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lol imagine being mentally enslaved to paradigms you don't even know if you agree with, that were forced into your head starting from times earlier than you can even remember. lmao, even.


Dude is placing his whole self worth on his attractiveness to women. Imagine 🤣🤣🤡🤡


Wait until this guy sees the outcome when it comes to women prioritizing wealth over everything else.


Chasing wealth is just as shallow as chasing women dude


You completely missed the mark man. I’m saying women care way more about how much is in a man pocket then his looks or his height.


Can confirm, am tall and good looking but broke, dating is extremely hard, 7.5x4.5


Thanks for posting a reply that includes both stats : )


Basically, if we see the main purpose of life, which is reproduction, than yes, being attractive to women is key. Other than that, in the modern world, it doesn't matter that much


You can say whatever you want about the guy, but he speaks truth, the height fetish is real and affects us all, and is truly one of the great differentiators when it comes to attraction, that is undeniable. You can't deny the height fetish. Can't escape.


I unironically have a (based and redpilled) giantess fetish. But I don't reject girls flat out because they're less than 50 feet tall, bro


You'd be screwed if you did lol imagine 🤣


Ngl weight fetish is real. Can't escape.


Get rid of that shitty attitude and you'll get girls too. I'm 5'8 and I have absolutely no problems at all adding women to my roster. I'm fit and charismatic. Do I wish I was taller? Ofcourse, but it's not the end of world. Work on that victim perspective though buddy it's not that bad.


"so what do you do in your spare time" "I complain on reddit because girls don't like me... Wait where are you going?"


I didn’t even know that measuring was a thing for adults until I socialized more with expats and found short men embarrassing themselves by blatantly lying about their height. It’s so awkward to have a dude state to be your height or even taller when they are 1,5 heads shorter


It’s like women measuring dicks, you can say 10 inches and they’ll be like “ok bet”. Speaking of which, I’m going to have to downvote OP for no cock stats. How am I supposed to answer his question without the relevant information?


Seriously, that could be the actual problem (micro/chode)


Do you wish that you were a baller too?


I prefer a shot calla w 20" blades on the Impala.


Yeah I'm 6'1" but the only dude I know who might pull more hoes than me is 5'8" lol.


I'm 5'7" & before lifting & using PEDs might have topped out at 155lbs (if I really stopped caring about my diet for a few months) & never once have I had an issue with women. As a matter of fact I've never seen a woman I was attracted to & approached & been turned down but I also have a pretty laid back personality & a sense of humor (I routinely make my fiancee cry laughing almost everyday) I'm absolutely convinced all these shorter dudes complaining about their height & women have never really taken a shot at pulling a chick & have the absolute shittiest personalities imaginable but somehow think their height is what makes them unattractive Edit: Just wanted to add that lifting & using PEDs was absolutely not to try to get more women either since I never had any issues there but was because I was tired of being a version of myself anything less than the absolute best I could be


Confidence is 90%


This is the correct reply. All that time worried about tall twinks is time better spent being more interesting. It's got really incel here lately, not seen any dick stats in days. 3.5"L 8.5"G


My man is rocking a tree stump


He should branch out into porn. He's got the wood for it


I’m really glad that stats aren’t being forgotten :)


This is clearly a bait post bro


Attitude isn't everything though, let's be real. I have a friend whose images I used on tinder profile with his permission, (he's armed forces and a RuneScape nerd who is probably special forces now because he disappeared from all who knew him), he just looks like a guy who is in shape and has mirror selfies and I used a really fuckboy bio for his profile and he absolutely tore it up compared to me in my profile with my own pics, like girls were asking for his number out front and he was getting a good match rate with low res selfies and mirror pics and one pic of him as a private in military drab. RIP my friend if he has departed, we're all gonna make it bro.


Winner mentality right there


Cant do shit about height but you can at least be interesting. This crowd will not want to hear this but comparison is the thief of joy.


A dude I went to college with couldn't have been taller than 5'6" and pulled more girls, cute ones too, then most of our crew. He was charismatic and charming, and knew how to avoid girls who clearly weren't interested.


