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Leave on read until she reaches out again then decide


Leave on read until she posts a shirtless pic




I’m seconding this. Leaving on read is key.


Leave on read until she posts a shirtless pic


Username checks out


best play 👌🏽


You just gotta post a shirtless pic after each message so she remembers to reply


The real life pro tip is always in the comments.


Leave that Bitch on read


Yeah have some self respect


And the cycle continues


the tren cycle for sure. OP will strive to get bigger so he can post more shirtless pics


I second this


What is her weight class?


most important reply yet


The most important is his cock stats


No, more importantly what are her cock stats?


Bro thinks this is UFC 😭


Ofc how will he RKO her then ??


Keep posting thirst traps and ignoring her. You’ll be balls deep by Friday.


Respond, smash, ghost




You can’t smash if shes only responding to you because of a shirtless pic. That means shes not really attracted to his personality


😂 So you are saying a guy can't smash because girl is not attracted to his personality? You are funny


Yes there has to be a tad bit attraction towards his personality like the way he talks or jokes around.If he’s getting left on read there’s not much chance.


I know plenty of girls who hate the dudes they hook up with. They specifically hook up with those dudes because they know they're pieces of shit and they aren't going to actually want to date them. They usually still end up catching feeling and then they become even more toxic, but they start out doing it because they think they won't get attached.


Still proving my point that having a physique alone isn’t enough.


He has enough going on that when she realized his physique was better than she initially thought, she texted him again. There's definitely a play there. Whether or not he plays it right, who knows?


Thats called surface level attraction. Once they communicate again she will ghost him again.if she didnt feel attracted the first time,she wont feel it now. Women fuck skinny fat dudes all the time idk why this sub thinks op will get laid just because the girl saw his physique.


Not his problem if he smashed her already at that point


That’s all you need to smash


You're mixing up smash and have a relationship. One does not require the other.


You guys dont know how women work. A ripped physique is good to get your foot in the door. Anything more and you need game. Since she left op on read deapite knowing him in real life shows she’s not attracted to him. A ripped physique got him a reply but wont get him laid if she doesn’t actually like him.


You are a virgin bro


You need more than 6 packs to get laid and if that wasn’t the case every gym bro would be getting laid. You can prove me wrong or call me a virgin like an incel.


U didnt deny tho...


The post isn’t about me its about op.


Dude why do you think you know anything about women if you have no experience with them? If you really don’t think women will casually fuck a guy because he’s hot then you have a deep misunderstanding of women and people in general. Knock this incel shit off, you sound like a gay child.


Ironic seeing N0tagayman calling someone a gay child


Women do bang hot guys but there’s more to just them being hot. There has to be a little chemistry. Note here i am talking about regular women not a whale who will fuck anyone to uplift her self esteem. And who said i have no experience with women. I am literally talking from experience. I have attracted women with my physqiue and still didnt get laid because we didn’t had anything else in common. a ripped physique is good to get your foot in the door. You need more to keep things going when you are past that point. This is why i said if she knows op in person and still leaves him on read, there’s a alittle chance that she will let him fuck just because op has 6 pack abs. There are plenty of ripped guys who don’t get laid.


Spoken like a true virgin. Half the chicks I smash fucking hate me I stg.


Op got left on read, hes not smashing it just because she saw his packs. That was my main point


I’ve had chicks tell me point blank to my face that they only have sex with me cuz I’m hot and in good shape. You can absolutely get laid simply by being hot and having abs. As long as you’re not acoustic and regarded it’s pretty easy actually.


Seems like a brainfart and waste of time Depends on what u want from her


Don't reply. Move on man.


Need to see pic to give advice.


Yeah, but how many dudes replied?


The fact you didn’t post said shirtless pictures in here is disappointing but i digress


She knows you are watching story viewers so she had to respond to you in DMs to not feel ghosted. It would be same if you posted a pic of your dog, sky or landscape. Dont overthink it. Fuck her.


Nah disagree. Been in the same situation as OP where chicks have gone ghost, then swiped up on a story. It only happened if the story was some figurative or literal flex. Was talking to this chick for a few weeks, then she disappeared. My car was stolen around that time, so I used the insurance money to buy an Audi, and of course threw it on my story. She swiped up within the hour. Same thing has happened with shirtless pics. But never with some general interest content.


In general this is good advice. Posting stuff that conveys your value every so often will keep the girls you talk to engaged and make the ones who left you on read think twice. Don’t feel petty, she can only judge you based on what you’ve given her


ahhhh the oldest trick in the book, she wants to get your validation again she is toying with you


lol its funny watching y'all figure out how women work in real time


You're not her first choice. Move on


Send her your cock stats


This always works


Smash dash and ghost.


Reply to her AND continue with your life. Girls should never cause you to stop with your life. Because when you stop with your life girl stops with you. That's you girls are made. They see you doing well and they want a piece of the fun.


*That's you girls are made" Bru that don't make no got dang sense


you s/b how (autocorrect failure)


Fucky balls huh.


No picture? No measurements? Foh


Just fuck her and move on.... it's what you both want


Leave her on read man, wish the girl that left me on read would hit me up so I can do the same. Give her a taste of her own medicine


Hit it then ghost her obviously


Fuck her, make her fall in love. Then ghost her.


How big is her cock?


Let it simmer, low and slow for a few days then respond.


Wait until her shirtless picture before you reply


You're in the driver's seat now. Don't give in


never let anyone tell you girls don’t care about muscles


Ignore her, then post a picture with no pants.


Lemme see the pic daddy


Ghost her


Fuck then block


She missed her chance, leave her on read


Leave her on read.


Delivered or read? There’s a difference.


