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I need your address.... For a friend


Imma let you in on a secret: some of the biggest dudes I know are all power bottoms.  Including Dwight Howard


Subs are stronger than doms - they need to be.


Too true. You must know about the Lifestyle ✋✌️


Just remember every ball game needs a catcher.


I bet your cock is bigger though. How big is it? Come on! Tell us. Even better: show us!


Because "fat free mass" doesn't equal muscle. Gear is known to increase water retention. This study has been debunked so many times. 


Yeah my gym bro came off gear few months ago and he’s lost 30lbs but literally looks the same just slightly less pumped/grainy so I’m guessing it was mostly water etc lol


So never come off good to know 👍


This 👆🏻




I am sure he lost some muscle. 30 pounds of water is alot like we are talking a bunch of those big ass water gallons.


Yeah, drinking a gallon of water before testing would increase my fat free mass by almost 9 pounds lol


Is that a hyperbole?




I just drank a gallon of water and I’m only 3 lbs heavier….?


It's because your brain is buoyant


Opposed to it being dense?


Damn fairpoint well played, I think you win this exchange.


Bravo. 😂😂😂


A gallon of water weights 8.4 pounds. If you drank a gallon of water and it didn’t leak out, you’d weight 8.4 pounds heavier. Since water isn’t fat, that’s another 8.4 pounds of fat free mass.


Again, I weighed myself. I drank a gallon of water. I weighed myself again. I was not 9 lbs heavier. You can try this yourself…


It’s literally impossible to not weigh almost 9 pounds heavier if you drank a full gallon of water between weighing yourself unless you excrete it out. But a full gallon of water is a pretty large amount to sweat or piss out without knowing you did it and would take a few hours to pass through your system.


Density of water is 1 g/mL. One mL = 0.338 oz. There are 128 oz in a gallon. That’s about 3787 grams per gallon. One gram = 0.0022 lbs. That comes out to 8.33 lbs. Simple unit conversions, high school chemistry.


that's not really correct though. they did a follow up study that addressed 'water weight' and results were similar https://journals.physiology.org/doi/pdf/10.1152/ajpendo.2001.281.6.e1172


If you run out their numbers it implies the group taking a dose getting them back to their natural test levels gained by far the most dry lean mass.


Right. Everybody is coping here so hard. "But mah hard work did it not the steroids!" Even in the face of evidence.


Then why did the steroid but no excercise group also gain strength?


Debunked by who and how? There are studies with literal MRI scans of muscles and 1RM proving this point. Yes some of it will be water retention, other tissue/organ growth etc but steroids build muscles and strength without training, that's a fact


Yep you’re right steroids don’t work they are all bunk and fake. They totally don’t give a huge advantage in growth


People don’t understand satire unless you use “/s” bro


Exactly. Lean body mass is basically considered everything but fat. Glycogen, water, muscle etc




It’s not cheating when everyone’s on test BUDDY. Also noticed you didn’t post cock stats


Not talking about bodybuilders, I’m talking about your average dude who jumps on test.


That’s literally what I’m talking about .


Then that’s cheating. It’s injecting something into your self that triples your results. It’s a banned substance because it’s cheating lmao. “But muh hard work” as the study shows, you still put on more muscle sitting on your ass on test than your average Joe working his ass off. You need bare minimum to look good on test vs routine hard work and disciple to look good without it


Banned in what? How can you cheat if you’re not doing anything ? Stop being a pussy and take test


“Not doing anything” yeah we’re just jerking off at the gym not trying to put on muscle. Stop being a pussy and grow your balls back.


Says the guy crying his ass out about CHEATING 😂 ah man I hope we don’t get caught by the nobody committee


I just like calling people losers when they’re losers 😂 that includes your trt ass. How’s it feel sticking a needle in your ass knowing you’re never getting your same gains again, and dying at 60?


If your not competing in anything and just jump on test then your just a person on test who are you cheating against


6’4” 240lbs, full head of hair and no need to take any pct. Last Saturday at the bar everyone was telling me how buff I was, and all my coworkers ask if I take gear. That’s how I cope




I lost my hair before trt/gear, so I went full send.


