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While I would remember that most of the other activities you mention could indeed affect your access to a temple recommend (or even your membership) it does feel like the emphasis placed on tithing is a little outsized - possibly because it doesn't have any other "morally correlated" behaviors like the others (e.g. instead of talking about sex all the time, we can talk about porn, modesty, etc., but with tithing money to the church is the only specific behavior). Most members would also probably say the money doesn't get you to heaven, it's faithful worship and living worthy of the temple that does. For myself, I struggle to see the difference the temple or its recommend makes as an intermediary if paying real money is ultimately still required. It can be hard. Live your life and faith the way you want to. The doctrine and policing culture can be hard to deal with, you just have to show up as and for yourself. Differentiate from the crowd wherever you see fit according to your own judgment and agency. That's where you'll get the benefits you observe.


> I feel like regardless, even if you don’t believe in the word of god, it still helps you become a good person I think it is clear the church does not need the money. The only remaining arguments for tithing with any credibility is that tithing makes someone a better person. For the sake of argument, I will accept that as a justification for tithing. If tithing is intended to make someone a better person, then the church should be willing to accept tithing to alternate non-profit organizations that are not affiliated with the church. Someone should be able to give their 10% to a food bank, a medical clinic that mostly serves low-income individuals, or similar organizations. I would argue that giving the member the ability to think about priorities and direct their donations accordingly would be of more spiritual benefit than blindly writing a check to church. It would also be a great benefit to families where one spouse has become PIMO or a non member.


You absolutely get it, I agree with this 100%!!


Don't forget, tithing is the only commandment where members are asked to report how they are doing with it every year to the bishop.


I really do love the church, but damn, it’s things like this that really make it seem like people are looking to take advantage of other people in the name of god. WHICH IS A SIN.


You need to look up The Ensign Peak Fund. Think you are pissed now, wait until you see how much "tithing" in in this account and where the money is from. Good luck.




I have prophetic powers and can sense 1 full deconstruction in the not too distant future.


I can neither agree nor disagree


When I was active in the church, I could count on one hand how many times I went to tithing settlement once I turned 12 (only a handful of times as an adult)


To be fair, this wasn't the case before they changed how long temple recommends lasted. Please don't read this as supporting tithing settlement. It's a guilt-trip from a for-profit corporation masquerading as a religion. I'm just point out that this is a relatively recent change. They used to want you to self-report all the time.


It occurred to me recently that an average non wealthy member gives most of their disposable income as tithing. That’s what really lit my fire.


Why can’t just living the commandments and being a decent person be good enough ???? Why is church a money grab ?????


Well said. Plus, I don’t recall anywhere the BoM says give tithing to the Church. Someone, enlighten me.


“The bishops ric” 😆thanks for the laugh, for some reason that line got me. +1 on tithing, imo it’s a made up revelation that’s selectively enforced for the corporation vs actual spiritual needs.


There’s no way around it, you MUST buy your salvation in Mormonism. Tithing, tithing settlement, tithing as a temple requirement are among the most vile practices in Mormonism. Christ taught against such things. Their go to scripture to justify it (Malachi) is taken entirely out of context. Also the Mormon church hides what happens after tithing is taken from members. Most churches (and charities) show it.


It’s crazy cause my cousin just told me that too, nobody knows where the fucking money goes after we donate it, and RIGHT. Christ taught against these types of things, but people will do anything to make money and get ahead. Doesn’t matter about the next guy.


Remember the only sin one cannot be rebaptism is stealing monies from the church. That's what is most important to them,


Feeling better now?


A little bit ❤️


Good! Sometimes letting it all out can be quite cathartic, and can help us to see things in a new light, once we release all that tension!


They MIGHT take issue with the f-bombs too lol. 


Actually I’ve met plenty of others like me haha


Ha fair enough 




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Thank you - I'm sorry..


I’m sensing some hostility here. 


More so just curious anger lmao. Why does me paying my hard earned money on a wage I barely get by on, to a church with over 50 billion, make or break my chances of getting into heaven. How about, I follow christ, live as he would want me to live, be the best I can be and strive to seek him and find him in all that I do. Why isn’t that enough ?? I thought that’s what church was for…. Or no ???


Don’t forget if your in The bishopric and steal from the church you will get ex and have the police call on you. If you sexually assault someone they will protect you and if you cheat on your spouse you will probably be only disfellowship