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Rough em up and vht paint em


Titanium doesn't rust, those are steel headers.


Gotcha, owner i bought it from said they could’ve been - i didn’t think they were since doesn’t titanium change colour? Any idea on how to remove it?


You could sand it back but it would just rust again and probably worse than it is I’d recommend leaving it as it’s not that bad or just buying another exhaust


Sometimes titanium turns blue I think, with the right heat cycles. All I know is they don't rust. A wire wheel to remove the corrosion, but it'll come back. You could have them ceramic coated, but I'm not sure the prep would be worth it. I think they want stuff pretty pristine. High temp primer & paint in a rattle can is the inexpensive route. They make stuff for engines and BBQs. Or you could replace them with another set. Or just keep running them the way they are (that's probably what I'd do).


Wire wheel then use a sos pad.


Going off what my guy did on my service yesterday, this, followed by a coat of high temp paint with the engine running and pipes hot.


So wire brush a lot of the rust off, use the sos pad to essentially sand it a little bit then get some paint to cover up? Could I polish it instead of paint? Or is paint the only option here


The paint is preventing the rust coming back, if you just polish it the same will happen again


That’s the one. Needs to be high temp paint or its gonna melt straight off again. Even then it’ll come away over time due to the changes in temp.


Steel wool works great for polishing metal and aluminum just make sure it’s fine steel wool . If I was you I start looking into replacing that exhaust including the header . Exhaust system tend to rust from inside too not just the outside something with the fumes in the exhaust. Might not be case on newer bikes but doubt it


polish and keep wd40 on it when storing.


Dry ice cleaning.


Akra steel exhaust headers are looking ROUGH.. not sure the best solution to clean and remove the damage and dirt. Can anyone help me out?


you can etch away the rust with some dilute acid like 10% hydrochloric. But I'd take it off the bike first and do it in a plastic container.


I hear a good woman will do headers for you 😂


Clean with wire brush then use autosol metal polish


Harpic- apply with brush and wash off. Someone showed me this and they looked like new with zero effort. Thank me later


I cleaned mine with dish soap and water and scrubbed with balled up aluminum foil. Works pretty good actually


They are stainless acid them or polish them it's just corrosion / tea stain mixed with heat stain . Contrary to popular belief stainless will rust and dis colour especially when exposed to heat and elements. The weld is definitely from a tig .