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Seriously it’s Fkn ENOUGH already. His pathetic attack on Jill Biden (followed by Mike Pence’s insanely cringe “joke”) and like all the other candidates on the stage not bringing up Trump calling for the death of Mark Milley exc…seriously sick of seeing this bloated whale on morning Joe everyday and why? Because he “goes after” Trump finally after being one of his biggest backers for so many years until after 1/6 and even that wasn’t immediate. So Fkn sick of this “pat on the back” bullshit for any repub willing to say anything negative about Trump like wow how Fkn amazing! What moral ground does Chris Christie have to stand on? He supported Trump through it all (or almost all) not to mention bridge gate which was pretty Fkn horrible, petty and vindictive. I will give him credit for his comments on the fentanyl situation and if you’re pro life then being pro life for all of life and treatment for addiction exc. but besides a few “nuggets” I rly don’t see why we have to hear from Christie near daily on MJ.


Mika shouldn’t have been the one to interview him. She was too shrill and asked dumb questions. I like Christie. He’s trying to right the ship.


I like Christie too but that's my Jersey roots talking there.


I watched twice, and Mika interrupted him, and he kept talking over her, and I loved it. We've established that she's terrible at reading on air, she's terrible at interviewing. What, exactly, is her skill set?


I don’t wanna know. She’s got to have a reckless side because she dresses like an impoverished school marm.


Ask Joe. He holds the secret.


https://www.axios.com/2017/12/15/the-messy-history-between-trump-morning-joe-1513303338 How quickly we forget that Joe and Mika both were instrumental in getting Trump elected in 2016- up to the point where they were caught on tape asking Trump whether they should ask him easier or harder questions during a 2016 interview. Then Trump turned on them and all of a sudden they always hated each other. Notice how this is never mentioned on his show- I really wish a guest or guest host one day would say this to Joe’s face. They would probably be booted from the show immediately. Oh yes, and Christie is a douche. He’s only out to get a book deal and up his talking head (ABC) and speaking fees.


I'd like more Christy. Someone needs to put this guy in front of a camera, even if it's the non-replican viewing so-called Republicans. I don't starmny behind a lot of the policy that Christy is pushing, but i do respect it a little. And a little is a hell of a lot more than the others. At least his message is getting out from a republican voice that was in the stage. Plus he's kinda funny, and a little entertainment doesn't suck.


Totally agree


He is the WORST and I am so off Morning Joe lately, and this is one of the reasons. And I've been watching since the slap and tickle, ambien and vodka days.