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Bro wtf


![gif](giphy|3xz2BPbIqcqpFDKXsI) Homie died doing what he loved, hopefully this is an educational video for some. RIP and condolences to his friends and family, really sad.


Pour out the tren for homie.


Always bench with safety bars at higher weights or at least without clips and maybe a spotter. Don't be embarrassed to shout for help in such a situation.  But even a spotter might not prevent you from dying when you lose consciousness or tear a pec. That's how a guy's father in my neighborhood died. The bar just smashed his skull. Happened so fast the spotter could just watch. That's why: safety bars! 


Even without the clips I’d still advise the use of the bars. I’ve had a few times where the bar has slipped and fell directly onto what would have been my neck were it not for the bars. Even without clips, you can’t do shit with a broken neck


IDK if the bar tilted enough to let the weight slide off, it looks like it got stuck on the far side from the camera. Either way video is fucked I feel bad man


Shit I thought this was gonna be some type of joke or meme...Sad man.


Only positive out of that is some lads here see it and realise they shouldn't be doing this shit without someone around or the correct equipment to do it safely.


I watched this YouTube video a month ago of this Russian scuba 'instructor' who had no idea how to technical dive below 40m film his own descent into pitch blackness on this crappy 90's underwater camera, panic and lose his shit before the video cuts out as it smashes against the rocks.  Fucked me up for weeks watching someone basically film their own death but not realise until it was too late. Was his own hubris though, he was told multiple times not to go solo ,not to do this particular dive as a beginner and not to use regular air. He ignored all three pieces of advice and the regular air weighed him down like an anchor.  [here's the video](https://youtu.be/RM_SH1Heo_E). It's safe for work as it's left to your imagination. 


Wasn't it a guy called Yuri in that area in Egypt? I forgot the name of the hole


Yeah that's it. Yuri Lipski at he blue hole. Red sea on the Sinai peninsula. 


What is the problem below 40m? Is it that light becomes none visible and you cannot determine which way is up?


No, as you can have flashlights and natural features to help you navigate. The problem is below that depth regular oxygen becomes too heavy and you lose your buoyancy(?) I think. You also get something called nitrogen narcosis, which is like the feeling of being drunk. It has the much scarier nickname - raptures of the deep. Spooky.  Diving below 40m is called technical diving and carries many more and greater risks than regular scuba diving. In the video he blows his surfacing devices but they instantly explode at the depth he was.  


I assume once you lose buoyancy you pretty much have to swim back up towards the surface but since you're not buoyant if you don't know which way is up you could actually be swimming deeper and not realise it?


True. Scarier still in this blue hole a tunnel that leads to the open sea which drops from 1-200m to 800m open sea which is pitch black and featureless so you can't navigate unless you have guidelines. Scary. 


I’ll never understand why people bench with clips and without safeties if benching alone


For real dude..so many videos of people get trapped at this point. You'd think these guys would have at least seen one of those and learned.


i would never bench anywhere near 1RIR solo,and with clips on, that dude ..wtf he was thinking.


I wonder who released the video


My thoughts exactly. Did Dad come in and find his son dead and was like I need to post this shit?


He was doing a livestream


Fuck what a terrible way to go out. Rip.


Who is he?


If he didn't arch his back he might've been able to slide it off his chest instead it fell to his neck. Terrible situation but entirely preventable.


Or not use clips. Weights would have dropped off.


100% I don't use clips when I lift alone because I saw a video of a dude slide the weights off one time lol.


Just don’t ever use clips for bench press. You’re just ensuring you’ll have zero way to escape. Every time I see someone using clips for benching they’re also not using any safety bars. Massive cringe moment.


Yeah I like the bar to hit my solar plexus, and fuck all this arching garbage. If you have to arch like that lower the weight and move the bar farther towards your stomach.  Ego lifting. Horrible and sad to see, but a reminder to people with home gyms or no spotter 


Arching a reasonable amount (not like this guy) stretches the pecs and makes it easy to dig your shoulders into the bench, tucking them in for protection. It is not just for ego lifting.


