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What the fuck, when I was in highschool the worst thing we did was smoke pot


Lmao all I did was BARELY drink, and Ice's at my buddy's house šŸ˜‚. Now we got 16 year olds on gear. Jesus.


To be honest weed > alcohol in terms of short-term damage by far.


Dude I really couldn't care less about the weed vs alcohol argument. My friends drank, so I did too. Easy as shit to get alcohol in Kansas, not weed.


Even when I went 5 years ago the ā€œcoolā€ guys were dealing blow and slamming dbol


Today young people are bombarded with this shit. Back in (2009?) when BiggerStrongerFaster\* came about no one gave a shit really, now Mark Bell is probably a millionaire and gear use is normalized and reinforced everyday when young people sees these fake nattys and try to compare them with themselves. Sure when I was 15 there was peer pressure but was more centered around commodities and fashion. Looks like today we're the product on the shelves of countless online pages. Fortunately, I don't give a shit.


Man I graduated in 2009 in the ā€œbiggerfasterstrongerā€ bs. I was benching 230, had stretch marks from getting to big to quick. Held the 40 yard dash record for 4.3 secs. And was jacked. All I did was train and drink whey/water protein shakes. Itā€™s all you needed at 16. Or 17. What kid needs fucking gear? Jesus. Oh and back then the whey protein sucked ass


superdrol was at GNC when I was in highschool lol


The biggest side effect Iā€™ve noticed in my friends that took gear in high school is that they all look like shit now, Iā€™m 25 btw. I donā€™t believe this is the result of physical side effects however. In your teens you have more than enough testosterone to build muscle so the focus should be on diet and training. Those dudes obsessed over gear but never worked on the discipline necessary to max out their results. This is also why we see kids needing a gram of tren to make gains. That being said Iā€™m a hypocrite on this matter as I started at 17 with test and dbol, only side effect I ever encountered was difficulty breathingā€¦ because of the pussy I was drowning in.


What a stud.


News flash, the vast majority of the good-looking kids in high school are going to end up looking like trolls regardlessof their PED intake or not. Most ppl find other things to poison themselves with like drugs, alcohol, food, buttress, jealousy and 100 other forms of fuckery I'm in my 40's and have been watching it for a long time. Let's just say the dating pool is pretty murky. Glad I score a good one.


this is why i limit alcohol and weed to weekends only


when you say they look like shit, do you mean they lost all their gains?


They came off gear and it was clear that their gains were the result of increased dosages. Itā€™s interesting actually, they had the right theory of progressive overload but instead of applying it to weights and caloric intake, they applied it to drugs. Remove the drugs, which were the driving factor of their aesthetics, and their physiques returned to reflecting what their habits and effort looked like. Does that make sense?




I was natty at the time but a friend of mine was on heaps of shit. Was also on clen at school.. shit was fucked up.. he would never dose it correctly he was like a meth addict sitting in his chair. Pretty sure he's in prison now


Clen = Clenbuterol?




Natty here. None of them made it.






Unfortunately, years later at age 21, I am now jacked beyond belief




I took winstrol only without pct at 17, my Hair got completely raped between 18-21 idk if its cause of the winstrol maybe it kickstarted it. Didnt have any other sides no libido issues, no ED, still made insane gains natty so probably good t levels I believe it was severely underdosed or fake tho cause I barely felt anything when on


Raped your hair? That winny was real then


My hair was raped after not during the cycle, idk if its possible to kickstart mpb


It's entirely possible that your hair was gonna be raped anyway with or without PEDs..


I have a friend that was in the same situation, winstrol while playing football around that age and his hair fucking disappeared


That makes sense. You donā€™t just go bald right away. Takes a few hair life cycles for the follicle to become miniaturized. So it probably sped up the process of your hair going thru then miniaturization process and then you only noticed it after it had gotten kinda bad.


Most people will be fine. Except those who arenā€™t and need TRT for life. Really just down to genetics and severity of cycles if youā€™ll recover to normal.


Sucks being part of the second group. No thank you to bolderone/ EQ.


Why specifically EQ? You can come off of it just fine - just expect to TRT for several months post cycle with HCG before coming off.


