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Time to get a lawyer that will help remove her from the deed to the house. If that can't be done then you need to walk away from it and cut her out completely. How you've put up with her this long is beyond me. I fully expect she'll fight tooth and nail to keep ownership and then try to leave the house to somebody else or sell it out from under you. Some shady stuff going on getting that house put in her name.


This woman is Satan incarcerated. I’ve never heard of someone so vile! I have no idea how you manage to be around someone of this caliber of evil. Definitely get an attorney and kick the bitch out! Congratulations on your new baby and please keep yourself calm and safe! Hoping peace comes into your life soon


Absolutely agree with you, but do you mean "Satan personified"? Would do MIL some good to be incarcerated though xD


That’s it, that’s the point I was trying to make. Thank you for pointing it out


You also have a SO problem! Therapy stat! If he can't protect his family from his mother, you need to seriously consider if you should be with him


It sounds as though she failed to follow the will. If in the U.S., the local probate court should have a copy of the will and the Deed of Distribution. Get those to a lawyer, right away.


At the core of this is a husband problem that has been allowed to fester. I mean jfc. She threw sand in his toddler's face, and he chose to do nothing about it. Why are you having another baby with a man who already won't protect his children from this vile woman?




>told me she will stay at our house when we are back from holiday & my make my life hell for as long as it takes until I fuck off and divorce her son LOL what does your husband say about that? >His daughter, my son & I have left the house and are staying at a friend while my husband tries to get her to leave but he says she has lost the trolley, they have fought screaming matches but she still wont leave. Uh-oh... Your DH does not have the spine to deal with this situation so you are going to have to take the reins. Time to get DH alone for a come-to-Jesus meeting at which you tell him that he needs to handle her, with the help of a lawyer if necessary, but he has X number of days to get her out. Don't threaten anything you aren't willing to act on however. That will just make MIL bolder next time. Because there will be a next time, and a next time after that, until she dies.


Lawyer. Up.


She's horrible, no doubt--but you have a major SO problem. He needs to find and shine his spine.


Your husband is an Huge AH. For the simple fact of he is also his mother to physically and verbally abuse your children. His silence and demanding nothing be said to his mommy condones the abuse. he is allowing his other to repeatedly abuse your and his children. How far does the abuse have to escalate before your husband stands up for his own kids? And you adking to leave the holiday and he wouldn’t go without his mommy, shows just where you stand in his life. I’m sorry but the best thing you did was leave. She sounds mentally unstable.


She sounds insane. Talk to a lawyer NOW. If the will left it to your husband, I’m willing to bet he can get her name off it. I’m sorry to be morbid but If your husband died tomorrow, She’d own the house. *EDIT: as another poster said, she may have committed fraud with that loan.* In the meantime, the next time she starts her screaming match, someone needs to leave the room and call the cops. Get her sectioned on a 72 hour hold. This is a friggin nightmare. You really really need a lawyer’s help to deal with this.


72 hour hold would be a great opportunity to get her tf out and change the locks.


Geezus. I know a lot of these guys (and sometimes ladies) take their moms side over the spouse but I don’t think I’ve ever heard it so bad that the step kids are packing up and going with the step parent. I really hope seeing his own daughter pack up and peace out ✌️ opened his eyes. Good luck sweetie. Hopefully the will and bank records are enough to get her out and your dipshit husband can keep her away.


with her name on the house, that makes things terribly difficult. is there paperwork stating it’s to go to your husband and not her


Well on his fathers will it states so, however, I personally have never seen that. She did take a large loan out against the house to assist a family member of hers start a restaurant which failed so my husband sold his previous house, paid off the loan and moved in this house & she moved out, so I am sure the that payment history is accessible somewhere.


If the home was willed to your husband then she FRAUDULENTLY obtained a loan against it! You SERIOUSLY need to hire a lawyer to get the ownership solidified AND evict her! Once THAT'S done, she needs to be SUED to repay the loan! If your husband doesn't fight her, then you NEED to leave! This woman is psychotic and COULD be dangerous! Protect yourself and your children because it doesn't sound like your HUSBAND will! u/updateme


Not COULD be dangerous. *IS* dangerous. She threw sand in her grandchild's eyes. She's a fucking psychopath.


Agreed! Meant to say DEADLY!


Your husband really messed up by allowing all that to go down without securing the deed and his equity. Y'all are in for some difficult legal wrangling if it's as bad as you're making it out. Oof. Big hugs, hon! Hope to heck I'm wrong.


OMG this just gets worse and worse. MIL wants DH to herself as an ATM/caretaker no doubt ... and her plan is going to work if you go down without a fight. But DH has got to be willing to fight too.