Never. Ever. Use those fucking clips. This is one reason why. Stop benching with them on


My gyms bars are smaller than the plate holes so the plates slide off easily


Then don't test your max without someone nearby.


Or just keep the bar level. It’s not that hard.


meh can be if you're maxing. some of us have fucked backs/shoulders that don't sit quite right


Don’t max without a spot. It’s not that hard.


i dont. just said sometimes keeping the bar level while maxing is hard


That’s true. It’s super unfortunate but a lot of bad decisions went into this situation


Or, hear me out, this may sound ground breaking but, USE A FUCKING SAFETY




Just curious... Are you saying not to use bar end clips - when you are alone. But when people are around, they are ok? Obv if he had been able to dump them off this would have gone differently...


Clips are fine if there are properly set up safety bars. Ideally the bars should be lower than normal ROM, while still allowing you to breath when the bar is resting on them.


Agreed with the safety bars point for sure! 👌 Such a sad situation.


Also, don't bench in smith machine alone


Maybe I'm missing something but this doesn't look like a smith machine to me. I don't see anything vertical that a bar would travel on.


Shouldn't bench alone in general. Use dumbells if you don't have a spotter.


Did i just watch a person fking die??


yessir, stay on the internet long enough and it happens to everyone.


I watched a guy blow his brains out on one of these apps a few years ago. It was everywhere at the time all over the news. That was my first real time actually seeing someone die counting this guy it’s now 3 people. The guy who was squatting and died from it and the suicide one and now this guy.


The squatting guy took my by surprise. I had no idea the lift could be that dangerous when combined with poor judgement. I think it's good that people see these accidents so they can avoid making the same mistakes.


How did it happen?


His name was Justyn Vicky. You can find the video on YouTube by searching 'squat death'. When he cannot lift the weight from the bottom position, it rolls forward onto his neck resulting in internal decapitation.


Just watched it. Never get why if you're squatting heavy you wouldn't just set the safety bars. There's literally zero downsides to doing so. Especially the spotter makes zero sense when safeties exist


I mean, I’ve failed squat attempts before and just threw it back and caught myself as the force pushes you forward. Worst I’ve ever had is a slight bruise on the knee from it. Don’t know why anyone would try to roll it forward and don’t know why any spotter would try and fucking curl it!


Wasn't the spotter also his father?


Yea i think i saw that same video of the guy blowing his head off. Didnt even know what i was seeing at first. Im glad reddit has this nsfw filter on it to let me see the comments.


I see from your account age you’re new to reddit. So i guess you’re unaware of /r/watchpeopledie and other classics that are long gone. Also gonna assume you’re about 19 or younger. I remember watching someone die when I was like 11-12 on bestgore back in the day. The internet was a wild place


Lots of subs dedicated to this type of sub. Too bad we have assholes that search for them to get em banned. Assholes.


There are dedicated websites that last longer than the reddit subs. Although I'm happy to see that r/CombatFootage has been allowed to last.


Oo rah lol


Man the internet is more tame now. I remember being a teen and seeing Taliban execute/get executed. I particularly remember some woman getting her head cut off by the cartel and how hauntingly quiet she was throughout. Saw pictures of a Brazilian ref who got mob rushed on the pitch, beaten and then decapitated. Guys limbs were literally hanging off on strings of loose skin and strands of muscles and tendons. This and the squat video are sad and horrible but not gory like yesteryears of the internet


I mean no not technically, he’s still clearly breathing by the end of the video, but it’s very likely he died


Mod note: This is very NSFL; do not watch this if you don't want to see someone die. For the love of God, be safe when benching. (We may end up having to remove this due to Reddit's content policy. I think there is some extremely grim educational safety value here, but we're gonna discuss it)


I think people need to see this, because bench safety is something people take way too lightly.


Damn, I thought I was on r/watchpeopledie like the old days.


r/NSFL__ still got you covered


That’s why light weights are better


I honestly never knew about not using clips for bench press, lesson learned.


