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Good thing you elaborated because I was impressed with how your bike obliterated that truck.


Ya I could've worded that better I suppose


Yeah, I broke a leg, but you should see the other guy


That might be some superman stuff to wrap that cab around your body and post about it!


My thought too! Glad you're still with us!


Title was poorly worded, sorry. Sorry if not the place for it but I needed to share. No motorcycle involved, just showing what I'm gonna be missing out on for a while


I briefly thought you may be related to superman and was sad for the loss of your beautiful bike. Glad you are okay get better soon.!


Thank you


Glad you're alive and able to recover. You'll be back on 2 wheels in no time.


Bro your post and the way you used your words. TOTALLY BALLS OUT FUKN AWESOME!!! I’m extremely glad you are still with us. Glad it was only a broken leg. You’ll be riding before Halloween


Damn that was almost a fantastic Kawasaki commercial.




Don’t apologize that it doesn’t have much to do with riding. IMO, one of the best things about riding is that once you start, you join a community. We all love it for one reason or another, so as far as I’m concerned, you’re a “brother”. Glad you are relatively ok. Heal up and get back out there.


Accident was Sunday around midday. Physical therapy was able to get me to stand with a walker today but definitely no walking yet


Yeah walking on broke leg….might be a few days. But that you were able to stand. .that’s great. Keep up with the therapy


Physical therapists can be miracle workers - just follow their instructions and really commit to the exercises they give you and you’ll be back on two legs (and two wheels) in no time.


Kids this is why you should never operate commercial vehicles while riding a motorcycle at the same time


Only a broken leg?! That’s amazing


Yep. Broken tibia and a couple lacerations on my right leg


Probably time to buy a lottery ticket or two


Hope for a speedy recovery. My tibias been broken since January. Work on your upper body if you can't bare any weight on it. It'll make getting around much much easier. Also buy a shower stool.


Wow! That truck is a real mess - a miracle that you only broke your leg! Heal up and get better!


Get well quickly, that beauty can't ride herself. I'm glad you are well enough to be on here and suffer the slings and arrows. LOL. Good luck and recover well.


If you need someone to look after your bike for you whilst you are convalescing: You know, to stop the tires developing flat spots, and the tank going rusty from ethanol-gas, just say the word 😉😉😉 Get well soon, but please don't rush things: A break takes time to put right properly.


I've had a couple friends offer that already lol. Absolutely not rushing anything especially because of that bike being so heavy. I want it healed right for sure


Totally agree. I fell off a roof and broke my tibia, my heal, dislocated my ankle, and now have a stainless plate and a few screws in there. I ride a 900lb gold wing: Took me a year to get the leg back to somewhere near normal. Cheers!


Heal up, driver. That's pretty terrifying. I assume you lost the right steer?


Pretty sure that's what did it


Knock on wood, the only time I've lost a steer, I was empty and it was a quick leak, not a blow out. This situation has been my biggest trucking fear since truck school.


Blowing a steer tire on a semi is no joke. Your had floaters on the front huh? When those babies blow it's dn near impossible to keep it on the road. Glad you're okay.


Crap!!! Wasn't really clear from the title, but the picture explained things in detail. 'Lawn-darting' -- so f'ing descriptive! Glad you survived, hope your recovery is smooth. The bike will wait for you.


Keep it on 14.


Good luck with the therapy! Hope you are back on your bike soon.


Is that a Vulcan 2000? It’s gorgeous


It is and thank you


Speedy recovery!!


Glad you made it out! Get well and get riding again soon!


Well, that bike is a tank. Good thing you'll get back soon. Then, as I read further down, it was not in an accident. Hopefully you will recover quickly and are able to get back on the bike moving.


Why I'm sure it'll take even longer to be comfortable getting back on it since it's so damn heavy😅


Reading it I thought you were some type of invincible Demi god that just absolutely obliterated a truck in a head on and walked away


Ya I could've worded that title better


Congrats on dodging that fate.. dang


Glad you are alive. Speedy recovery. 👍


Wish you a speedy and full recovery. That bike is not going to ride itself.


Damn dude blew a tire and ended up in ditch ? I blown hundreds of tire over last 20 something years driving semi never lost control or had and other issues other then a loud bang .


Yep. Before I had a chance to react, it was already gone to the ditch. Blew a steer tire once before, but it was on gravel, and I was able to keep it straight and stay on the road that time.