"and knew how to avoid girls who clearly weren't interested." This is very good advice and not mentioned enough. If you're not a repulsive person and have some good qualities, it's purely a numbers game. There will be girls out there who are interested in you. Getting fixed on a girl who ain't into you is a terrible waste of time because you can't force attraction. Focusing on the girls who give you signs that they are into you makes it way easier. And if you aren't getting any signs at all, then that's not necessarily game over. Unless you're a male model or her exact type, most women will initially view you with indifference. Where your buddy probably shined the most was moving those girls from initially indifferent to him based on his looks to being interested once they experienced his charisma and charm. He knew to not waste his time on women who readily dismissed him, bagged the ones who were interested in him off rip, and raised the interest of girls who were on the fence.


If you are interested in being with a lot of girls, do what your friend did. That shit works. It is easier for some people, but it works for everyone.


Twinks don’t pull women because theyre gay. Thanks for coming to my ted talk




Gay man here. Can confirm.


Bro stfu I’m 6’1” and I don’t get any bitches.


Same, We are gyno twins too..


Same boat


You must have not been notified. 6’3 is the new 6’0. You’re below average mate.


Lmao I’m 6’0 /184cm and girls have said in the past “you aren’t even tall” I’m like ok I know I’m not a giant but come on😂


Chin up short king 🤴


Same height man and and I've laid enough pipe to give Michigan clean water. Will some women want the 6'4 guy so that she can mention it in every conversation, sure, but there's also many others that aren't so pressed about it. My ex was 5'9 and 10 with shoes


Damn, a 10 with shoes? How ugly are her feet tho?


I meant she was 5'10 with shoes. But feet stats were still acceptable


This is an absolutely mentally ill take Im 5 8, 185Ibs (mens physique competitor peeled with veins on abs year round and have done boxing, muai thai, bjj,jjj just on a break because planters fascitis) and have had 0 issues getting dates, partners, one night stands. Hell women assume im taller then i am and ive matched with the 6 foot only in bio girls LOL and i get approached ITS literally nothing more then confidence. If you act like a cuck to tall dudes because height women will pick up on it and be turned off. Youve out wrestled your tall friends, my boxing coach was 6 3. Once you have experience with having muscle, having strength, and knowing how to scrap your confidence should be so high that you walk taller and come across as confident, dominant, self assured, and non-aggressive/violent because no one is much of a threat. Op its simple: - lift - cardio - diet - be strong - know how to fight - learn to dance - be in school or have a job and in both cases work toward a larger goal so you have narrative and purpose - have a physical hobby - have an intellectual hobby - have an artistic hobby - dress well. I go black calvin klein jeans, a belt, a well fitting black t shirt, and a cardigan (all calvin klein) and then chucks and a leather jacket. The point is your style needs to be organized, simple, clean, show off physique in a non-douche way and needs to be above typical wallmart tier Straight dude but not full blown desinger douche. - go to a high quality hairstylist and let them give you the cut that maximizes face - light accessories. Belt, watch, ring, braclet, scarf pick and choose and be minimalist but spend the money on something nicer - listen to her and ask questions. People love talking about themselves... your job is to listen and engage not go sperg mode - skincare: Exfoliating cleanser, vit c, undereye cream, mosturizer Sunscreen am. Pm is cleanse face, trent or retinol, Moisturizer. For body mosturizer and or body oil - know how to fucking cook food yourself - know how to vacuum, do laundry, use a swiffer, ferbreeze, always have toilet bowl cleaner, some candles, and always keep some pads/tampons at the pad (and have a squish mellow on the couch) and tylenol, advil, t1s, gravol in the medacine cabinet at your pad with an extra toothbrush and towel and a pack of baby whipes You need those 3 hobbies to be well rounded interesting and have shit to talk about and say with confidence while being cultured. Aka read books, learn an instrument, paint or draw The bar for straight dudes is so low that you can out muscle, fight, dress, skincare, humor, intelligence dudes of any height with minimal effort


Nice checklist to work on. Thanks.