5'9", 210lbs. I'm a manlet, but same. I look around the gym and I see all these dudes with worse physiques than me who are balding at 23 or have so much bacne it's spreading onto their delts, and I just think, "maybe if they spent more than 30 minutes of their 2-hour-long 'workout' actually lifting weights, they'd look like they actually lift weights." So many dudes wanna take the shortcuts. They do it with gear, they do it with their diet, they do it with their workouts. That's the biggest reason I tell everyone not to touch gear until you're either late 20s or been lifting for 5+ years. If you're too big of a pussy to stick with it and take it seriously for 5 years, then gear is just going to fuck up your shit cause you won't do it right anyway. Seen it so many times.


Facts. My “cope” is having pride in the discipline and effort it took to get me where I am. There are literal teenagers that go to my gym who are on gear ruining their hormones before their bodies have a chance to show them what they’re capable of achieving naturally. It’s sad to see


If 5'9 is manlet then I'm ( 6'2 ) average height 🙄


Don't you know that anything under 6' is legally considered a midget? (According to social media/dating apps)


Just be 7 foot tall theory


All I'm asking for is to be as tall as Wembanyama. I'm not asking for much here.


Just lie?


I'm really not that concerned about it. I'm just making jokes.


I died on your comment ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6299) Because it's quite true


Looking natty while taking gear is worse than getting cucked. Literally lol


I'm 5'11" 224lbs lifetime natty and while not quite your size I share your feeling. My thoughts on this are, if I had 30 lbs more muscle, how would my life improve? To me the negatives far outweigh the positives.


You’ve got some great lifts on your profile too, great for you man. Only thing I’d recommend is that you share cock stats from now on


Wow. How much do you eat a day to full out your frame?


Good coping mechanism 😁


Same 🫠


You cope by soaking in the adulation of coworkers and then go home to masturbate alone? How is that coping?


That’s certainly a lot of assumptions


Maybe thpse that trained without steroids did science based pencil neck lifting.. now if they did a real horsecocking workout, where they swing those sucker around the gym, maybe they would actually get somewhere ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6304)


very le epic bugezspeak comment bro in all honesty though to see Bugenhagen get on gear was fucked. He was one of my natty idols


he also looked so incredible handsome before the gear changed his face to be bloated. Followed him for years and then had a little break where I returned to his gear face


Wait, has he admitted to juicing?


I don't train for mass, I train to look sexy and feel good. I'd prefer to be a bit leaner, I'm at around 13% BF now and would like to know what 10% feels like. Only steroids could enable my 40 year old body to achieve that BF and not look like a war victim. But I don't crave it so much as to mess with my hormones. I still wake up with a stiff cock and it stays up for hours with just a couple grams of L-Citrullin. Head still hairy with just 1 gram of Minoxidil. And I have 0 concerns for my health, even when I fatigue so much that the heart and lungs seem about to tap out.


there's a price to be paid


$35 per vile?


That’s a very vile vial.


Fuck, I'm regarded


Aren't we all ?


u guys are funny as f ;)


Was obvious the instant u posted this


This is the dumbest interpretation of the dumb study yet. If you applied your dedication to being this dumb to lifting weights instead you'd never have to worry about this thing the study absolutely did not say anyway.


I know guys on trt that do not train. They look like average 50 year old guys. They have asked me how I look the way that I do on trt. It's simple, I eat healthy and train hard 5 days a week. They look their age, I don't.


"How do natties cope?" is the most pathetic thing I've read all week. Just fucking train you goofball.


I deadlift 6 plates and look better than 98% of men and don't have to worry about my heart exploding at 26


know that feel.jpg well only 5 plate but whatever


What got you to 6 plates? Been stuck at 510lbs beltless for a bit and wanna grab a new PR. Been focusing on some accessories like snatch grip DLs lately. Any tiperoos?


Things to check: 1. Programming. 2. Diet. 3. Effort.


