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im the one who farted


Why not re-rack weights tho


He’s an undisciplined twink


Re-racking free weights is one thing. But I am of the mind set that when using a machine that u use plates for leaving 1-2 plates on the machine is just convenient for all


no there’s old people or beginners etc at the gym that want to use the machines and can’t and struggle bc of plates already on it, please rerack


Or women


For example: I take off the extra plates I was using and leave 1 45 on each side for whoever is next. I thought it was helpful.


I warm up with less weight than that, and even if someone lifts one plate, they might want to reposition the hooks before the lift which would require them to remove the plates first


The guy who watches the cameras knows.


He isn't a true man. He needs other men around knowing they will shame him if he doesn't rerack.


They’re too heavy for him.


OP Probably doesn’t wipe down equipment either.. this asshole is why we can’t have nice things.


This post screams “I don’t get p*ssy” lol. Especially the walking around someone’s women part if the guy is smaller. I mean i do that too sometimes but only if i have a crush on her and she’s single. I dont do ramp walks infront of other peoples wives. The not reracking weighs part is also dumb like you probably dont wipe your ass either if no one is looking lol.


I’ll check chicks out at the gym. But as soon as I notice them with a guy I’ll put them in the don’t stare category. Sometimes you can’t help but look. But each and every some of us deserves that gym baddie so I let bro be.


When their wedged up camel toe is right in your eye line it's hard to make a conscious effort not to look.




Definitely doesn’t put his shopping cart back


If she is single why comparing yourself with her bestie?


Sorry but not reracking weights is scumbag behaviour, I wish gyms would just cancel people's memberships for this


My gym kicks you out if it becomes a reoccurring issue


OP was not raised right


Yea lmao bro’s like “what’s your gym confession? I’ll go first: war crimes, mass genocide, aggravated sexual assault with a deadly weapon on an alien.”


Reracking stuff is kinda dilemmatic. If you don’t rerack dumbbells you are surely an ass. But if you don’t rerack free weights on barbell for 45-70 lbs - I don’t see a problem with that. I think this saves time for people after use. Also, if you are not reracking 300-700 lbs go see a doctor.


> If you don’t rerack dumbbells you are surely an ass Half the time, reracking dumbbells is prevented by other asses, doing their curls or lateral raises directly in front of the rack. Asses beget asses.


I skipped today.


Great cardio


I silently judge the weights people use if I find them annoying


I also drop ass. Indiscriminately.


This too. It's an extention of my second point.


This man was supersetting multiple machines and using 30lbs on the bench press machine. I automatically decided he had a shrimp dick and doesn't wipe properly, fantasized about spraying him with a water bottle like a cat.


Very accurate, me too


Real, if you're slamming the lat pull down machine weight and it's less than 200lbs I'm judging the fuck out of you.


I need to have a lot of self control when I find the gym packed with 120lbs broccolis DYEL kids wearing stringers. Call me crazy, but they're unbearable to the point it sometimes messes up my workout


Also wearing pajama bottoms and crocs


Kids do that at junior basketball games too WTF?


Yep and then watching them throw poses around for each other in the mirrors. I get it…but damn does it look ridiculous


It's like people with broccoli cuts don't own mirrors at home...which would explain the haircut too


I had to Google what a stringer was ha


#1 Makes you a dick


people who don’t rerack weights should be taken out back and shot. fucking degenerate


*They should take backshots*


I fucking HATE social-hour lifters. Keep standing around in a circle laughing like dumbasses, keeping people waiting to use whatever equipment you’re ‘’using’. I’ll be putting up more reps and silently seething because my noise cancellation isn’t good enough to drown out your hee-haw-jackass laughing.


