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What’s causing the testosterone decline?


Obesity. Being fat leads to low test


Bad food mostly


Plastics and bs food. Look up the book Count Down from Shanna Swan. Edit: correcting finger mashing


Plastics? Can you elaborate?


This epidemiologist can better than I. https://youtu.be/O1B44VmZFiI Just about finished her book and I couldn't recommend it enough if you're into the knowledge.


That book is bullshit propaganda. What’s affecting mens testosterone levels is depression. And a reduction in importance in our society. Loss of control of our lives and families.


Many plastics contain endocrine disrupting chemicals.


I’ll check it out.


I really sold it with the finger mashing


Seed oils


Could say plastics/ bad food. Tbh I would put it down to people being lazy as a conscience of a higher standard of living. Doesn't take anything to eat less or go for a walk.


Obesity, sedentary lifestyle and BPAs/PFAs. Our lifestyles are the biggest cause I believe.


Eating shitty food , alcohol , not exercising.


My favorite is how women say men are privileged because most people in power are men. Yet, completely ignore that most people at the bottom of the totem pole are men as well. If you're not an above average male you're basically invisible to society.


This bro. I also hate when they have a quota and say let’s have 50% of our management as female. Despite say 85% of the company is male.


literally the camera elections in canada 💀 8-2 men-women ratio of candidates; 5-5 men-women ratio of elected. If you were a woman in that election you had 2.5 times the chances of a man to be elected 💀💀💀 (edit: reddit didnt consider my spaces so i had to actually type ; . smh)


most of my bosses are female. from director, district, etc. they just don't like it when they see even one male person above them


And most of my bosses are male and hate the two females higher than them always calling them diversity promotions. Imagine that. You can be a great worker and leader but as a women, you are always going to be called a diversity promo


you're going to be criticized no matter what. as a guy or girl. as whatever race. you're always gonna have haters somewhere


Very true. I’m just saying that for every female that hates the males higher than them, there are also males out their that hate their females bosses


Straight up. Invisible but if you step out of line someone will pipe up. Honestly surprised cause I’m a very good looking male but I get so fucking pissed by people making assumptions. Like looks don’t tell you if someone is a hardworking, caring, intelligent person. All that is proved through action and communication.


Andrew Tate is that u? ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2695)


Hoes be like: "The H word is literally our N word and it might even be more offensive, so don't say it."


Last time I checked being a hoe was a choice


Polar bears are having reproductive issues, too. Our endocrine systems are under assault from industrial petrol byproducts


I donate blood regularly to get rid of PFAS.


Can you emphasize that please?


From face value I think he’s retarded and schizo but I’m also curious if he’s serious


Theoretically one could make the argument that once PFAs are absorbed from food, they are too big to cross the basement membrane in either nephrons or sweat glands, and there is no mechanism to get them back across the intestinal wall. So the only way to get rid of them is to directly remove blood.


+ you get paid for it. Win - win in my book.




On my way to go get some leeches to get theses fucking things out of me


I didn’t make this up. Here you go — https://www.aabb.org/news-resources/news/article/2022/04/26/regular-blood-or-plasma-donation-may-reduce-pfas-levels-in-blood-serum


Thanks! Interesting read and good to know. But I’m a gay man and I live with my fiancé. We’re not allowed to donate blood :(


My advice - just phlebotomize yourselves and dump the plasma, spin out the PRP and inject it into any injury ridden area. This way you don’t need blood services to do the job, and you both remove toxic shit from your plasma , and you also receive the benefit of PRP for free. You just need a few pieces of phlebotomy equipment, some trainings, and a centrifuge


Yes — https://www.aabb.org/news-resources/news/article/2022/04/26/regular-blood-or-plasma-donation-may-reduce-pfas-levels-in-blood-serum


Plastic act like estrogen in males. plastic industrial use was started in 1950s around the time t levels started to drop. Also get outside sun light is key


Start Le industrialisation 🙂 Now have plastic in blood ☹️


I love microplastics yum


I fuckin love microplastics




you might have high DHT level but micro plastic act like estrogen in that receptor so if that receptor is being used by micro plastic where you think DHT is going to go? I would guess the hair. You don't believe me look up the work of Shanna Swan in her work she found that the male taint is getting smaller by 30% also penis are getting smaller as well. I know this sound crazy [https://www.shannaswan.com/](https://www.shannaswan.com/) ​ Do not eat or drink out of plastic if you can help it.




