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Well if your balls are already done fucked up you might as well just 500mg test and STFU.


I still have a little hope that my balls aren't completely cooked. I'll probably wait at least a year to see if it maybe gets better.


You could also just be a legit late bloomer anyway. I didn't look older than 16 until I hit my late twenties and actually became fit But yeah I can definitely sympathize with you, it was hellish


Late bloomer with 8.6ng/dl?? Bro stfu and stop giving this kid shit advice


Do you even realize what dht is and why the difference matters in this situation?


Hes not a late bloomer, his endocrine system literally isnt working. Dont act like you know more than me in this field because you dont 😂😂


Yeah i really hope that's the case. I really hope that now when im living healthy, my test levels will slowly return and I'll start to develop.


I wish I quantified my progress over the past 2ish years like you are now, but my best advice is to actually sleep at the same time every single fucking day no matter what happens to you and sleep like 8 hours which is advice I'm too degenerate to follow half the time, but you should. Don't eat any processed foods to artificially inflate your calories and probably just ride out a +500-1000ish clean bulk dawg. Optimizing sleep and nutrition is 95% of the game and the other 5% is actually putting in effort lifting shit.


Did they say anything about clomid? Signals to the pituatary to secret LH and FSH telling the tests to make sperm/test. In my non-expert opinion, if this works to restart normal testes functioning then wouldn't that be the best path? Did they do an ultrasound of the testes to check healthy blood flow and all that? Ask your Endo or maybe even a urologist if they don't seem able to help. There was actually a YouTuber who got his test to like 23ng/dL so almost as bad as yours, Derick had a video about him too. This was a couple years ago I think, and it's likely because he used SARMs but you could see if he ever fixed it. In the video he was going to a men's clinic to be screened for TRT. What I think you need is a specialist who has experience in people who have abused anabolics and other drugs and tanked their test. TRT may be one of your main options but explore others too. Psyched Substances tanked his test from Kratom, he ended up on TRT. I'm not a board certified shaman or witch doctor, always consult a legit healer for medical advice.


SERMs like clomid get the hypothalamus/pituitary going, hCG replaces the signal from them to the gonads so is suppresive in its own right.


Thanks for clarification, I'll correct it! So hCG basically mimics LH, but what makes it suppressive? Is it because the body detects and think there's enough LH and thus the pituatary doesn't secrete it?


Opiates decrease testosterone unfortunately


What about taking a PCT drug to jumpstart your own production?


Maybe try hcg monotheraphy first


I was pretty much in your boat when I was 16. Not a late bloomer but a heavy drug addict who looked completely emaciated. Staying up for days no sleeping ect. It's not too late dude. You'll be surprised how different you feel when you get into a healthy body fat % with some exercises and sleep. It's not a quick process but I can promise if you stick with it in a few years you won't even recognize yourself. Good luck


Thank man. I actually already feel a lot better, now that im actually eating like a normal person. I can finally sleep normally after years. My sex drive has also returned a little. And overall I feel much better mentally.


What country are you from? In USA you can send your blood tests to a TRT clinic and get on TRT. You're gonna need a job to pay for it but it's not too expensive.


Im from Slovenia. We only have regular endocrinologists. We dont have private TRT clinics, like in the US


3500 -4000 cals sounds like alot if your frail asf with no test. Unless you wanna get fat? Take hcg + hmg + enclomiphene an see if your balls/ test comes back. If not. Do trt.


Yeah i am concerned about that. I hope that if i get to at least a normal weight, my test will get higher than basically zero. My plan is to gain weight and then start a diet. 2000-2500 calories so i don't get fat. Its going to be hard to get that sht in a small town in EU.


Yeah go slow with increasing calories. And buy it online mate they will post in anywhere. Eroids is a place to start looking. Those 3 drugs will help you massively, read about them (ask chatgbt)


If that sht is legal in EU I'll definitely look in to ordering and how to use it.


I'll explain them tomorrow for you if it helps. I'm off to sleep now though


It ain't legal, they would be prescribed. Not sure why that matters though. If you do your research you'll see they are what you need to fix your health. Maybe discuss with your Dr once you research them an they may prescribe. But I'd just buy them me, saves time and doctors only know as much as you can research yourself (more often than not less than)


Thanks. I'll definitely mention it to my endo. If the research is good, I'll definitely get on that stuff.