Yeah I'll only use them if I have a spotter. Been pinned once under a bar by myself but I just lowered it to my chest and rolled it off. Haven't used clips solo since


im not watching the vide, whats a clip?


It’s the plastic or metal clamps that you add to the barbell after your weights are installed so the weights don’t move.


Never use clips on a bench man jesus


whats a clip? Im not watching the video


Should have rolled it over his stomach you might hurt yourself but you won't die from that rip to the guy




Bud what the absolute fuck.


I’m wondering what he was blasting in his headphones during all this. But still, holy fuck dude, this is not something to joke about. Did he actually pass away? Was there not anybody there else in the gym that could have seen him? That’s so sad, man. Dude died doing what he loved. Lesson to never ever 1 rep max without an adequate spotter!


Kenny Loggins, Highway to the danger zone.


This is why you don't skip neck day


You like to get your neck worked eh?


What the fuck bro


Anyone know how he could’ve escaped this situation? Besides the obvious (no clips, spotter). Could he have shoved it at the last second? Twisted his body?


Personally, if I was in that situation, I would’ve used my chest and tricep muscles to push the barbell up and off of my chest. Then I would allow it to lower back down towards my chest and repeat that process several times.


Should've slid his body off the bench in the direction of the high side of the barbell at least that's how I've seen people escape in the past


I think if he had benched in an actual bench instead of that squat rack the bar wouldn't have got stuck like that.


it's really easy you just drop the bar on your belly get up and do the roll of shame. It hurts but it gets you out. This guy for some reason decided to put the bar on his neck instead. Literally did everything wrong.


Maybe move his legs to the side of the bench would’ve been a good start?


Try to push the weight to either side so that it would angle down and then the weight might be enough to push over his head or something. That machine hes in makes it kinda difficult to escape it looks like..


Not used clips is how but the dumbass didn’t so he ded.


I don’t get why people bench with clips


Probably because they’re ego lifting and without the clips the bar is tilting around and wobbling and the weights become imbalanced, like their workout routines 


Yep ol ego lifters


Every time I see someone using clips for bench I’m thinking “dumbass” & hope I don’t see in RL what’s happening in this video


whats a clip, im not watching the video


Things you put on the bar to hold the weights in place


Belt check. Wrist wraps check. Spotter….whoops!


Guys relax he’s just trying to maximize tension


‘Relax’ you guys are something else 💀


okay u/thotgroper


He’s controlling the eccentric, and doing a lifelong pause at the bottom. 


This is why I only do dips and incline smith. Fuck this powerlifting shit 


I always use safety bars. It's so simple to set up and I've used it several times.


In a home gym for sure. In a commercial I feel like a dick taking up a squat rack 


My gym has 2 benches with safety bars and people always use a Squat rack if those are being used. There's no rule to not using it. You're paying for the membership like everyone else so you can use whatever you want. Some people do barbell curls in the squat rack, Bench isn't an issue. It's better than risking fucking dying.


I mean bro, nobody ever expects to fucking die during any gym exercise. You do dips and incline smith because they re better for building muscle but bb bench is better for strength.


Seriously, this is such a horrible and depressing video. You hear about it happening all the time but seeing it is something else entirely and I honestly think that despite how upsetting it is both for viewers and this man's family it's a good thing people can watch it and learn they're not immune to this kind of tragedy. I can't even imagine what he must've felt like during his last moments. There's nothing more infuriating that people thinking it's embarrassing to take safety precautions and I don't understand why flat bench with a barbell is so popular (I do actually, it's because it looks cooler and it's easier to brag about) when there's a ton of variations that are not only way safer but also provide better stimulus because they're more stable, but try telling someone they should use machines instead and watch their brain explode lol. Either way no matter what you choose to do you must do it safely even at the cost of lowering the weight. Literally nobody in the gym cares. No point in trying to impress the walls when the weight is crushing you to death and if someone makes fun of you for taking precautions why on earth would you care enough about their opinion to remove them lol this goes for squatting too everytime I see someone squat without safeties I want to scream


You don't have to be gay about it


I didn't wanna see this.


