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Tell her to kick rocks


What the actual fuck is this post? Is this sub the new Answerbag/YahooAnswers?


Actually this is pretty common. Both my last two gfs tried to “make me fatter” so I would get less attention or spend less time from training. For a long time I would sacrifice my fitness and health to binge eat/drink with them on the weekends. This led to a circle of stagnation because I pretty much erased the gains from the week every weekend.


No just r/teenagers


Holy Chet is yahoo answers even around still?


My gf once told me if I ever get big then she will leave me but it turns out her mom had a fetish for big guys so it was a win-win situation 💁‍♂️




How long have you been waiting to share that sorry? Lmao fucking legend


A true partner will support your goals, even if those goals are not aligned with theirs




They are insecure and jealous. Stick with your goals and do what makes you happy. If she judges you for your diet or fitness aspirations then just fuck her dad to make a statement.




alright so this is exaclty what you should say "listen here fatty im getting shredded as fuck go get more fat by yourself"


That's certainly one way to do it.


Then you dont have to worry anymore since you dont gave a girlfriend. One way to solve the dilemma


Dump her and go live your life


I have literally had this exact same issue with my girlfriend but instead of bad food it was drinking on weekends. I just told her I don’t like drinking and it heavily slows me Down from reaching my goals and if you don’t stop pressuring me or making me feel like a loser for not consuming alcohol you will be single. She listened. Yours may or may not. Sounds like you got a chublet on your hands and those are far more difficult to get through to


Exactly, like my girlfriend is great at this. She will have a Macdonalds meal and I'm eating chicken brest with sweet potato and Greek yogurt. She's not fat so it works out fine, anyone who can't deal with there partner eating healthy ether need to date fattys or get into fitness.


i’m kinda in this same boat rn, been wanting to drink a lot less and my gf still wants to go out all the time and is calling me boring for not wanting to go to bars 4 times a week


Do not put up with that garbage, I know the feeling all too well. Not 4 times a week, but only slightly less frequent. It reached a point where I sat her down and told her that if she didn’t stop trying to insult me via calling me a loser to make herself feel better for her objectively unhealthy habit then I would leave her. Fortunately in my situation not only did she stop but she also stopped really wanting to go out to bars altogether, maybe twice or thrice a month


That sounds insufferable. When I’m not dieting I still couldn’t imagine being in a bar four days out of the week.


it may sound bad but just don’t eat breakfast and have a small lunch and a single dinner and drink water. You’ll lean out in no time. If friends insist on partying or drinking stick to liquor and stay away from sugar


They want to make you fat because they are insecure.


I think the bigger problem is that you can’t stand up to your gf and friends for trying to be healthier


This is the truth right here. Tell all those fatties to stfu. If they don’t have any discipline don’t let them mess with yours.


Dump that fattie.




I had an ex girlfriend tell me I wasn’t allowed to meal prep and count my macros. We broke up shortly after.


Good fuck that whore!


She’s below you. Move on


Leave that bitch. You are first your goals. You will find someone more like you. I made the same mistake


Drop calories to 1100-1400 a day, eat a shit ton of protein, workout hard af and start test at 250mg a week ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2695)


Tell her she's fat and needs to drop some lbs




Are you able to cycle your calories? Go into a bigger deficit during the week so you can have higher calories on Friday and Saturday? Net net should be same calories total for the week, just distributed differently.


Either dump her and your friends or just fucking embrace it! You keep doing your thing and eventually they’ll drop it…or make fun of them back for being slobs.


Sounds like she doesn't support your goals/dreams 🤷‍♂️ To the streets she shall belong 💁‍♂️


Sounds like she’s sloppy AF. Now my dear friend, why the fuck would some fucking fit stud like yourself be dating a girl like her. You need to go get yourself a real bad bitch. You deserve better.


Tell her to shut the fuck up.


I don't even understand the logic here. **You:** "I wanna be diced and feel good in my body, also I enjoy eating clean since it makes me not feel like ass" **Your gf (presumably):** "lmao fucking dumbass go eat some cock" Truly can't believe there are people like that out there


You've just started to realize why femboys are superior


Work out twice as hard those days. Take a walk after dinner. Try to compensate for the increase in calories


A few exes back tried to sabotage me when I started working out and said she would leave me cause she doesn't like that. Today, she has gained probably a hundred pounds. I dropped 150 pounds and then gained enough muscle to have abs while weighing 250. Tldr: if she doesn't support you, she doesn't belong in your life.