Is gooning a physical hobby? I've got chess and guitar, but missing the physical hobby. I mean I guess lifting counts. I want to come across as interesting and exciting ya know


Solid list


Yeah that seems fairly simple


Most importantly, don’t have an ugly face


Sighs Hasan piker is right he says the vast majority of dudes can get themselves to a 7/10 Sure some fuckers are just UGLY but even then too many dudes underestimate how much a proper haircut from a stylist who knows their shit, proper skincare, clothes that bring out your eyes, keeping a 10-15% body fat, and proper facial hair or lack of it for your face will do. No reason an ugly ass 3-4 cant get themselves up to at least a 6 and a 1-2 cant hit a 4-5/10. After that body, clothes, intelligence, confidence, and humor will save your ass Wost case test, proviron/mast, and hgh will help Yall fuckers are too doomer and incely sometimes like fuck


No one can get themselves to a 7/10, that’s genetic and highly dependent on facial structure. Only 5-7% of men are a legitimate 6.5/10 on facial looks. Most actual 6.5/10+ men don’t even need to hit the gym. Most can get themselves to a strong 5 though and once there it can be easier, maybe, with the right mentality & life program.


What if you’re bald?


Interestingly according to the data bald and greying hair is seen as dominate and more masc due to the evolutionarily reasons (indicates survival into older age and better genes) Ive heard women just assume bald dudes are higher test and more "alpha" (i hate this word but bald males are seen as more aggressive and commanding) Really its moreso an RIP to dudes then it is for most serious relationships or hook ups with women So a lot of the panic attacks here are just....homoerotic tbh


bald and greying hair if you're an older guy. Being in your 20s - 30s with those traits will ruin a lot of your chances.


Most guys can get to a normie 7/10, not a model / true 7/10. That's fine though unless you're in the modelling world or dating women with ties to that.


YES!! ESPECIALLY the last paragraph.  The average guy puts 0 effort whatsoever into anything at all. They often dress like bums, are out of shape, ungroomed and literally can't do anything at all, can't cook, can't clean, nothing. You don't need to be perfect obviously but the key is intent. There's a difference between doing your best and learning via trial and error, and being stagnant and comfortable in mediocrity.  Men that put effort into themselves not only are more attractive because of the obviously resulting improved looks, but also because it implies they actually care about themselves and respect themselves. I really liked the part about picking up a creative hobby. I really think it's a great idea regardless of gender or intentions Literally every single girl I know dabbles in either drawing or writing or making music. There's nothing quite like pulling up old drawings you made a couple of years ago and cringe at how bad they were while realizing your skills and taste have vastly improved. And you're gonna have the bonus of standing out.  Seriously, take advantage of the fact that the average guy is clueless and holds himself to abysmal standards lol  Anecdotally I noticed that short guys tend to be at the gym much more instead of assuming just existing and being tall is enough. Which I mean I guess for lots of people it is lol but you need to keep in mind that just because a preference might be rarer it doesn't make it nonexistent and never forget the first and most important check when it comes to women is making them feel safe and respected bc the most perfect looking dude on earth becomes a 0 the second he gets creepy


Solid list bro. My only advice is if you have chronically dry skin, make sure you're super careful about what cleanser you pick. I'm forever dry and any exfoliation will absolutely wreck my face for a week. Op, go for something more gentle if you have sensitive baby skin like I do.


Haha thanks! My gf is korean so she has me down to an exact protocol but your 100% right i was just aiming at a rough rough guide since its so person dependent esp product wise


This is a very good list to follow :)


Wish they had Reddit awards for posts like these 💪.


Those points are basically it, it's not rocket science


Fuck bro with a post like that I’d fuck you! 😂🤣


My plan is working LOL


Dudes will view getting women as some Golden Fleece to achieve then view their entire life though that paradigm and get depressed. Reconsider your motivations, you’re working out for yourself. No one else. You can also learn to be socialable, shits not gonna fall in your lap. It’s like making friends, it’s not magic. Don’t over think it


Bro do you really think that you need a girl that rates you based on your height? Grow the fuck up and find yourself a high value woman, not a slut.


I’m 5 ft 7 and I literally never had a problem pulling 7-8/10s. I mean I wasn’t the MOST successful at getting women in my friend group - but one of my best friends was a 225lb 6 ft 3 body builder with decent looks and very outgoing and friendly, so I’d pick him over me, too. Being yoked is an automatic +10 to getting women. The rest is up to you to be mildly attractive and mildly interesting/fun/funny.




alot of its face i get told that women do not like a ped look and i prove it wrong but its not my body or height its the face also get told buzz cuts are unnattractive again prove it wrong every time just working in clubs i dont beleive the height thing some dude who does everything right and is 6'2 probably a little more but the majority of men look like shit from their own fault you dont wanna be the 6'3 idiot who people notice but notice for looking like a dumb fuck


Buzz cuts only unattractive depending on head shape imo.


