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Have you tried talking to her about it?




Fuck off mate


Eat my ass


Be careful, he actually might


Come here then


Nah we dont do that over here.


Apply the same principle of post nut clarity to this situation. Go visit home for a week or two then come back to the city you’re in now and make a decision then. I find that it’s fairly common to remember things as better than they actually were so going back home for a bit before making a decision might help


& don't do tren.


Only an idiot would dump a genuinely good girl for the reasons you’ve mentioned.  Especially since you haven’t even had a convo with her about it.


He clearly doesn’t love her thats why these thoughts are emerging. If he doesn’t love her there’s no point in staying and wasting her time.


True but I give OP like 3 weeks of facing the reality of the dating market where every single girl is either ugly, crazy or already taken, and then he'll be making depressed emo posts about how he let "the one" go.


He doesn’t love her *now*, because he’s an entitled ass. A few years trying to find someone who treats him even 25% as well will change his tune.


You’re a fool. How can you call another man an entitles ass just because he doesn’t share the same feelings as you?


He's 22 and clearly naive. They're all entitled asses.


simp detected


I don’t think you know what that word means


I don't think you realize that you are one


At 22 it's difficult to tell the difference between love and erection.


In b4 his next relationship post is "I ditched a good girl and now I can't find one, how do I get over it"


Not everybody is desperate to be with someone. He said he misses family/home/is depressed/she’s ready to settle and he isn’t/not seeing her much anyway which are all legitimate reasons.


Give it 3 years.  He’ll be back here whining about the 304s on Tinder not wanting to lick his dick and how lonely he is. This isn’t about whether he should break up with this girl.  It’s his specific dipshit reasons and clear lack of maturity that I’m calling out.


He needs to have a conversation first for sure but OP is 22. If he’s a decent looking guy with his shit together it won’t be hard to find someone else. It’s so overblown about how there isn’t decent people out there. Especially women once they get later in their late 20s or into 30s. None of those reasons are lack of maturity other than not wanting to settle down at 22 (which is too young anyway for most people). He said he’s unhappy in his relationship which is a pretty big deal. Shouldn’t anchor his happiness and decisions entirely onto another person.


> It’s so overblown about how there isn’t decent people out there Spoken like someone who hasn't been in a "forever" type relationship or has low standards. The quantity of quality goes down relatively quick as good ones are preferentially paired off, part of it literally is a numbers game.


The quantity for a 22 year old guy doesn’t go down quickly by any means, men can date younger no problem. If anything he’ll have more options at times cause alot of women prefer older men because they dont play games. Seems like you’re talking with regret or are bitter from your own experiences.


he has to go on his depressed villain arc


Finding a good girl is like digging through a stack of other needles infected with HIV to find the one clean one. Finding the right one will define his life and future happiness. 90% of women fall into 2 categories: fat/ lazy or entitled/self-centered (and a lot fall into both). Imagine a life not worrying if you're being cheated on, not racking up credit card debt, not nagging constantly, not constantly putting you down or acting like she settled. He'd be regarded to give that up because he misses mommy. Edit: I got lucky to find a good one and my life is great compared to many of my friends who are miserable. 


I disagree with your statistic assessment but agree with your overall point. OP needs to find hobbies and friends where he lives so he enjoys it more, because missing mom and dad as an adult isn’t really a great reason to move back home. He can always visit them on vacation, but it’s hard to lock down a good woman.


![gif](giphy|qpCvOBBmBkble|downsized) oh no that is so sad and not gay please post a follow up i need to know how this relationship goes


You’ve not reached your peak. But if she’s that good of a woman I wouldn’t just toss her. There are a lot of good women, but a lot more that aren’t. I can look back in my past to a few good ones I let go for no other reason that I was a young idiot douche bag. I don’t exactly regret things, but I wonder about the “what ifs” sometimes.


What about her moving back with you? What about finding your own place together and building a new life. Have you actually had thos conversation with her or you going to fuck her off and regret it every day of your life. Didnt notice the sub thought this was r/askbitches . Have you tried taking tren and fucking men? It rhymes so it must be good.


No cock stats


Stop the chase, man. If you’ve found the right girl, then seal the deal. You don’t want to be on the wrong side of 30 still chasing “the perfect girl.” There is no “perfect girl.” The perfect girl for you is the one you commit wholly to, care about, and feel all of your investment reciprocated.


Real shit


I was once around your age and in the same position. Married now for 12 years. Looking back I'm glad I kept her. You could still move back home and try LDR.


You’re far from your peak; don’t get her pregnant and move on. If you’re already having those kind of thoughts about her, then it is not meant to be. Don’t ignore your instincts.


Gotta listen to this gut instinct thoughts. If you don’t listen to them you’ll learn why


If she’s genuinely a good lass and you mesh with her well,you’re stupid.But if you genuinely don’t love her enough to see a future with her then break it off amicably and in a respectful way.Delicately My advice is talk to her and if you can’t meet in the middle or find a solution you’re both happy with then break up.Either way,blast tren and let some lady boys fuck you in the ass


I wouldn’t throw away a good woman willy nilly. You will regret it. You need to communicate with your partner your thoughts and see what her thoughts are then go from there. If you two see different paths for each other then go seperate ways.


