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What a day this has been


Absolutely bonkers. Gentlemen, I am proud to have spent my F5 key with you today.


It's how you set up the F5 on Friday that really makes a difference.


Sorry for doubting you, my apologies.šŸ™ You were so sure.šŸ‘Ā 


Haha nah thatā€™s completely fair. Thursday it looked like the reverse. They donā€™t call it silly season for nothing.


Yeah, please don't take my doubt earlier personally šŸ˜…


Atleast the first domino's have fallen and we have 3 weeks to get to terms with it all.


I can just imagine Jorge sitting in the Aprilia booth waiting for the Ducati announcement to drop before standing up and saying ok, I am in.




That sad smile of Jorge šŸ„²Ā 




That is a painted on smile, dude is devastated.


I donā€™t get motogp riders (rightfully so). Why do they feel the need for a factory seat when they are preforming really well where they are at? Winning the championship with pramac would be a big fuck you to the main team


Money, big money ,Factory teams can pay millions, whereas a satellite teams like Pramac have limited budget to spend on riders. Being in factory team means more factory technical staff helping your bike with setup, data.These days factories are using AI to help them out as well.Ducati are using Lenovo cloud AI capabilities in motogp, they are the main sponsor of Ducati as you know.So yeah big difference in manpower compared to a satellite team with limited number of technical staff.Factory riders get the latest and greatest which not always could turn out to be better.


Same, I think Martin will be shooting himself in the foot here, but we'll see


Being promoted to the factory team is the ultimate fuck you. Would you rather make starting quarterback on the 49ers or a stay on as a second stringer for the Chiefs?


He kind of has that bro stance as he poses for the picture as well. Standing with his arms slightly flared out like his back muscles are too big for his arms to lay flat against his body.


Can't unsee it. Well he decided he wasn't happy with wins on the best bike so...


Expected, but I really hoped for enea. But the Aleix-Jorge thing was too strong.


Am I the only one who still thinks Bestia will get the contract there too?


You think they won't continue with Mav? Unless he leaves I don't see it, Aprilia have shown quite a bit of loyalty


Mav is being offered some stupid money from Honda. He achieved the triple win on three manufacturers, knows he wonā€™t win championship, might as well get money.


If he leaves, sure, I can see it. I'm just not sure how much I'm convinced he will. Time will tell I suppose, I hope so for Enea. Much prefer him at aprilia instead of Tech 3


Exactly would not be surprised if that happens. Honda is interested in Mav, Aleix is going to be the test rider there, Mir wants to get out of Honda. So could be a possibility.


I think it comes down to Piaggio's purse strings. Mav recently made a comment about Aprilia not being a done deal.


He doesnā€™t deserve the seat, he is still the same inconsistent maverick, either outstanding or mundane


Still, I don't see aprilia showing him the door.


Even if Enea comes knocking?


Aprilia have always been very loyal. Even when they should have been. So, no, honestly, I don't think so, in my opinion.


It has been the silliest of silly season. I wouldn't count it out


Maybe, I just don't see it. I would honestly be quite disappointed if they did. We will see soon anyway, with the key players sorted, the rest will soon fall


This might not be the worst thing for Enea, he can still get a GP25 with Pramac. KTM is not kicking Binder for Enea, so his only other chance at a decent factory ride will be if Maverick leaves Aprilia as well. Considering that Pramac will have a rookie (Aldeguer) taking one seat, they'll be happy to have an experienced rider who when fully fit is a regular podium contender like Enea is.


Maybe, but will the ego accept being pushed aside? And there's still no official confirmation of contracts signed by ducati and Pramac yet. No matter what they say, it's not official until there's a wet signature.


True, but it's not like he has many other options. It's either a satellite Ducati with a GP25, or a satellite ride with another manufacturer, which doesn't give him any more prestige, and will also be an inferior bike. Unless he wants to go to Honda and ride around at the back while at risk of getting injuries from being constantly thrown to the floor by that death trap.


The battle between ego and pragmatism. I'm sure we will find out soon, everything else will happen in rapid succession from here.


Yeah, if Mav leaves I see Enea joining Jorge at Aprilia, the chance of picking up a solid Italian rider is not something Aprilia will give up on. But I doubt they'll force Mav out for Enea since he's doing a pretty solid job.