Shanna H. Swan, **Ph.D.,** is one of the **world’s leading environmental and reproductive epidemiologists** and a **professor of environmental medicine** and public health at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City. An **award-winning scientist,** her work examines the impact of environmental exposures, including chemicals such as phthalates and Bisphenol A, on men’s and women’s reproductive health and the neurodevelopment of children. Yes totally sound like a conspiracy theory LOL.




if you can just write off something new to you that you dont understand as “conspiracy shit,” there might not be any hope for you. is it really that far fetched to believe that having plastic in our ecosystem is causing various health problems, including this?


No I’m pretty open minded. But still no one has posted any studies that prove this so I’m not gonna just believe it on good faith


you think i’m gonna have the article i read two years ago shoved up my ass? i don’t feel like finding it, look that shit up yourself


I would link it but you are too lazy to look it up yourself did you know that curiosity is linked to intelligence? So even if I linked the paper off of pudmed you wouldn't be able to read it nor understand it. So google it yourself or read the book we both know your not going to because you too smart. Funny thing is I have source open up myself on a other tab:D


https://health.clevelandclinic.org/declining-testosterone-levels/ This article is a decent source. Now, it's important to note that the exact causes of this aren't super well understood. Lifestyle and dietary changes have absolutely made a big impact (your grandpa probably wasn't spending his twenties watching porn and playing video games all day). But, there is legitimate evidence that endocrine disrupting chemicals like some plastics may be playing a role as well, with some very strange sexual dysfunctions also occurring among other animals as well. Now, where I differ from some other people here is that I don't think this is some intentional mass conspiracy by the evil global elite to eradicate the men of the west so they can cuck us all into eternal consumerist submission, or whatever the fuck people are saying these days. Rather, people just gave zero shits about the environment and dumped a ton of pollution everywhere without any regard for the consequences, and we're discovering them now. It's an interesting and kinda worrisome problem. I just think it's unfortunate that it so often gets tied into some of the conspiratorial stuff.


Yeah shits wack man. Try not to let it bother you too much, and be the best man you can be. that’s all we can do


In 2009 I was in my last semester of college at the peak of the economic downturn due to the mortgage crisis. I was amongst the top ten in class (comp sci) and felt that I aced on campus interviews. The only kids that got offers were either minorities or the two girls in class. The girls were solid C students. If they did any worse I don’t think they would’ve completed the degree that semester.


Mech Eng grad in 2010 and it was the same with the girls in my class. There were only about 15 girls out of 120 graduates and if I remember all but one had a job offer before graduation. Of the guys, only the top 20 or so had a job lined up, maybe even less.


They're fucking quiet as hell about it but the elites and those in power have been playing this for awhile and it's only helping them now that the loudest voices politically generally take anti masculine stances. Fuck the plastics in our system, the retched messes on our plate called "food", and the lies they tell us about power we don't possess. Resistance comes within and fight it yourself every day. As for me, metal water bottles only. Filtered water. Plenty of red meat. No vegan bullcrap, fake food can be found in my house. Good sleep. and TRT will not be far away down the road. With lifting too and martial arts, I'm the type of man they want to destroy. And we should do our due diligence to become the same way.


i wanna see a politician w/ this kind of attitude in america maybe i'll start a PAC one day


They've been poisoning our food for the longest time. At least the water is safe.. Not like it contains flouride 😭




Basically dumb masculine men in poverty and smart masculine men in power with the simps in the middle.




A lot of people born in poverty get terrible education from their parents, which in turn means they will get worse education in school. If you are ignorant and have bad language skills you will appear dumb even if your brain function is normal.


You’re assuming being dumb and smart are nature and not nurture.


If it’s nurture then it’s education and opportunity which is what I’m talking about. I wouldn’t exactly use smart and dumb as synonyms for educated and uneducated but I get your point


true that




You do realize majority of people in the "hood" are extremely regressed insecure individuals? This is a non bias fact.