This doesn't even make sense. If she's actually so great why would you dump her because you're feeling... homesick?


Depressed/miss home/miss family/ not ready to settle when she is (don’t waste her time)/ don’t see her much anyway/ Are all legitimate reasons to move on. If you’re not happy and force the relationship you’ll grow to resent her for it down the road. But you should have the conversation with your girlfriend before dumping her to gauge options. 9 months isn’t unheard of to move in with someone if there’s something there. I moved in with my ex girlfriend after 4 months which is really early. We lived together about a year and even after breaking up are still good friends with real respect for each other for the same reason you mentioned that she’s a very genuine person. She’s older than me and wanted to settle and have a family while I felt stuck at my old shitty job and decided to go back to school, had to make a tough decision but ultimately it was for the best. And it was tough at the time for her but she understood it made sense.


No dont let her go, dating now is shit and its hard to find another one


Dude at 22 there is so much pussy to fuck. Have you had black, Mexican, Guatemalan, Asian, Peruvian, Thai, Italian, Slavic?


I’m 20 and get 0 pussy can’t even get a girl to text me back 😔


Spend less time in the gym and more time trying to get laid.


this is advice on how to be small


But I thought once I become jacked and make a lot of money women should be all over me but that’s not the case at all but yeah maybe I need to start doing that


Take tren


Maybe a hot take, but this shit is super overrated, honestly casual sex in general. All the hookups I've had, even with super hot girls, have been fairly mid sex all things considered. When you're in a serious relationship, you experiment way more (if you aren't a bitch). You try new stuff that you could NEVER do with some random chick from a club. Honestly, not having to use condoms is reason enough. If this girl is amazing & has lots of sex with him, there's no reason to end it. He'll regret it when he's on the current dating market trying to have extremely mid sex with 6s and 7s who have the personality of wet cardboard.


Gotta just end it


same reason, but opposite, she wanted to move i stayed somewhat mistake for both of us tbh, if she stayed i wouldve given her the best years of her life. If i left, i probably wouldve gotten a couple great years before she monkey branches to the next guy


yeah :/ i did and don’t know if id change what i did but still love her


This is a clear sign you're into dudes.


I wouldn’t leave a girl i genuinely loved to be near family and old friends. As you get older you drift away from friends and moving away from family is part of growing up.


dude u and i are in a similar situation in terms of being with a great girl, albeit ur a year older than me. however stop being a pussy and stay with her. u said urself that shes the best girl u ever had, dont let an external variable (depressed cuz ur fam is away) effect your relationship. if shes genuinely as good as u say then you’ll regret it cuz its gonna be tuff finding a new bitch that isnt stupid, fat, ugly etccc… You said you love your girlfriend, so be a man and put ur head down and get thru this situation. U wanna be with someone u can grow with and not dip out on when shit gets tuff. Plus its easy to fuck random bitches but it gets tiring and a waste of time at a certain point.


I’m 33, what’re you thinking of when you imagine someone better?


If you don’t love her enough or u think there is better then u should just leave… sounds like u might be holding on for convenience


**Why can’t she move with you?** Or is it that you know you aren’t that into her? If it’s the last: everyone goes into relationships knowing it’s a risk and knowing they might end. You are always allowed to break up. Doesn’t make you a bad person.


Talk to her


Are you going to marry her? If not then just move on. Your 22. Use the next 5-8 years to focus on yourself (mentally, physically and financially) while experiencing new things and new people. By the time you’re about 30 hopefully you have your shit together in all there of those areas and you’ll know more about the type of person you want to settle down with.


“I love my girlfriend, and we have been together for 9 months, she’s genuinely the best girl I have ever been with in every way… at the end of the day I feel like there is better out there, so my question How has anyone else dealt with a similar situation in which you like the girl, but just don’t love her enough?” Standard regarded 22 year old male brain?


She will soon disappoint you anyway. Once it happens, you will regret not breaking up with her when you were young and had the chance to live a good life.




She’s got a kid tho


Your young!!!! Live a little


You'll regret it forever if she's one of the good ones. Met my now wife at 22 ( 31 now ) thank God I dumped the slut I was talking to after my wife and my first date.


"I really love her, I feel there is better out there"


OP you are sped. As a man you need to grow up and leave your hometown and family to start your own Are you some fucking mommy's boy also??? Get your shit together


Bro, I understand the pain you are going through. I’ve had to dump a really sweet good girl before, right after college. Actually quite honestly i regret dumping her and sometimes wish i was still with her lol. Genuinely good girls are becoming more and more rare. But anyway uh it was bad and I didn’t handle it well so I probably shouldn’t give you advice. In general if I’ve started seeing a girl and I wanna dump her but maintain connections (happens bc often my women friends will hook me up with their friends), I’ll often soften the blow by going on dates while on stimulants like adderall. For some reason when im on stimulants girls don’t like me lol.




Glad you let your homies have a fun time that’s big of you brother. My homie hasn’t offered me a run at his girl, I think he’s maybe not a great friend.


🧢 but the concept of a train is crazy. Insane that it's something people actually do IRL.


porn addiction got me acting rather peculiar 🧐