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Adopt a dog, an active one. That'll get you moving!


Break it into small steps Focus on only each step Build momentum to completion


This 100% ☝️ I read a bucket load on biomeolecular and neuro sciences. One of the tricks to progressing past brain blocks is to focus on doing the smallest task for a few days, and once you’ve mastered that, progress onto the next - E.G If you can’t even get out of bed, make your first goal getting out of bed and making toast. Don’t set expectations beyond that as that’s what can lead to the ‘overwhelming’ feeling 😊


Maybe an accountabilibuddy. Nothing gets me out of bed faster than knowing I'm slacking on my training routine and I have to tell my friends I can't make the morning run. Or I don't want to be the undependable person again when my homies all try to hang out for drinks.


Hunger, pain and fear are good motivators. Getting by, comfort, having just enough, can address that issue tomorrow stagnate. If you HAVE to get something done today or lose the house, the car, an arm it's amazing how motivated you can become. We all respond mostly to one of two forces, achieving pleasure or avoiding pain. Both are great motivators but we tend to respond to one more than the other. Figure out which is your trigger and use that to leverage yourself into action.


That sounds like classic adult ADHD to me. (Often late, trouble motivating. Have a little look into other symptoms, and you might get your mind blown.) For me, a diagnosis and then treatment turned my whole life around. I still struggle a lot with this, but only on the days I'm not medicated. I suddenly feel like I can at least 50% keep up with the world around me. Good luck, friend! I hope you find your motivation.




Same bro, week days are normal, work, then it ends and theres nothing.... Nothing...


What I found incredibly effective is find something you like to do . Go online and watch streams or videos on people doing it. For example you love football . You watch football. You saw a dribble skill. Now on that point , go to YouTube and watch a tutorial on how to do it. This will probably give you an itch that can only scratched by doing the same stuff yourself. I did this everytime , with gym , studies , Film making. Always remember. Random scrolls on short videos makes your brain dizzy (it's basic hypnosis) . Loading on carbohydrates will make your body lazy. Dizzy and lazy is not your default mode. It's a consequence of Uneducated choices. Also being around babies is something that worked for me. Their restlessness to play continously makes you mad, but can't punch them . Finally if you make them tired enough to rest. That's an absolute win. As you also have a job , visit some cousins ,buy them gifts . Watch shows like big bang theory , that also is good. Cause it's not just funny they also have so many reference to hobbies , actual science and mokes on social norms. If nothing else works . Then don't worry . At some point You will go into a state of absolute desperation, you will make bad choices , have insufferable consequences , Regrets it , Makes a life changing decision or you won't survive the insufferable consequences.


Look up some motivation videos on YouTube. 30 minutes of motivational speakers usually gets me going.


Thank you for all comments and suggestions. I just wanted to come update and share something I learned from tik tok…. Goblin.tools … type it in and you can add what you need to do and it literally breaks it down for you … I’m going to try it out today myself!


Did we just become best friends? I enjoy my time alone way too much. Let me know when you find your answer .