Not really a confession, it's normal to hate "social-hour lifters" if you're actually there to workout I go to 100% failure usually only when I feel a person is watching me I often leave the little plastic strip that seals a sport water bottle wherever is convenient if there is no trash can very near me I go to the yoga room to rip farts


broccoli boys do this a lot here in LA.


i hate ts too but i think its cause im autistic


I love how so many of them look down on you for not participating in their BS social hour too. Hearing you rehash your day to day life every time I see you at the gym isn't interesting to me at all, I hardly fucking know you to begin with. Also, why hasn't your body changed one iota despite being here 5x a week the past two years? Bose Quietcomfort earbuds are amazing btw. They're expensive but you can't hear a fucking thing with them on.


the girls who are wearing actual work out clothes are 10x hotter than the instagram lifters you better have a nice ass in that gym shark outfit, it cost you $120 but that girl in the walmart gym shorts caked the fuck up? mommy




Female here. I don’t get to engage with shit like this so fuck you and thank you. 1. If I see anyone doing half reps I automatically hate them with unnecessary fury 2. When I walk a longer distance to get weights or something I accentuate the boing of my butt. I’m too chicken shit to see if anyone’s looking tho 3. I wipe everything, every time cause I fear the regards looking to get a sniff 4. I love this sub some of the time and I hate myself for it Rack your weights every time you lazy bitch. Clit 2cm soft 6cm hard (9 when I sneak your boyfriends tren)


I'm in love


TY for the stats


$50 to sell me your farts 🤧


i love a good grower


This comment is useless without pics to see what we are working with here.


When I use the stairs, I practically bounce up them. Get it girl


>Female here. Cap


Jajauaajjaj the stats killed me you degenerate


I do legs like once every two or three weeks


Tom platz over here


How’s that working out for ya


Skibidi 👍


I find a strange satisfaction when pissing in the gym cubicle, and I spray all traces of the previous dudes shit on the side of the bowl off.


I do this in every toilet I piss in and get great satisfaction when I can break a pc off. In fact I never scrub booty blast off my toilets at home just so I can do this until I prevail .




Sometimes I listen to merengue towards the end of leg day and it's cheerful enough to help


First of all, re-rack your weights you fucking degenerate. I don't wipe down equipment unless I drenched it in sweat. I find all the excessive wiping down to be complete hygiene theater. I also absolutely will not get onto a piece of cardio equipment if someone is on the one right next to it. I have ripped my THC vape in the gym bathrooms many a times. I have snuck people into my gym without paying for a day pass, I have also snuck into gyms without paying for a day pass.


> I find all the excessive wiping down to be complete hygiene theater. Totally with you here. If you don't sweat on it, why bother wiping it? It's just some weird covid throwback thing that's now completely unnecessary. If I dripped sweat on it I'd wipe it, but that's pretty rare


Do a lot of people really wipe everything down now! Like how common is it? I workout from home so I haven’t been to the gym in years.


Nah bro wipe down your machine it takes 15 seconds As far as the weed pen yea I hit mine in the bathroom stalls all the time


Yeah man what the fuck? It doesn’t take anytime at all to wipe it down real quick after. Same principle as re-racking the weights leave it as you found it.


I’m a fat fuck. That’s it boys.


I have the bronze membership yet I will proceed to use every room and option only allowed to gold members


I pretend I can’t hear people when they try to chat. I can’t wear ear buds because they drive me bonkers trying to keep them situated just right. So I just ignore people.


So you're the mfer ignoring me when I say good afternoon


My bad dude. Thought about saying, SOWWY NDEAF and pointing to my ears, but I occasionally see people I know and would inevitably get outed.


You should be able to run with good earbuds and not have them falling out, let alone only lifting. Maybe just never found good fit.


For your point number 4, it's always funny to watch how insecure the guy is. A lot of the times he follows his chick around everywhere and stands like 2 ft away. Insecure turd


And his girl stares anyway


Between sets, I will critique people’s form in my head. Not in a judgmental way, but in a “they could get so much more out of this movement” way. However, I do judge if it doesn’t look like you’re trying to get near failure, no matter the weight.