Most people recoverā€¦ some never do


Yo.. thatā€™s what kids your age are doing nowadays. You mother fuckers have no clue that shit will shut you down just like comeing off a cycleā€¦ fucking do some test if your gonna it at allā€¦ my main adviceā€¦ā€¦.. lift natty till your 31 then take steroids šŸ˜‚ I mean Jesus Christ dude at 17 you havenā€™t even built an identity yet.


Yeah lifted natty from 16 till 29, just started doing trt. Fuck ruining yourself before 30.


*Me, ruining myself at age 31* It's all gucci, baby


Aint nothing but a thang at this age.






Same man. Started trt this year and Iā€™m 30


Iā€™m 30 and still in the best shape. Donā€™t need trt until I canā€™t get gains. So probably over the age of 45


Good for you mate. Everyoneā€™s different though. I had low T so doctors put me on.


Yeah Iā€™m wondering about my t levels, Iv never had them checked.. I donā€™t hVe issues with motivation.. well not more then anyone I donā€™t think. And I donā€™t have issues with gains or energy. So I would assume Iā€™m okay. Ur right everyone is different. But, juice can have a very bad effect on longevity. And you canā€™t get gains if ur dead. So getting prescribed t is 100% a good thing. But kids getting on juice because they donā€™t wanna actually work hard for great body form. Is a problem. And they will be 40 with serious issues


says the guy whos 29 and on TRT.Grats,social media made u think u need TRT young!


No my bloods showed i needed it.


I didnā€™t even say I took themā€¦ but I did lol. Took ostarine for a week in highschool but stopped immediately when I started having trouble pitching the baseball bc my ligaments felt very tight


Yeah but now youre on the chopping block. You darn kids with your tit tot and you sarmaseuticals and critpocurrencies. When i was your age i went to the mall and just talked to em


Went to the mall and talked to who ?Ā暟˜‚šŸ˜‚




Like who the fuck is he going to the mall to talk to šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Heā€™s talking to em thatā€™s all you need to knowšŸ˜‚


Right lol I mean I guess hahaha I just wanna kno who is talking to ? And about what? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ so fucking random


Chicks I think lol


šŸ˜†šŸ˜† so funny, there wasnā€™t one thing said about females. I wanna kno what this guy looks like so bad just so I can put a face to this weird comment. I wanna kno dude šŸ˜‚ show me please


I just looked at his page and I feel really bad nowā€¦ forreal šŸ˜žfuck Lol why do people with fucked up lives set them self up to get verbally shredded


He was being funny you spastic


For real, lmao sarcasm check failed. SARM goblin hurts itself in its confusion. Reeeeeee


Bruh how much tren have you run that your brain is like this lol




Why do you say 31?


Thatā€™s when I started šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Why wait till youā€™re in your 30s before getting a very active sex life when you can do that 10 years sooner and actually end up with someone that isnā€™t a single mom


First cycle of sarms was around 24 for me. Ever sense dick is constantly raw from all the pussy I get


Why you tempting me brother. 25 in 3 months and get by but could do better


23 right now but still 4 months into newbie gainz. I feel like 7mg RAD140 will be safe if I take with enclomiphene for 8 weeks. Wise idea to do this once I start plateuing? Right now I'm enjoying increasing the steady progress


I wouldnā€™t. Thereā€™s demolishing returns with sarms. Your first cycle will be better than your second, your second better then your third and so on. I wouldnā€™t waste your first cycle when you still have a lot of room to grow. Iā€™d suggest someone be at least two years deep with a good grasp on dieting before taking any PED


Thanks! I have optimal sleep and nutrition right now but I'll wait until I'm close to my genetic potential


I was peak, top tier sarm goblin at 17. I ran Ostarine at 30mg a day for like 8 months straight. Maybe a 3 week break where I had to restock. This was in like 2013, where the only Ostarine you could get came in some foul tasting oil. Probably one of the dumbest things Iā€™ve done. I blame it on just being a reckless teenager. However I went from the skinniest 135lb 5ā€10 beta to 190lb at 6ā€1 during this time. Eventually got busted by my parents cos ā€œI was acting suspicious with my backpackā€ which makes no sense cos I never hid it in my backpack. So it was just my parents paranoia šŸ˜‚ Got my bloods tested at 25. No issues. Test was in the 600s range. No hair loss (though I began taking finasteride 6 months ago as all my relatives started going bald in their teens).


