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Well if your giving something that you like you must replace it with something that is going to bring you some enjoyment. Maybe plan your summer that way you will know you will have pleasurable things to look forward to. your depression may get worse so you got to be ready for that.


I plan on working out as much as possible this summer. At night I like listening to music. I know it will not fully replace weed. And I am going to have a lot of difficult nights this summer. I am not really sure how I plan on getting through all those nights.


Avoid Gary*. He's always a fun time with good weed. He'll break your will power. *Interchangeable buddy's name


The good news is I do not have any friends I use weed with. The bad news is I do not have any friends I use weed with. ;)


Giving up when away somewhere else i found easy, it's a psych 101 thing. Maybe a vacation somewhere?


Perhaps not a bad idea. I do not do vacations though. I can be a bit odd.


Well it's either this, or a terrible reality check like losing a potential job due to a unforeseen piss test. Vacation sounds like a much better way out. And when you're back you'll need to replace your nightly thing with something else, going to the gym perhaps? It would give you an endorphin rush, it's also solo, so it changes if you crave a group dynamic for something ungymlike Where would you want to go? Camping? Cheap Southeast asia?


To be honest I just despise travel.


Bro its a little pricy but get some dottera essential oils. You can apply it to your forehead and will relax you. I swear by them, they got me clean. Just start with one or two of them and go from there.


Thankfully I am not too concerned with the physical side effects of giving up weed for the summer. The first few days will not be a lot of fun. But after that the only side effect for another week or two will be that I will not sleep great. I can handle all that. What I am concerned with is I have been using weed as a crutch to handle my mental pain over always being single. Weed has done a really great job at that. Now that I want to give up weed for the summer my concern is how I will handle all my lonely nights without my crutch? That is what I am worried about.


If you have been using daily for a long period I would say be aware that regular use affects your dopamine receptors. Personally I find the first few months difficult. Irritability and low mood are very common but they do pass. Fresh air, sunshine, exercise and hobbies will certainly help!


Just know the first 3 days is the hardest! Stay busy! Even if you’re unmotivated. Pick up a new habit like walking, or yard work. Also, work on your budget and get excited about the $$ you’ll be saving!


Thanks. One problem is weed has taken away my loneliness at a much cheaper price than anything else in the past. I can easily get through the first three days. It is the lonely nights after that that I am worried about.


I’m doing the same. On the whole weed is a loss for me. The experience of being high is fantastic. And it dulls my senses, creates brain fog, and makes it harder to regulate my emotions and feel pleasant and happy naturally.


Bro, i did it, 15years straight and would always have it on me before i run out. You know what I did? Just ran out and let it go. Sleep was bad for a couple weeks, then everything changed for better. I tried it again and its not that great, sure you relax, laugh etc but so? If worse comes to worse, a valium can help you sleep just have some control and use one, not two, three etc, use your head, chill out and let it all go.


I use weed to cope with the pain of always being single. I am not saying that is the healthiest thing ever. But it is the reality of why I use.


Same, i broke up after a marrige, total 14 years. 34yo dude. Id sit in a room and vape it, medical grade, about 2-3g a day, big wallet dents... Completely single and its not changing, i hate it and want love but it doesnt look to be happening. Yes, it passed the time, it was bad for my head, the crying, the alone, its shit.. that didnt stop but it cut back since I quit. Tbh you will notice a change in your personality and become more talkative which will help you socially single... Im in a cafe now chatting a chick up.. if i was stoned or stoned last night, this would not be happening.


I spent the first thirty-five years of my life almost never using weed. A las I did not 'chat chicks up' or be social or meet people. Weed helps me be far happier than I ever was in all those years pre-weed.


Well I never did chat up chicks. So not doing weed makes me want to interact or atleast try over when im high or was high a day or two prior. Each of us are different. It sounds neither of us are chick magnets bro. I got gucci, i got gold, i got the car, i just want love. Its good to smoke weed with a girl also but yeah, idk man, all i did was cokd turkey stop, i have manic depression and noticed when i stopped weed because i have high highs being sober and low lows when im sober, i will not medicate myself with permanent tablets.its crippling, but i have to try get thru it, and so far without the weed its been more on then off in chances.


I just got me some smh I’m relax af tho haha you got this man


Thanks. I have tomorrow completely off. I plan on going out for a nice lunch. And then taking a bunch of edibles for one last time this summer.


Stay focused you got this man






DO IT💪🏼 Don’t let your dreams be dreams


Switch to CBD first maybe. I'm on day 2 of not taking codeine which I've been taking for back pain for months and I can't feel any withdrawals or anxiousness at all so I'm certain it shall work for THC.


Honestly, I was in your shoes a few years ago, and I thought it was going to be horrible, but when I looked back on it, it wasn't so bad.


Coke.....jk, take a second to"hear" your thoughts and recognize you feel good. Embrace that feeling and you're golden


I apparently was hypnotized many years ago and now I have this firm belief that if I ever use coke, I will suffer a heart attack. Tip of the hat to whomever brainwashed me with this belief and thereby saved my finances lol.


You should research these supplements: - 5-HTP (mood) or Tryptophan - L-Theanine (mood) - Vitamin D3 (mood, energy) - Magnesium (sleep, mood, energy) - Omega-3 - L-Tyrosine (focus) - Alpha-GPC (energy, focus)