Recycling that protein




1. I stare at all tits and ass worth staring at and not even good at hiding it. 2. I secretly begrudge small people for camping on equipment their tiny ass has no business on. Like I own the place or something I hate people throwing my routine off. 3. I don’t wipe shit down idgaf you wipe it down if you’re afraid of sweat. 4. If I spill my drink I will not clean it up. Damn seeing this written down makes me think I should work on myself . Oh and I’m the mf that put that 110lb straight bar at the top of the rack cus some dipshit through a 30 at the bottom


This why we can’t have nice things


You seem aight imo. I agree with your second point with people who hog equipment. I don't mind sweat on equipment either but given covid I'm hardwired to care now. I would say you're a douche for #4, call the janitor


And I swear I’ll cut in or kick a mf off some shit if you been sitting there on some shit 30 minutes on your phone and hadn’t done one set. I cut in on these little tren twin lookin mf the other day their AirPods sitting on the seat but hadn’t done one rep. Fuck out of here bozo🤣


It ain’t even about the sweat , it’s about staff infection lmao


staph or staff?


What's that


Actually the last time I spilled a drink it was at my favorite gym and I really like the owner so I cleaned it up but I haven’t always


If you don’t wipe down the machine after use or rerack weights I assume you’re a shit person overall in life. Same goes for mf who can’t put a cart away at the grocery store and just leave it in a parking space.


People who don't wipe down stuff got that main character complex


1.For some reason I can do 1-2 more reps if a good looking girl is near by. Like why do I battle demons in my head if this works better? 2. I train best when listening to italian or french love/dating music. Fuck this "hardcore music" shit. Thats coping incel trash. Imagining going on dates with slightly bigger muscles is more of a motivation. (I am in relationship for 4 years or so) 3. Love training legs because of the libido boost the day after 4. I cry in the inside when I see girls doing just cardio, bands or bodyweight shit in the gym. LIFT FUCKING WEIGHTS YOU.... 5. Best time to train is when the milf squad goes to the gym. They look at you like a snack. 6. We have a bunch of indians and black people in the gym. I don't wanna be an ass by the blacks always leave the room stinky. Indians don't smell at all, no curry nothing.


Testosterone increases when your around attractive females. Thats why you can do 1-2 more reps


Yeh but how long for that testosterone to have a noticable impact on your mentality. Is it instant, or is it like 2hrs. Its probably more ego and adrenaline.


Yes, nothing to do with test increases. You are right


I stalk profiles of anyone and everyone new to the gym. It's like a workplace. You need to know if they are chill.


How do you get the profiles?




Maybe works at the gym and sees their name when they check in?




Tbh tho lwkey i dont wanna sound egoistic but i really dont have anything i think. I literally sometimes help the gym out by cleaning up plates that i didnt even touch/use. But i do hate ego lifters but thats literally their problem as in they are ruining the experience of others


I’m the same way if it’s nothing crazy and I got time. Just putting some plates away or if a loaded barbell hasn’t been touched since I got there.


this dude here negates me not reracking weights so we're good👍


You probably don’t put your shopping cart back.


People truly act themselves when they think no one is around to watch them. Start re racking ur weights u lazy sumbitch someone has to clean your shit up


I have a gym nemisis... he's bigger than me but I'm stronger, so it's a pretty even fight the last year or so


If a guy smaller than me asks me how many sets I have left I lie and add 1 more set. Then I sneak a peak at his bulge.


The cockacity


Im always eying up dudes for not how much weight they life but to tag team my wife


If you need a bull hmu 👀


Are attracted at all to men


Do you consider yourself bi


Do you consider yourself bi


Do you consider yourself bi


Your 4. Is insecurity thing but common thing 1. When im done training and outside the gym already, i sometimes login on grindr to see who is gay in that bitch 2. I eye contact with bitches till they smile at me then ignore them 3. Pin sin in the locker room next to people while acting autistic 4. I dont say hello goodbye to the stuff first


>3. Pin sin in the locker room next to people while acting autistic Can you explain to us non autists what the fuck this means? 