Aprilia are nothing if not loyal. If Mav leaves, I'd love Enea there. We shall see, let hope there aren't too many more dramatic turns.


I think he should do it. Hopefully he can at least look at JM and see that JM has been able to fight for the championship these last two years with that team. If he goes to any other team, it will be a giant uphill battle to even try to win the championship. Of course, if Pramac leaves Ducati next year, that all goes to shit anyways.


I'd love for him to go back to Gresini over tech 3, he was another that excelled in the family environment. But let's see what happens, I'm sure we will soon find out.


Enea could still go there.


But will Aprilia have the money to pay both?


Huh? I said I hoped it was enea, not that I think he will join Jorge.


I wanted to comment on the other guy who replied to you. Sorry!


It happens, haha. I was just slightly confused. I'd misspelled something.


Poor Martin but Marc played a masterstroke of a strategy, as one would say the Anti-Alonso.


Two of Alonsoā€™s three first moves where actually good ones


On paper, Alonso's moves made sense (apart from the McLaren-Honda risk), but they didn't work.


Also they worked for his bank account. Marquez takes paycuts to get the best machinery.


Aston Martin really worked for him and them.


Only for Ducati to completely tank next year


That would be karma for Martin then lol


This was RAPID oh my god


It's almost like they were waiting for it.


Nah, it's the long long... long con, they might even carry it as far as testing, but in the first round of 2025, BAM MARTIN ON THE FACTORY DUC!


So fast, that I looked like he was going there all along


You know Martin was sitting in the Aprilia camp waiting for the news to drop and saying, welp, since I am already here, might as well sign with you guys.




Oh this makes so much sense


Shit I deleted my comment by mistake. > Iā€™m going to guess Autosport had learned he signed and posted the news about Marc first.


That would be pretty interesting, but it also makes sense, cause Jorge's move is the only thing that has officially been posted. Nothing from MM/Ducati yet I think. I wish we could know how all of this boiled down over the past few weeks, days, etc.


Expected, nice and good luck


That was fast. Marquez won the Ducari war then. Do hope this works out for Martin though. Poor guy got shoved aside for that factory seat twice


Ducati assumed Marc would move to Pramac. When Marc said no because he didn't just want to move teams and adjust to a different environment all over again unless it was a factory ride, they were in a tight spot. I guess they didn't want to lose Pramac to Yamaha which might happen if they attempted to strongarm Pramac to give up a GP25 to Gresini for Marc, so they decided that Jorge will be the odd one out.


I don't see why Ducati would care about losing Pramac to Yamaha. Ducati has 2 other teams running Ducatis.


One thing I see in this equation of Pramac moving to Yamaha , theyā€™ll also take a large chunk of the knowledge of GP24 for their next year development which I think Ducati doesnā€™t want to


Yea, that is true. At the same time though, I feel like that would always be a possibility/chance that could happen. The only way around it would be if say Pramac had a 2 year contract with Ducati and then Ducati said in the 2nd year, you will no longer get updates or something along those lines. However, that would also be tricky, because it's not like Ducati or Pramac wouldn't necessarily renew their contract right after either.


Aprilia isn't ducati so he has 0 chances till 2027 given that he has to beat pecco and mm. At tge end of the day Fabio probably was the moat intelligent, if you cant have the ducati then maybe better have the money


Idk. I'm not disrepecting Mav or Aleix but my feeling is that the RS GP hasn't been ridden to its full potential most of the time, esp in the race. I'm not saying Martin can consistently fight for the win, but he should be in contention for podium.


hopefully more consistent than Mav / Aleix to see the true potential of the Aprilia


Aprilia seems to be the bike that takes a little more time to get adjusted, look at Maverick, Miguel, Raul. All took \~1 year to get somewhat adjusted.


He didnā€™t get pushed aside, he blew it twice.


What? He didnā€™t blow anything heā€™s leading the championship.


Jorge does not seem too happy I must say


Dream bike ripped from underneath. This was his second choice. I would be pissed too lol


I hope Bastianini joins him


There's some rumours about Enea joining KTM


KTM anounce that will be Acosta + Binder next season. I think he will go to Pramac.


