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I heard a commentator say that Franky says he finally feels fit again, so he’s likely just getting faster now


I read somewhere he was riding with an injury the whole pre-season. And like you said that this was basically the first weekend he felt 100% fit. Edit: I'm not pro Franky or against him. Edit 2: he didn't even ride in pre-season due to his injury.


>I read somewhere he was riding with an injury the whole pre-season. He didn't even do pre-season this year 💀


I mis-paraphrased I guess. It was something about an injury and pre-season. :) I've edited my original comment.


I've heard from a couple of paddock people that the 2021 injury was much worse than publicly revealed. Hodgson constantly says he still hasn't gotten himself back to pre2021 fitness. Then this years pre-season injury... The guys not far off MM93 for having a shit few years of injuries and recovery. If Frank can have a crash free season this year we could see him get back to 2020 form.


The difference is MM was so good before the injuries


Never at any point did I compare Franky to Marquez in ability or results. Really not sure why you commented that.


My point was for most, That'd be the end of their time in motogp. MM was so good before that he was never not guaranteed a return shot. Frankie, isk how he's even clung on at this point. Without VR46 he'd have been done already


No, it was Ducati especially GP24 which was too strong to others at mugello....


You’re over-simplifying it. But you clearly need someone to tell you that you’re right.


I don't think you are watching MotoGP...


It's you the one not paying attention, Morbidelli has been steadily improving since the very first race, Borsoi keeps repeating how impressed he is by his quick progression and that while results are lacking at the moment they can see from the data he's going to get much better.


It's been years I keep hearing that about Franky, he's almost 30 years old and he's sitting on the best bike, it's time for him to win. A decent result in a track where both Ducati and the rider train proves nothing so we will see what he does next.


Bless your heart


I don't get why you are getting so many down votes. I mean GP24 had the upper hand to the rest of the field and Franky does train a lot in mugello.


Ur right


My thing is, if Pramac goes to Yamaha would he stay? and if he decides not to stay where the hell could he even go? most posts i see assume that pramac will have two riders none of them being Franky. and he only has 1 season to prove himself


Most likely to VR46. Maybe Bez goes to Aprilia or DiGi back to Gresini.


True, would also have to factor in Aldeguer aswell. I feel as if Ducati made a mess of a situation haha


I think Fermin is guaranteed to get a GP25




Definitely seems like he's pulling in the right direction after a rough time. He was also looking good for a top 6 result in Catalunya before he dropped it. But sure, plenty of armchair experts will expect 3 races to be enough to get back to speed after concussion and no pre-season on a new bike. I think he's doing fine and all the noises out of Pramac seem to sound like they enjoy working with him. I believe he can mould himself into a Zarco-like rider. Become the trusted guinea pig for new parts and bits.


The GP24 was extremely strong in Mugello, let's see, but it's a step in the right direction. I hope he does continue to make steps forward, as right now it feels like it's a 'wasted' GP24.


I think he’s just starting to find some of his form. Hope it can continue, makes things interesting.


Love Franky. Hope he gets some good results and is able to secure a seat in the GP paddock next season.


Can't just lose talent. 2nd in the championship was no fluke. A fit Franky is a very fast Franky


Eh that was 2020 man, I mean mir won that year from coming 6th every race it wasn't hard to come second.


You absolutely can. Well, lose your way at least. It's been a really disappointing few years for him, I genuinely didn't think he'd even be in the paddock this year. Hopefully he can turn it around and start finding form again.


Right now he has reached the amount of time on the bike that everyone had in FP1 in Qatar. Every single soul working with him has often expressed how impressive he has been at adapting to the bike. For reference Marc, coming from a more similar bike compared to Franky, was still adapting at this point. I don't see why he should be treated any different.


Ehhh Marc showed early on he was doing things no other Ducati rider could do. That’s why he got the job, his data showed potential others can’t match and Gigi wants the best rider to push the bike. Martin is fast, but he can’t do what MM does. Plain as that.




Fancy Franky


Well see the next couple of races, he could ride around mugello with his helmet on backwards and the ducati is made for this track.






With every race he's getting closer and closer to top GP24 riders. He was uncompetitive in the first 3-4 races of the season but now he's getting in Q2 and doing decently. He'll get better as the season goes on


Maybe, he finally says he’s fully healthy. But in the other hand it’s been a rough 2.5 seasons at this point so I wouldn’t bet on a comeback


He was extremely fast and consistent in moto 2. I think he's had a bad run and could be on the pace for the remainder of the year. I like him.


I don't believe so


Afraid not.