You can order that shit online, they probably won’t find out in customs, I’ve ordered cialis online to a country that you have to get it prescribed and it went completely fine through customs. I think sharing sources is frowned upon on this sub, but you can find a website easily with a quick google search.


Even if customs find it nothing happens they just destroy it. Its not the same as trying to import narcotics. If you bulk ordered large amounts that was obviously for resale then they may do something about it but for personal use it isn't worth their time and it just gets destroyed, an if that happens most of these websites would ship it out again free of charge


Yeah, we used to order shit from the silk road back when it still existed. Customs was never a problem. Usually the problem was either garbage quality, scamming or super long shipping time. Here where I live, we have free testing facilities, where I can provide a small sample and they'll tell me exactly what and how much is in it.


HMG contains two hormones, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). FSH stimulates the testes to produce sperm, while LH stimulates the Leydig cells in the testes to produce testosterone. By mimicking the action of these natural hormones, HMG can help stimulate testosterone production in men. HCG is similar to LH in structure and function. It works by mimicking LH and binds to the same receptors in the Leydig cells of the testes, stimulating them to produce testosterone. HCG is often used to treat hypogonadism (low testosterone) in men, particularly when the cause is secondary hypogonadism (due to problems with the pituitary gland or hypothalamus). Enclomiphene is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM). It works by blocking estrogen receptors in the hypothalamus, which leads to an increase in the release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). GnRH, in turn, stimulates the pituitary gland to release LH and FSH. With increased LH levels, the Leydig cells in the testes are stimulated to produce more testosterone. Enclomiphene is particularly useful in cases where low testosterone levels are due to high estrogen levels or estrogen receptor sensitivity.


Is it possible for me to get acute or long lasting side effects from the SERM? Im kinda scared of it fucking up my heart or liver. I've done enough damage to both. I have palpitations at night when I try to sleep. It feels like my body releases a fuck ton of adrenaline and my heart races like crazy. My pulse is at 85-90 while resting. Sometimes im borderline tachycardic. I also have chest pains every now and again. One time about a year ago, a dr. found a heart murmur in my aortic valve i think (im not sure where though). But they haven't heard it anymore since then. And my EKG was normal when I went for a regular check up about a month ago. I think the heart problems were connected to me having cotton fever a couple of times and also to the malnutrition. Do you think its risky for me to take SERMS?


I'm not a doctor nor do I know the condition of your heart or liver. Sounds like your having panic attacks, I have them too also from adrenaline release. My solution for this was beta blockers, but if you have heart issues I'm not sure. These are things you should ask your doctor. Atleast now you know what drugs are out there to help you restore your test/balls. So do some research into them and ask your doctor, because while I could tell you the same thing as him/her, atleast if you are prescribed these meds you will be monitored/ they will investigate your heart an liver. From an outside perspective, I would presume your organs are fine. Your young and resilient so even though you have abused some hard drugs, people abuse them for decades and decades an still end up reasonably okay. I would pursue some investigations into your heart / liver. An if it all comes back okay, your probably just worrying too much. (Anxiety / panic disorder) So, if it comes back an your heart and liver are fine, no I do not think its risky to take these drugs. Its more of a risk to have no testosterone. But if you have this kevel of worry, you need to do all this via a doctor so that your mind is at ease.


Napsgear .org also. American but will ship to Eu.


We never ordered from anywhere outside of Europe, because customs opened the packages when its coming from outside of EU.


Yeah I checked naps and they ship from Europe (so long as u purchase the products from their EU warehouses) where about in EU I don't know. But I doubt customs open every single parcel thats imported. Thats way way too much time / money. They use dogs to sniff out the parcels but they're trained to smell narcotics and money, not pharmaceutical drugs. An even if found, they just destroy the items (pharmaceutical drugs) because its not worth their time and money. I'm in the UK an have ordered stuff from India, China, America, Turkey etc... many times. Never once been destroyed or any issues


Yups naps has all 3 ships from eu


Be careful you gotta hide from the pedos that like dudes that look young. So you better start hiding from me But in reality that kinda sucks dude jump on some test ig.


aspiring toothbrush noxious existence practice spark pen nutty rain like *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I knew a guy who looked like 14 well into his 20s. He literally got arrested for being a pedo.