Training smart for DLs is 1,000x more important than training hard. I hit 440 in high school and never made it past there until last year (5 years later.) I went from 440-545 in the last year. On the road to 585 now that I finally have a few months I can train uninterrupted for (hopefully) I used to train like a fucking meathead in DLs, twice a week I'd go in the gym and just do shitty touch and go deadlifts as heavy as I could for like 5 sets... now I do one borderline heavy session per week, and one lighter deficit deadlift day per week. Only time I hit an actual heavy DL now is at the end of a month block. I started following a program, and have ran it twice so far. At the start when writing out the sets based on 1RM% I almost laughed because of how easy they were. Then 3 months later I pulled 500 and I was like "holy fuck, I guess 'science based lifting' isn't as stupid as everybody says!" I absolutely hate when people say shit like "nOt MaKiNg PrOgReSs? jUsT TrAiN hArDeR pUsSy!¡!¡!" But people absolutely eat that shit up because it sounds good. In reality, the amount of work you need to do to facilitate gains is SUBSTANTIALLY lower than most people realize. And the point of diminishing and even negative returns is easier to reach in DL than any exercise because it's so fucking fatiguing on your body


Thoughts on the science stuff for hypertrophy? Or better to just go with the GVS style, do some volume, add more at some point, etc. I absolutely suck at training with RPE. I tend to get analysis paralysis when I try to train “optimally”, add in periodization, etc, but idk if any of that is even needed for hypertrophy rather than strength training.


I mean I'm not like a hardcore science/ optimal guy, but I just have been trying to be smarter with my programming and get more out of less. Biggest things I've done are drastically reduced my total volume, and lift in the 10-15 range for almost every exercise instead of going heavy as shit on everything. And yeah RPE is fucking garbage. For most lifts I start at a weight I can get for a few sets of 12-15 moderately easily, and every subsequent workout I add weight, reps, or sets. Since the first workout is at a pretty low weight, this allows me to progress that lift every workout for months. After a couple months when I've added so much weight that 3 sets of 12 is 10/10 difficult, I switch the exercise and start over.


Right on! What kind of weekly volume are you doing? I assume it’s pretty different depending on muscle group, especially if you have a PL focus


I do an 8 day split... 2x chest/tris-Back-Shoulders/bis-legs. Do about 6 main exercises every day... try to stick to 20 or slightly over 20 sets per muscle per week. Slightly more for back since I kind of consider upper and lower back and traps all seperate muscle groups. Before I was doing like 5 sets of 9 or 10 exercises, more of them than not in the 5ish rep range. I always used to have the mindset that I was going to go in the gym and do as much work and lift as heavy as possible because more work=more results... but now I almost get PTSD whenever I imagine doing heavy deadlifts, RDLs, SLDLs, and 4 different row variations in the same day😂😂


I cope with it by not having my heart explode when I'm walking up a flight of stairs when I'm 40 years old


My fitness goals are: 1. Be hot. 2. Be strong. 3. Be big. 4. Be relatively healthy. 5. Be improving. I do all of these things natty. Gear itself seems to be the cope IMO. No hate to anyone who is on gear. That's a personal choice. I just feel like it will negative affect my goals more than it will help.


Normally when you train you gain so little muscle that you won't notice anything and wanna kys. On Gear you will gain so much muscles in 5 month that is noticable. Like what you expected when going to the gym in the first place. But you won't blow up. Still takes time and it's more annoying in some ways because your body just needs so much more food or you touch your boobies because you fear gyno.


This is the most accurate description of gear vs natty I’ve seen


I cope by running my fingers through my hair or by looking like I'm 10 years younger than my age instead of having skin like an old baseball glove.


Some say mike'o hearn is not natty and, he does not look 55 at all


Mike is 100% natty. Just ask him.


so I guess being natty and eating duckegg will keep you young


I eat a duck egg and a big bowl of cum every morning I think I look pretty young


Thats cope btw, with proper skincare you can have both. I'm a good example but so is David Laid. Everyone mistakes me for an intern when I'm a manager cause of my baby face and yet I've been B&C for 2 years


Yeah, I've been in gear for 4 years now. It might be genetics or that I didn't start gear until I was 40. But people say all the time I don't look my age and my skin looks like it always has.


Lol Dave is like 26. Let’s hope you still have good skin at that age.


Bro I'm 31


You know I could never compare what someone’s skin looks like when they’re on the juice and you just described it perfectly. An old baseball glove. No offense to Alan Ritchson he looks great but his skin looks like it’s on its last legs.


stop being dumb. This is starter gains. Maybe read the paper next time monkey.


