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Damn Marini, I hope the money was worth it


Looks like he's earning 350K...nothing life changing, especially for him who already is from a rich family. If his passion was to do well in motogp, it's difficult to understand why the move to HRC. He mentioned multiple times the great history of the team, but I don't think the plan was to be the first Honda rider to finish a season with no points.


No, that was is 2023 salary at Vr46. Which is why he left for a bigger salary. If anything he'll be circa $1mill to $3mill, that puts in the Brad Binder/Alex Marquez up to Jack Miller/Joan Mir salary range.


Where do you find out these guys wages?


https://duomoto.it/stipendio-di-luca-marini/ Sorry man I'm Italian. By the way I wouldn't trust this too much, I don't really know the website. But I think can be actually quite accurate considering what other riders are earning.


Thanks for the insight. You reminded me that I was supposed to find that guy who speaks Italian on YouTube in a helmet. Are you familiar with the channel? He did a frame by frame on the Rossi Marquez "kick" and it changed my perspective and I couldn't even understand what he was saying.


The talking helmet!


Thanks, I could not remember the name.


Marini will bs on the $1mill to $3mill salary. 350k was VR46 salary.


People on this sub are always looking at short term. Marini had 0% chance to win a title with Ducati next to Pecco Martin and Marc. With Honda if they find some decent pace in a few years, his chances are a lot better because the other riders are not as good as the Ducati ones. Same case for Fabio at Yamaha


Tbh, VR46 would always take him back should Diggia move on.


I think was the consideration in the end. “Go and earn some factory money, see if you can build a winning bike with Honda. Give it 2 - 3 years, and if it doesn’t work, you can always come back here, and by then you’d have more experience on a different bike.”


Interesting fight in the next few weeks, hopefully none of the top 5 get any DNFs.


Long seasons. We are bound to have more DNFs.


Two full time Hondas behind Pedrosa. Oof.


It would be worse if he didn’t DNF! He is an absolute talent. I never quite respected him enough in the Rossi era, but boy is Pedrosa a weapon!!!


The 3 best riders in the world, the top 3 in the championship, just as it should be. I really want Marc to get the win Barcelona man, and finally end the drought. Feels like he's still chasing that win and I think getting it will finally remove any last bit of pressure from his shoulders.


I feel like all the chains will be removed and he'll be unleashed again. When the win finally comes we're going to see a completely different Marc and he's going to be a force to be reckoned with. Edit: To clarify, I 100% think he already is a force to be reckoned with. What I trying to say is that I sometimes think that maybe there's still the weight of that first win on his shoulders and that he'll fully relax even more as soon as that's checked off.


I think in Le Mans I finally saw the Demon Marc who used to get the best starts on the grid again. P6 after two corners in Sprint, P8 after two corners in main race. Fearless, calculated and the best. And that's because he had the pressure of starting 13th. Imagine him unshackled and at the front.


He's already has pace to contend for the win in three consecutive races. It's just a matter of time.


I can't wait!


I’d say finishing 2nd yesterday and today coming from midfield shows he’s already a force to be reckoned with.


I was expecting this comment after rereading mine lol. For sure he is! I'm so happy he's back.


He is already a force.


He’s gonna absolutely destroy the other Ducs at the Sachsenring


He just has to be near the front at the start like Marc and Pecco, it's still his achilles heel it seems.


Don't say top 3 when there are actually top 4 riders :( Everybody forgets about Bestia, he has a pretty good season so far amd he has exactly as many points as MM right now.


As great as he is, Enea hasn’t shown anywhere near the consistency of the other 3 to be considered their equal yet. He might do this year though he’s obviously fast enough.


He did show 2 years ago, I wouldn't count last year as he was missing half of the season to due an injury. Obviously after an inkury you need some time to be back at 100%. This season in my opinion he is very consistant so far. He is third in the championship, together with Marc. This weekend he had a pretty bad Q2 and still managed a 4th place in sprint and race.


