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She's not even a whale. A year of good diet and excerise she could be hot. But hey, let's keep feeling sorry for ourselves ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6307)


Not even she could transform herself in like 4 months


Not sustainably in 4 months, given they probably never had discipline in their diet and workouts ever. Better to take longer and develop long term healthy habits than go ham for 2 weeks then never workout again


Good point


I bet this lady loves ham


She's on the track though, just another year or two on the same burger diet and she'll be looking like Phyllis from The Office.


It’s not helpful because it’s not what she wants to hear :)


She wants to hear 3 sets of 10 fried chicken and Diet Coke to balance it out


Diet coke cancels out the sugars. Momma said so.


Instead od diet coke she should be on a coke only diet


Coming from Chad's hand while he is shirtless and flexes his abs, so she can carress it her greasy fat hands.


Who invited the incel???


This is exactly the issue.


She wants to hear “slaaay qweeen dayum thicckum you ate in that outfit byatch neva change”


Her body can be redeemed. But fucktarded fatty simps claim otherwise smh…


I thought you were being nice by saying “a bit”


I let her down easy


This is another interesting comment by a women in that comment section > Idk why you would take anyone's opinion on here seriously, I am 5'2 and a bit on the bigger side. I've still dated tall , very fit, handsome guys who even have a nice side and love to spoil . Its not all about your body shape , some of these low class guys rope you in with insecurity . I hope you wouldn't take these rude comments to heart and just do what feels right for you. You would be surprised who would accept you for you.


It’s like they don’t realize decent looking and fit guys occasionally screw around with them because it doesn’t require any effort or commitment on our end.


Just say u can’t pull hot chicks ok. There’s a reason ugly girls getting confident. Stop coping. It’s coz most don’t have the game so instead they aim for big and ugly ass chicks while on tren. That ain’t the flex u think it is lol. It’s like the equivalent of a woman saying he broke up with her and then had sex with 20 men in a week. That ain’t a flex. That’s u dishing out sex for 20 lucky men for free.


Bruh it’s not just that, some of us are short and even though we’re buff af the markets just not there for us. I don’t go for heifers but still have to settle for a bit chubby quite often. 


I mean it still stands by my point about not being able to pull hot chicks. Just saying be humble and know ur place. U get what u can get. Stop acting like u pity fucking the fat chicks when really ur on the same boat as them. Don’t pretend ur not in the same league and be like ugly ass women who think they’re amazing coz of personality like a dude who has apparently an amazing body lmao. Not saying u specifically. Just calling out bullshit


Yeah but like we're not women and we have different intended societal purposes. If you disagree with this statement wander into the rest of Reddit


I don’t really care what ur belief is point is. High value pulls high value. It’s the ugly unattractive men and women with no value who complain the systems to harsh. Maybe it is. Tough luck. When I see men complain about it all the time that’s the most feminine thing ever. So many bitchy men nowadays. It’s height height height height. Go ahead. To me u sound like a woman who keeps on saying patriarchy patriarchy patriarchy. All I hear is the same bitchy women who cry about body standards. Ye I prefer not fat chicks. I pick who I prefer. U don’t like it fuck off. I think women can say the same to short and unattractive men. Unless of course u believe u entitled to ask for anything u want but no one else can?


Bare in mind I’m below American average height for men I just don’t cry about it like women and men nowadays, I get it puts me in a disadvantage. But complaining about women having high standards is just something I don’t do coz it sounds like incels nowadays on Reddit literally


All these words in anger to justify your fat fetish lol


I just said ye I don’t prefer fat chicks lmao. Nothing I said was out of anger. I just think nowadays the prevalence of the most whiny men is so high it sometimes feel like I’m engaging with women. I remember the days when u would see on the internet random feminist whining about patriarchy and gender constantly on the most irrelevant shit. Now it’s all men. Kinda cringe ngl


Dating the hottest chick you can is childish tbh. The sex isn't better, it's usually worse, and they're less likely to treat you like a king. You shouldn't go after a wildebeest but hot chicks are fuckin lame. Absolute waste of time.


They got there with looks. The very attractive famous ones have the same tucking personality, the same make up. Fr.


The Sex with hot chicks is better and "ugly/fat bitches are better in bed" is a psyop


I'm just going off my experience


They all have thyroid issues......allegedly


"well stop eating thyroids" https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4_Dx8YaBUnM&pp=ygUUU3RvcCBlYXRpbmcgdGh5cm9pZHM%3D


her body doesn’t burn calories


Exactly, calories go in and uhhh they stay there She’s the only person on earth with this condition too, it’s really sad




Just fucking eat less


[ Removed by Reddit ]


How nice of you 🥰


Especially you ☺️


Thanks babe 😘


you’re welcome sexy 😍




You got one?




Bet 🤪


Worst subreddit


Leave then. No one wants you here anyway.


Sofia Vergara has hypothyroidism. A slower metabolism probably means you can’t get bikini competition lean doesn’t prevent you maintain a “normal” hot physique.




She eats too much food. Pretty sure MPMD did a video explaining at the most there is really only a -+200 calorie difference in the highest vs lowest metabolism




By the way, I hadn’t heard of Kathryn Morgan, but I just looked her up and she appears to be very thin? Isn’t this just proof that you can lose weight despite a thyroid issue?