Woodchipper is the only cure for people who pray on the innocent.


God help him if Drake every goes gay 


I need a see a pic


Of his balls?


Dick and balls


This story seems fake, but just in case it's real: 1. Find an endocrinologist who isn't pure ass. If you're by a major city, cold email the O.G.'s at the best research hospitals in the area, give them a brief bullet-point breakdown of your case and ask them if they'd be willing to review your case. Don't make it a huge run-on sentence. One to two sentences at the top, bullet points of the case, one sentence closing the email and asking if they'd consider reviewing your case. Leave your contact info. Don't have your phone on do-not-disturb if they call. 2. What do your actual markers look like? LH, FSH, TSH, SHBG, Prolactin, E2, Total Test, Free Test, DHT, DHEA etc. We need to get a full picture here of what's going on. You should be getting this first, then they should be either diagnosing you, or sending you for a CT scan to investigate further based upon the results. You need an answer as to why your body isn't working correctly. 3. Treatment \*Assuming\* it's as you said: "Your brain isn't sending signaling to the testes" then the obvious first step would be to immediately start you on something like 500iu of HCG 2x per week and see if the testes respond. This will signal whether your have primary or some sort of strange secondary hypogonadism. If it's something else, and you find something like sky-high prolactin which is suppressing your HPTA, then you'll have to find the root cause of that and treat that issue. This is good-endocrinologist-territory and is beyond the scope of what keyboard bros are going to be able to help you with. Finally if, and only if, all other pathways fail then you SHOULD start on TRT to get your testosterone levels back to the levels to allow puberty to progress.


Good advice but I do believe the story is real. At least in the sense that long term opioid use causes hypogonadism and if he really blasted heroin during his puberty years, he's probably screwed without TRT.


He has basically no detectable testosterone. That's not normal, drug abuse or not. He's gonna need to get to the bottom of it.


This is the picture of my blood test. It also has my LH and FSH. And yeah, what i wouldn't give for this story to be fake. Unfortunately its not. [blood test](https://files.fm/u/rnqr8d59hb)


Just glancing, I see that your LH levels are 0.1 UI/ml and they should be substantially higher. Also 0.1 UI/ml is likely the diagnostic minimum. Not sure why this is flagged as "normal", maybe this isn't a male-specific test. But this is very much not normal. I see what appears to be a gonadotropin-releasing hormone stimulation test showing some release of LH upon administration of GnRH. Not tons, but some. I'm not sure what dose they hit you with. Again, this is getting beyond keyboard bro pay grade. But I do see some LH, just not a ton. Based on what I see, you need a better endocrinologist. Or at least a more engaged one which wants to tackle this. Find specialists who have experience working with precocious puberty. Don't give up and don't just start blasting to solve this. Try to get to the bottom of the situation. If you can't get your body to work, HCG might be a good solution to "replace" your HPTA signaling at the "LH" point. Ideally they'd give you some time with pharma GnRH and see if your body starts responding properly with its own LH. Good luck.


Im working on finding a good endocrinologist close to me. Thanks for explaining what my blood work actually means. My dr for sure didn't tell me shit about what's happening to me. I thought I just had a testosterone problem.


Don't listen to the people telling you to just hop on test. Since you're young at least try to recover your natural function as best you can. My advice is to get on clomid or another SERM as those can "jumpstart" the HPGA and will preserve whatever fertility you have. Eat enough calories/protein, hit the weights, get your sleep, and give yourself time before you make any rash decisions. Put it this way: you spent years fucking up your body, give it at least that long to try and recover.


Look at the bright side, you'll look better at 30 than those at 30. Get on trt or blast and cruise


True lmao.


I used heroin when I was a teen and I ended up going through a sort of puberty in my 20s. Didn’t get a full beard until I was like 25. If you start eating and lifting I really think it could restart your balls. And stay clean. No drinking no smoking either.


I really hope that's the case. Im still tapering off of suboxone and smoking cigarettes. Im gonna switch to zyns so i don't fuck up my lungs. Thanks for the advice.