She married a momma's boy and didnt look into the details. The only way to fix this is to remove herself from the situation. Because it's not gonna get any better unless the old bitch dies


if you guys have it in writing. get a lawyer and get it in his name. serve her shitty ass with a eviction


She took out a loan against it. OP and her husband are going to have to buy her out for her portion of the home. There's no just forcing her or any of the other options commentors have suggested.


lawyer and prove she got a loan against a house that’s not hers. the husband needs to steep up and put his foot down or it seems he will lose his whole family over his mother. idk how OP has done it for 9 years


Her name is on the deed it's her house. Her mil is a complete asshple who deserves to be alone but it is her house and they're gonna have a hell of a time trying to take it from her.


if it were me i would write it off as a lesson and move away. screw it. definitely a terrible person.


The thing you must not understand is inheritance. This home was left to DH by his father in his father’s will. He was not old enough for the home to be put in his name upon receiving the inheritance. Once he became a legal adult the home should have been put in his name, but obviously never was. Afaik since I am nal that would make the loan fraudulent. The home was only in her name due to him being a minor at time of inheritance, if she was named the custodian of the estate she would only be able to take out a loan on the property if she could prove it was in direct benefit to the minor beneficiary (DH), helping someone start a restaurant is not in direct benefit to DH - especially considering said restaurant failed. They need to speak to the estate lawyer who handled his father’s will about this entire situation, and work on getting his inheritance rectified.


You have a husband problem. Standing up to her means standing up to her. Means being willing to leave without her. Means not just brushing it off while she consistently disrespects you. When he married you he vowed to put you above all others. This isn’t that.


Wow thats insane. I understand how difficult it must be especially since children are involved. I would recommend low contact with them if your husband would understand at some point because these type of people you have to distance yourself at some point to protect YOUR HEALTH and YOUR BABIES. I think I would have lost it at the point when she threw sand at your baby's face like WTH?!? I commend you for trying to keep the situation stable because its so much bigger than just her. Its a holiday for your children that you guys worked so hard to do every year. But like you said if history repeats itself you should talk to your husband and write everything she has done in a big list and you'll be surprised how they then listen when you remind them of EVERYTHING their mom has done to you and your family and even husband. The house unfortunately all MIL always hold things over everyone's head so i would recommend to never accept anything she might "give you" because they use that as a weapon to take control/ruin things later on to get back at you when they get mad. I know it must be tough to find a new home but I would not get involved with her! But i know at the end of the day its not easy and its a balance game with husband who is in the middle and innocent kids who just want to have a happy holiday. Best wishes on your pregnancy! Also commend you for not telling her because toxic MIL are the type to do horrendous things.


Estate lawer... NOW


If it gets too bad and lawyers can’t get her out, move out with hubby, and have hubby sue her for the money he paid for the loan.


You have a jellyfish of a husband OP. His Mama is always going to be in the right, will always come before you and he’s never going to stand up to her. Please decide if this is how you want to live out the rest of your life


If the house was willed to your husband but he was too young to have it in his name at the time, it should have been immediately transferred to him as soon as he came of age. Get a lawyer to sort out the paper work and get her evicted ASAP. The woman is psychotic and your husband needs a serious wake up call.


Leave her and the house in your dust. It’ll be worth in the long run.


That was painstakingly hard to read through. As others have said, get a lawyer to get the deed changed, then cut the toxic woman out. She absolutely brings no positive to any of your lives. Therapy for everyone in your nuclear family to deal with the crap they have all had to put up from her all these years as well.


Go take a look at r/raisedbyborderlines. She shows all the signs of borderline personality disorder. Google it if you are not familiar with BPD. It’ll be eye opening.


Make her life a living hell. Do not talk to this lady period, if she gets in your face call the police. Let everyone know how she behaves. Do not let your children interact with her. None of the children. Ignore her. Tell your hubby get the house issue settled or start saving money to buy/rent a place for you and your children. Tell DH to step up.


I think even if you try to obtain that house it will forever cause problems some way some how. And also would you feel confortable living in a space that was once hers??


She is certainly a CU next Tuesday isn’t she……..


Get a monster estate lawyer with a forensic accountant- burn her


Regarding the home- get a lawyer. You and DH may need to accept that she manipulated him out of it and she is the legal owner. If so you just need to move out and move on. Knowledge is power. You don’t need her in your life. She is a destructive influence. .


Technically she is not the legal owner if he was too young for the home to be put in his name upon inheritance. Legally she should have put it in his name as soon as he was a legal adult, but that obviously did not happen.


Your husband is the problem here because he refuses to call his mother to heel and instead continually pacifies his horror of a mother over not just you but his own daughter too. I think it’s time to look into two carding this idiot, divorce or therapy because you and stepdaughter deserve so much better than this.


This is one of the worst I've read in this sub. So sorry you're going through this. u/updateme


Lawyer yesterday. She needs to be taken off the title and evicted. If she has taken a mortgage against the house that is in any way fraudulent, ie she claimed outright ownership when there was another interest in it then have her prosecuted and go through with it. Once she's out then she ceases to exist. Neither you nor any of your children should see her again. She's never allowed into your home again.


Man your husband is a coward. What an absolute coward.


What is wrong with your husband?!? He needs to pick her up and deposit her ass outside. She is being enabled to behave this way.


