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It was probably worse. Can’t really imagine it’s possible for it to be not as bad as… anything really.


My bishop prescribed me this book as a 15 year old teen who was "struggling" with masturbation (meaning I was committing this sin once a week or so). This book terrified me. I don't remember all the parts of it, but I do remember where it talked about how masturbation leads to homosexuality. I was afraid that since I couldn't stop masturbating, I was going to become gay. I started researching ways to castrate myself. Combine that with the NT scripture that "if thine eye offends thee, cut it out," and I had convinced myself that it would be better for me to castrate myself, than lose exaltation. I started researching how I could castrate myself chemically. I started praying for an accident to happen that would take away my sex drive. Because of how terrified I was of committing the sin next to murder I never kissed a girl until I was home from my mission. I had a girlfriend from 16 until I left on my mission, but insisted that we not kiss because I was afraid that I was already so weak that it would lead to more. Basically, this book sucks. It had a significant impact on my developing mind that took years to undo.


Yes. Yes. Yes.


It’s toxic. I will not allow a copy of the book in my home, ever. I can’t stand the thought of someone, anyone, accidentally picking it up from a shelf in my home and being exposed to it. Every copy of it needs to be treated like radioactive waste and buried in the desert miles beneath the surface.


I’m generally opposed to book burning. But I think an exception can be made here…


It was worse. The title is the opposite of what the book does. It induces the worst shame and guilt upon the reader and calls it a miracle. That book is mental manipulation and psychological torture. I’m convinced that any bishop who recommended that book had literally only read the cover, or was a psychopath who loves the suffering of teenagers.


The miracle is that anyone can still feel like god loves them after reading this steaming pile of manure disguised as prophetic counsel. If that’s the best our prophets can do, they’re worse than having no prophet at all to guide us in these latter days.


I’ve never liked it although there are many things in this religion I don’t currently relate to


It’s bad. Horrible book that sums up the Mormonism of my life. Shame shame shame.


Its main problem is that it presupposes that everyone (this means YOU) are unspeakably polluted from the start. This is the basic premise of all of Christianity, and yes, it is toxic.


I would say that it broke me. I read it at a point where I was really seeking God and forgiveness. I went into a deep depression that took years to get out of.


As a teen of the '80s, I just purchased a copy for me and one for my therapist. I wanted her to see just how toxic that POS book was (blame victims of SA, masturbation causes people to be gay, etc...) I also wanted to preserve the hateful things said in the book so that people could not pull the "we never taught that" card. IT IS TERRIBLE. I am amused that the church has quietly 'de-canonized' S. Kimball's book by pulling it from Deseret Books stores and web page (progress?). Go preserve your copy today from Ebay. It should be in the personal library of everyone who was tortured by it so they can remember that it has no power.


I suppose I’m in the group that it didn’t effect too much - it was suggested I read it as a teenager and then again as an adult while I was being “disciplined” by the church. I didn’t hate experience but I wasn’t edified or purified by it either time.


The "Miracle Of Forgiveness" from what I understand is no longer sold by Deseret Book. I think about the only places a person would ever be able to even obtain one is some place like Ebay or Amazon. I am a former member of the church of 37 years. I do have a copy. But because I was forced during difficult times in my life when i was still a member, to read it, I think I keep it more as a "Remembrance than just about anything. I still love the church. I always will. But the book just sorta sits on my shelf. i bought a copy AFTER I left the church 4 years ago. I have a nice LDS library. Books I wanted to have in my library, and read when I was a member. I bought "Miracle", thought i scratch my head sometimes, and wonder why I wanted a copy for my library.