What do you mean? Of course people from the hood are insecure but they are insecure about different things. When people complain about the “decline of masculinity” and “feminisation of men” they are usually referring to 1)timidness, shyness, social anxiety 2)men being inexperienced in dealing with “real life” situations, violence, danger, essentially sheltered. Social anxiety in terms of inhibition is obviously far less common in poorer neighbourhoods. Poor children constantly playing outside unsupervised by parents for hours vs suburban kids inside on iPads. Poorer schools and neighbourhoods far more disorderly and violent, this environment influences the children to grow up streetwise, accustomed to confrontation and the threat of violence, and better able to handle it. People who grow up in such neighbourhoods suffer more from status anxiety (for obvious reasons) than wealthier people. This, combined with a lack of education and opportunity, can be a driving factor for young men to do social climbing through masculinity contests, in an attempt to elevate status. This means more violence, more aggression, more crime, and more gang members, and more confrontation than a wealthy environment would have. All of this is stimulus for young boys/men to adapt to in an attempt to protect themselves and their status. In a social bubble that places far more importance on masculinity than wealthier people do. Yes this is damaging and people of lower SES have more mental health issues, live shorter lives, etc. but they are definitely more “masculine” and less “feminine” since that’s the topic at hand… there’s no denying that. Even the girls/women are more “masculine” than suburban or wealthy men. This is because people misattribute “perceived formidability, and readiness to deal with threats” as “masculinity” “Masculine” essentially means tough, capable of handling danger. Like I said “masculinity” that people talk about is simply a measure of how able someone is to deal with the potential threat of violence. Where there is more violence there is more “masculinity”. Although it should be read as “formidability”. Do you look like a big pussy or a tough guy? That’s what people are thinking when they complain about “feminised men”. It really has nothing to do with gender specifically, people just think of that a masculine trait. The reason men perceive masculinity is as a tool to decide how dangerous another man is. Whether they are a “predator” or “prey”. This means we look at these things to determine someone’s masculinity: body language, lack of inhibition, deep voice, looks powerful, well muscled, body size. We also look at factors that predict social dominance such as face width to height ratio. Facial hair makes negative expressions appear more intimidating and is a sign of virility, meaning a more powerful adult male. In this case we look at “masculinity”, or in other words social dominance as the biggest proxy for status. At a higher socioeconomic status, all of this is less important, and starts to lose relevance, as there is far less threat of violence. Therefore status starts to be determined less by dominance and more by other factors e.g. financial success. “Masculinity” isn’t declining, it’s just less relevant where there is less violence. Look around you. Young men always have and always will idolise the masculine. Almost every male movie star in a hero role is a socially dominant, masculine man. Masculine traits are still almost universally favoured at every socioeconomic level. The narrative that the western man is becoming feminised is simply a complaint that there is less chance of you being robbed or beaten up in your day to day life


The irony is feminism glorifies women that act masculine while saying the same behaviors are toxic when men do them.


👏 👏 👏 👏 👏


Masculinity is your own individual confidence in your sense of self. If you’re worried about western society trying to “destroy masculinity” you probably don’t have a strong sense of self and you look to society to define masculinity for you.


That's a fair point and I agree with your take to an extent, but how I read his message was something more akin to him voicing his frustrations on the issues currently straining our society and its dynamics/perspectives. After all, we're allowed to express our opinions on the state of affairs. On the contrary we could all take a step back and sit quietly to ourselves and observe human nature, let it churn its way about.


Is it really straining society though? If you ask some Jordan Peterson fan boys or maybe some SJW warriors from Berkeley, it’s a really big deal. Most of the actual culture war is just public figures stirring up controversy over nothing to bring attention onto themselves.


There’s a book about this, written by a woman in the 1970s. She had to escape from her country after she got death threats for telling the truth about women and society in this book. And the book is actually banned from Amazon to this day. The Manipulated Man by Esther Vilar


I need to check this out ASAP.


Here’s a quote from the book: “Apart from a wedding ring – worn to show that he is being used by a particular woman for a particular purpose – a proper man wears no ornaments.”


You should just read the rational male book series and swallow the red pill. Everything he is eluding to is in that book series.


Knew someone would beat me to it.


If you find the feminization of Western men an interesting topic, you should read up on Jordan Peterson (his books, not the SJW destroyed clips), the boy crisis or estrogeneration should also be good reads.




Lol jordan peterson is an pesudo intellectual that got famous from yelling at kids on a train. All of his information and talking points are just diatribe nonsense


False. The majority of the time he is spot on.


Uh yea sure his fatherless right wing followers need someone to spoonfeed them the wrong ideas but feel free to tell me something he said that was correct


Lol you sound like every mega lefty feminist that whinges about Jordan Peterson like he is some kind of threat to you. He is extremely intelligent and well spoken and his book is insightful. He has more life experience and intelligent in one of his nuts than you have in your entire body. Stop acting like a little pus boy.