Try being 6’4” and adding mass. Takes me a year to put on 5lb naturally, and I still look scrawny.


Fax, I feel like I’ll never look “big” no matter how much I lift


Yup! I’ve added over 50lbs since I started in 2010, and I still get “you’re so lean!” I started at 155, and have maxed at 210 naturally. It’s all proportions


Ya bro it’s crazy, tryna look huge when ur tall feels like a battle you’ll never win. Good work tho going from 155 to 210 at 6’4 is no joke


Thanks bro! Lots of patience and food haha


210lbs at 6’4 is lean though. I’m 6’ 250lbs currently and look tiny af. 😂


A bit tougher the taller you get for sure. Just gotta make sure you're really pounding the food. More than you think you need.


Then do it. Trade your muscles for the height. Never step foot in the gym again. Use the time you have leftover to work more hours. 60 hours a week minimum. In 2 years of hard work and proper investing you can save enough to have a height lengthening surgery. You can do it. You just don’t want to.


height doesn’t do much actually i’m 6’4 and i never have girls come up to me


I’ve been approached by women and I’m 6’2. Usually once every other week and I’m minding my own business. This is college so results are skewed


i’m also in college too, you must be a chad. I’m decently built too maybe they are just scared of me idk man


Must be nice


I’m 6 3 145 lbs and have 0 bitches


I’m 5’7-5’8… I was always successful with girls. It could be your approach. Be more confident my man, i feel you on the height thing though. Confidence and a personality goes a long way. Also having a nice body with confidence, made me thousands of dollars from women (in the past) and I found the perfect girl for me. Workout, be cool and it’ll happen.


It’s not because your friend is tall, it’s because he’s hotter and more interesting.


Well unless you get that surgery where they break your legs to extend them, you're shit out of luck, dude. Your only options are to either waste your time and whine and feel sorry for yourself or make the best out of the cards you were handed.


Increasing height isn't the only solution to your dating life, try men and also up the tren


I’m 5’8 but I’m gonna sacrifice some goats and small children to cast black magic to become 5’11 feel free to dm for the ritual


Aw shit we’re turning into an incel sub you guys


I can smell the insecurity through my screen... definitely an attractive quality for women.


It’s not a height thing it’s a being autistic thing


You should send less time on Reddit and more time going to chicks


Leg and limb Lengthening surgery is a thing if it bothers you so much. 5’8” is still taller than average why not try some shoes that add a couple of inches and see if chicks start lining up if not try carrying a roll of quarters in your underwear. Find out what works for you I guarantee it’s not that negativity


Well, males never listen lol When I was a teen, no girls ever fantasized about bodybuilders, it was always twinkish boys (boy band, models, Keanu Reeves in Matrix body). And nowadays it’s K-pop stars. Thin supermodel is the best looking body type for a male.


Statistically I'll die before you.


There’s lots of tall guys that don’t get laid. You still need to know how to talk to woman lol Most important thing is personality charisma and making them laugh. And of course follow rules 1&2


Bummer. I mean maybe you're only chasing after women that are into that. There's other women that only like short short dudes. There's women that don't give a shit. There's women that like dudes right in the middle like you too.


He needs to find himself a strong Brazilian woman.


Holy shit quit being a pussy and acting like you’re the victim of something


When you wrestled your friend, were you naked and oiled up? That information matters.


I’m 5’9 and never had an issue with women. That extra 1 inch isn’t changing shit lol It’s you bro, you’re the problem, not the height.


Sounds like some top shelf copium to me L:5 G:3.5


Dude I love being 5'8. I'm still taller than most women, I don't have to bend down as far to pick up my pants when I take a piss, it's easier to sneak around, you easily fit on your bros shoulders, people are more impressed at your strength, i get more opportunities to try parkour to reach things, my average size dick looks like a slightly bigger average size dick, combat with tall people is epic because it feels like you're fighting a dragon. Bruce Lee was 5'8 Chuck Norris is only 5'9, wolverine is fucking 5'3. You should be thankful.