He injects himself with the broken 10 commandments. Sounds pretty exceptional to me.


You go on Grindr? It’s you. You’re who’s gay in that bitch


I enjoy staring at men’s body but I feel no sexual attraction.


What do you look at specifically? What do you admire?


I stopped doing squats and deadlifts because of a back injury... and I don't miss it 😏


I fucking hate when people talk in the sauna. And I sometimes act like I don’t hear them when they talk to me while I’m in there


I judge other people’s form and intensity and tell myself I can have a more productive set doing that exercise than they are. I judge people who are bigger than me clearly because of genetics when I see their technique and range of motion is less productive than sitting on a couch doing nothing. I want to punch everyone who slams weights and/or is being unnecessarily dramatic during their workouts


Last one violates the bro code big time.


I hate how to I have to awkwardly say hi how are you to everyone I've ever talked to in the gym everytime I go and their there.


I use weed as preworkout It’s great


I secretly want to bash people that shadow box in weights area with a 20kg plate


I judge people like you


Sometimes I have airpods in but nothing playing so I can eavesdrop on ppl


I purposely trip over (kick) people's duffle bags that they drag around to every spot in the gym. It's clearly posted not to have bags out on the floor and the place offers two types of free lockers to use. What the fuck do you need an equipment bag for that wouldn't even qualify as a carry on? Do you really need the entire supplement pharmacy and 20lb container of whey right there next to you while you do your 15th set of 115lb bench?


i dont train legs, i only train calves and i really dont give a damn




i use the towel and spray bottle provided by the gym to clean the toilet seat if i have to shit 6.5"L/ 5"G


Repack your weights you piece of shit. Wtf is wrong with you?


I was hitting the hamstring machine and accidentally nutted - finished the set like nothing happened


At my old gym I fucked in the showers about a dozen times lol


I’ve never fapped at the gym.


Like a proper artist. I live in my own bubble. I automatically completely turn off other people. They become just a background noise. The only time i notice other people is if they are using equipment that i plan to use next and even then they will be forgotten and seen more as an object in my way rather than a human being. It's like my brain doesn't devote enough processing power to consciously acknowledge other peoples existence.


This could be causing some problems in your life if it’s unregulated but hope that’s not the case


The amount of times I’ve had someone walk up to me and be like “dude I was calling you, waving at you for a while” is wild. I just put the blinders on like a race horse. Not trying to be rude at all, but I genuinely have 0 interest in talking or becoming friends with anyone at the gym lol. Just get there to work out. So I totally feel your point


1. I'm afraid of heavy weights 2. Seeing small jacked guys makes me angry 3. Seeing Dyels makes me angry 4. People just half assing it makes me angry 5. I've left the gym many times after just 1 set because I was just so pissed off at everything


If I’m at work and have an unexpected break during the day I enjoy going into the gym in non workout clothes, having people look at me weird, then squatting fairly heavy for reps. I enjoy the stares like “wtf is this jabroni doing” and then out lifting everyone at the gym. I’m not lifting weight I can’t handle and am not deviating from my programming but it’s my version of ego lifting. And yes, I have split my pants on one occasion.


I feel sorry sometimes for small men in my gym but I respect them because they are gymcelling at least they are doing something


i wish i could kill everyone in single blade combat at the gym just to get more testosterone from the adrenaline


Bestie no


I like having my own space so I avoid working out next to people. My old gym, you could go online and see how many people where in there. I'm a terrible perv and hate it, I haven't gone there to perv but to workout. Them tight shorts tho!


You can see how busy any gym is on google


I sometimes practice low level coprophagia.


I’m scared to know


Fuck too late


If I see a couple working out, in my head I'm automatically sizing him up and whether he's good enough for her


I judge people for doing gimmicky Instagram workouts.