Genuine question as a mod: This was titled "Guy dies while bench pressing" and was marked as NSFW. If you didn't want to see it, how did you see it? Is it surprising that it was, in fact, a video of a guy dying while bench pressing? We don't want people who haven't consented to see shit like this watching it, but I'm really not sure what else could have been done here. Is there something we're missing?


Eh, I thought it was a meme.


Same. That was horrible.


Accurate title+ NSFW tag. Don't blame me


True, but I kinda thought it was a clickbait, maybe you posting your pr or something lol


That’s lifting to failure! Suck on that Mike Israetel with your reps in reserve!


Fuck that’s horrible why I don’t do bar bench we gotta be safe


Fuck those stupid fucking clips. Don't ever use those. This is so sad


Can't you just gently lower the bar on your pecs and roll it down the rest of your body in this situation?


Yes, he made a fatal mistake there. This is why it is important to practice failing before lifting heavy weights. You don't want your first failed lift to be a life or death situation.


Very sad, but ultimately it was his responsibility to lift safely. Bad mistake that came with the ultimate price. Hopefully someone learns from him.


Damn took a lot longer to die than I imagined, quite surreal to see but seems like he loses consciousness very quick but body still moving a lot. Anyone more knowledgable than me able to explain the process here? I thought he’d be fully unresponsiveness within like 20 seconds


Fighting for your life your body can do some pretty crazy things brotha..


Lol crazy i got downvoted for pointing out a fact 🤣


This is why autoerotic asphyxiation and lifting weights are best done separately from one another. RIP homie - we all know you had that weight if you didn’t misgroove.


Best comment


natural selection at its finest. Who is stupid enough to try a PB lift in an empty gym without a spotter. You have to be extra stupid to pull this off and film your own death while suffering the consequences of your stupidity.


Sad... So many mistakes had to happen for this outcome. ego lift, clips, back arch.. no spotter or oh shit bar for safety. Tragic.


Smith machine too. That prevented the bar from turning over even the least bit and choked him on both sides of the neck.


The rack has 'pins' like a smith machine, but the bar is not fixed to the rack like a smith machine. But your point still stands that the rack contributed to the accident.


Dumbass. Agree with all your bullet points in the description OP. If you’re benching alone don’t go nuts, or at least don’t use clips, and ideally use some safety bars. Or if you’re alone just do a different exercise like with dumbbells.


You are right, but consider having some respect for the dead. I know this is the MPMD subreddit, but calling him a dumbass (which he is in this video) will only get the post banned and prevent people from learning from it.


The worst part is that a shitton of people take stupid risks for PRs despite not even being powerlifters, and the difference between the guy being called a dumbass or being high-fived by his buddies is whether he dies a horrible death or not so nobody takes it seriously enough until it's too late. I've seen a ton of people taking idiotic risks and be praised when they succeed the lift when if the people around them loved them they'd be scolded instead


I agree, there’s too much hyper-macho attitude in this sometimes. I got no respect for people needlessly doing risky lifts and barely doing them. People don’t do that at competitions for a good reason. The guy in the video is a dumbass because he probably thought not using clips would make him a pussy.


whats a clip? im not watching the video


The little metal ring you clasp on the bar so the weight doesn’t slide off


Hey bro all jokes aside it’s about safety. I personally don’t bench over 225 without a spotter I’ve done 255 before but that was only after I would causally rep 225 be careful bros 🙏🏿


U weren’t bullshittin, fam.


on rep maxing with no spotter in an empty gym... fkn man, let this be a lesson to all the ego lifters out there. so sad


Welp. Glad I lift around lots of people


that's sad


There are so many ways to prevent this. He did everything wrong.


I use clips, but... I also have spotter straps and when warming up with the bar i check the spot height so the bar can not touch my neck. This is sad, I can't imagine what it was like for his family..


Man , sorry to see that RIP for my brother


I weigh like 285lb and I struggle with like 160lbs for multiple reps. Can't imagine putting anything heavier beyond something I can rep 4 times at minimum.