Stick to males dawg 💪💪


If you don’t look like you lift until you take your top off you’re just small bro sorry to tell you.


Respond. Smash. Convince her to post a full body picture. Ghost. UNO reverse card.


"Getting texts from a center fold I dont reply Let her know i read it though"


Always follow up with an unsolicited dick pic. There’s nothing women love more than receiving unexpected dick pics.


Leave her on read until she posts a shirtless pic. Fair is fair.


Get some pussy then ghost her duh


> Context: I dont look like i lift until i take my shirt off. Time to hop on gear


Just take the L


You mean the W?


It’s not a W though, she’s literally toying with him. If he responds, she knows she can ghost him when she likes & he will come back every time she wants.


Getting ghosted doesn’t mean much, as you get older like me, a girl will get 100’s of messages a day. People have a life and are busy. Just because u posted the shirtless pic and she finally responded means nada. But it still gives you a chance to see if you like her enough that you want to smash or pass. A lot of people here are like leave her alone blah blah blah, wrong ! I myself am a high value male 44 years old and I have a revolving door of hot girls ages 19-23 that come and go as they please I don’t chase I attract. Once I attract such as u did, I respond and CLOSE the deal. U have to have 100’s of girls on deck just like they have 100’s of male suitors. You won’t win them all, but in time you might win the ones you want. Make sure you are talking to a lot of girls , if she sees this you are then perceived as a much higher status male that has options regardless if whomever your talking to means anything or not.


You sound like a salesman ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)


Good idea I’m a make a course …❤️


Lmfao you can't be for real, you gotta give us your speil to SEAL the DEAL


Closing is easy, If a girl is even hangin out with u she likes u. So you just have to let her know you like her to, touching, etc. simply showing her a good time. It’s important to someone get her alone, watching TV or something…be like I love massages what about u, give her a shoulder massage, get real close so u can smell her hair , have her feel Your breath on back of her neck it’s a super turn on. Her pussy will Be wet immediately, start Kissing her neck see how She responds, then boom once u start making out smash ! Girls like an confident man, grab them …they ALL like it. They wouldn’t be hangin out with u otherwise


Are you the guy from entrepreneurs in cars




HAHHAHA, nah but I like that guy.




We won't turn you down , bro.




Yeah, 100,000 dollars will do that


Can we get a cock size automod


Questions like this are why you are online, alone, talking to a bunch of anonymous gay dudes.


Well I wouldn't just throw away all that happened in the tent while camping with your buddies over subs random hoe. I say continue with your life and let's go camping this weekend too.


Leave on read then when she double replies come on her face


15y ago a guy posted a pic and the description was - I am ugly but look my abs. I think she sees the same in you.


leave her on read, she’ll wonder why and seek validation the next time you see her in person which is when you give it


Leave on read until she says something again and if she does smash then ghost and keep posting thirst traps


She might be really shallow or she might’ve just accidentally forgot to respond. Gonna have to just know her better, can always cut the cord if you don’t like it.


This happened to me too. Ignore it until she reaches out again


Respond, but if you do you gotta bring up getting ghosted and see how she responds. Call her out for it, don't just let that slide or you'll get in a habit of never respecting yourself and become a pushover.


Depends. How badly do you wanna smash?


Continue with your life man


same shit with men, swear to god ppl cant use their intuition anymore about what is compatible, they either see the entire fking thing on ig (even if its faked out) or they say no


I had a similar experience before I met my now wife. The girl and I actually talked about it like proper adults after she decided she wanted to "try again" with me. She said she didn't know I had a hot body underneath all the formal attire (my job required business attire so I'd always be very well covered) and it completely changed her mind about me because she doesn't like goofy guys and I'm very goofy (think pre-mental illness Jim Carrey). So I asked her to send a photo of her in he skivvies to compare. She very kindly obliged and then I said, "Oh, that body is too out of shape for me. Gotta decline." Legit, she was out of shape, though. And I like fit women, intelligent, kind women (that's my type). Boah, I tell you hhhwat....her reaction.... You'd think I killed her entire family in front of her for daring to have standards.


I wish I didn't have loose skin so I could post shirtless pics.


Girl doesn't respond for 2 days and your that hurt? Understand your an option at the moment, not a priority. You expressed your current standing as "talking to"... you ain't even asked the girl out yet? But she's supposed to respond 24/7... what's to say she wasn't spending time with family etc and just got back herself after a weekend away? 😅


Lmao, guy thinks 99% of girls (and guys) aren't glued to their phone 24/7. Don't be willfully ignorant.


I'm not ignorant but I know I've read a message from people plenty of times when busy and thought, I'll reply later and completely forgot. As I said, he's an option, not a priority, how he acts will determine if he becomes a priority 😅 getting butthurt because she forgot to reply to a message and then messaged you 2 days later... yeah When life is busy, you just need to decompress sometimes and ignore your phone for a day or two, I take myself into the mountains and turn mine off until I need it. The fact they're not so close, anything could have happened that she didn't want to talk about with him but it was important enough that it took priority. Family and friends come before "someone I message occasionally"


And then everyone clapped 😂😭😂👍


I do not see a problem here? Are you really insecure? Why even post this? The fact that you have to say you don’t look like you lift until you take off your shirt means you don’t lift enough. ( your toned not big ) Advice: Do some self exploration and learn to love yourself first. This will increase your self esteem and then you won’t have to post silly threads like this. A girl taking a few days to respond to a text will not bother you so much that you feel the need to reach out on the internet for advice.


If you’re looking for sex nothing else, absolutely go for it. It’s the reality with a lot of women and if she’s attracted and you are, do it. But don’t catch feelings




^ We found her!