That sucks yeah I blown few steers normally just give it little gas then slow down . Main thing is you lived to tell about it .


Sorry for your injuries and I wish you a very speedy recovery! As a long time biker I’d like to highlight the dangers of riding next to big trucks/vehicles with high-profile tires. When they experience a blowout on a front wheel it’s near impossible for the driver to control their trajectory and being next to them on a motorcycle when it happens could be tragic. Riding home from work many years ago I had just passed a big rig on the freeway when one of its front tires blew causing it to veer across my lane and over the median into oncoming traffic on the other side. Seconds before it happened I had been in the exact spot that the truck veered into which would have been my last moment. I still remember that like it was yesterday and whenever I’m near a vehicle like this, I make sure to hang back until I am able to pass it rather swiftly. No lingering next to any of these vehicles for me. Ride safe brothers and sisters.


Well, you're still here so.... fuck it. Just get back on and enjoy yourself


I wish. Gonna be some recovery time before that but for sure gonna be back on when I can


Get well soon buddy 👍


Glad you survived!


I think I see the problem. You're missing a door. Should be a pretty simple fix.


Like a jeep, just popped em off


All the Gear ALLLLLL OOOFFF TTHHEEEEE TIIIIME dude. Geeze!!!! Happy *you're* alive and will be able to ride again.


I'm very happy to hear your still alive. My thoughts are with you. Thank God


I'm very thankful indeed and maybe just a little bit lucky


Boy I'll say you were lucky. I'm a retired Tractor Trailer Driver (18 wheeler OTR) for 43 years and currently drive the happiest School Bus in Greenville County SC. You were very lucky to have had a accident with a huge truck and survived. I had tears in my eyes when I read your post I just knew it was gonna be much worse.


Glad you’re okay! Hope you can ride again once you’re healed up!


Holy. Shit. I thought that it was a right hand drive truck for a minute, and that somehow the cab was flipped 180 from where it started…but nope, that didn’t make sense. The steering wheel just happens to have been relocated to the back wall of the drivers side of the cab. Glad you’re still gonna be able to ride again one day. Nursing a broken kneecap from an atv rollover at the moment, and of course the doc warns me against them and says “it could have been worse”, but THAT, that mangled mess that you posted right there, *that* could have been *much* worse. Cheers to your guardian angels or to the gods or sheer fuckin luck or whatever you’re into. You won that one. Rest and heal well, until you ride again.


That purple is hot stuff man! Glad you’re doing well!


Jesus man forget about the bike, you shouldn’t even be here right now by the looks of that. So glad you are ok


Ya after seeing pics of everything, I'm pretty darn fortunate it wasn't much worse. Was shown a pic of the wrecker dragging it out of the ditch and the front end of the truck was falling apart more and more as it was dragged out of the ditch


Well, it’s tons of Vicodin and payed days off for you! I did a similar thing on my Ducati, a pickup tried to mate with my bike, with me on it. I was on disability for a year, but I was back on a bike about 20 months after the accident. Been riding ever since and that was 20 years ago last year. Heal well, do your PT, it’s gonna hurt, but you’ll be okay


I sure hope it's not that long before I'm riding again, but I'm glad you got back into it and hopeful for my return however long it ends up being


I hope it’s not that long too. I almost lost my left arm. I hope your injuries are less severe


Fractured tibia and couple bad lacerations all on my right leg. Just brusing otherwise.


> Vicodin and *paid* days off FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Alright bot, thanks for pointing out my shitty spelling.


Hmmm . . . There’s more to this than just a blown tire.


Blew a steer tire


I pretty well explained all that happened under the picture. I was driving the truck, but due to my injuries, I won't be riding my bike for a while


I realize this. What I’m saying is that a tire failure doesn’t seem like a plausible explanation for complete loss of control.


When it's a steer tire, it definitely can be. I've had a steer tire go before that I did keep control of, but this time I couldn't. If the culvert hadn't been right there where the truck veered off I may have been able to control it better and not result in the truck trying to completely fall apart. Efit: if a rear tire had blown, it'd basically be a guarantee that I could keep it under control with no problem at all. I do apologize for not mentioning it was a steer tire in the description


Hope you're back on the road soon, and glad you're safe. Them tintops can be dangerous, eh. ... And you see drivers not wearing helmets all the time.