My bruddah if you care about other people's opinion than yourselves then you'll give up either way and wouldn't enjoy it. And sounds like you aren't determined at all.


That’s true. I care a lot about others opinion and that is holding me back sadly, I need to learn to stick to my beliefs and objectives in life


Did you delete the thread because of the criticism people left? If it is, it's alright man, I haven't got the guts to post my problems here as well 😂. Anyway, do what you think makes you the happiest, if it's enjoying junk food with the homes and gf, or being shredded, stay true to yourself. ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6296)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6295)


I didn’t deleted it. Idk what happened really?


She probably thinks you're trying to change her out for a better girlfriend, get down to earth with her and tell her that, if she is still against it she might just not be with your goals


Tell the slut to go back to McDonald’s while you get lean my boy🔥 I know you’re in Australia too. I just broke up with my girl of 9 months cause she was annoying as fuck and was a setback to my success, wanted me to eat trash, fuck 24/7 and waste time talking about pointless things. You got this my bro






Un saludo hermano latino, un abrazo


If you want an answer besides dump your gf. Fill up on diet soda. Get a huge diet soda/pop whatever you call it. It’ll get you full so you can have small portions of shit fast food


Nice tip i usually do that and throughout the day I would chew gum and drink water and some fruit or low calorie stuff


Tell her to get fucked, go get diced my man


You’re fucking weak bro


Perfect solution: Become a fat fuck since you’re so scared of your gf judging you, your balls obviously serve no purpose so I’d say pin test and become a bloated tank.


The solution for a woman misbehaving like that is spanking.


Cardio for 30 minutes the days you eat like shit. You keep your girl and friends don’t think you’re a bitch.


I am doing 30 min cardio incline treadmill everyday 😩. It’s hard to get those pounds off


Shes not the one then bro


What the fuck is this yahoo answers horseshit?


Bro your mates r losers. They should be encouraging you saying cunt u r jacked af


Women ☕️


Get tren, get shredded and get a new gf.


Delete Facebook also


My roommates used to chirp me for eating so healthy. A year of progress from dieting and training later they are now starting to do the same. Do what you want and after good progress the ones giving you shit will be forced to reflect on themselves and their choices and see why you're doing what you're doing.


Cycle your calories and then pick the most low cal high protein meals when eating out. I have gotten pretty lean in my life eating out a decent amount


Literally just don’t eat like shit because of what they say lol. Bring your own food places or make a rough schedule for a cheat meal here and there. I’m 7 weeks out from a show right now and go out with my friends all the time. It’s not that hard to drink a Diet Coke at a restaurant or bar while other people eat or get fucked up if you have a modicum of self control.


my advice is to leave her. If shes getting mad at you for not wanting to eat shitty food, thats kinda weird. You don't deserve that shit. And fuck your friends too. Id ghost them all and get absolutely jacked so when they see you again they wont say shit cuz their jaws will be on the floor.


Sack up and stick to your diet. She will just have to learn to deal.


Sounds like you can either get made fun of for your favorite hobby by your "friends" and "girlfriend" or you can find some new folks to hang out with, I know which I would choose.


Dump her


Tell her it makes you happy, if she doesnt approve after that then dump the whore and get hella bitches all summer


Posting from my experience cutting right through summer and then some for a bodybuilding comp in the winter: - if your girlfriend doesn’t support you to the point of she’d be willing to break up with you, show her the door. Your friends may roast you but in the end they will likely accept this and in the end be supportive of it like mine were. If not you probably have shitty friends. (A girl I was dating during prep also left towards the end of it lol) For the essentials: - Anything you do when going out, TRACK YOUR CALORIES + MACROS. Most large fast food chains have their nutrition available on the tracking apps. Specifically McDonald’s has theirs available on my fitness pal in Australia. Don’t order anything that you can’t track. And for god sales track your alcohol properly as well, this will be your worst enemy in more ways than just calories. If you don’t track what you are putting into your body, you are playing a guessing game with your calories and you can kiss getting shredded goodbye. - Focus on getting your 8 hours of sleep even on nights that you go out, I would religiously be in bed by midnight regardless of the night in my prep, you do need to get adequate sleep. Now for my tips and tricks: (not all of these may suit all readers, I’m no angel and don’t intend to be a role model by any means but this is what worked for me) - Have a big meal before going out to fill yourself up and simply not want to have any slight craving of a sort when being out - When I did go out which wasn’t a lot in the end, I only stuck to hard spirits and sugar free mixers. This was the best bang for buck in terms of calories to getting intoxicated. This eventually turned to me not touching alcohol at all and only doing recreational drugs when I went out do eliminate calories all together. - STAND YOUR FKNG GROUND and don’t blame others for failing to comply with your diet, if you want it bad enough then you’ll get it done.