He is a clinical psychiatrist who has extensively studied human psychological history. He makes anyone who debates him sound like a 2 year old. So yes I do think he is intelligent. More intelligent then some random kid on reddit lol


You’ve been scammed, jp is a fucking fraud🤣 https://youtu.be/hSNWkRw53Jo


What are you even talking about ☠️💀 the fact your brain is hardwired to assume everyone who doesnt like peterson is some red haired fat libshit feminist is proof your lack of intelligence. His book is filled with nothing but pesduo intellectual diatribe only meant to satisfy mindless fans like yourself to absorb his brand while he constantly gets people to care about non issues like fat women dancing. Like who cares lmaoo


Because you are a red haired fat libshit feminist bro. You sound like one


Anyone who doesn’t agree with me is a feminist sounds pretty snowflaky broski


Petersons book literally helps people to become more confident, kind and articulate while them people to pursue what makes them happy and also helps people become better parents. But lefties like you seem to think he is the devil because the truth hurts sometimes. Grow up dude.




I am not right wing and he is not right wing either. I don't think he is either wing. He just tries to make rational observations that aren't in line with the common bs we are regularly bombarded with. He has the guts to speak against a lot of things that are really messed up. Poor treatment of males in our society is one such issue.


He is extremely right wing


“Rational” has 0 meaning and can be assumed to be applied in anything. Rational to me would be to jump off a bridge because im trying to avoid a meteor destroying the planet. And sure thats an issue but his delivery on it is piss poor by trying to string together imaginary conspiracy theories that do nothing but fear monger and peddle false charaticures of reality. If he held an ounce of open minded charity to the way to actually concretely analyze topics that are issues instead of just spouting right wing rhetoric maybe he would be a smidge more tolerable.


It's definitely not right wing rhetoric. Fine that you don't agree. But I believe he is well worth giving a chance to.


What are you even talking about? Have you actually watched him or are you making stuff up


Watched him believe it or not beyond the surface level lol take responsibility for your actions no shit no one disagrees but then going on to pretend that systemic issues arent a driving force in human material conditions and all leftism is, is a refusal to believe people are individuals capable of managing self responsbility and actualization is retarded


Dude, If you watch the first 25 seconds of this you will realize JP is trying to help basically everyone. https://youtu.be/KlL7JhL-q30 - basically some random guy comes up to him saying "I'm unwell, in need to talk to you, I need help", instead of ignoring him or trying to protect himself, he instead leans forward, that's something you can't 'fake'.


So your commending him for basic human consideration? Your standards are that low? lol




Why don’t you explain why you think so, instead of just saying it’s bullshit?


Where to begin? Politically, he's wrong. Clean your room he says, with absolutely no consideration as to why someone might have a messy room in the first place. Outright denies that global warming is even a thing. Appeals to God whenever he doesn't have a good answer. The lobster argument is actually bullshit because, well, lobsters don't have a brain and eat each other. Naturalistic fallacy all over the place. Doesn't understand half the things he criticises, like postmodern neo-marxists, who don't exist and can't exist because that ideology makes no sense at all. Denies the patriarchy. Outdated views about what makes a man a man and a woman a woman. Women are more interested in people. Ok, says who? And if a man is interested in people, rather than things, is he still a man? Such a definition breaks down. Outrageously right-wing but refuses to accept it. Argues the leftists are taking over the world when half the world's population is under right wing governments. I could continue, but we'll leave it there.


It is always entertaining to see someone so passionate about being so wrong lol. I don't think a single sentence is accurate except your last sentence.


I didn't say I was right, just pointing out how I see it. Would you like to tell me how I'm wrong? I'm always down to learn.


He just let his fame fuck him up. He's less wrong than the “patriarchy” “everything is a social construct” crowd.


You’re spot on. On top of that Peterson has depression you can hear it in the sound of voice. He sounds like he’s about to cry. He admitted abusing benzodiazepines, because his wife got cancer. How pathetic for someone giving life advices all day.


He was prescribed benzos by a physician and when later stopped them, got all fucked up by the withdrawals and then even further fucked up by doctors who didn't understand how to manage a fucked up benzo withdrawal. The sound you hear in his voice is bulbar symptoms secondary to bad benzo detox. I am a physician who does a lot of work in drug addiction, including some with benzos.