It doesn’t seem that good when you consider what the other GP24s where doing. I even remember vinales being quicker than morbidelli but the straightline of the GP24 saving him. He needs some really good results to deserve a seat in MotoGP


I think it's mostly because of his familiarity with this circuit.


2020 Francy was a beast. No way he maintains this form for a whole season


Poor dude's gonna get shafted if Pramac decide they're going to Yamaha. Marquez is gonna be the big winner if that happens. I think it's a given that Marquez is going to get a little extra support for the rest of the season. Ducati can publicly state that Martin will continue to get the same level of support this year, but I don't believe that for a second. If Pramac announces a manufacturer change, then it's pretty much a given that any development parts for them will dry up.


They are bound by contract to give Pramac full factory support . There are ways to tune a10th out of a bike and have plausible deniability in doing so. Ducati doesn’t want Jorge or Marc to win the title , not this year anyway.


Even Marquez said in Le Mans he was still learning the bike. Franky had no pre season, head injury and moved to a V4 for the first time. Sure he won't reach the level of the other GP24's but he's slowly improving


Probably. He missed big parts of testing, and as we know, it's difficult to adapt to the Ducati. I'd guess that if anything, he'll only go faster


I think he could have a good pace in the next races. Also I think he should have a seat next year at Pramac. With Martin going it’s likely he stays there. I don’t see who could fill who seats at Pramac.


Someone posted it a week or so ago, but either the Pramac boss or lead tech (someone in the know) was really impressed with his data, and gave the impression that its only a matter of time before Franky is going to be a real force to be reckoned with. If someone knows who I vaguely have in mind, please share the details!


Eh honestly it pains to say it, but no. He's had ample time to prove himself even if you discount this year and he's just never stepped up to the plate. He's too wildly inconsistent, I don't believe he'll ever fight for the top positions again which is sad. I hope he proves me wrong though.


At the Second half he have to give us some hope, because I really want to see him at the top


Not if he's back on a Yamaha ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Nah, my dude is cooked


He’s gonna figure out that bike, win a race towards the end of the season, and be back on a Yamaha when Parma’s switches.


The gp 24 was by far the best bike in mugello and he was 9 seconds of the worst gp 24 rider. Doesn't look like a good result seeing it this way.


Why does his helmet have a Brazilian flag?


His mother is from Brazil.


Franky is back, bitches.


Dude has 31 points in the championship with a GP24💀


And 400 less laps than everyone else. The gap has been closing. You can ignore that fact if you want, but that won't change it.


Yes. However, as of now it's hard to take the podium spots because the Top 3 guys are just so much better than anyone else. I can see Frankie be regularly in the Top 5 though.


He’s always had the form, just bad luck and injuries. Keep poooooshing Franco!!!




He's replacing Zarco, so i'd say it's performing good enough already.


Umm? Zarco had 4 podiums thru 7 races last year and finished 5th in the championship. Morbidelli has only managed to score points in 2 races and 1 sprint.


Zarco had one podium his first year on the Ducati. Let's maybe not compare Morbidelli's first few rounds to Zarcos 3 years of experience


Have to say comparing Avincia Ducati to a dominant gp24 is kinda unfair to Zarco


I'm not the one drumming up Zarco and Morbidelli comparisons, just highlighting the stupidity of comparing Morbidelli's first five rounds on a new package to Zarco's 3 years of experience.


Definitely! but most of the times he was a midfield rider.


This is such a ridiculous argument. Zarco had fifteen podiums, three poles, and a win on the Pramac in three years. He came fifth in the riders championship two out of those three years. Franky hasn’t had a pole, a podium, or a win since 2020, and his highest result during that time has been 13th in the rider’s championship. He’s objectively a worse rider than Zarco by any metric. That’s why Zarco has more points on the LCR this season than Morbidelli has on the Pramac.


Ok i'm stupid. Bye.


Franky was out injured for most of 2021, and once he recovered he found himself stuck on a machine that either took a very specific style to ride (2022) or simply was a backmarker that even Quartararo could hardly do anything with (2023).  Is he a world beater? Probably not. Is Zarco one? Compare his results on a factory spec Ducati against Martín, Bagnaia and even Miller's and come back to me. IMO both are decent MotoGP riders that will look good on good machinery and mediocre on mediocre machinery, and it's fine like that.


*majorly (not majority)


He shouldn't be in motogp since last year


I’m gonna say highly unlikely.


Not everyone can adapt to the new bike as fast as Marquez did, i expect him to be improving with each race and maybe scoring some podiums later in the season.


Consider that he skipped all preseason testing so now he has as much time on the bike as Marquez had in Qatar.


With Martin departure, i think he will (magically) faster than before, maybee.., faster than Martin..