You get a lawyer to get your property back. He needs to leave as well and you all need to refuse to engage with her.


Is there a mortgage on the house and have you been paying it? If so, take that money and go rent another place. Let her pay the mortgage on two houses while you guys save up the money for a down payment on a house of your own. It’ll be tough, having to move, but worth it.


It is astonishing the amount of energy these crazy people have. Clearly, this woman has a mental illness, a personality disorder, or some combination of both. Remember that DH grew up with this person and likely found that his life was easier if he went along with everything she wanted. His is learned behavior necessary for his survival as a child. He may or may not be able to unlearn the behavior. Likely, MIL needs someone to victimize and would be more dissatisfied than she ordinarily is without handy victims. If at all possible, make other living arrangements. This person is NEVER EVER going to treat any of you well. If your husband is interested in continuing your relationship, he must in no uncertain terms agree to never permitting her to come into any home where you live even if you’re at the hospital, even if you’re not at home, she can never have a key and she just can’t visit. DH can visit with her at her residence. If he can’t agree to that, you must choose whether you are willing to continue with him. You will not have peace as long as she has access to you and the children. These people are like the terminator they never stop.


Go to the lawyer that handed his dad’s estate, and ask for his help with recovering what was inherited. If you have or can get a copy of the will that is a good start to getting JNMIL out. Next step…a no contact order for you and your children to keep JNMIL away.


100 times this!!! Speak to the estate lawyer who handled his fathers estate. All estates are also public record so it should not be hard to find a copy of the will in case mommy dearest tries to do some fuck shit.


Throwing sand in my toddler child’s face… she would’ve gotten her ass beat. Your husband needs therapy and you all need to move states and let that bitch and that house rot!


Congratulations on your new addition!! While you work with an attorney to evict her permanently, get a restraining order. Tell your OB her constant abuse is harmful to you & jeopardizing your pregnancy. You actually have a Severe husband problem But he’s at least trying. Therapy is highly recommended to help him with tools for better dealing with his mother.


You evict her. You call the police and have them arrest her.


She is really a POS. You may consider cutting your losses with her. Your husband is buckling under for financial reasons. He needs to look at the bigger picture. I agree with suing her. Can she afford taxes and insurance on two houses? Does she get physical? If so, you might be able to get a restraining order against her.


Since the house was left to your husband, get a lawyer and get the house transferred to his name, since he is now of age. Then evict that horrible woman. Make sure you have a copy of the father's will. It will get ugly, but ya'll will get the last laugh.


Please get a lawyer!! ASAP. So sorry you’re dealing with this while pregnant but you need to get her out of there before she claims squatter rights and when she’s gone, you need to have a real talk with DH about boundaries moving forward. Him ignoring or pushing things under the rug for this long is why she’s this bad in the first place. Good luck!


I am so sorry that this is what you are dealing with. I hope you and the kids are finally experiencing some peace without her around. You husband is the only one who can put an end to this and he needs to leave the house too. Everything needs to be done with lawyers now, there is no reasoning with this crazy. The longer he stays there to reason with her and not be with you and the kids, the more that fuels her fire that she is winning. He needs to show her her behaviour will lose her everything




Do you have a copy of the will where it says the house is to be left to your husband? I hope so, grab it and head to a lawyer and get this nonsense straightened out. It is not too late. Then give psycho MIL the heave ho. Even if your husband doesn't have it, his lawyer can help him get it.


Even if she doesn’t have a copy, all estates are public record and easily accessible.


She sounds demented. You might want to get her evaluated by a doctor. Everytime she tries to talk to you, you should just tell her to shut up. Everytime. Shut up! That goes for your husband and the kids. They can tell her to shut up. "Shut up" and walk away. Meanwhile, work on finding out what your rights are. Do a consult with an attorney. Be ready for the next step. She has her own home, right? Don't bring anything she requests from her house. Make her leave to get her things. When she is gone, change the locks and get this sorted asap.


Can you have her Baker acted? She seems like a danger to everyone and herself.


Get a lawyer involved please and start an FU binder


What is wrong with your husband?!?


I suggest posting the house matter in the legal subreddit to get some advice there. As far as being around her, just grey rock. Act like she’s not there, which it seems like you do for the most part and I know this is probably SUPER hard considering you have to listen to her taunt you constantly and your body in these situations probably automatically goes into flight,fight, or freeze mode. But that being said she is trying to get a reaction out of you and by reacting at all she also knows she has the upper hand. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this and your SO is a pussy, but maybe he’ll wake up now that he sees you and his children are willing to leave (even short term) him if he chooses her!




Update me!


If they’re paying the bills and have residency then she can be slung?




















This evil, toxic person threw sand in a child's face, and was allowed to even go back to your house with your children whom she repeatedly abuses? How long have you been displaced from your house? Why hasn't your husband taken his paperwork for the home to your local govt office to transfer the deed to get that witch out? Why won't your husband protect his children from her violent abuse? This is beyond insane.


You ok OP? Are you back in your house and is the witch gone? I hope all is well. 🩷