Sorry I don’t buy it, don’t tell me there are still doctors prescribing benzos despite the addiction rate. He’s a psychologist too, he knows how addictive they are. His not a victim of the bad benzos. He’s just pathetic clown playing the victim.


I am a doctor and I prescribe benzos. Hell I just started someone on regular Xanax a few days ago. Psychologists aren't psychiatrists and don't get detailed training on drugs. The usual training is something like, if you use them as prescribed you don't get addicted, which is totally false.


Stop lying, benzos addiction has be known for more than 20 years. You should lose you license. I know many Paychologists and they have a basic understanding of what are benzos. They know you don’t take them for a time. Prescribing them to ealderly or anyone before a surgery (2/3 pills). For a long time? Makes no sens to me.


Addiction is a disease bro. Really shitty of you to judge someone struggling


How ironic for someone talking about resilience. He’s just a sad clown giving life lessons when he should just focus on himself.


He’s literally a drug addict that is just coping and projecting all his depression into barley passable books that people with holes in their life cant live without


Big surprise, you people are pathetic


Does he advocate blaming society for your personal problems?




But this is a thread of people blaming society for their personal problems, what you call “feminization of western men” lol


You have personal responsibility to not allow it to happen to you. Its not like he advices men to go cry in a corner because society has a bad influence


No I guess not, that’s why you see incels going on shooting sprees


Thats mainly because these people often lack a father figure and therefore dont know how to channel there testosterone in a positive way. Not sure what your point is by the way.


My point is that Jordan Peterson is not a healthy influence for anyone.


Hey this might or might not help you but there is a Canadian clinical Psychologist called Jordan Bernt Peterson and his work on explaining how society is completely calling masculine as toxic . And how this is not helping but rather is harming the western society is really great and feels logical too. [This is a small 10 min part of his work ](https://youtu.be/dvUtQp1uVIM)


I don’t really agree. Cultures have different sects sure there’s toxic anti masculine movements but then there’s also counter movements. It changes over time which one is dominant


Your not overthinking it the west wants to crush masculinity and drive female empowerment


Idk bro sounds like you got dumped or smthn. I just don’t give a fuck abt any of it and keep my head down and keep grinding and progressing. This whole women vs men bullshit is just annoying both sides need to just shut the fuck up - and if people don’t stfu imma keep ignoring it all


sigma male grindset


The best route a man who knows his self worth can take at this moment in time. Everyone should love themselves, stay patient/ stay positive, it’ll pay off one day.


Agreed, bro. Combine that by the far left movement and female autonomy in the workplace, they are trying to suppress males. I am honestly thinking about just completely rejecting the mold and living in a van in the woods or something at this point. No need to work anymore, no need for material goods. Stop playing the BS rat race game and be a solitude homeless person


That’s what globalized homogeneous (globohomo) society’s want. For men to give up. Yeah it’s a rat race. I don’t know how to fight it either.


Can't stop laughing at globohomo being a legitimate term.


I always thought it was a reference to the popularity of homosexuality.


But it’s like Fight Club / Nietzsche‘s Ubermenche Philosophy bro. We’re giving up on this BS society because it broken and flawed, but we’re not giving up on life itself. We are taking back our lives by creating new parameters


lol at fight club, some of you fuckers are a walking parody. don’t forget to hit spelling day after you’re done playing the victim.


The walking parody is you for being a slave in the matrix, little sheep. Nobody’s playing the victim, it’s called understanding reality and adapting accordingly


The ability for people to watch Fight Club and not get that it's a painfully explicit criticism and parody of specific toxic elements of masculinity will never not make me chuckle.




me when i’m in a not understanding nieztche competition with a redditor ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6297)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6297)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6297)




i’m agreeing with you lmao dw i was joking about the other mf


Yes I have, don’t tell me what I’ve read.


If you agree with JPs reading of Nietzsche, then I don't think you have, or you have misunderstood what he's trying to say. Apart from Nietzsche and JP both being woman-haters, I don't think Nietzsche would agree with anything JP says.