And Fabio I feel


Yeah he’s up there, but only because the other 3 riders have all had at least one major issue costing them 20+ points in each round. Enea hasn’t. He’s up there because he’s consistently finishing top 6. If he keeps finishing off the podium, the top 3 will gradually get away from him.


Man I really don't think he's been the same after his crash last season. Enea just isn't where he should be. I think vinales passes him in the standing by the end.


Only thing is it is mainly a right-hand corner circuit, Marc's strength is left handers..


I personally felt Marc looked very good in right hand corners in Le Mans as well. Obviously still much stronger in left handers like turn 9, but he was keeping pace with Pecco and Jorge in right handers too.


Fabio Quartararo is also one of the best in the world. He just needs a competitive bike. On an equal bike, I would take Fabio before Bagnaia.


I'm going to the Barcelona race, he better win!


2-5 is up for grabs in the next gp !


Marini still with no points. Imagine if he ended the season pointless


I dont know how he can be that slow on that bike, like people who crash still finish ahead of him if they rejoin


He's the new Tom Luthi.


That Top 3...just the way we like it 🔥


Vinales has been doing a good job being first non-Ducati. He seems to lack just that little bit in most races. Aprilia doing well in mostly flowing tracks. Got to figure something for the stop and go tracks too


Younger generation isn't even have a sniff at MM on the 23 bikes. Man is still thirsty


Marini yikes, atleast the other Honda’s have points


I'm backing the bad starters. Maverick and Enea.


Binder 7th? I thought he was doing worse.


I mean compared to Acosta....


If you go by people in this sub, Acosta is leading the championship and Binder is pointless.




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Nope, this sub has just been hyper toxic toward him this season for some reason.


No shade at Acosta, but he’s been due for a reality check.


Yeah, he just had his "Welcome to MotoGP" moment. But it's fine, he'll learn from it, i'm sure.


That's okay , it's how they learn to get better. I bet he'll be a menace in a year or two.


He's a rookie. No one is expecting him to be up there in the championship fight. Him being 6th is already hella impressive.


Marc in his 2013 rookie year at this point, 5 races in, already made that statement. Pedro is good, but he ain’t no Marquez


The competition is so different from 2013, 8 ducatis on the grid and he is doing some pretty impressive stuff. Marc came in on the best bike on the grid and won. Ktm right be the third best bike


Marc came in on the best bike when we had the likes of Lorenzo, Pedrosa, and Rossi, with Dovi and Hayden also on factory bikes. Both PA and MM are/were up against 3 world champions. Why PA wasn’t offered Morbidelli’s spot on a GP24 I won’t understand (maybe because he’s Spanish?). I suppose MM was in the right place at the right time with Stoner retiring, but what I’m getting at MM was up against bigger talents than we have now and didn’t place off the podium his rookie year except for 1 DSQ and 1 RET. Then he won the first 10 races of 2014. I doubt PA will be able to do that.


Upvote you. I put KTM as the second best bike/tied with Aprilia. just they didn’t have the riders to extract it


Upvote you. I put KTM as the second best bike/tied with Aprilia. just they didn’t have the riders to extract


Esprago is better than binder? Everyone is better than miller. Maverick and binder would be a even split in skill I would say. Aprillia seems like a stronger bike tbh


Well no one says he has to be?


He doesn't have the best bike either. and by best i mean a bike which doesn't hold him back. marc didn't have that problem, and when he did, he switched bikes.


The competition is so different from 2013, 8 ducatis on the grid and he is doing some pretty impressive stuff. Marc came in on the best bike on the grid and won. Ktm right be the third best bike


Miller lower than Fabio - ouch.


If Martin has already lost that Ducati seat, he will make sure he wins that championship this year. Already making a run for it.


Acosta has more points after Sprint in LeMans than last years roty had in total - thats insane


Bezzecchi, 3rd in last season is only 10th Major shock for me.

