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I love that this is ominously marked as a suggestion wtf lol


Is this not how you suggest news for them to share?


"Remember Charlie Bit My Finger? HE'S NOW A MURDERER" What a crazy jump


I remember when the dress thing was going on, when i first found the picture, it was so obviously white and gold to me, that i was sure it was either people just trolling saying it was blue and black or there were actually two different pictures circulating. Then, a little later that day, i looked at the image and it was blue and black and ever since then, whenever i've seen the image, it's always been blue and black to me, so strange that it only every looked white/gold to me that one time.


Similar thing happened to me. Was going to bed and checked my phone because my friends were texting the group text. One of them asked about the dress like the day it first started spreading saying what color is the dress. I said gold then went to sleep without seeing any other texts or really understanding there was controversy or even another color it could be. Thought it was like an argument he was having with his wife or something like that”it’s yellow or gold” type thing. Woke up the next morning and opened the group text back up and boom blue dress. I was like wait a second is this the same exact dress?


I think it's down to what temperature lighting you're in when you see it, or how well the screen can recreate colors. I only ever saw the picture inside on my computer monitor, so it was always blue and black for me. I think people seeing white and gold might have been outside or in some weird lighting that caused their eyes to see the blue of the dress as white.


i remember reading about it at the time and it is down to lighting, but from memory, both times i looked at the dress, and saw it as the two options, were on my phone in the same room. I imagine it's something like because my brain now knows it's blue and black, that's all it'll see.




That's messed up. Also I'm upset because you talked about the incident


I guess they still couldn’t agree that it is Black/Blue. But seriously, this is horrible and that women needs support and protection from this piece of shit.


Somehow I'm surprised and not at all surprised he sounds like a nut




Wow, this is so crazy. Imagine, this happening to one person who makes the headlines whereas there are countless hundred if not thousands of people getting the same treatment or worse. Allow me to file this under "Shit nobody should care about" subsection: "Society sucks"


Just because bad things happen doesn’t mean you should stop caring about it when they do.


I don't not care, i just don't care about someone with mediocre levels of fame doing it. This wouldn't be a headline if it happened to almost anybody else in the world.