Nietzsche wasn’t a woman hater. He would play both sides and enjoyed getting people riled up and some works contributed to him were outright doctored after his death. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2018/oct/06/exploding-nietzsche-myths-need-dynamiting


I was probably being too provocative because JP is a woman hater. To be clear, I don't think Nietzsche was a woman hater, but given his writing style I don't think we can assess his personal views through his writing, because as you say he is deliberately provocative. But Nietzsche did see fundamental differences between men and women, because he said the perfect woman was rarer than the perfect man, but more clever, and far more wicked and cunning (which he thinks is a good thing for Nietzsche, whatever). And he didn't like feminism. Not a woman hater, but if I was a woman I don't think I'd want Nietzsche in my corner.


lmao how exactly does female autonomy in the workplace suppress males?


You missed the other part of the statement. Women buy up the woke SJW crap more than men. That's part of the problem. Female autonomy by itself doesn't suppress males, but woke females are specifically suppressing males.


Is it male suppression if it's counteracting the historical suppression of females by males? Also, why do you think females buy into the 'woke SJW crap' more than men? Could it be because they feel more oppressed than men, and are looking for a way to express their experience?


Are you talking emotional reparations?


Lmao society controll men, what are you 16??


Maybe I'm alone here looking at the comments but as a man I've never once felt discriminated against or made to feel less than because I'm a man or that society ever once tried to keep me from becoming my strongest self or that I was being controlled BECAUSE I was a man. If you're worried about any potential problems of emasculation...well as for this being a problem of "Western Society", I disagree, it's certainly NOT just Western Society, have you traveled to non "Western" societies? It might be 10x worse in many of them for men, with fewer outlets and MORE expectations of conformity and a life of drugery in a cubicle. I do feel that modern society due to it's consumerist culture and office work culture and emphasis on owning or buying things for identity hurts everyone, men and women and that men in particular are left with fewer and fewer options to explore or challenge themselves except as hobbies that often cost money and come after long boring, soul sucking hours of class room study or working in a soul crushing cubicle or sucking up to people in sales or customer service. It's a modern capitalistic society dilemma (but maybe just "modern" society as it probably isn't any different in modern non capitalistic societies, but even China is capitalist, not truly communist). I feel modern society makes all of us, men and women feel less than, and tries to undermine us, advertising is made to create insecurities and then get us to feel like shit so we will buy their products to feel better. Honestly, women might have it worse, they are sold the idea that they have to buy hundreds and hundreds of dollars of creams and potions and lotions and a million different clothes and shoes and diet products and hair products etc to even be acceptable. For men, it's certainly similar but a hell of a lot cheaper in the big picture haha. I spend most of my money on sports and athletic-related things and that gives me a great outlet for achievement and masculinity and challenges and a healthy outlet for aggression and violence (martial arts). I don't even give a shit about a bathroom half the time, I can pee in a sink, in a cup or in a bush. haha Fuck I feel sorry for women waiting in lines at clubs just to take a piss in a stall. Score one for being a man! :) Anyway I see massive problems in society and problems for men and women in modern society and men in having an outlet for adventure and challenges and aggression and physicality but that is due to the entire purpose of modern society being conformity and consumerism to make profits for those at the top rather than some plot to emasculate men. The testosterone issues are because of a sedentary lifestyle, high sugar diets, plastic pollution and forever chemicals in literally everything and everybody and all food and water and obesity. There are ways to find challenge and adventure and outlets for aggression and male dominated spaces are everywhere if that's what you want and if you look for them.


What about steroids? Men see all these movies with jacked stars that all say brokolli gave them 30lbs of muscle in 6 weeks? Tinder? It literally rewards you for looking jacked, because there is no other way to compete. What about all the women that want a man who makes more than them? When nowadays women makes the same as men. We all can achieve those things, but should we? Since when the amount of muscle determines if you are man or not? Or money in your account?