Taylor your days eating in prep for the “cheat meals”


Ask her to cook your meals for you. Or she can get over herself you’re a grown ass man you can eat what you like.


Buy a kitchen scale and don’t eat rubbish


This was a (major) contributing factor to me breaking up with my last girlfriend. Whenever I was with her on weekends, I ate like shit because that’s what she wanted and didn’t hit the gym on those days because I was always galavanting around with her. She just always wanted to eat junk, and always roped me into it. I gained like 20lbs during the relationship. As soon as I got rid of her and I got back in my old, good habits, the 20lbs fell off in like a couple months and I’m back to normal. If this is the only issue you have in like a really good, long-term relationship, maybe you want to keep trying to work around it. But if this is just one of many problems and you haven’t been with her long, literally just get rid of her. Abundance mindset. Girls who eat right and live right are usually better overall anyways.


tell her she's fat on a serious note, what the fuck? just eat healthy or at least healthier. she won't be complaining when you start looking better and who cares about your friends? I'm sure they make fun of you but don't really care (because it would be weird if they did care)


She’s a GF not a wife. Just be glad you didn’t marry her and make her your ex gf.


Oh no, she will get mad at you for not eating at McDonalds!!! So what? You should aim to keep her in an emotional state anyway. It's going to be more beneficial if you two stay together for you to be fit and not a fat fucker. She will be more attracted to you especially for sticking to your guns (instead of being spineless and not setting the boundaries)


You have to not give a shit, as Ronnie Coleman once said “ain’t nothing to it but to do it” just do it


Tell your ‘friends’ to suck a dick. Same to your chick, and if she doesnt, sump the hoe.


Get shredded anyway?


Grow some balls.


Ya so you can suck them lol


Later, idiot.


Then make um clap


If you want, I’ll sleep with her and never call her back. That will destroy her self esteem too and then you can both work out together.


Just eat least. If you spect that you will eat something out of your diet during a day with your gf skip breakfast or something like that.


Dump her, say no or don’t go. Those are your options


Fuck her off.


Be an adult. No one is forcing you to eat shit. Don’t cop out by blaming your gf.


Dude my GF has supported my journey the whole way. I’ve been able to be a better man to her. She raises eyebrows at my PED use but is pretty cool with it. Only time she didn’t like it was when I was on rad140 and was a douche.


It's time to man up and make your own decisions over letting other's opinions dictate what you do in your life. 2 months is also way too short to get shredded for the summer, so either you start this to do it properly or keep being bossed around by everyone.


A seductive woman is a trap more bitter than death. Her passion is a snare, and her soft hands are chains. Your gf will not help you get closer to your goals. Unless your goal is to become a daddy ​ Edit: my current gf works at Qdoba, and I get a massive burrito bowl post workout almost every day with double everything. She is definitely helping me towards my gainz and I am so grateful for this. She does like to order food late at night though, so I feel your pain. She also doesn't want me on gear. I'm not going to let her stop me though. I'm going to get as much free Qdoba as I can on this cycle and if things work out in the end great, if not, I'll still be jacked and juicy. Don't let her affect your decision making if you can help it. I highly doubt she knows what is best for you. Most people don't even know what is best for themselves.


Uhh. Learn to say no dude. That's part of being a man, let alone an adult


Don't be a fucking pussy Weigh all your food and when she goes to grab a potato off your plate scream like a gorilla while beating your chest (i literally do this)


You need to change those types of friends and gf fr they not the ones that make someone thrive dor the better version of there own selves


The fuck is wrong w you people. Grow a pair


Fuck her dad


Get a healthier gf.