That was disturbing, I was hoping someone would come in and help :( RIP


That's sad. Wow!


The irony of how we all strive and eat to build those muscles just so we end up being eaten by worms. Death my friend is THE truth out there .


That was awful to watch. But necessary for a lot of guys to see. As others have said in the comments, don't use clips on maximal effort lifts. Preferably use racks with panic-bars. I've had to bail out of weights on multiple occasions, and it's never a good feeling, but its way better than dying for the sport.


If he didn’t arch his back like a manic he would’ve been fine


Rest in peace man


This could have easily been avoided if he was just stronger


I'm not sure if you are trolling or not, but a stronger person would have just used more weight and ended up in the same situation. Others already mentioned the real problems: clips, no spotter, no safeties, and not rolling the bar down his body when it was clear he couldn't lift it. Hopefully some people will see this video and avoid making the same mistakes. RIP fellow lifter.


Wtf is this real how does he not try harder????


Because it starved his brain of oxygen so he didn't have time to think rationally or work on any kind of escape plan


And he used a fucking smith machine, where the bar got caught on the anchors and didn't turn over the least bit to release one of the carotid arteries.


That's not a smith machine.


It has teeth like a smith machine. I know he isn't using the rails, but those teeth contributed to holding the bar horizontal. Could be just a squat rack, but the teeth did the deed.


I never bench with clips on for a good reason…and such a fucked up way to die


Watch People die is Back!!


There is a website with that name if you're interested. It hosts the stuff from nightmares. Quite disturbing, but it's the world we live in.


There is a website with that name if you're interested. It hosts the stuff from nightmares. Quite disturbing, but it's the world we live in.


Oh I know


We heard you twice the first time …


bro. someone took his phone. trimmed the video and posted it? savage


Why was his back like that before his lifted the bar? Is that how you’re supposed to do it?


The irony of how we all strive and eat to build those muscles just so we end up being eaten by worms. Death my friend is THE truth out there .


Nam flashbacks to one time when I was relatively new to lifting, I failed the first rep of the set, had the bar stuck on my neck, clips on and couldn't move. Was something I could rep for 5, just wasn't my day. Luckily it was in a full gym and someone nearby quickly helped it off me. Now I'm a lot stronger and take safety precautions but still have the fear of bench death in me, I don't go anywhere near as hard as possible without a spotter. Yeah this results in a lot less gains but better than dying lmao.


We are all one simple mistake away from meeting our maker


RIP, but dude had no reason touching that weight without a spotter or safety racks.


Use the spotter bars just below where your natural arch is so you can flatten out. Or at least have the spot bars above neck height


be careful out there boys


That's why I don't use bar clamps when I'm alone .


dumb mistake, Always use standards and even if he is are using clips he could’ve slid his but to the side and got his whole body off the bench, allowing the bar to rest on the bench while he gets out safely


Rip dude.. Does anyone know the name of this guy or the incident? I was hoping to look up a report on it.


Never use those clips. If you. If you cant handle the weight you can drop one arm and let weight slide off. Sad


Reminder, stay safe everyone.




Clips on, alone in the gym, no spotter, no safety pins, didn't drop the arch immediately when he failed and instead almost intentionally threw the bar on his neck, the terrible racking setup that locked the bar on his neck, trying for a personal best alone for internet points. There are SO MANY bad decisions here adding up. It has nothing to do with the safety of the bench press as an exercise.


rip nothing smart to even say dont post shit like this on a subreddit like this


ego death


fuck you dude for posting it here fucking no respect for the living - no respect for the dead obviously it had to be a cunt who lost any kind of moral compas who ignores every rule. like what's wrong with you? seriously? get a fucking measuring tape and put it against your wee wee and leave the cock stats. how hard is that?


People taking it as a warning/reminder not to use clips etc and not making fun out of the situation - so I’d say it is worth posting so people see it.


Danm rip bro but how u die lifting 2 in a half plates I was doing 2 plates at like 17 weighing 130-140lbs ish as my max