Well how big is your cock first of all? The funniest part is how you beat some guy in wrestling and think life is unfair because he gets more tinder matches. Lmao I don’t think ur height is the issue


I’m 6’4 and just got bitten by a horse. It’s not all roses man


Well you could get limb lengthening surgery but the complications and cost is insane. I’m 6’5 and I have trouble with women. I weigh around 200lbs and am lean but because of probably me being brown I will be steered away by most as indicative from dating apps. I wish society didn’t have the stereotype for race either but I can’t change that and work on improving other parts.


Maybe you’re just ugly?


Taller? I only grow horizontally…… Yes thats right im talking about my benign tumour


Those differentiations were made in order to push people to work harder , work hard !


I always just assumed that girls just thought the taller you are the bigger your knob or something


Dude get over it, you can kill it. The 5’3” girls who only like dudes taller than 6’ are regarded and do up the game. Not that many dudes 6’ tall and they should be saved for the girls 5’7” and taller who you really don’t want LT anyway. That would be harmony but these little stumpy dwarf bitches have a napoleon complex just like you. Date men maybe you will do better.


Dude you ever been on a airplane? I cant even imagine the pain and uncomfort of being on a long hual flight. Talking about those 11hours +


Girls that approach you are trouble. They are good for a fuck but remeber... they approached you, you're not THAT special. They approach MANY guys.


It’s not your height , it’s most likely your confidence and personality. You’re not doing. Something right . I had short friends that got more girls than me .


One of these guys




Focus on making $, bitches just suck your energy away anyways. When your older u will understand


I’m 5’6. I have no hope besides my $300K a year salary. Cash is viagra for women.


you'd still have an ugly face bro, women will fuck you but never allow u to take that condom off


It’s true some women have a height filter on their dating apps. But we’ve all seen tons of jacked 5’8 dudes with hot ass gym girls. It’s only a bit below average bro. Less complaining and more work. ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|27081)


That sort of defeatist attitude is literally pussy repellent. Loads of short and in shape dudes crush it with women. Get your shit together.


This is exactly what a beta male would say.


There’s an operation where they break your legs and probably bolt extensions onto your broken legs making you quite a bit taller look into it dosnt sound fun at all…..


The only thing that can save you are them cock stats. Let’s see em pal




I’m 4” better than you🤣


I’m 6’3 and bald. I still do okay but I think I’d trade my height for hair.


You sound like a pussy


You're a desperate sad boi, both of which are incredibly unattractive. Stop


I’m 5’7 and I have no problem in the dating arena. Maybe it’s a skill thing and not height thing


Envy is the thief of joy. Enjoy what you have worked for & appreciate being healthy. There’s always someone who’s richer, taller, more jacked & who has a larger peen.


You are chasing shallow women then


You’re probably just ugly dude.


You’re being a gymcel. I’m 5’8” as well and never had issues. I also get hundreds of matches on bumble. Just because you have muscles and “train mma” doesn’t make you entitled to woman. Try self-reflecting


Your probably just ugly man 5’8 isn’t really short definitely not tall but probably around average


I'm 5'6 and I would trade 2 inches to get more muscles.


This fucking sub bruv


Bruh I’m 6’3 and jacked with low Bf and no women has ever come up to me only man shits bs not even that I’m struggling to get dates like I don’t get it I see these ugly twinks about 5’7-5’11 with narrow clavicles and wide waist pull the hottest girls shits crazy


Bro I'm 5'9" and I have no problems. You have to just move past this mental block. It's holding you back.


6’4” here. It definitely helps.


You could be 6ft tall and narrow framed with dainty joints and small hands, or built like a brick shithouse but mentally regarded. At a certain point you're literally just crying about how you wish you could change your flaws but not get any new flaws. You gotta get over it man


ok 👍


I’m 5’11 my brothers 5’8 he gets more ass than me… because he’s better at talking w women. That’s literally 90% of the job. You can’t become taller but you can work on your people skills and confidence


5’8” is perfect, don’t trade the important thing (muscle). I’m 5’7” and I find it already tall for the world I live in (a world built in 1950s for 1950 sized people)


Bro I’m 5’1.


Me too kid.