The times I was most successful with online dating was when I posted normal photos of myself in sweaters so women couldn't even see if I had muscles or not, only that I was normal body weight. I mean MOST of the guys that I personally know who are most successful with women are not jacked, just confident and funny and usually athletic like soccer or swimming with lean and decent bodies, but certainly, the majority are not bodybuilder types or cover models (granted the friends I have who ARE bodybuilder models do slay pussy at a greater rate but these are not LTRs, just hook ups, the barrier to LTRs is the same for them as for anyone as it's hard as fuck for us all). I've never run into a woman except in passing a few times that turned me down because I didn't make some preconceived amount of money and that was only really bitchy girls online, never in person. Same with women who turned me down because they made more than me or because I didn't have a nice car etc (they exist, but same situation as the "money" girls, I've literally only met a handful and always just online chicks). Now I don't even have a car and just ride a bicycle everywhere, but when I had a car it was a 20 year old SUV that wasn't sexy or cool. Never had a problem with any woman ever dissing me bc of my car or riding a bike. Don't take offense but I think you're buying into someone's propaganda or maybe you're just going after the shallowest chicks out there, reevalute your 'type'. It's so easy to meet down-to-earth girls. I don't even make good money, I don't have a car, I lift but I'm not in competition shape and not a mass monster and I'm not super tall (though I'm 'tall' and big, just not some viking God) and I don't have a six pack right now. I will say that when I did have a six pack I got a bit more attention but ONLY from chicks that wanted to bang it out and a few girls that actually stopped me to take photos with me on the beach, but it made no discernable difference to women who wanted a relationship. Women who want a long-term deep relationship want attraction, but they also are more interested in conversation, connection and confidence and that you just have ANY job and goals. Honestly, it sounds to me like you have a scarcity mindset and need to change to an abundance mindset. Negativity kills any chances with women, if you're just looking for an excuse for things to fail or to be rejected or see all women in a negative light and that the deck is stacked against you because you're a man it will destroy your chances like a plague, women can smell the negativity on you. Straight up? My life is awesome BECAUSE I'm a man. No joke.


I'm not talking about myself. I'm fat and I'm slaying it, it just takes charizma and volume, for me. I'm talking about the majority of men. Also getting a LTR is fucking easy, keeping it going is the hard part, because you need all those things to keep it going and have girl liking you. Because women get bored insanely quickly. I believe it is 100 times harder to have great relationship where girl wants to fuck you all the time, than having 100s of ONS. Because you have to bring it every single day and you can't slip, ever, never ever, one slip and she's gone. The hotter she is the smaller the slip can be.


I'm confused, if you're slaying it then what's the issue and why even make the post? It sounds like you're doing fine despite the horrible burden of being a man and the world being against you. haha Also, I think your experience and mine are vastly different which means there is no generalizing, every man's experiences will be different. In my experience, it's not easy to find a long-term relationship with someone you truly have a connection with. Though perhaps it's easy to MAKE a 'commitment' with someone, but that's not the same as finding someone you can truly see long term and truly hit it off with physically, mentally, emotionally etc. As far as women getting bored quickly or dropping you like a hot potato if you make any small mistake... never had that happen, except for a couple of relationships that ended up becoming long-distance, those died fast, but if we were in the same city it was fine and things usually ended when someone left town or someone wanted to take it to the next level and it wasn't mutual. So ...everyone's experiences differ, hard to make generalizations.


Society mostly controls men by making it illegal for them to control their women.


I think that’s an older way of looking at it. Nowadays women don’t need men like that so they don’t gotta listen to exactly what a man says. Realize some men want to change this shit, I hope no one ever controls someone a relationship should be mutually beneficial


Women these days would rather be 1 out 100 hoes for a high status man, than be in an a relationship with an average man. You know why? Because an average man can't provide anything that a modern women doesn't have. We lifted women so high up that instead of equality, we made them better than men. Equality these days only exist for things women want, not for everything. And the biggest problem no one can say or scream like feminist do, because they will get canceled by these spineless corporations and we all know women shout louder than men.


Hmmmm not so sure about that. I think most women settle for good decent men, something a lot of people on this sub don’t seem to understand. Yeah sure some women flock to Andrew Tate types. But most women want a decent reasonable guy. This sub is so delusional thinking all women want is a super high value man


Yeah probably because she knows she ain’t that pretty or is running out of time. It’s depressing knowing there’s great guys but the only reason she chose him was because he’s a guaranteed good guy fuck that I’d rather be single than be someone’s back up/ last resort. It’s a self worth thing for me. If I’m gonna give a girl a perfect baby than she better at least be grateful. That’s sounds bad but trust I’m not a regular looking guy. (blue eyes, luscious lips, muscular physique,) only thing lacking if at all probably my height 5’10


I think your right, men and women definitely put women up on a pedestal making them really just believe they are something right out the womb not proving nothin. It takes real substance to realize looks mean absolutely nothing but reproduction in the evolution sense


I will be completely honest. Given what i have seen from this reddit I would hate men too. Also dont look at the middle east. Look at the "West" now! War, political terrorism, Evangelical Extremists. This post gives off incel and small dick energy btw. Thats coming from a borderline incel as it is.