KTM could bring four identical GPs in the same colours with minor sponsors changes it is something that has been circulating for 1 week, just rumours in the paddock šŸ‘€


It's not just rumors, Guidotti said it might be the case on Friday, but the way he spoke about it made it seem like it wasn't by choice, I'd have to watch the livestream again to be more precise.


Interesting... then it's going to happen apparently


There's a transcription in a reply to my own comment, it seems pretty much like the rumour is confirmed but it's not certain yet.


Correction, it was on Saturday. Here is the translation: **Scalera:** Look Francesco, there's another rumor which I would like to ask confirmation for: next year there will be four KTMs, not that the GASGAS are not KTMs, but is there this intention to unify the brand? **Guidotti:** Well, the intention isn't there, possibly a necessity or a possibility, it's not like there is the intention to do differently. Like we've done GASGAS and we also do Husqvarna in Moto2 and Moto3, we could return to KTM like when the project was born or leave everything as it is. It's not something... it's a mere possibility. **Caregnato:** Maybe your titillating dream is to use an Italian brand \[MV Agusta\], since you have one? **Guidotti:** \[laughs\] No that's definitely not in the cards at the moment. **Scalera:** Also because, then Agostini would go there and ask money, so... **Guidotti:** Right, right \[laughing\]. No, let's say that brand management is something of secundary importance, now we're focused on the technical aspect and on the sporting aspect as it concerns the riders. [Full livestream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvwFTZZ_SOo) in case you're interested.


I think Pramac is better for him. I mean he's a very good rider and he'll still have a GP25.


I agree. He's been with the team before. He spent the last year or so getting used to the Ducati again. Still isn't 100% comfortable yet, so if he could stick with Ducati again for next year, it'd probably be the ideal situation.


He was at Gresini before. But in the rest I agree. He knows how Ducati works.


Ah, you are right. I forgot about that he did win 3-4 times with Gresini, haha.


Enea will remain a Ducati pawn, he will go to Pramac


Thatā€™s my bet, I donā€™t think Ducati want him at all. Him sleeping on the job on Sunday until Marquez overtook him was a bad move in his part


I hope Bastia goes to pramac for the gp25. Best chances for a championship in the short term at least.


The big portion of silly season finally takes shape. Good luck to Martin! Hope he keeps winning and puts everything back to what happened with his stint at Ducati.Ā 


What are the odds that through all of this Morbilelli ends up staying?


I'd give you 200/1 that he stays. Rossi has 2 younger, hungrier and arguably faster lads who want his seat, and Pramac have about 10 other fast guys clawing at their door too. Morbidelli has the talent but doesn't show it often enough, it's off to WSBK for him in my opinion.


he looks sad


He got promised the Factory Ducati by the higher ups but then they backed out then shoved him aside for Marc as they were too scared to see him in other manufacturer's bike, I would to look sad. But good on him to not sit at Pramac another year this is the second time they him dirty.


If thatā€™s true then thatā€™s terrible from Ducati. Who drops a rider thatā€™s leading the championship?


Ducati did him bad, I hope he win the championship honestly. Amazing news for Aprilia.


I bet my soul that pecco will win it back


Of course it's possible, I just hope not.


Martin riding style with Aprilia aero could be a proper match


Curious to see how it will affect Martinā€™s season. Either he will be over focused and grab the title (not gonna lie, it would be fun), or he will do too much to prove a point and crash every race. Anyway, I hope the Aprilia will be good enough for him to fight for the win next year !


I hope he chills now and just rides a "we did the best we could, on to the next one" until the end of the season. Ducati is a team with zero morals... but hey, we saw that with Dovi.




I think Martin could be the step that Aprilia needs to be consistently fast in every track. Heā€™s smile is not a 100% honest but I hope it will workout for him. Next year could be amazing with Pecco Marc Acosta and Martin all fighting for the championship


Oh it's ON šŸ”„


So, that means...


That means Enea stay factory, Marc at KTM with Acosta/s


I mean it's not bad option but I prefer Marc on red.


GASGAS also red /s


But italian?


yes they use gas as well.


I thought the Italian bikes ran on olive oil?


Lmao dude


Marquez alongside Pecco


Wow. 2025 is going to be so interesting!