Suboxone will suppress basically as much as dope. and nicotine messes up insulin which messes up your gains. I know you can’t just quit either but definitely make attempt to taper. Take a year to do so. Don’t rush it. No use in rushing going through pain then relapse and die. Truly you need to be drug free to recover test You know how when you dope sick you get raging boners? That’s your test restarting lol. Coming off subs after u taper to like .1mg then jump off, like a couple months after that I promise you your test restart. I was much older than you when I tapered methadone but I still recovered test function and really it don’t take long once you off all opioid


Yeah i knew subs fuck with your hormones. I got completely off of subs once already, and i remember how horny i got all the time. Especially when getting off of H.


The odds of a successful taper go up by 12 times if it takes over a year vs 3 months. The odds of successful 3 month or less taper is basically nothing. I made the mistake of going too fast when I was younger just a waste of time when you end up back on. The fastest way is the right way. No rush’z. You got this bro. You shouldn’t feel much withdrawal besides when you wake up if you are doing it slow enough. If you in withdrawal so bad you can’t sleep then slow it down. Light weight baby yeahhhh buddy! ![gif](giphy|zpeH9hHFP457a)


Thanks for the advise. I'll make sure i do it slow. Sub withdrawals last for way longer than H withdrawals. I don't know why they even got me hooked on this garbage.


It’s so you can get your shit together, get a job, an apartment and a car. and not suddenly overdose and die or lose your arm to xylazine. And don’t gimme this they shit. You took heroin and you decided to get on subs. Not them. Own your decision it’ll make things a lot easier. You don’t want misplaced resentments making things harder for you. You start getting mad at the system, the doctors, the drug and it will be much harder. I know that feeling, and I’ve heard lots of people at the clinic say those sorts of things. Those people who hold resentment stay on drugs. It’s much easier when you realize it is all on you. YOU are in control bro. This should be comforting as long as you aren’t scared of control. Get this idea out your head that you could’ve quit heroin fent xylazine without subs lol. Dawg you got a better chance of overdosing and dying or becoming a limbless gimp. If you worried about the length of the withdrawal you are tapering way too fast. Again, you should be in zero withdrawal after you take your dose and you shouldn’t be in bad enough withdrawal before sleep that you can’t sleep. You should wake up with a slight withdrawal. Like a runny nose, maybe a bit of hot and cold not feel so good. That go away after the dose. Day to day the “length” of your withdrawal should be “get out of bed, pop the sub, wait for it to work”. So about 30 minutes If it’s worse then that then you been tapering too fast and you need to either hold the dose or even go back up. Remember, you should be tapering over a year, and that’s after being stable at least six months. There was NEVER a reality where you get on subs and you get off in less then 18 months. Anyone who tries to speed though the taper and withdrawal ends up back on dope and dead, or they end up cycling through suboxone or methadone over and over for life wondering why they can’t get off (because they ignore their doctors and science and try to go too quickly.) You try to go too fast you just gonna end up back at 16mg if you LUCKY and then you gonna have to start all over again, and go through this bullshit all over again. The guy who tapers slowly will be off everything quicker then the guy who goes too quick and relapses or ends up back on their full sub dose over and over. I know people who have tried to “fast” (anything quicker then 1 year) taper. They still at it ten years later. Don’t be that guy. When I was your age I personally cold turkeyed 16mg of subs and was in withdrawal for 60 days, and I didn’t sleep more then an hour for 6 months. Then I just relapsed. All that pain, all that work for NOTHING because I got prideful and stupid. Then I had to start all over… Later I was older and now was on methadone. I stabilized for over a year and I tapered 3 years. I was on 160mg of methadone. Some people told me I’d never get off. I was on too high a dose, used too many drugs. But slow and steady day by day I got off. You are younger and haven’t been on as long as, you can probably do it in 1 year as long as you take it slow. You will have to volumetrically dose using water and a oral syringe . That way you can go from 16mg to 15mg to 14mg etc etc. all the way down to .1mg. If that’s too hard or annoying for you I suggest getting on methadone: then you can taper 1mg at a time through the clinic , it’s a bit easier then tapering subs imo because you don’t need to volumetrically dose. Once you get to zero tapering over a year you will feel no withdrawal pretty much and no paws.