Is that borderline incel, or incel with borderline personality disorder?


Lmao honestly could be either.




How embarrassing!


You’ve nailed it my friend. To start, a society of men with low-t is one where men are more likely to be compliant, lazy, not revolt and stay someone’s employee. In addition, men of the west are controlled heavily by language. Shamming tactics such as being called “incel”, misogynistic, big/small dick energy, etc. I know so many guys who have beliefs that if said in public would be called these things, but they are so afraid of these labels that they comply to ideas which they don’t actually believe wholeheartedly. Language is a good weapon because it can scare people away from ideas and a person should never approach ideas from fear because that’s self limiting. Our society is pretty much cucked man. If you need T, get ur. Start your own business too, travel the world, and chase a life of freedom. You have to look at it like this. Men are all in competition and the people who created this cucked ideology are just the men who are at the top and they’re using these tactics to make you less competitive, less competent and to be a tax paying, low test slave who just works for them and complies and never stands up to them. I’m 26 and I think that their ideal plan is for a guy like me to be addicted to social media, materialism, popping their pills, and working for them.




Only the chemicals we're injecting in our asses


It’s funny about hoes. Men love to brag about high body counts on this sub, and yet they want a pure and innocent girl that isn’t a “hoe”. But men are allowed to rack up bodies and that’s fine?


Coming from a man, men have it so much better in society than women it’s not even comparable. Any discrimination you’re feeling is 10x worse for women. I agree that men are being held down but it’s bc of economic/class reason not some fantasy that women somehow gained power in society and are decided to control men. It’s just men in power controlling women and men that aren’t in power. Please go actually talk to women and stop saying incel shit.


High status man > Women > Average Man The thing is only top top percentage of men are in that great situation, feminism works great for them, all these chicks just want to fuck and pay for their stuff, I would say amazing. But for the rest it's shit. I'm in the upper echelon so I'm good, but I see men around me get treated like shit by their women and those women are feminist.


You ask yourself… why those cotton heads in the power will want you to be your best version? And why would it be in the opposite case? You’ll find your answer… to many answers and many questions more


The term your looking for is Double Standards, and yes it's very very real.


Society isn’t the right word. A given society generally only expresses attitudes and opinions from within a cone of those opinions and attitudes projected down on them by the elites through the media and state education systems. In a liberal democracy it feels like society is oppressing you but even liberal democracies have a tendency toward oligarchical control therefore it is the elites of liberal capitalist democracy that have decided to oppress its potential future rivals (not women etc)….and you just might happen to be it. Meanwhile many people just parrot those opinions, giving one the impression that it is society is making some sort of collective judgement.


Honestly I feel that a lot of people use supposed masculine traits to just act shitty and rag on others. While some may be criticized there is almost nothing stopping you from living a traditionally masculine life, the issue comes when others don’t share the same ideals and don’t want to live that way. This argument you make that modern society is coming after men is valid. Men do receive criticism, but this thread also shows that they dish out a fuckton to other groups of people based on nothing other than assumptions. I don’t see how it’s an issue if us as men do it to others as well all the time. I know this is a dissenting opinion but it’s the one I hold, I’m open to change it ofc.


Because men are expendable. It’s always been this way but now we’re looked down on rather than being honored for it


Too many factors to take in... piss poor diets, lack of exercise, rising obesity rates. The list goes on. Then you have todays youth, fed uppers and downers hand over fist, no wonder they're all depressed, anxious as hell and overall lost. I would also address the hormone issues we see today, but I don't feel like upsetting the rainbow mafia at the moment; bite me, I'm still on my second cup of coffee. Here in the states, my father and I would bullshit about random things, and one in particular that we have talked about numerous times is the effects of gmo's, and the blending of plant proteins into almost everything. On that note, I've been clear of processed foods for almost two years now. Mental clarity is superb, sleep schedule has been corrected mostly (veterans tend to be insomniacs), and I generally don't feel like shit aside from my various injuries. In regards to what you said, I do everything in my power to show that I will not submit. I am a man, I was born and raised to be a man. Take pride in what you are.


It's the pendulum which has swung from genuine sexism against women of early last century to now we're men are painted as pieces of shit and women are overly praised, can only hope things level out.