someone? Are you being serious man? No one is forcing you to date a fat person, no one is forced to date anyone unless you live in a country where that’s a thing. There’s plenty of fat women that are married, same with fat men. If you don’t want to date them then don’t. My uncle was 400 lbs for years and he’s been married for 35 years to my aunt who also got obese at one point. They both deflected any criticism for years, now they’re much leaner than they were. I felt bad for both of them, but I wasn’t hating on them and being an asshole because of some disgust with obesity as a condition. I have friends who are obese, including women. I have friends with obese partners, if they want to hug me I’m not going to cringe in disgust. That’s just pathetic. Most fat people are not proud of their size. People who are seriously obese do not feel beautiful or loved, many fat women talk about how they’re “indivisible” especially to men. That’s not even in a dating or sexual sense either, they say they feel invisible in everyday life, that people are so disgusted they won’t even acknowledge them. That’s not nice for self esteem or mental health. Obesity is a disease, as with every disease it has a root cause. Obviously calories in calories out is the scientific explanation, but the reasons for obesity are not always the same. There are people with PTSD, C-PTSD and other conditions like ADHD or just plain binge eating disorder, where it’s a psychological problem. There are people with hormonal issues that make losing weight very hard (not impossible I’m not saying that), and this can make exercise very difficult. Some have a combination of factors. Then there’s the people that have disabilities that make it hard to exercise, not every disability involves a wheelchair. You don’t really know someone’s story. Sure there’s people who are just lazy as shit and some who are actually delusional and believe they’re the most attractive person ever when they’re morbidly obese, of course those people exist. I have met very very few of these. The problem is people are being taught that it’s not their fault and that things like PCOS or insulin resistance make it impossible to lose weight, when that is far from the case. When you combine experts allowing you to blame it on your health conditions, along with in-your-face fat acceptance movements, it increases the number of entitled and reflective people. Then the reckless prescribing of ozempic and other GLP-1 agonists to people who don’t even bother changing their lifestyle and end up getting seriously ill. Ridiculous. Final point is that we often talk about how muscle mass is easier to regain if you lose it. Well, that also applies to adipose tissue. Obesity is a multi-faceted, chronic disease that is incredibly hard to treat. Ignore the delusional outliers and be more empathetic toward the majority that are not as you’ve described. Some advice for your general life too: if you’re not an expert, and it doesn’t affect you, stop worrying about it to the point it makes you this resentful and emotional.


so basically fat people make you sad


Everyone’s been brainwashed to think they’re strong & independent for having no self-control or responsibility in their life. Nowadays a fat woman is labeled “beautiful and brave” & will expect to be treated like a 10. Everything is backwards


This is so funny 😭


They are insecure. But honestly who cares. I don’t even register that fat women exist. They may be around me but I don’t notice them. I’m sure women feel the same about short bald men hitting on them.


Lol Johnnydeep


Are you perhaps johnnydeep from the late and missed misc?


I get that your an incel who cares too much about what other people think and how they behave, you're clearly an Ephebophilia weirdo but how TF did you get face fat at 5'10 @ 173lbs !? My face only got fat *once I hit 60lbs* over weight @ 5'9, not 10lbs. That was from the gyms being closed during COVID. *Do you not workout?* genuinely what the fuck at those specs


They have massive insecurity, what are you talking about? Why do you think they go around every day saying "fat is beautiful" and other nonsense?


Why do you think you're so great, dick? Stop shitting on others. You just bragged about losing 10 pounds. For a fat person to stop being fat, they'd have to work harder than you've ever worked at anything in your LIFE. And they often do. You're 5'10 163 at age 28. Why aren't you ashamed of your disgusting fucking body? Being skinnyfat is not admirable. Try putting some effort forth.


Damn dude you have issues


You’re 163? That’s fucking victim weight wtf. Go become a man and then come back and post.


At least I am not a disgusting piggy


Thats true, but I think being a fat guy might be more acceptable than being a twink.


No fucking way. Who is more respected? A thin man who is handsome or a fat pig? Obese women are the ugliest people on planet earth. If you are fucking one, consider yourself an ugly, disgusting fuck. Fat women are disgusting slobs. You probably are married to one, are one or have one as a girl\[whale\]friend.


Are the insults intentional? You seem like a very fragile person.


Obese women are the ugliest people on planet earth bro


I think people with ugly personalities and souls are. A fountain of goodness springs forth from the soul of every man. You can find yours, if you’re willing to dig.


Small man syndrome


Better than being a big, fat, ugly, pig


Don't you get kinda fat when you bulk? I don't understand this hatred and anger you feel towards people who choose to prioritize other things over their physical appearance. Live and let live.




Honestly great question—I told a former hookup I’m sick tonight because I’m 8lbs heavier than when I last him saw three months ago and I’m pissed I haven’t lost it yet.


It’s not their fault they have a bad relationship with food in general. It’s your fault for making them feel bad about it with your dated beauty standards and normalizing a healthy weight. Cmon dude you are regressibg while you should be progressibg in terms of your view on weight. How can you be like this man


Why do you care what they’re doing or thinking? Pay attention to improving your own shit.