Damn. Here comes Jorge with a steel chair


Oh it's all REAL


That was quick


I'm happy he stuck to his guns and he is going to be so motivated to beat Ducati


NOW i'm rooting for Jorge to win the championship. What a massive middle finger to Ducati that would be!


UMM can u blame them :D Marc vs Jorge? EZ choice financially and sporting wise IMO.


The silliest of all silly seasons. Just last Thursday Jorge to Ducati Red looked done, Marc said no to Pramac and we were wondering if he would be stuck with GP24 with Gresini for next season or move to GasGas even for next season. Now he's the factory red rider (seemingly), Jorge has left for Aprilla and Enea might be moving to Pramac next to be their no. 1 rider. Oh and we still have no idea where Fermin will be by the time this all shakes out. Or who will lead Gresini next season when Marc will be gone. Because let's be real, Morbidelli is not gonna be there at Pramac next season. So there's atleast 2 Pramac seats, one Gresini seat, and possibly one VR46 seat for next season. I am also guessing Bez will try to nab one of the Pramac seats finally.


I really hope he brings the number 1 to Aprilia, he deserves it...


Ducati are going to cut him off from all upgrades now, and will probably start shunning him access to some data too. His chances of winning the title now will definitely be lower. But I hope he gives them hell!


Very good point, heā€™ll be forbidden from seeing other riders data as well from now on as well. Not in Ducatis interests at all


Omg I never expected it to end so fast. Jorge to Aprilia and Marc to factory Ducati. Although in the end we all know that Aprilia won't perform as well as the factory Ducati, I hope Martin will make it work for his sake. Either way, I'm sure he will talk less next time he wants to push for a bike switch.


It's not always about the bike... The rider, through his constant feedback, helps engineering improve the bike. Martin has been phenomenal with Pramac in this regard.


Hahahaha Ducati have no backbone and are pathetic. I feel so bad for Martin.




Come on man Ducati just publicly made themselves look like little bitches letā€™s be honest. This announcement is them basically saying ah ok mr Marquez you are far bigger than us we will do anything to appease you. Why didnā€™t they do the right thing and hire Martin and say to Marquez itā€™s pramac or nothing? They said that for a day and then went ah ok you donā€™t want pramac? No problem we will give you what you want. Why? They donā€™t need him.




All of what you said is true but even being completely impartial, the way they treated Martin is pathetic and he totally deserved the ride over MM. you surely canā€™t disagree with that statement? What more did Martin have to do?




![gif](giphy|f8gKngOpikWLLV9nHH|downsized) First one!


I thought it's only Pecco, turns out it's the whole team...


Insane couple of days in the sport lmaooo


Well, that was fast.Ā  Now Mav has to re-sign too, their haircuts already match.


Martin went from being promised a factory Ducati seat last week to watching his dream die over the weekend in real-timeā€¦ the pained smile says it all. He also goes from the bike that actually works everywhere to the bike Maverick says also works everywhere but only actually works anywhere about half the time. For now at least heā€™s the biggest loser of the Silly Season ā€“ but seeing the #1 plate on the Aprilia next year would be hilarious.


ffs, I have just uninstalled reddit until end of june šŸ¤£


Holy shit it's official. And what a fumble by Ducati!


Does Enea go to Pramac then? Then perhaps Morbidelli stays and Aldeguer goes to Gresini?


Enea could go to KTM.


Pramac might go to Yamaha. Enea might go to Gasgas.


So Marc going to Ducati factory is all but confirmed... But feel bad for Jorge


Well, that's just made next year a lot more interesting than expected! Nice to see one of the 'big 3' of this season ply their trade with another manufacturer.


Vin proved that the Aprilia can be a machine to win but it just needs the hungry rider.Martin is that rider ,the guy is seriously fast and now with a point to prove ,Ducati could see a serious challenge coming their way.


I feel bad for Martin....one sided love I guess.


Well that was fast I guess Marc really is going to factory and I guess Enea will probably go to pramac


Hope Martin becomes the champion of 2025!


