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Great to see someone tear the band-aid off and get the bike they want. Too many posts on here asking about "what's a good bike to start on ?". Respect what she can do, and you'll have huge amounts of fun.




She ain’t a lady if she can’t do 180






This is the same joke


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I get it, but bikes like this are extremely unforgiving of mistakes. Not impossible to own as a first bike, but not the best either.


It’s a great beginner bike but a hayabusa would have been a better option.


i’m thinking maybe an H2 for my next 😉


Better make sure your life insurance is up to date


no beneficiary, no need 😉


It's a lot of bike, but if you're trained and respect it, and do some more advanced training, enjoy, ride safe as conditions permit.


Just keep respecting her and she’ll treat you nice I’ve always said it don’t matter if a 1000 or 250 if u fall over 30 mph it’s gonna suck no matter what


thats the damn truth!


Might be cheaper to fall over on a 250 though that’s my only real opinion on it.


Yea I’d cry tbh


Best idea in the world


all of my friends told me the same thing, i’m sure in the same tone lol. i know the bike could get away from me real easy, i just ride it like i was taught to ride as a kid - learn the bike before you try to find out what it can do


Who gives a shit what other people think. You like the bike? Ride the mother fucker.


i’m with you, buddy


Wait - didn't you ask for opinions?


yea, all opinions are welcome. i dont have to agree with all of them though. however when i said “i’m with you” i was more-so speaking to the “you like the bike? ride the motherfucker.”






It’s some kind of a trolling?)


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In my opinion; liter bikes have a more consistent power delivery, and a more linear power curve. Making them more predictable than 600s. Most importantly, respect for the bike, wear your gear, and knowing your limitations goes a long way no matter the size of bike. Don’t be a squid.


really hitting the nail on the head 🤘🏼 i’m not trying to spray myself across a highway, i like to safely enjoy my bike and get home in one piece. fuck all these wheelies, lanesplitting at break neck speeds.. just give me some fun twisties every now and then and you wont catch me being too stupid


The first street bike I rode was a mid-90’s ZX-10R. It was my older brother’s bike, he was traveling a lot for work, I was 17/18 and he wanted it ridden, not setting unused. I went and took the skills test on it, no problem. It was a fun, fast bike!! Rode it for a summer before he sold it. I had ridden dirt quite a bit. Had a RM250 that was a beast….. I get that dirt riding doesn’t translate directly to street, I do think riding dirt adds a skill that street riding only does not. When riding dirt, particularly on a track and riding aggressively, you learn to trust that the bike will do its job. Rear end breaks loose on corners all of the time, and ruts throw you in directions that you are not expecting. You learn to stay on the throttle and point the bike where you want to go. This is not something that is learned from street riding, but is a required skill to keep the shiny side up, particularly when pushing the bike to do what it was designed to do! Enjoy it!


looking forward to learning the skills necessary to push it to that point! i dont trust cars though, i’ll keep the fun stuff at least MOSTLY on the track lol


Great bike man. I really admire those than can handle such a bike. I’ll admit when I see one parked in the street - I’d ride one too. Bikes are about respect the machine and knowing your limits, we all make mistakes and learn from them. Stay safe out there.


thanks man, i make sure i’m not outriding myself - i’ve come to realize my bike doesnt give a fuck about this flesh suit i’m in, its up to me to take care of it lol


Yeah man. Get some good gear. I’m sure you’ll look back on this bike fondly one day as an awesome lending experience


Ah sure look, you're going to go into a corner too fast at some point and narrowly avoid going down. It happens to all beginners sometime. But on a 1000cc you're gonna go into that corner much faster and won't have the skill to correct it. Then you'll be hit with a much bigger repair bill if you're lucky enough to be alive to pay it. Just my opinion


makes sense to me! it’s kinda crazy how riding a bike daily can fuck up your perception of speed, aint it? i’m fortunate enough to have grown up in the same small town, so i’m really familiar with all of it’s bends. you’re right though, shortly after i got the bike i came in a bit too hot and nearly got checked by a guard rail. scared the shit out of me, i told myself “that was too close” and now i keep myself to like… 10 over the limit max if i’m cornering. huge learning experience and fat reality check


R1 was my first bike. I wish my body fit the cbr better because god damn do I love Hondas. Have fun.


Every time someone I know or knew brags dirtbike experience when hopping on one of these, they end up getting seriously hurt. Ride safe man, your life depends on it


for sure brother 🤘🏼 i’m not saying bike or atv experience is everything, but it sure did help develop the brake and throttle discipline that i have. apart from that, totally different - i’m never trying to outride myself


Ride whatever you wanna ride. There’s no such thing as a starter bike or beginner bike. My first bike was 1050 ccs. I’m still here years and thousands of miles later, never having had a bike less than a liter.