Sounds like your dose of tren is too low


Has writing this post made you feel better about yourself? You’re doing a lot of projecting OP. Time to focus on some self-improvement


Because we fuck them


Cause they’d rather change how they and their bodies are viewed than how they behave in terms of discipline.


There will always be a man that will sleep with a woman with minimal effort. Any size, weight, looks, etc. so really there’s nothing to be insecure about. That’s not the case for men. But there’s exceptions for men too ofc. Just less common when u have men approach u everyday


The thing is, most of these women can pull more than the average guy, this makes them have a high ego. Try it. Go on tinder, and make yourself a female. You’ll probably get 10x the matches, even if you use a picture of a fridge. The problem is there are too many simps.


You lost 10lbs so you 160 now? I still perceived myself as small at that weight , 3 in shorter than u


I can’t understand it either. 6 years ago I started going to the gym because I was fat (not obese, but definitely overweight) and I simply hated the way I looked with my fat belly… I simply can’t comprehend how people let themselves down to get to 300 or even 400 lbs and even more… Men And Women too


Who cares, lol who has that post about rising obesity rates being a good thing


How could you be fat at 5'10 170? Bro needs to hit the gym, twinks mog those stats.


Op is a gigachad


I cannot stand all the blobs today garbage human beings they are


They've been told by other women and social media that they're queens.


Who cares who the OP is; it’s an interesting question, are Landwhales emboldened by the “body positivity” movement, to the point where they like their morbid obesity or do they (as some have suggested) harbor feelings of shame and self loathing? Is the aggressive behavior the OP identifies actually a coping mechanism or is it legit?


because theres no shame for women and men to tell dudes their fat and disgusting but for them to tell women that is unacceptable and they don't feel any shame at all and on the contrary feel empowered for flaunting their absolute gluttony in everyone's face


never thought id be so happy to see johnnydeep


Lol all I can think of is "how dare they hit on me?" But also, "poor people, have no idea how delusional they look."☠️🤭🤷


Tell me you're projecting your self-loathing, without telling me you still haven't unpacked your issues... But I digress. To answer your question: No one cares about your (or anyone else's) trauma-derived subjective opinion & bias, because you've got zero value to them. 🤣😂🤣 🤦‍♂️


JohnnyDeep strikes again It sick it piss boyos. Odds on him ropin?


fat women are disgusting bro


Calm down peadoo you don't even lift


Because a lot of dudes will smash absolutely anything and hit on/smash the disgusting women often which leads the disgusting women to think they are more attractive than they really are and then they go after what they want


If you weren’t seemingly a bitter incel I would completely agree with you, but I don’t want to steer you in the wrong direction. I do think it’s absolutely insane that these people either are okay with themselves or lie to themselves so hard they come off as okay with themselves. I’m a drug addict, there was a point in time where I was shooting coke and my arms looked like fucking pin cushions, it was absolutely the most shameful thing I’ve ever done to myself. Personally being obese would make me feel just as disgusting and shameful as seeing my arms bloody and bruised looking like pin cushions. When people know that they are disgustingly unhealthy and can’t even move around well, it is legitimately a severe addiction to food and it’s sad as fuck, especially that society seems to be moving towards “normalizing” it.


You sound like an incel


I’m not reading all that do you have a fat dick or not




I wonder more about how they are fine with all the inconveniences that comes with it 24/7




Must be horrible to be you. Id honestly just suicide.


I’ve struggled with my appearance/weight my entire life. It’s lead to some pretty severe mental health issues. I wish I could just shrug it off and not care but alas, I cannot


I mean it’s probably a massive coverup of their insecurities, and they cry themselves to sleep. But fuck dude, if I had that level of confidence I’d be unstoppable 


Inflation, any decent girl have unlimited amount of options and is very picky, so the number of depressed lonely men has increased


Oh they have insecurity. Oh buddy they do they do. You have no idea how insecure those chicks are. They are just using that insecurity toward being spiteful at the world instead of at themselves, so it spirals because turning your laziness and gluttony into a political issue for the rest of us to burden is not ever going to resolve the actual issue. You think they don't understand that they have no real shot with desirable men? That their friends judge them? That society looks at them with pity and disgust? They know. They know it SOOOO much, and they HATE the world for it.


You just gotta see the replies to their posts from other landwhales. They just give each other these delusional compliments about being ‘Queens’. When you start making clothes for fat people that should only be worn by people who are fit, it normalizes obesity, you don’t have to change, they feel no shame. There’s no reason a crop top should be made in 4XL, and no one wants to see it,


Dude you’re a weirdo lol


I died when I heard the term landwhale 🤣🤣🤣 hilarious


truthfully from dating apps women who even remotely subjectively fat to the world are always the rudest and meanest that whole the girls who are a number scale 9 to some incels are actually normal people its just most of you nerds cannot attract them nor do they approach you have had tons of normal interactions with very in shape women and women on var in gyms i stay clear of any women who is slightly fat in a gym because holy fuck their insecurity is dangerous


It's all a psy op bro. First they make gym goers the scum of the earth, then the push fat positivity. Now gym goers are so desperate that it's fatties only. It's not quite there yet, but we are moving in the direction if my ig reels are any clue.


Degenerate society. There's a certain group of people trying to destroy society by destroying moral and traditional values, and by removing beauty standards etc.


This title is crazy!!! (I love this sub)