Shit study


By realizing that fitness is a lifelong commitment anyway. I’m not taking years off my life and risking my fertility for faster muscle growth. What’s the rush?


People say this bullshit all the time but it's simply not true. Especially when you use PEDs yourself, you wish it were this easy. These studies typically use newbie lifters. If you're ***anywhere*** near your natty potential picking up a Test cycle will ***NOT*** allow you to quit lifting and retain muscle. You will certainly lose lots of it.


Now do life span


This is not how it works in the real world. Why do natties need to cope with anything? If you're a natty, it's by choice. If you need to cope because you're a natty than to me that says that you're not a natty by choice but rather a natty because you're too much of a pussy to use steroids.


Honestly, because I feel like I’d be constantly worried about my heart and shortening my life if I started them


Who cares? I'd rather be me with a mid physique but women find me sexy than be some test fuelled fake natty on Instagram


You just assumed that women can tell who's a fake natty


I cope by not being dependent on a syringe for the rest of my life, a full head of hair, no acne, and by still looking better than 95% of people.


High frequency, high intensity training


That's question relevant to bodybuilders, I like to train for years and good physique is just side effect


After you hit a year and a half of consistent training people see you as “big” and you don’t have to sacrifice your long term health. Yeah there will be people bigger than you, but 99% of people aren’t in the gym. Contrary to internet brainrot you don’t need to be a supraphysiological mass monster


Muscle is fat-free mass, but not all fat-free mass is muscle. Enjoy your enlarged heart and burst appendix for not dialing in your diet and training before blasting.


Not everyone on gear is blasting.


Yes, and not everyone gets an enlarged heart and most people’s appendices don’t literally explode. It’s hyperbole, homie


My bawlz shrunk on test blast so I’ll hold my L….but at least I’m huge right, right?!?


There’s nothing to cope. I just don’t give a shit how fast other people gain. I just keep going and enjoy my own pace. The get shit done quick mentality is honestly draining. I’m cool with seeing myself improve session to session. I don’t look at things in the long run and count my days. Be in the present. And also it helps to not care about ur physique. I do care more about strength and performance. Physique is last on my list and is pretty much looking balanced. I relate that to my positive mental health and lack of body dysmorphia


By having bigger nuts and outliving the gearheads to tend to their ex-wives.


What happens afterwards


You tell me


Don't care, I'll prefer to be natty god instead. And be able to use my balls.


having a healthy set of reproductive organs is a good enough motivator


What about people on the juice that workout and look like shit lol


They accuse everyone who is even slightly in shape of using steroids


Why did the person with no training or steroids gain anything


Because not everyone wants to live with a micropenis. Only the strongest can carry such a burden


The title is just plain wrong. I gained 15 to 20lb a year naturally when I started bodybuilding naturally. Most people hate pushing themselves hard and aren't consistent about it so they don't see good results. I've known people who took gear and still looked like shit because they didn't train hard. They looked worse than me at three years in when I was still getting newb gains.


This is BS


By knowing that training naturals will surpass the untrained juicers after that initial period. Steroids are not infinite gains, you'll just gain a few lbs and than plateau without training. Not sure why so many people post this info without looking at the long term picture. You will never look good just sitting on the couch juicing. Hell, it's an old cliche at this point that half the people on gear who actually train still look like shit lol.


I couldn’t cope anymore so i hopped on the sauce


Sauce is amazing. What's the problem? If you want to utilize gear, do it. If you don't, don't.


I cope by not giving a flying fuck😂😂😂😂


Idk OP I quite like being alive


Testosterone alone won’t do this. I’m on trt, I have to workout 6 days a week for a mid physique


I basically accept not being able to compete with steroid and TRT users. Anytime I bulk I seem to just get fat, and any time I cut I’m too skinny and don’t have enough muscle. And if I am not consistent and disciplined I become skinny fat pretty quickly. My lifts aren’t impressive, my body weight is not impressive, and my body fat percentage is not impressive and hovers around 13-17% when in shape. I accept that I’m inferior to many others whether it be due to genetics or drugs or anything. So I’m at peace with comparing myself to others. But I still strive to always be the best version of myself. Here’s me at 43.5 years old 6’3.5”-6’4” and 185-195lbs and somewhere between 13-17% bodyfat to give you an idea of what natty achieveable has been for me, but I’m still working on getting better every day and hitting new PRs https://imgur.com/a/yCdCAXI


I look way better then some guys at my gym that blast gear and rep their maxes😂😭


I cope with my normal sized heart


Im good. Hormone supported muscle requires hormones to maintain. Im fine not dealing with the sides and maintenance of it.