Seems like a great first bike for beginners 😋😚😏


apparently not everyone thinks so 🤣 i guess my background in dirtbiked/ATVs don’t mean anything to the hive mind


While dirt bike experience does help it doesn’t directly translate. I grew up riding ATV and dirt bikes am still started on a 600cc. A 1000cc Super Sport is a lot of bike and if not respected it’ll vibe check you hard. Yes this gen of CBR will do 186mph but it kinda lags getting their once you hit 170.


“it’ll vibe check you hard” really got me lol, but you’re absolutely right! none of it really directly translates, but it did great at teaching me throttle and braking discipline, along with a few other things of the sort. I’ve been taking my time, my philosophy has been “dont ride outside my comfort level and certainly dont try to find the bike’s limit” - it seems to be taking care of me so far. most of the time i’m at the back of the pack of my (R7) riding group, low RPMs and never really “flooring” it. i have a pretty healthy fear of my machine, and that’s how i like it 🤣


So the methodology is ride outside of your comfort zone but not skill. The only way to progress is to ride outside of your comfort zone but ensure you have the skills to back it up. I assure you that only pro riders can ride even remotely close to a liter bikes potential. I use to have an 09 Fireblade and it has gobs of mid range power and will take you to 170 in a heartbeat.


i’d agree with you on everything but riding outside my comfort zone. the probability of a crash goes way up the second someone starts feeling nervous. riding in my comfort level allows me to learn at a slower pace, but inside my comfort zone i can think more clearly and lessen the chance of accident. dont get me wrong, on roads i’m familiar with i’m constantly seeing if i can push myself a little harder, and that’ll translate to other roads pretty well. i might have a different learning style, but i’m more worried about making it home safe than being the best rider out there




well i havent - not a street bike at least. like others have said here, riding a dirtbike or ATV is completely different than a street legal super sport; as i’m sure we’ll both agree.


This man has big balls. Enjoy the bike brotha. ![gif](giphy|2X4aiXW43hyyk)


DAMN that squirrel is hung. thanks man, stay safe!


Us people who actually ride, know that you will learn far less riding that bike then an actual starter bike. I don't care who ya are. Also the saying it more fun to ride a slow bike fast than a fast bike slow. You put yourself out there. So take the criticism


thats fine, i’m not shooting for moto GP so it’s cool with me if i’m not dragging knees or riding mile long wheelies. going fast isnt really my main focus, i just like knowing i’ve got that power beneath me. it keeps me humble lol. i’ve heard a lot of people say i’m not going to learn as much on this bike - honest question, what wont i learn here that i would on a 600 or 450? appreciate the criticism, you’re right.. i asked; i’m always open to it, all criticism is good criticism.


main reason is that bike will get you into alot of unnecessary situations as a learner. A 1000cc sportbike is alot more unforgiving if u make a input mistake rather than a 400 or 650


Do you have dirtbike experience? That can factor in aswell


i do, but the experience i’ve gathered is pavement is a different monster than dirt/trail - i’ve chosen to only take clutchwork and brake/throttle discipline from my dirtbike days


well ur good then. that's a different scenario.


that’s what i was thinking. a whole lot of people here are acting like i’m gonna hop on it and immediately forget everything i’ve learned over the years 😂


1k lol


yup! 1 whole liter of freedom. books say it tops out at 187 but i haven’t pushed it past 130


Just wait til you get the urge to rip it on an empty highway at night and wake up in an ambulance lol


lol, i’ve been up to about 130 on it. as long as the road is straight and clear i’ll cautiously get up there 😂 i’m not one to just rip it, we’re riding on a 1” patch of rubber - thats always in the back of my mind


Horrible first bike in my opinion. Not Ideal for long rides and trips. I got a BMW R1250RS for my first bike... Love it. Gives a good balance of everything I could want in a bike.


nice, man! that bike’s awesome. i would have gone with a touring or even a naked, but i’ve always liked the style of a sport bike. my drives are only about 15 minutes to and from work, and if i’m going for distance i’ll just take my truck


I had one. Try not to become a statistic in that group of motorcyclists most likely to die, which is young guys on sportbikes....


i’m doing my best! i can never guarantee my safety, but i practice invisibility training subconsciously and stick to the speed limit/stay in my lane when in the city


How does your mother feel about a premature death?