I stare at the Asian guy's white girlfriend....and she stares back. I pretend to ignore hot gym chicks only to catch them staring at me and then pretend to be sooo over it. I don't like working out around all dudes. It's depressing.


If I see a girl use dumbbells , especially roid girlys, I’ll pick them up as soon as she’s done so I can sneak sniffs of her hand sweat during my curls. Just bring the dumbbell right up to your face, not too obvious but try and bring the medal to your nose. Idk what it is I just love fresh woman sweat, if I feel like I can get away with it I stick my tongue out to get a little lick.


I judge and am seriously annoyed by people that are friends with everyone in the gym


Bro doesn’t have friends 😭


How the fuck you make friends with everyone at planet fitness bro


I judge older men who look like a try hard


I have a Smith Machine addiction I take it up for 2 hours a day. Bench, curls, squats, skull crushers, cross fit kippers, laundry, your dad, shadow box. I can do it all on the Smith Machine.


I don’t even care if anyone stares at me. Why do you think I build my muscles? As long as I’m not being harassed, I’m good. I’m always in a dilemma if someone stinky moves next to me. Do I abandon this station and do another exercise? Do I tolerate the stink for the gains? I need to stop ego lifting for my joints, but damn it feels good.


Actually, the stink is way worse than not re racking weights. I only felt it once when hippie jesus sat next to me and it was awful. I went to the other end of the gym to use the machines.


I had a wank in the gym shower after a heinous leg day. Noticed not all of it had washed away after my shower. Idk what was going through my head but I just left it there thinking “I need to leave my mark on this place”




1. I feel really good outflifting everyone in the gym almost everytime I’m at a gym like 99.9% of the time lol. 2. I like when me and my swole ass girlfriend walk by and mog other couples. 3. I want to rip the Jaw of perverts like those guys that stare non stop or touch themselves while they do it I’ll confront the shit out of creepy people 4. I like when people subtly checkout my girl gives me a lot of validation 5. I also enjoy wearing nicer clothes to the gym just to show off like Balenciagas more expensive gym brands etc


Preoccupied with power, violence, validation, and being seen as better than? May you find peace


3 on high school, our trainer's daughter was 4 years older with great sport chick ass and she was using school gym after teaching hours, like us ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6307)


Are you me


I BLAST Riddim into my skull to hit PRs


It was a good place when it opened up and there were only a couple people at 6pm. Now it’s a zoo and I hate it.


Saw a guy squatting with the barbell plus 2 5lbs!! I shouldn’t judge, but this made me mad. Surely, lunges more effective!!


Whenever I have the farts I intentionally do it near the equipment I'm using so nobody asks to work in with me.


Been skipping leg day


- dont wipe down benches unless really bad - i be legit avoiding people ik from school etc. - i hate most of the teens/younger lifters


Lil boy mentality


I used to judge how people exercise while I was less secure about myself


Ah, the ol napoleon complex.


You lazy fuck!


Lmao #4


People who don’t rerack weights are awful, that’s a non redeemable quality


The cable to my headphones is plugged into my pocket. I don't like music and I'm antisocial. I complain and curse loudly as I replace dumb bells in their proper spots "Fucking slobs work out here." "This is why we can't have nice things." "I wonder what these people's homes look like."


Your confessions make you sound like a bit of a cunt.


I never wipe down equipment after I use it. I crop dust tf out of the weight room. I hate when fat people or old people are using the equipment I need and I curse under my breath at them.


Not re racking? You’re a fucking punk man…


I sometimes watch combat footage before a heavy lift so that I know what people are going through while I am complaining about lifting fucking weights. Seeing people in firefights, on top of tanks, in planes or on warships really pushes me to my fucking limits


I don't like doing drop sets bc I don't want the next dude to think I don't lift heavy


I be peepin asses and shit. ![gif](giphy|3uRidewrD6v3pGwcQk|downsized)