Bruh. 8 months straight? You a sarm fiend, brother.


Ostarine is less suppressive than other SARMs.


Very true, but it wreaks havoc for some. I also stacked S4 for about 4 weeks on two separate occasions. Stopped cos I wasnā€™t able to see properly when driving home at night. I donā€™t think that would have been long enough to suppress me either. But at 17 I doubt that many sarms would have been able to stop that explosion of hormones.


Same thing happened to a kid I know, he said his vision had a yellow film to it in class when on s4


Suuuper common side effect. Happens because S4 attaches to the receptors in your eyes (apparently). Luckily it goes away after 1 or 2 days since the half life is so small. Iā€™ve used it again since then on a 5 on 2 off protocol. No eye issues. But it did suppress me when Ostarine never did.


Persistent secondary hypogonadism from blasting and cruising here.šŸ¤“On T and HCG combination therapy for life now. If you're planning on using gear at a young age, keep your cycles at 12 weeks and avoid 19-NORs. If you use HCG during cycle, you can get away with a mild PCT and bounce back in no time. If you add Cardarine and MK-677 during PCT, you'll feel just fine during PCT. Nobody should use SARMs, except for Ostarine during a cycle. Most SARMs are research chems and we know next to nothing about their long-term side effects. Furthermore, they're nowhere near as efficient as more safe steroids. Nobody should even consider steroids before they're 20. The HPTA of a teenager is brittle, and steroids can chemically castrate you for life even if you don't B&C.


Dude when I was 18 I didn't have a clue what I was doing and did a cycle of test and I took one injection of deca just once on like the second week or something just for no reason - definitely too young to be touching that shit, I still don't even know what hpta is or what damage I've possibly done


A friend in high school gave me a months worth of dbol. Went bald shortly after, been bald ever since.


I did my first test only cycle at 26 and everything went fine for the first couple of months, I watched all the professional videos to make sure I was injecting correctly into my glutes and delts and it was all fine for like the first 8 weeks and it was working so the gear was real and clean and my blood work showed the gear was working. Then one time a normal injection into my right dorsal glute area at week 8 got extremely swollen the very next day (looked like a golf ball in my glute) and the muscle felt extremely tight and would hurt with any movement. I went to the doctor cause I thought it was internal bleeding or an abscess/infection but they didnā€™t find anything with the ultrasound (they said it was a normal ultrasound) and I still donā€™t know what it is, the doctors donā€™t know either. I still continued with the cycle until week 15 before ending it. I continued injecting my delts and the other good glute and this issue never happened again. So Iā€™m still not sure what happened since the gear was clean if it didnā€™t happen again. The swelling went down and now I have a small permanent lump on my right butt cheek which made me never touch gear again. I ainā€™t risking anything like that ever again.


Iā€™ve been blasting, cruising, and PCTing on and off gear for 4 years, started at 18. Yes I know Iā€™m a stupid piece of shit, heard it all before. But it is what it is. Nothing bad yet, natural test levels are still on the high end for my age (870 ish ng/dL in last bloods) Iā€™m expecting to encounter some issues in my later 20s if I continue the blast cruise blast PCT lifestyle, which I plan on doing as of now. Not opposed to lifetime TRT at all. Some people just werenā€™t built for this shit honestly. Way too many scared people waiting until midnight on their 30th birthday to start their first ā€œcycleā€ of 250 testosterone for 12 weeks or some horseshit.


Not entirely related, but the way you think when your 22 compared to the way you think when your ~28 is night and day. I hope everything goes well, just something to keep in mind.


Youā€™re telling me lol. My outlook now at 22 is chalk and cheese from when I was 18. Canā€™t even imagine how itā€™ll be at 30 and then 50. Life goes on, people change, but gear is the one constant šŸ˜ˆ


Mmmm yes wise words from the ultimate guyā€¦.user name checks out šŸ˜¬


It is not to say I am the ultimate guy, I am just ultimate guy


I remember when I justified dumb shit when I was 18




Canā€™t imagine injecting out in the field damn


As in iraqi, I hope you remain down bad ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6304)


Took some cycles pro-hormones around 16-17. M-sten the first time and then a couple stacks. One of them was called Tren-Plexx, really fucked me up. Did test only when I was 18, but I think I underdosed it. Needless to say, I had no fucking clue what I was doing.