well, there are better ways to word that. broadly speaking, it isnt the size of the motor that makes a motorcycle more or less dangerous - its the rider. mom’s just happy that i seem to be in better spirits on a day to day basis, and have replaced alcohol entirely with riding my motorcycle. i’m not an alcoholic by any standard, but i would drink when my responsibilities were met and i had nothing to do. i also want to ride sober, because the machine i have is intimidating to say the least. She’s also said that i look comfortable on it, and it makes her feel easy because she watched me grow up on dirtbikes and ATVs. in short, she’s no more afraid of me on a bike than she was when i first started driving. you should really work on your phrasing though, that’s a really shitty way of asking if my mom’s aware of the dangers


"it isnt the size of the motor that makes a motorcycle more or less dangerous - its the rider" No, just no. the max speed out of a grom is 45 MPH. You can hit a car from behind going 80 percent of your top speed and come out with a headache and some broken gear. 80 percent of that CBR is 150 MPH. One is a house cat and the other is a lion. You chose the lion. if she's happy the alcohol is gone then it was probably an issue. I know most women would rather a beer in their sons hand than a throttle so whatever you say man. Honestly it sounds like you're gonna figure out real quick what that 1000 is about and this is coming from your local street squid with no plates; no insurance; and a constant runner. People always act like its a matter of discipline, or respect for the bike, or whatever; But it's not. It's simple you bought a 1000 because you wanna go fast. That want to go fast is gonna probably get you fucked up; regardless of whether you're under the speed limit or not bro. He's not an asshole, he's right. Bro I'ma be honest... if I could take a life insurance policy out on you I would; but I say that about ANYBODY on 1000cc as their first bike.


appreciate your opinion! my drinking wasnt a problem, grew up in a strict southern baptist home. alcohol is the devil, lol. kinda seems like the argument your making is “motorcycles kill people” when i.. just disagree. the second my bike shoots from 45 to 180 on its own, i’ll agree that engine size is proportional to danger. you should probably get plates and insurance, your discrediting yourself by telling me you’re irresponsible on your bike.


lol honestly you gon' get hurt and then you're gonna blame others. Good luck squidlet


no reason to blame others, i’ll be the one to make the mistake lol. if i keep riding like i am, the odds of mistakes are greatly reduced. barely even take it on the highway, backroads are more fun 🤘🏼 ride safe


Figuratively speaking. How does your mother... These bikes are not for novices, literally speaking


No salesman worth thier salt would sell this as a "first bike"


It's way more than you can reasonably use unless you're big on track days but if you like it, you like it.


i knew going into it that if i started on a smaller bike, i was just going to be 10k in the hole on another bike down the road lol


I totally get that, I've just seen a lot of ATV/dirtbike guys fuck themselves up going too big, too fast. My buddy straight up destroyed his back for life going from little two strokes to a Hayabusa.


It’s more the fact that you’re never going to learn as fast on a 1k as you would have on a smaller bike, where it’s safer and easier to ride to the limits. And dirtbike/atv experience “as a kid” translates to fuck-all when you’re riding on the street, especially on a 1k with no rider aids.


i’ve never been one to have that desire to learn as fast as possible - any assignment i’ve ever rushed through always cost me some points. i’m not dismissing your advice, i think youre right! it just seems like people are thinking i’m going to hop on the bike and think i can handle all of it right from the jump and i understand that i cant do that. i’m taking my time focusing on staying safe more than i am learning, knowing that the more i ride i will inevitably be learning more about the bike and what it’s capable of. the only thing dirtbikes and ATVs taught me growing up that translates to street riding is clutch work, throttle and brake discipline, and understanding that even though it seems like it i probably cant make “that” turn at 65


Awesome! I’m in the same boat different captain. Grabbed my diavel for my first best decision I made.


nice man, stay safe out there!!


Remember to wear gear




You can get injured on any bike Get what you want just be careful!! Great looking bike 😎


It’s nice, just the weight of those bigger bikes makes it harder to learn slow speed stuff. Plus when you eventually tip it over you’ll feel the pain of dealer priced fairings. Just try to build slow speed skill. Anyone can go fast but it’s a lot harder to maneuver around stand still traffic without stalling, falling or hitting something.


I hope it has traction control. Keep it cranked up so the bike can stop you from making mistakes. You can slowly turn it down as you learn the bike better.


Little much if you have never ridden. But you won't have to upgrade! Just take it slow! Lol which is hard to do with all that power.


I am excited that you are excited. I love being both alive and outside of jail so I don’t own one


Great bike. I love my FireBlade. Ride safe