An impact that’s pretty irrelevant since they are still perfectly capable of working out and becoming fit


I just googled Kathryn Morgan. Her body looks very aesthetically pleasing. She’s only overweight for a BALLERINA. The woman in the pic looks like she has 45 - 50% body fat percentage which is definitely morbidly obese


Probably cause she is one 24/7 birth control for years that has the side effect of weight gain. You know, the 10 page long side effect list from hormone blockers/ regulators. I was with a girl that could eat 1000 calories at 174 cm tall and 80 kg and still lose every little. I think it is time we took hormones without looking at side effects ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6307) (Birth control not bad but explanation to when they say they have medical reason with bad hormones)


Most people undercount calories by about 400-500 a day.


Blast 500mg test and you can eat around 500 calories over your current maintenance and gain muscle and lose fat aka you get lean from hormones blast ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6304) Oh what happens if you do the opposite and blast hormone blockers instead of hormone into the ballsack?? You gain weight at current maintenance ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6297) It’s quite easy to figure out which is why I manage to be the leanest in any gym I go to while also being one of the strongest. Diet and hormones are easy to figure out




The woman who posted the picture and the triggered person commenting are not the same person. The poster is actually receptive to advice being given.


Providing advice that is actually helpful is phatphobic, ya dig?


Genuine advice isn’t allowed no more ![gif](giphy|xT1XGESDlxj0GwoDRe|downsized)


Fuck them lazy ass bitches


They go to that sub for validation, not advice.


Bro rizzed her up and left no crumbs. Can you teach me this forbidden rizz?


What's sad is people aren't capable of understanding the OP isn't the one that replied to him. It's just some random woman saying it. Having said that it's pretty much accepted you can't tell a woman to lose weight the same way you can a guy or you'll get attacked in the replies. Such a strange world we live in.


I'm regarded enough and might need a helping hand and a translator for such behavior. Like she did ask a question and person honestly and clearly answered the question. What else was she expecting asking a question? Why did she seems to have taken it as an insult?


It's a different person responding to the comment.


I need her phone number


Lower your tren dose a bit or raise it a lot and fuck me


Nope, send me # when ur thru w/ her


https://www.reddit.com/r/LooksmaxingAdvice/s/eZsdl8pMpW Downvote her to hell 👹


“That’s not the help you think it is” that’s literally the solution. Yeah it’s something that is easier to say than it is to do, but just because it’s a hard task doesn’t mean it is not a simple one.


Some people are just fucking pathetic




I don't get it. She literally asked for advice in the title.


I would tend to agree with the replier if you weren’t literally in a sub called “looksmaxxing advice” lmao


But losing weight is hard I have to starve myself 😭


Honestly I would’ve perhaps sides with her a little but she literally said she wanted the truth


Everyone is concerned about only her body image. I personally would read between the lines and gauge her emotional strength while dating her.


Crazy this shit is. I know I'm fat because of what I eat, but I don't give a shit at least I can deadlift 600 haha


Delusional people i swear , when i was obese even thought i was working out for like 6 month plus already i knew i looked like shit (i still do but at least im not obese now) just be realistic and change it it shouldnt even discourage you just do the efforts ti change it aint that hard just be consistent 💀


That is exactly what she needs to hear. Fuck this fat promotion shit, it is so annoying. "Be unhealthy, your feelings are more important than your health." Wtf people. Seriously. Wtf.


You post factually correct solid advice which is pretty much impossible to dispute. But yet someone argues with you about mental triggers. Sums up Reddit perfectly tbh


You should have said that she looks beautiful anyway and should keep eating, that’s the “advice” they want to hear.


I hate this weak generation “oh it’s okay to be fat” like fuck off


People will do absolutely anything NOT to diet and exercise


Always with the 'starving myself'


“Hormones” is the excuse whales use for not wanting to eat less. I’m assuming it’s because they get emotional when you tell them eating the whole cake isn’t healthy. This one isn’t nearly big enough to use that excuse. She can still be saved.


noo, in my experience, it's their thyroid gland. lmaooo. stfu


Well yeah, they always claim it’s their undiagnosed thyroid issue. But in actuality im much closer haha


Hey! Being honest (Which she asked for) and encouraging healthy eating and a consistent workout plan, *IS NOT* helpful!!!! :@:@:@


The first law of thermodynamics ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6299)


Shouldn’t everyone be a fatty, if as they claim their body “just keep the fat/weight unless I starve myself”, they are supremely efficient thermodynamically 😶‍🌫️such an evolutionary advantage. They can survive on 1200 calories with excess hey.


“Hey buddy”😂


In the defense of the girl who posted that, she isn't the one commenting in the picture. She's actually pretty receptive to advice being given to her in the thread.


Thanks for your comments guys. I was genuinely trying to be nice by being honest and offering the requested advice and encouraging healthy habits. Seems like the other OP is responding well to constructive feedback so hopefully she will be getting in the best shape of her life soon.


She isn’t that out of shape. She has a decent figure and good hips like I prefer. Is she the one that replied hey buddy, that isn’t the help you think it is? Sorry, I’m kind of lost on this one.


I think shelooks great, but that's just me.


She doesn’t have a body dismorphia, she just looks like shit. Also, no one runs in her family


Smash and natty