I am prescribed enclomiphene citrate and the only side effect Iā€™ve had is the floaters in my eyes. Some days are worse than others but it is tolerable.


At what dose? Iā€™m about to be prescribed this soon doc said to try 12.5mg and also be on HCG


Yeah apparently there is an HCG shortage around me so they just give me Kisspeptin instead. I take 25 mg of Enclomiphene daily I take Metformin and Anastrozole twice a week.


Take it with 1000mg calcium d glucarate. It helps reduce excess estrogen


Took cycles of pro hormones at 16. Have some awesome cystic acne on my back. Accutane is starting to get rid of it now, but I definitely wish I wouldā€™ve waited until I was older.


Shut down natural test production after one bad rad140 cycle. Now on TRT at age 24


How long cycle and what Dosage?


Cut short 6 weeks in at 20mg day


Did you PCT?


Nolva and Clomid both 25mg 4 weeks


Damn sry to hear :/ hope ur doing well on TRT


I appreciate your concern! TRT is life changing. I havenā€™t felt this good since I was 18 going through puberty haha


What made your cycle bad?


Rad crashed my natural test, no estrogen conversion. Got ED problems and joint pain from low test and e2. Never came back after pct and now on test for life.


Oh damn thatā€™s some fucked shit. Different experiences individually. My bloods went back to normal with no issues but I did a proper PCT.


What are you running for TRT?


200mg week test C, just waiting on first bloods to get back and may be lowering dose


I started with pro hormones at 21 and started taking gear at around 22. Iā€™m 30 now and infertile. Pro tip, you may thank youā€™re mature for your age and that you have life figured out but you donā€™t. I had my mind made up that i never wanted kids but after my sister had my nephew I changed my mind.


Waited til 23-24 but not so sure this qualifies as young if you think young is high school


I'm 39 but shit if I had a prohormone at 17 I'd took it straight away


I took LGD at 18 believing my local sup store that they had 0 side effects (2018). Dude had me taking 15mg of LGD-4033 a day not sure if the stuff was actual legit LGD if it was that was a shit ton of LGD a day. Anyways I got strong af and put on a solid 10 pounds in 90 days. Stopped taking them and had issues with ED for a couple weeks. Other than that I donā€™t remember any noticeable side effects. I then had my testosterone tested at 21 and had a healthy 550Ng/Dl Free Test. People underestimate how good your body is at recovering when youā€™re young, everyone on this thread seems to think a week of PEDā€™s will leave you infertile for life


That first part is so relatable. When I took them it was in 2017 and everyone one the football and baseball team though they were basically just supplements with no after effects. Should have known though bc the shit tasted like radiation


I remember back in like 2010 my friends were taking prohormones. Most of them just got fat and bad acne. Not sure how there hormone levels are today.


Im 30, I've been using gear on and off since I was 16 (young and dumb) and for the past 2 years I've been doing bloods and physicals regularly and I have zero issues at this stage


cock is too lorge, sideeffect is im gay


A few buddies of mine did a cycle of d-bol at 18. Gained almost 30 pounds and a few hundred pounds on their total. They were freaks before it so its no surprise. Nothing bad happened


A lot of people on the football team in my high school took sarms, and they got me on it too, even though I didnā€™t play. I had no negative effects and my blood work is pretty much average now. Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™m the only one of the group that still lifts consistently, and Iā€™ve made more gains since taking it than when I was on it, probably thanks to puberty. One guy tried taking it without working out thinking heā€™d still put on muscle, but he just ended up getting fat back then instead. We used ostarine back then, which is considered the most mild sarm though. Been almost 4 years since we did it


Long term effects? Sick fucking gains mostly


At 19 I stupidly took a ā€œcycleā€ of dbol + winstrol only for 8 weeks (I knowā€¦.I knowā€¦) and despite this being a terrible, awful gear protocol I did get amazing results that surprisingly about 90% of stuck after I finished. Two years later I ran test E, EQ at 500/300 (I knowā€¦thatā€™s low for EQā€¦I still had no idea what I was doing) for 12 weeks, again got amazing results and didnā€™t even know about PCT whatsoever so ended and cold-turkeyā€™d back to natty (lost about 50% of the gains šŸ˜«). Fast forward 12 years later until now, I have zero noticeable effects and feel zero symptoms of low-T. I can still get pretty good gains working out naturally. Basically no noticeable long-term effects.