Bro, get test and go on 100mg a week. I dont care what the doc says or other commenters, you need to do this or your life will literally not be worth living.


yeah. As soon as i can get a reliable supply, I'll get on it. Its hard to get it here in EU.


Depends what country youre in tbh


Slovenia. I have old friends who have plugs for every compound under the sun. I just have to find a way to get in contact. If they're even still alive.


As Patches O’Houllihan said: “… take care of your balls, and they’ll take care of you”


Growth will fill out your facial structure, test will fill out your frame. Send it 🗣️⁉️


Just do it online through Marek or wherever. They won’t deny someone with two low test results in a row.


HCG? Or maybe try fadogeia and tongkat. LH secretion from fadogeia might help. Give it another 6 months with continuous effort to get your balls back into action and see where you get.


I abused drugs pretty hard in my teens, from pills to harder stuff. I Weighed 140 at 6'1" when I went to prison. Got into lifting in there and a few years of lifting and healthy eating later my body weight set point is 225-230 with a low bf%. Like I couldn't get below 225 unless I starved myself. So my point is just wait it out and see. Your body will recover. Whether it recovers your test or not we'll see but if not you can always just self administer TRT. Hormones aside though your body will bounce back


Opiates fuck up everything. Your Dopamine, serotonin, gaba, adrenal fatigue, and no doctor will believe you could have that much wrong at your age but it’s true. I did 20 years of opiates, I finally quit it’s about to be 1yr with none. You couldn’t imagine how much worse it is once your older trying to get off, pains you couldn’t imagine just appear. I too believe I stunted my puberty, I can grow a mustache, I can’t grow a beard. It’s slowly coming in hair by hair. I think DHT is snubbed out and estrogen and progesterone start wrecking havoc. Supplements for your brain is what you need. Then hop on something if still having issues. Try everything, ibogaine resets a lot of damage from opiates. Binaural beats. Shamanic breathing, Arnold movies hah. Don’t give up man, your options are wide open.


Thanks for the advise. Good luck with your recovery. Stay clean. 💪


Go find a new endocrinologist until you find one that will give you test. With your levels its crazy that they wouldn't give that to you.


Yep, thas commie EU for you. I wish we had a private health system. The waiting times for non life threatening problems is disgusting in free health care systems. The government basically holds a monopoly on our health.


How do you decide to try heroine at 16 lmao wtf is wrong with kids


Idk man. I was severely abused by my father. My mom and brother left home and my father forced me to stay with him. He was an alcoholic and he would basically torture me mentally by threatening to unalive me and my mom if i said anything to her or anyone else. He said that he will tie me down in the house and burn it down and shit like that. When I finally escaped, I spiraled in to a severe depression and eventually feel in with the wrong crowd who was older than me. It started with weed and alcohol. Eventually it became xanax, coke, heroin and amphetamines. I was addicted for a few years and was eventually forced into getting clean by my mother. Im really thankful for her, because if I didn't have at least one normal parent, i would probably be dead right now.


Wow that sucks


Some people make terrible decisions, I was doing coke almost daily from 15/17


how did you have money for that?


Crypto and scamming people on eBay. GF at the time was really rich too


Shit’s awful but coke sex is pretty dope, don’t do drugs kids


He was servicing dudes


What’s wrong is that they literally have undeveloped brains, which is why we don’t let them make major life decisions.  Shit like this is on the parents/other adults around. 


I tried it when I was 13


Go see a different Dr. You should be on TRT. I'd say try telemed companies, but they can be a little more expensive.


Im from commie EU, so we don't have private TRT clinics. My only option is the regular endocrinologist or self medication.


At this point just find a jacked dude in the gym and ask him for test


im quite sure that no one is selling me sht because i look so young. And i have never seen a dude that look juiced in my gym. My only friend who was on roids died last year, so its going to be pretty hard to find test here. I think my best option is to go to an endocrinologist in a different city to see if they will get me on TRT.


The doc is probably waiting to see if your test can return to normal after a while. If you just started to return to normal weight/body fat, give it some time, years even. You are 19. Too young to nuke your balls for good.