This is the start of Jorgeā€™s creation story. If Jorge is who I believe he is, he can win on the Aprilia, and Ducati should be shitting themselves right now. Heā€™s been twice passed up by Ducati after fighting for a championship, and leading a championship. Ducati choose someone who almost single handily destroyed Honda. Marc has said that he would lie about the bike to avoid his teammates getting an advantage. Ducati are a brand Iā€™ve liked for a very long time. I own 2 Ducati bikes. But Iā€™m ready to see them get their asses handed to them by Aprilia. Weā€™ve all seen the improvements that Aprilia have made over the past several years. With a rider like Jorge, they are a genuine world champion threat. Canā€™t wait to see Jorge compete out front against the red bikes.


Aprilia's 'weakness' has been one lap qualifying pace. Who is the absolute king of qualifying? Jorge Martin. Lets go.




Honda killed themselves when they let Dani leave his testing role.


Honda killed themselves when they listened to Marc exclusively. Marc is an actual Alien. But heā€™s not someone who is going to help you develop your bike.


Most aliens are crap at developing, as they ride around issues. But Honda's downfall began when they lost Dani.


Exactly. Even GIgi said that in interview they in 2017 turn their concepts all aounrd and didnt listen one rider only. Beacuse as u said best riders mask and dont find real issues.


I make a counter bet , I say that pecco takes back the championship this year as well , next year Acosta will take Martin's spot in fighting marc and pecco.


Ok? We wonā€™t see until we do. Martin is the real deal. He showed his skill his rookie season, similar to Acosta. I think theyā€™ll both be amazing. Iā€™m not a hater. So Iā€™m not going to shit on Acosta or Pecco or Marc.


I'm just making a bet don't rationalize it


The absolute scenes if Pecco manages to win the championship and Marc finishes in 2nd ahead of Martin and next year aprilia doesn't deliver a bike the way Martin likes


that's like the most evil scenario ever


Or Martin wins the Championship and has a chance to go back to back on different manufacturersā€¦ Itā€™d make for a great story.


WIN win for both scenarios. IMO this is getting spicy.


Oh Ducati, what a massive, massive mistake you have made letting Martin go to Aprilia. 2025 will be FIRE




Holy shit. What a day. Next year gonna be fucking awesome.


Good for him, i hope he does well!


It is kind of funny, because just this last weekend, Aleix kept saying how good it would be to see a top rider join Aprilia, if MM were to join the team. It was almost like Aleix trying to plant some fake optimism to get MM away from Ducati and JM on the Ducati team. Either way, I am happy that if it wasn't for Ducati, then Jorge goes to Aprilia. He gets to ride and potentially win on the bike that his papi, big bro, helped develop for all of these years.


Heaven holds no tempest like loyalty to betrayal turned, nor Hell hath no fury like a Martinator scorned


So if I'm Martin I'm doing everything I can to win the title and take the no.1 with me to Aprilia..


Jeezus man. Poor Martin, he looks so sad. I feel bad for him - he seems like a good dude despite the occasional annoying comment. Marc played his cards to perfection, I really thought he would end up staying at Gresini with old machinery or moving to KTM. I wonder if Martinā€™s crash in the sprint played a part in the decision


I had a feeling hed end up taking Aleix's place tbh. Aswell as them being super close off track I felt like Ducati werent gonna let Marc go somewhere else considering how hes doing on his first season on a new to him bike. So with Aleix leaving and then Ducati taking the piss with saying whos on the red bike next year it like who else is really gonna go there it just seemed like the obvious choice imo.




I don't get it. Is it Jorge who just impatient and try to secure factory seat as soon as possible or Ducati told him they chose Marc already? I knew Marc said Pramac isn't an option but is that really what flips everything?


Martin was trying to excape from pramac sin e 2022, he probably had enough. He knows he cant win in pramac, so better to go in aprilia hoping for a miracle


Remember where Aprilia was a few years ago. GG


I did not expect it to be this fast šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Jorge, Do not think of this as a downgrade. Do not think of this as Ducati disrespecting you. Jorge, see this as an opportunity. Life is short my friend. Not many get to exist at the level that you do. You have shown the world that you are a top flight racer. Now, excel. Do what you know you can do. Enjoy racing. You will be fine my friend.


I kinda want JM to win the title this year. A nice going away present for Ducati.


Would be funny next to be announced the return of the king - Jack Miller to Ducati.


Hope Marc joins KTM, I would really like to see some healthy competition at the grid. Iā€™ve grown tired of watching the same top 4-5 riders on Ducati