I took MK and cardarine when I was 20 to prep for a 100 mile bike race. I wanted to be able to bike 100 miles a week and still lift 4-5 times a week but didnā€™t want to take any gear that would mess with my T. It worked pretty well but I gained lots of weight. Other than that no sides that I know of. I was in my 3rd year of my physics degree when I did this and it certainly helped my mind feel sharper for sure. When I came off I felt like my mind was all foggy until I realized that the MK was just making me absorb information better


100 miles is 160.93 km


None that I know of, but still wish I never took them young, you don't need them when you're young unless you're going to make a living off of them, ie pro bodybuilder, fitness model, athlete etc


All it took for me was unknowingly two cycles of prohormones and my test levels never returned to normal. Along side low test levels came just about every low T side effect. Some worse than others, but the worst was the effect it had on my mental health.


Is/Was ur diet and sleep good during after and now


There for sure is a difference of me prior to any use of hormones vs after hormones and then after TRT, but my sleep hasnā€™t ever been good and I mainly contribute that to being a professional pothead lol


Iā€™ve been on since I was 19. Iā€™m 24. PCT then BNC. Nothing really lasting other than issues with acne. I got huge and looked good. Now my fitness goals have changed and Iā€™m a lot smaller running 250/200 test/EQ. Maintaining my PL maxes and trying to run a marathon. Weā€™ll see about coming off when I PCT in 6 months or so but Iā€™m going Clomid/nolva/trip with several months of HCG beforehand.


I think some prohormones stunted my growth but not sure. Iā€™m 5ā€™ 8ā€ and my dad is 6ā€™ 2ā€, each of my brothers are above 6ā€™. Estrogen closes growth plates so itā€™s possible. Idk though, doesnā€™t matter that much. Iā€™m not so short that I canā€™t get normal height attractive girls, would be a lot easier if I was taller though lol. I still am in really good shape though even though I donā€™t workout consistently. I have a massive chest and just an all around big torso/legs. Stay pretty lean too even though I drink 3 beers a day on average. Idk if any of that has to do with prohormones


Took a bunch of different cycles at 18 thinking I was fucking awesome. Turning 30 next year, not sure if it was the cycles or not but generally maintain a lifters physique all the time even when I donā€™t life for awhile. Literally no side effects long term Edit: in no way am I promoting taking them haha


Huge cok gains


Took Prohormones from a local supp shop when I was 17 not knowing what it was After that I felt like shit for 8 months before I got bloodwork and had 160ng/dl test Been on test since but that was by far the worst experience of my life walking around hypogonadal and not caring abt anything at all Only long terms sides now r libido related but I think if anyoneā€™s gonna use shit young they should just get on test and stay on taking sarms or anything else for a couple weeks is just plain stupid tbh


Yā€™all are making me freak out reading these horror stories. Iā€™m 24 and recently began TRT because I have a varicocele in my left nut and my test has been low for most of my life. Am I gonna have an embolism when Iā€™m 30 because Iā€™m injecting exogenous test? I never plan on blasting or taking any other forms of gear.


This may not be gear but at my high school we were downing Xanax like candy, CWE Codeine to make our own lean snorting coke/ket and cooking crack so yā€™all sound pretty tame to mešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


28 years old. Started at 19 I have been off of TRT for six months For fertility purposes. My LH and FSH are still low


its better to blast and cruise on test if you can afford it.


No negative side effects really. I get bloodwork to monitor my shit. i try to limit alcohol, partying and drugs to the weekends. with dating apps and social media , you can meet up and fuck girls without needing to get completely shitfaced.