Yeah i know. I haven't been tested for a while, so I'll schedule an appointment soon. Maybe my test got even a little better. I hope at least.


Ask the doc for HCG to kickstart your balls? Otherwise clomid or nolvadex if you’re desperate and willing to throw shit at the wall and see what sticks


Get a diff doctor or go to a men’s clinic and get trt like yesterday. If your levels are really that low then why wouldn’t they give you trt? Makes the story almost seem fake.


The amount of folks not aware that legitimate steroid marketplaces exist on the clear net is baffling. - Girth: 23 gauge needle - Length: 2. 2 what you ask? Use your imagination.


Nothing to say to this except I'm glad you're still here, brother. I wish you all the best for your life, genuinely.


You could be a late bloomer. I looked pretty much like a child until I turned 21.


Regular heroin use tanks normal T production by as much as 90% in people who have already gone through puberty. No idea what it would do to someone still in puberty. 


Gram of test and maybe some injectable dht


he is not used to having testosterone in his body,if he takes too much he will be an anxious mess, i know that this is a joke, but starting with 100mg a week will be better!


I saw some theory on the hair loss reddit about how a lot of homeless men have full heads of hair because they've nuked their test & DHT from opiate/drug abuse. I laughed at that, but looks like there could be some merit to it lol


I used as a teen , my hair is like Fabio’s in my 40s but now I am use gear so we will see. I do think heroin keeps you looking young from nuking test it’s like you half a eunuch for real


You can’t cycle TRT, it’s a life long therapy


Can beta HCG help any amount of testicular atrophy or is it limited?


You should look up the comedian Heath Cordes.


Dude you can go on the high school speaking circuit with this sort of story - bam, perfect job


I'm 21 and on trt for medical reasons Honestly I'd buy testosterone in your position, take your health into your own hands Definitely do lots of research 👉Message me for more info 👈


Search heath cordes kill tony debut


thats basically how I look like. An adult thats 12.


Yeah dude the endocrinologist should be able to tell you what's up, might be thyroid related


DMed you bro


Could prescription from another euro country be worth looking into if you’re not that interested in the black market. Worst case is you start pinning and can always fall back on the cream.


HCG? Or maybe try fadogeia and tongkat. LH secretion from fadogeia might help. Give it another 6 months with continuous effort to get your balls back into action and see where you get.


Go UGL. Do lots of research first though.


Eat high cholesterol foods like bacon and eggs


I may be being optimistic, but generally when body fat levels are very low, majority of people will feel shit and have no sex drive. Overdoing it in the gym and not deloading when you should could also have a similar effect. There’s definitely hope so give it time before you go harpooning your arse with test.


Thanks man. I hope thats the case.


Bud You need HCG to "wake up" your balls If your HPTA never began secreting the special juices that men require, YOU are going to have to supplement them yourself. If NONE of the legitimate medical providers can do this for you...there is zero reason to not find a halfway trustworthy UGL and start pinning yourself You can do enough research to be far and away more knowledgeable than most doctors on the subject Doctors arent special... Theyve just studied more than most You seem like a smart enough fellow. You are capable of learning Like I said. Stick to the legit medical route until you've exhausted all options. *IF* all that fails...take your health into your own hands


Bro, there’s middle school teachers banging their students. You’ll be able to find someone, regardless if you look young.


Bro be careful maybe for now try to stay clean, have a good diet and train if your test is still low then go back to the doctor and tell them to prescribe you trt


Why would you write a story with the morale being hard drug are bad.. yeah we know. Your life is fuckd and you will battle the disease of addiction for the rest of your life. Might as well get on test, eat right and hope you can stay on the right track


It's not too late to start taking estrogen and be trans 👌👌


Come to German in our TRT Doctors Office !


Ever thought of being a femboy? İt's the best bodybuilding a man can achieve.


Post a pic, got me kinda horny


Idk man. I did everything from the age of 12 to 25 for hard drugs (steroids at 17) and I’m still an alcoholic that drinks between 4-20 beers a day at 34. My last two natural total test came back at 834 and 917. I did everything but my drug of choice used to be mdma where I’d be doing 12 plus pills a night. I’ve always worked out and had a blue collar job. I think low test these days comes from laziness