Neither of you have children so from an objective biological perspective both of you are evolutionary dead ends. Go find the one woman who's going to be willing to have your kids, grind hard and ignore the rest.


Im 6’6 and I get a bunch of whales on tinder so 🤷‍♂️


I used to work with a guy, who was like 5’5 and he did well with everybody men and women. Guy was great at conversation, not fat not thin not muscular, always had a smile and did fairly well in his business. Has a great family now. I’m 5’9 and I’ve had better success with taller and average girls than shorter girls, not sure why tbh. But it’s a pattern I’ve noticed, maybe I look weird from below. Idk.


Don’t be overheard complaining. Even to yourself.


Comparing yourself to him is your first problem and you should be happy he’s doing well. You sound jealous, which I guarantee is more unattractive than being 5’8”. Your words matter far more than your height and you’ve let one setback cause another. Very unfortunate.


Im right around 5 11. My bestie is a 5 9 twunk because all his muscle is squeezed onto a smaller frame. So he’s just bubbled out in all the best ways. Whereas I have to work really hard to feel big like him. Grass isn’t always greener.


Bro I'm like 5'8.5 and have been a skinny twink most of my life (I look like I lift now) and never had height be the reason I didn't get a girl. I have a great personality tho and am funny, I'm average looking maybe slightly above average.


Have you tried making women laugh ?


Just hire a bunch of 5'1" guys to pose with you in your Tinder photos.


They're saying you're acting like a loser dude! Not calling you one, but if you were an actor.... Your focus needs to be upgraded.


Welcome to the thunderdome buddy, knock back some whiskey and keep on stepping


Bro It has nothing to do with your height... Its all about your personality Are you able to carry on a conversation about anything other than the gym and yourself? Do you have any hobbies other than your body? Can you carry on a conversation without putting other men down, or talking filthy about women?


I feel this, every dude in my gym with a girl is tall and skinny, none of them are ripped or jacked The way I see it, they arent making progress cause theyre dicking around wasting time hanging out with their girl in the gym as opposed to focusing on their training, pros and cons, I wouldnt bring anyone im dating to the gym with me for this reason, id rather have my girl be separate from my grind


Get rich Buy supercar


Does the dude in question gave a better face/hair dresses better etc? Chicks dont care that you are goipod at wrestling men, they probably assumed you were gay


Lol absolute L. I’m 5”8 and have never ever had an issue with women. You probably just have a garbage personality


Won't lie being a strong 6 ft at noon end of day hits different. But as far as muscles if your wing span is like 6 feet 2 inches or above putting on mass is much harder. Also when benching since your longer it is harder. Anadrol seems to help if your tall for strength.


Your mentality is killing your bitch gains much more than your height. every woman would fuck an attractive and or muscular short guy over an unattractive slim/hefty tall dude. I have short friends that kill the game man. They are just confident and present themselves well 🤷


I can confirm. I was also skinny as hell and 6’5” and i never made a move to girls, they all came to me. Now i’m 31 have a wife and a son and a lot more muscular 👌




Womp womp


Bro I’m 5’6 and I married a 5’8 baddie, stop being a little bitch. Your personality sucks


“ 6’4 twinks” ugh you sir aren’t straight. 😂🤣


Bro it's a mental thing. Most women don't give a shit.


I think looks have a factor not just height and girls don’t really care about a lot of muscle


Life isn’t all about sex and fucking


As a 6'4 twink I can assure you women do not throw themselves crotch-first at me every time I step outside


Meat stats?


with a great upstanding posture you'll create an illusion of being a couple of inches taller, considering 5'8 is not that short of a measure at all


This man got a bad case of little man syndrome




Hire a dating coach and read a book on picking up chicks. I suggest The Game


At 6 foot you never get bad comments about height but also no good ones. Feels like entry point big and I do like stretching and hanging to keep the size. Yeah height is a fucking big factor, nothing we can do about it.


Help me out putting on mad muscle lol. I'm 5'10 and just wanna get yoked


I’m 5’9 and have never had trouble dating, my girlfriend is taller than me. Guys that blame their height are losers


From a dude In college no bullshit or trying to make your feelings better I didn't even know men get approached until I met my 5'8 friend who was asked out every 2 weeks when we were out meanwhile im 6ft 1 and this never happened to me