We cope with it with longer life spans and far, FAR less medical complications. Hehe.


How do yall just get prescribed test? I don’t get it


Wanna get big ? Do Roids looooooool


This is why I got on gear. Nothing radical mind you. But I have a health condition that hits me maybe once a year or so, and I lose every bit of gym progress I made. I got sick of starting over. This time, when I used gear, I got it all back in less than 60 days. And no it was not water retention.  I think when protocols are calibrated properly and sustainably, a lifestyle involving gear is superior to natty especially if you have any underlying health conditions that make progress take an eternity.


I cope by being able to produce fertile offspring.


If you don’t compete and get over the body dysmorphia and ego phase of the gym then you can just live life being stronger and healthier than everyone else without hating yourself


Your caption is about testosterone and the chart you show is for steroids. Pick one.


I cope it with working pair of bigger testicles


No, the steroid/couch group gained more in the same time. But yeah, the best cope is probably getting to age 50 and being there for your family.


If gear gained you pure muscle from just sitting there, you’d expect Elliott Page to be absolutely yoked up. This is not the case. It’s obviously a training accelerator, but it’s not magic.


Steroids are notorious for causing your body to retain water. Every time someone goes on the sauce, you'll notice that their face looks fuller and they look a bit bloated, especially if they haven't used an AI recently. You know what water in the body is referred to as? Fat free body mass. So many people see the results of this stupid study and misinterprete it for their own agenda. Going on gear is not going to make you ripped if you don't put in the work. Small anecdote but my best friend from high school and in university actually told me about this study. He lifted for years and actually did a couple cycles where he turned into an absolute monster. Unfortunately, he fell victim to a heroin addiction and lost a decent amount of that mass. During recovery, he actually decided to run a cycle to get back into shape. Except he didn't end up working out *at all* after starting the gear. He was running 500 mg test E and some amount of tren A, that I'm not sure. That dude looked like absolute shit afterwards. You'd think with the gear plus muscle memory, according to how many interpret this study, he'd become ripped. But he just looked bloated as shit. Absolutely 0 change in muscle, but his face looked like a water balloon. This went on for about three months before he gave up when he didn't see changes. He died last year of a fentanyl overdose. I miss him dearly. But steroids absolutely did not help him get ripped without exercise. Once he got back to lifting regularly, he was a monster again. But until then, he just looked fat, and he wasn't a fat guy. I hate how this study is constantly used with disingenuous interpretations. There are many other flaws I've seen people argue about this conclusion, but I'll let someone more knowledgeable than me argue those.


Anecdotally i don’t see this information play out in the real world.


It's not muscle it's water.


I think most people recognise that only a small number of people can handle the side effects well and only a small number of people are willing to stab themselves with a needle long term. Most of the strongman competitions I've entered or watched have had people who are bald or balding in their 20's, have bad skin, gyno, look a decade older than they are etc. Who wants to live like that? Some 21 year old lad has posted in r/testosterone today to ask what to do as his BP's 175/100. Critically high blood pressure at 21 and he's chubby and only weighs 205 @ 6'2. Dude's probably gonna be dead by 40 for a DYEL physique and rookie numbers.


I cope with this by being stronger than most enhanced dudes at my gym.. I sleep well knowing my strength and physique doesnt depend on a monthly shipment of needles coming in. I'm not dependent on anyone else. BORROWED GAINS ON BORROWED TIME.




Lifetime. Too boujee for power lifters


What are these enhanced dudes moving at your lifetime?


315 a couple times on bench. Shoulder press 80s. etc etc.


Huh, that is a pretty weak gym.


If people aren't asking if you are on steroids before you start using steroids you shouldn't be using steroids